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fast ufos in the sky over Niagra falls Canada April 13th, 2010

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posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 09:20 AM
Nice vid of bats. Thanks, they are beautiful.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by ALLis0NE
You are being fooled by an illusion. The objects are not at immense altitudes, they are just small and appear to be at immense altitudes.

Ah but you don't know this you at all! You presume they are small objects. Yet you very well know that you can't determine true altitude. Just linear distances and speed under necessary assumptions and there's quite a margin of error there too with the assumptions you are making.

While I have to give credit that there's a chance this is some sort of animal flying around - I can't rule it out yet based on physical and biological data of the supposed bats involved - the prejudice you are displaying is distressing.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 04:41 PM
I saw two of these UFOs last week around the same date this was filmed. But this was in England. One of them was chasing the other at an unbelievable speed. It overtook the first one and then just shot off at about 300million mph (or round abouts

They were moving and steering in the same fashion as the ones in this video. Almost like fishes swimming in a lake, darting around with bursts of energy and sudden changes in direction. Space fish
. I'd seen single crafts passing overhead before, but I'd never seen anything this spectacular in my life. This was definitely not the usual (or know) technology we use to propel aircraft. I've no evidence for you, but this confirms for me that it is either top-secret manmade technology, or ET. Both are very exciting possibilities. Not birds or bats, come on! Maybe space fish?

Great video.

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 07:54 AM

If those were come he saw them so clearly? I mean, bats are kinda dark in colouring. You can hear them at night, but it is really hard to spot them, moving quickly through the dark...

I could go for that the whole deal could be a hoax (but I don't believe so). I mean, he could have thought: "hey, those bats move so strange, I can make them look like UFO's with this camera o'mine..."

But going for a "misconception"; that he would have filmed what he thought were UFO's doesn't really add up, in my oppinion.
Was he just randomly filming the nightsky? Why would he do that?
And are bats really that luminescent?

I agree that the altitude of the objects is really hard to pin-point, but that goes for both sides of the argument. One can't say whether they fly high or low.
But, having seen similar objects (that were not bats), these might as well be real (whatever that may mean).

This discussion is far from over.

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by jclmavg
Ah but you don't know this you at all! You presume they are small objects. Yet you very well know that you can't determine true altitude....

True, but once it is shown that these objects could very easily be bats, and that they behave like bats do, and look like what bats would look like, then that makes the video look pretty ordinary (even if we can't prove they are bats, nor disprove that it is an intelligently-controlled craft.)

I mean, if I see a moving dot in the sky that looks and acts like a satellite, should I make a thread about that dot in the sky just because I have no way of proving it's NOT an alien-controlled craft.

Originally posted by Raud
If those were come he saw them so clearly?...

...Was he just randomly filming the nightsky? Why would he do that?
And are bats really that luminescent?

Raud --

He was using an infrared camera, that's why the objects seemed to "glow". These objects were probably invisible to the naked eye.

He was filming the sky with the IR camera (maybe his subject was originally the birds seen at the beginning) and the other objects -- which may be bats -- happened to show up also.

[edit on 4/23/2010 by Soylent Green Is People]

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

Okay, Soylent, thanks for the input.

Yes, with IR/Nightvision, objects does tend to glow (
at myself for that one).

Bats do have a very irratic flight pattern (as they dive and dodge for bugs and flies)...but these objects act differently.
They keep a smooth trajectory at first, for a long time (very un-bat like)...

I can see how the "bat explanation" is convenient...but I don't know.

The search continues...

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 01:35 AM
This thread inspired me to do a quick registration as it concerns both an area I'm familiar with as a local and a subject with which I find interesting. I tend to view message boards as a potential source of information rather than a medium of persuasion. In this regard note that I have no interest in your speculations of validity: my purpose is purely informative and based on a human and singular perspective. Take that as you will.

I've lived in Niagara Falls for a number of years. Through this period I have experienced some rather... interesting things. I've never actively sought out media concerning UFO activity in my area. In fact, this is the first time I've seen such a video so close to home.

Despite this I have felt that there was always something peripheral: just beyond my vision. These feelings were and are intensified at night as there seems to be greater clarity. I've noted that this has been especially true as of late.

I've noted strange sounds, which I dismissed as being a simple amalgamation of background noise. I've noted sensations of being "watched" while outside... perhaps it's nothing. I've also noted lights in motion that I don't recognize from any mechanical vehicle I know of, and at altitudes far too high to be local. Perhaps this is also nothing.

I can't be certain of anything. All I can do is offer my input. I have and will continue to observe these things and seek answers. Maybe others will come forward as well.

Good night.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by Bonne


Welcome to ATS!

This UFO area is a fascinating area of research & discussion.

Good luck with your "observing".

Maybe...maybe not

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by Bonne

If you have seen none of this, go to youtube and search 'handeroo' Watch ALL videos in my 'Niagara UFO' playlist. Working on posting a thread here about 'it'

[edit on 26-4-2010 by handeroo]

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 04:12 AM

Originally posted by Raud
Bats do have a very irratic flight pattern (as they dive and dodge for bugs and flies)...but these objects act differently.
They keep a smooth trajectory at first, for a long time (very un-bat like)...

I can see how the "bat explanation" is convenient...but I don't know.

The search continues...

I've seen plenty of the erratic flying by insectivorous bats. At times (when there are swarms of insects) it is frenetic, but if there aren't many insects where the bat is flying...? The nature of the behavior will change.

Where I live now, the bats are all fruit bats and each evening (and pre-dawn) huge numbers of them fly slowly and gracefully overhead. So my 'locals' are not interested in insects at all, they are just heading for the fruit orchards, I presume... There's something very beautiful and graceful - quite 'different' (to any bird) - about watching a large bat in flight at dusk.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 04:23 AM
Niagra Falls seems to be sort of a hot spot for UFO's. handeroo's videos seem to correlate with what others have shot, including shivercanada. This one UFO seems to return, and that's... pretty amazing actually.

Love the first one. It's a UFO seen by multiple vitnesses. Videos and photos exist, and there's just no denying it's a true goddamn mystery as to what it is. Wish I could go there and spend thousands of dollars on equipment to shoot these things. Maybe a remote controlled RC chopper of some kind is in order?

All I know is that it's a damned rare occurrence when UFO's behave predictably like this.

Oh, and handeroo, if that's you talking in the video, you're awesome for calling attention to some bypassers. "What the hell was that?!" they go, haha.

[edit on 27-4-2010 by Drexon]

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 07:24 AM
Mmm. Wow. Almost indescribable....

What particularly interests me, is that clearly these 'craft' are emitting a ray, or field, or aura of some kind... It has a very mysterious effect, but I think we can all agree it is universal.

Because, without fail, these video posters are instantly afflicted with what might be termed "video-incompetence"...

There are some simple basics when videoing unusual stuff at night. They include such pearls of wisdom as:

1. Provide all the relevant information - date, time, location, direction of object (Degrees above horizon and bearing) camera specs, settings

2. Use manual exposure, or at least vary the EC to show the object, and then the background.

3. Zoom (slowly) back and show the entire background (adjust the exposure if necessary).

4. Do NOT use digital zoom.

5. Use a TRIPOD. You are shooting at night. USE A FLAMING TRIPOD.
(or at least LEAN on something..)

6. Use manual focus, and prove that infinity objects are in focus by showing a KNOWN object, before and after the object in question. (Aircraft are quite useful for this, but a distant streetlight can suffice..)

7. RE-focus after zooming.

8. Use HD, and offer full-res NON-compressed downloads via filesharing.

9. Keep filming. Don't stop before the ufo has vanished. Show what happens when the ufo finally disappears eg to land, or vanish inexplicably..

10. Film some known stars/planets - and describe where the object is relative to them.


There's much more, but I will refrain from boring you... So, that list is by no means comprehensive - I'm working on a much fuller version in the hope that I can help counter the evil outpourings of these ufo's that ensure that the ufo-afflicted-videographer doesn't manage at least 8 out of 10 ten of these things...

Maybe tinfoil hats *might* help? Has the truth been staring us in the face?

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by CHRLZ

hey, well i have been learning as i go. Ufo in niagara 1 was totally zoomed out. Borrowed camera so i did not know how to manually work it. #2 still a borrowed camera. I did make the mistake of zooming in too much. #3 is better. Less zoom, manually focussed and on 'night' setting. #4 A bit more of the same( i hate to say it that way). Each time, the camera is pointed STRAIGHT UP, and it ios very hard to focus on the object, hazy clouds, bright flash with dark background, etc...I bring as many new observers as i can contact each time. I have recorded it going and coming back on #3 & #4. Almost @ 20 posts, I will start a thread of my videos as soon as I can...and then everyone can analyse the crap out of them. Will post here when that happens. Watch ALL 'niagara UFO' videos in my youtube playlist.

[edit on 27-4-2010 by handeroo]

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by handeroo
...Watch ALL 'niagara UFO' videos in my youtube playlist.

Looks a lot like spam... But anyway, no thanks - Youtube is the place to go to have your brains sucked out. I don't 'hang' there.

When you think you have got it right, you come on back and give us your best shot THEN. Post a link here, along with a comprehensive description of what you have done, and why it is convincing. Try to address the points I raised.

Then I might start to take it seriously, and might even click on your YT link.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 07:59 AM
Something like this is what I've seen a couple of times, I posted in that starlike objects thread. It had the same weird wobbly effect to it, which made me think it was not a satellite, but it did go in a straight line nt like the video changing directions, but it was wobbly like the video. I was starting to think maybe it was my eyes. But yeah that wobbly thing is strange.

Anyway could it be a big fly or firefly or something in the video?

[edit on 27-4-2010 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by CHRLZ

Spam ?? how do you figure that?? These are just about ALL the videos posted regarding this object. If youtube sucks your brain out, why do most links here come from there?? Also, if what you want are high quality, high def, clear shots of UFO's, goodluck... most reactions to stuff like that are'FAKE'. I am sure some of the 'experts' here can play with the video quality and clear it up. i am willing to share what I have to reliable sources to work with. Take the time and watch. The 'shooter' of the vid in the beginning of this thread has many posted there. This whole affair has a back story that should be checked to understand what is going on...

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 04:50 PM
handeroo> Don't mind him, he's just an ass, really. As for me, I'm always interested in obtaining originals, just so you know.

Anyway, just one more post and you'll have thread posting privileges! Oh, I asked you a question. Was that you telling that woman by passer to look straight up at the UFO?

Looking forward to your thread. Make sure to post shivercanada's newest video as a reference (to the spotlight UFO). They're pretty much identical after all.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 09:15 PM
Ya, that's my voice.This is post #20. I will start a thread as soon as i can. I am not here to debate if what is being seen here in Niagara Falls is real. It is. What it is, who owns it and who drives it are a different matter.

[edit on 27-4-2010 by handeroo]

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by Drexon
handeroo> Don't mind him, he's just an ass, really.

At least I manage to debate without the lame ad hominems.

What part of my information posted above do you disagree with?

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 04:27 AM
I disagree with your general descending tone, Chrisl. But that's another thread, and one I don't intend to participate in.

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