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The Black Triangle UFOs

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posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 05:02 AM
I have been very interested in the black triangle phenomenon ever since my encounter with one. Im curious to know just exactly what they are.....why are they here? What/who flies them? Are some sort of top secret military craft? Or a black budget government project? Or perhaps even ET? Many people have seen these things - From the Illinois incident to the Phoenix lights case.

The Illinois incident here:

Illinois police sighting incident

On January 5, 2000, beginning shortly after 4:00 am, five on-duty Illinois police officers in separate locations sighted and reported a massive, unidentified triangular aircraft.[citation needed] Two of the five officers reported flight characteristics which do not conform to currently known civilian technologies, as the object appeared to move at incredible speeds without making any sound. Sightings in Highland, Illinois, by a civilian who first reported to the local police department and subsequent sightings took place in Lebanon, Summerfield, Shiloh, Millstadt, Dupo, and O'Fallon. Scott Air Force Base public relations office denied any knowledge of the event. The incident was featured in Peter Jennings' final ABC special, "UFOs: Seeing is Believing".[citation needed] The event has been addressed by several U.S. cable television programs and one independent documentary.

This story was also featured in 2005 on a segment of the SciFi Channel paranormal investigation series Proof Positive (episode #108). To substantiate that the police officers did in fact witness the same unexplained aircraft, and that their reports correlated together, all five were given a lie detector test and asked various questions about the incident. All five officers passed the test and the show gave the story a "proof positive"

Phoenix Lights incident

One of the more famous appearances of these craft was during the event known as the "Phoenix Lights", where multiple unidentified objects, many of them black triangles, were spotted by the residents of Phoenix, Arizona and videotaped by both the local media and residents with camcorders across multiple evenings beginning on Thursday, March 13, 1997. Some lights drifted as low as 1000 feet and moved far too slowly for conventional aircraft and too silently for helicopters. Some of the lights appeared to group up in a giant "V" formation that lingered above the city for several minutes. Many residents reported one triangle to be over a mile wide that drifted slowly over their houses blocking out the stars of the night sky. Other reports indicated the craft were spotted flying away from Phoenix as far away as Las Vegas, Nevada and Los Angeles, California.

An official report made by the Air Force about the incident concluded that the military had been testing flares launched from conventional aircraft during that time. Eyewitnesses confirmed military jets were scrambled from nearby Luke Air Force Base, but instead of launching flares, they were seen chasing after some of the objects.

The next few nights, in an attempt to recreate the incident, local pilots flew prop-planes over the city in a "V" formation, but the sounds of their engines were easily heard. The original lights made no sound. Flares were also deployed above Phoenix. Comparison of the video taken of the lights (which appeared at night) against daytime images of the same scene show that the lights "disappear" at the exact moment they are shown to fall behind a mountain range. The mountains were invisible against the night sky. There were apparently no reported radar sightings of the objects which appears to be consistent with the flare theory.

Both quotes from the wiki here:


posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 05:03 AM
I found another interesting article about the black triangles here:

The "Black Triangles" are considered to be a unique class description for a group of "Unidentified Flying Objects". From as early as the 1940s to today, individuals have reported seeing this type of UFO in the evening and night skies around the world. This type of UFO has been commonly reported throughout the United States. However, sightings have been reported in other locations of the world as well, such as Britain and even Russia.

While it is not at all uncommon for individuals to observe what they believe to be UFOs in the evening and night sky, sightings are often associated with only catching a brief glimpse of the air vessels. When it comes to the black triangle UFO mystery, what makes it highly unusual is that whoever is driving the aircraft seems to be unmoved by the fact that the population over the regions that they travel can easily observe them. As a matter of fact, these UFOs have been known to travel extremely low to the ground and at relatively slow speeds! Could it be that the people or beings traveling in these large vessels actually want to be seen?

Most reports involving these UFO's describe the aircraft being at least two hundred feet in length, and they are described as being extremely silent. Many have seen what appeared to be a type of small running type lights on each corner of the craft, while others have stated that they have not observed any lights on the bottom of the apparent spacecraft. Nine out of ten reports indicate that the air vessels move extremely slowly and often appear to hover in one place for extended periods of time. There are many that have actually observed the UFO moving slowly and then rapidly accelerating and disappearing very quickly.

One of the most popular reports regarding the black triangle UFO occurred in the area of Brussels on the 30th day of March in the year of 1990. The citizens of the area observed the aircraft hovering over the city and immediately contacted the officials. The law enforcement agency officials reported seeing the UFO moving slowly over the city. Immediately, the Belgian Air Force sent out numerous F-16s to pursue the aircraft. The pilots from the Air Force reported catching the vessel on radar, but then it would immediately dart ahead. Finally, the UFO sped out of sight.

The black triangle UFO mystery has perplexed government officials, military officials, scientists, and even individuals that study aircraft and possible UFOs. Could this aircraft be some sort of secret military aircraft? Could it be a spacecraft directed by aliens? At this point, this remains to be one of the greatest unsolved mysteries as far as unidentified flying objects are concerned, but one of the most interesting ones to say the least.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 05:05 AM
So anyhow - These things are real. The question is, what exactly are they? When you have as many cases and eye witnesses as these things seem to have, photo evidence almost needs to be thrown out the window. I mean, everyone from cops to governmental people have seen these football stadium sized crafts and they seem to be all over the place.


posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 05:14 AM
Not sure but I thought that heard something to the Illinois sighting. I thought that it was said to be a "stealth blimp" or something close to that description. Did you ever hear of this??

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 05:20 AM

Originally posted by wolf241e
Not sure but I thought that heard something to the Illinois sighting. I thought that it was said to be a "stealth blimp" or something close to that description. Did you ever hear of this??

I have not heard that no. The Police that saw this all swore that whatever it was, moved in a way that a blimp could not.

Rapid speeds etc.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 05:28 AM
When swamp gas does not quite fit they go for the "stealth blimp" explanation or in a pinch Chinese Lanterns. With those three they can explain almost anything.

I just wish one of those football field sized things would just park itself over some highly populated area and get this over with.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 05:29 AM
reply to post by -Blackout-

Here is some information on the "stealth blimp" theory for the Illinois sighting:

The “Stealth Blimp” is theorized to have the dimensions of the UFO seen over Illinois, but one must still contend with the issue of the UFO’s unexplainable fast accelerations, silently moving miles in seconds, as seen by two police officers. These “unbelievable” accelerations cannot be attributed to a mere blimp, no matter how large or small it might be. I contacted the Editor-In-Chief of “Popular Mechanics” magazine and asked for permission to reprint their artwork of the “Stealth Blimp” for my program and he flat out refused my request. I had to produce my own rendition of the “stealth blimp” to make the point in the video.

(from the above link)

It's a pretty interesting theory, and I think it may explain at least some of the black triangle sightings.

Cool thread, S&F.


posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 06:50 AM
reply to post by -Blackout-

Blackout, good thread and the subject's certainly an interesting one - it seems there's also been quite a few reports of black triangular objects entering the ocean and, although this thread is quite a long one, it's well worth a look.

USO Research


posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 06:55 AM

Originally posted by karl 12
reply to post by -Blackout-

Blackout, good thread and the subject's certainly an interesting one - it seems there's also been quite a few reports of black triangular objects entering the ocean and, although this thread is quite a long one, it's well worth a look.

USO Research


Thanks for that link.

Yeah, ive actually watched the videos in that thread, its quite interesting.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 07:09 AM
Just a guess BUT i'm gonna say that there: "Ours".. Now I believe that they (the triangles) are copies of the "real thing".. It's just amazing to me that the private corporations have been able to keep this quiet. I feel bad for NASA and the USAF. I believe they have been left out to dry.. In Obama's speech he cleary said thet getting to the ISS will up to the "private corporations" once the shuttle has been retired. If anyone actually thinks the USA would rely on the Russian's to get to the ISS, is Crazy. It seems to me that "they" don't even care about retiring the shuttles which was a good distraction.. I bet it's MUCH chaeper and safer with whatever new technology there using to get into space. The don't need rockets any more.

The one good thing is that I'm hoping they will release at least a few crumbs on what there using to get into space knowadays.. Maybe the black triangles are a space ship they have been using..

One thing I find funny though is that I gurantee the russians and probably the chinese know exactly what kind of space fleet we have. The ONLY people that there keeping it secret from is their own citizens.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 07:14 AM
But why fly these things over heavily populated cities if they are ours? And if they are ours, why are they so huge far? Some of these things could probably hold a crew of over 1000 people or so (note: some of these Triangles have been reported to being up to a mile long, some football stadium sized) So them holding a crew that big, if not bigger, isnt out of the question.

I just question why we'd fly these over cities like Phoenix or wherever else they have been spotted....and then sit stationary for long periods before taking off again etc...

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 07:15 AM
My favorite UFO topic of all.

Of course because I had the fortune to see one myself.

My sighting was in so. Indiana, late night early morning. Low and slow, it had the typical markings of a triangle craft. The lights underneath, triangle shape, low flying, very slow. Slow enough we could follow it a ways. One of the guys I was with was a little scared!

It eventually floated off across the field.

It was several years ago.

OP can you share details of your own sighting?

I think they dont care who sees them because who believes us anyway? I tell people all the time about my sighting but I tend to get the 'look'.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 07:19 AM

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
OP can you share details of your own sighting?


[edit on 18-4-2010 by -Blackout-]

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 07:39 AM
Some interesting footage here of a Triangle flying over Katy Texas back in june of 09:

And some rare footage of a Stephenville Texas incident here:

And then I found this on youtube:

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 07:50 AM

Originally posted by TheAssociate
reply to post by -Blackout-

Here is some information on the "stealth blimp" theory for the Illinois sighting:

The “Stealth Blimp” is theorized to have the dimensions of the UFO seen over Illinois, but one must still contend with the issue of the UFO’s unexplainable fast accelerations, silently moving miles in seconds, as seen by two police officers. These “unbelievable” accelerations cannot be attributed to a mere blimp, no matter how large or small it might be. I contacted the Editor-In-Chief of “Popular Mechanics” magazine and asked for permission to reprint their artwork of the “Stealth Blimp” for my program and he flat out refused my request. I had to produce my own rendition of the “stealth blimp” to make the point in the video.

I'll believe that there were "unbelievable" accelerations when I see them, but so far nothing I've seen about the Illinois testimony about unbelievable accelerations leads me to conclude the accelerations were unbelievable, most eyewitness testimony isn't that reliable, even from experts.

I think the stealth blimp theory is very possibly the explanation for that one and possibly a number of other sightings, although with it lit up like a Christmas tree, it's kind of hard to call it "stealth"

UFO Hunters discusses the secret military craft here:

So I think there are stealth blimps. Exactly which sightings are stealth blimps I don't know, but candidates include:

(Phoenix) Arizona Lights Sighting
On March 13, 1997 thousands of people saw a V formation of lights hover over Phoenix and many other parts of Arizona. At approx. 8:16 p.m. a series of reddish lights were reported by a former police officer and his family in Paulden, AZ. One minute later some residents in Prescott, Az reported seeing a strange object with a triangular array of lights. Other reports came in from Chino, Valley, Tempe, Glendale, Phoenix, Tucson and Kingman, AZ. The Governor of Arizona, a former Air Force pilot saw the object himself and said that it was a large black triangle that "blacked out the sky". The Air force claims it was flares from an A-10 Warthog aircraft on a training exercise over Luke Air Force Base. However, this explanation does not account for the large black triangle seen over the rest of the state.

The Lebanon, Illinois Sighting
At approximately 4:00 a.m. on January 5, 2000, a man reported seeing a "flying house" with many bright white lights around its edges and one red light in the center in the night sky while driving home. He reported that he had seen the flying object heading from northeast to southwest. The Lebanon police department was told to keep an eye out for the object. Then at approx. 4:10 a.m. a Lebanon officer called in a report claiming that he had seen "a massive elongated triangle." It was then that the object turned towards Shiloh where another officer reported seeing a large dark "arrowhead" moving at a slow pace in the night sky. A Millstadt officer sees a low flying (500'-1100') "fat arrowhead" shortly after the Shiloh officer. The officer took a picture of it with his Polaroid camera but later on the pictures did not come out as well as the officer had hoped so he rushed back to the station and made a report of the sighting along with sketches. He reported that the object had changed its course slightly and was moving northwest towards Dupo. At 6:50 a.m. a schoolteacher in Centreville, Illinois reported seeing an arrowhead shaped craft while he was driving to work. Overall there were four reports from police officers and about a dozen reports from others during that night. See "Witnesses testify in the mystery of the Metro East UFO".

The Stephenville Texas Sighting
On January 8, 2008 residents of Stephenville, Texas and others including a former air traffic controller, constable, chief of police, and a pilot reported seeing a large object hovering about 300 feet over the ground. Some eyewitness accounts claim that the object was at least one mile long and a half-mile wide, but all maintain it was very large, very quiet, and that the strobing light configurations were highly unusual for a conventional aircraft. One viewer stated as to having seen military jets fly past this object. What sets this incident apart from the other sightings is that the FAA provided data for 2.8 million radar returns collected during the event that correlate directly with eyewitness accounts.
Read the Stephenville radar report (pdf file)

But not all triangles are stealth blimps, this sighting certainly is NOT, it's apparently another secret manmade aircraft:

Originally posted by spikedmilk

Very nice!
In the bottom pic theres a lamp post. Is there a way we can try to size this thing?

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 08:20 AM
blackout sir first post here was about my and my wifes experience seeing one of these triangles up close literally only just cleared our two story house ..these triangle thangs are big say about 100ft long ..they make the air feel electrified with static ..our arm hairs were seriously tingling ..they make such little noise too just a faint hum ...and they seem to be blacker than the surrounding night sky ..

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 09:18 AM
A hybrid craft using electromagnetism for hovering capabilities would also cause the craft to be essentially weight-neutral. Thus, more conventional mechanisms for thrust creation would allow a far greater acceleration phase. Top speeds would still be dictated by thrust versus drag factors, but acceleration would be far greater in this combination. Plus, with diffraction of thrust vectoring and by the use of baffling, the normal sound production of conventional engines could be disguised in the same fashion as a silencer for a gun

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 09:31 AM
Check this thread out guys!

New triangle footage

Edit: Err, it got 404'd

[edit on 18-4-2010 by Wide-Eyes]

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

Arbitrageur, there has been several discussions on the Greenville triangle sightings (bottom pics in your post). Many people, me included, are convinced these photos are hoaxes perpetrated by the same individual(s) in Greenville SC.

Another Greenville triangle

And one more

[edit on 18-4-2010 by cripmeister]

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 10:05 AM
The triangle UFO's are imo most definitely a NATO UAV project. The belgian UFO case being the most conclusive event for their existence. You can imagine a human engineer coming up with such a design. The cases that always make me question the terrestrial hypothesis are those of mile wide cigar shaped objects that morph into various different shapes etc. I still think they are man made don't get me wrong, i just really wonder what human came up with such a design.....

[edit on 18-4-2010 by Solomons]

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