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The image Microsoft doesn't want you to see..

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posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 12:41 AM

Originally posted by jolois
That's why I love Apple!


Oh really? Guess who builds the iphone and ipad? CHINA.
Shenzhen's Foxconn factory actually.

[edit on 4/18/2010 by Pharyax]

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 12:50 AM

Originally posted by Pharyax

Originally posted by jolois
That's why I love Apple!


Oh really? Guess who builds the iphone and ipad? CHINA.
Shenzhen's Foxconn factory actually.

[edit on 4/18/2010 by Pharyax]
i never really liked mac at all. I don't use any of their products

Steve jobs and bill gates are just 2 very good friends.

I'm more of an open source person. why pay for things that are flawed. Open source community are a buncha nice guys.

You can view the source code and build your own kernals so you KNOW what you're getting.

[edit on 18-4-2010 by Kingdom of darkness]

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 02:06 AM

Originally posted by jolois
That's why I love Apple!


LOL. Why, cause Apple is somehow more righteous?

Ahh, the blind Mac faithful. Is there an apple product they won't buy?

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 04:20 AM

In country X they beat their women, rape their children and kill foreigners... But Hey who are we to judge their culture. Leave them alone you racists!!!

In Country Y they slaughter whales, cut fins off sharks and thro the live sharks back in the water, kill dolphins en masse, eat dogs and step on kittens for sick sadistic entertainment. Leave them alone you racists!!!

In China they basically make slaves out of employees.. "RAAGGGEEEE!!!" Where is my flag (made in China) I paid $10 for, I need to wave it at them!!

ahh the hypocrisy kills me.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by jolois
That's why I love Apple!


Oh please, they recently got exposed using child labor in a factory. Is that the reason as to why you love em?

And to the nut on the first page spouting BS about ppl who don't know # about comps use Windows; you're a #ing idiot. People who think they'r above everyone else for using Linux or OSX are the idiots. No OS is perfect, atleast MS cares about security contrary to Apple.

[edit on 18/4/10 by Edews]

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by order in chaos
I think that this is a clinical and somewhat overt application of Taylorism labor management principles. This was used by not just United States but also by the erstwhile Soviet Union to maximize the labor productivity and factory outputs.

[edit on 17-4-2010 by order in chaos]

That's communism for you, the left treats their people like animals. The first who would complain about higher costs of computer mouses are those same people that hate capitalism.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by star in a jar
reply to post by BeastMaster2012
...and then sell it for 130$ or something.

Insane profits...

Insane profits to pay those insane taxes and insane high wages. Compaines have been going bankrupt because the insane profits don't cover the insane taxes and labor costs. Only the compaines that use cheap labor overseas have the edge to survive here in good old usa.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by order in chaos

I have a friend who lives in China, and I sent the article to him. Here is what he wrote to me this morning, in part....

I'm living now almost 10 years in China. Many things are very wrong here but so they are in the so called free West. Would you belief me when I say that not many people here complain about their situation? I guess that when you come out of a almost N-Korean situation and can allow a meal every day and have a roof over your head and watch the television what it could be like if only...... When I came here to life in Beijing (later 2 years Shanghai and back again to BJ) it was all around me as one gigantic big building site.... 9 to 10 years later....nothing has changed besides many buildings (very high prize ...poor quality) have being build (and sold and occupied) since. Many roads aren't just 4 lanes but 8 to 10 lanes and jam packed most of the time. What does this say to you? People must be having money to be capable buying all of that...not? Most Western people have no clue what they are talking about when they mention China or other Asian countries as many things go totally different here. Besides that...China can't be called just some's as big as a continent. How to rule such a country? Of course I can say many more things about it and many times I do but doing so when being aware that somebody is reading over my shoulder would be not such a wise thing and I mustn't forget that I'm only a guest here.

Personally, I really don't think it is as bad in China as the MSM tries to make us believe it is. I mean, they must be doing something right, or else Obama wouldn't go to them begging for more loans. I just wish the media in all Nations was free to report what they saw, and not what they are told to say.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by daniel_g
Don't worry, it's communist china, I bet everyone there gets free health care and food and transportation so it's all good.

/end sarcasm.

Seriously, the problem is not with microsoft alone, its everything labeled 'made in china'. Their crap empire doesn't care about the people, they only care about the money. Otherwise they couldn't finance this great system called communism. I hope the US never goes that way, ever.

That is not communism, that is capitalism. And tyranny. You think these 2 don't go together ? Want communism - see Cuba. In China - you are allowed to have a business and have slaves. That is pure capitalism.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by jolois
That's why I love Apple!


Lol! Are you kidding me? Apple has also been questioned about the factories they use in China.

See here:

And here:

But to Apple's credit, they took the iniative to try to figure out exactly what's happening inside the factories and try to rectify it.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by MAC269
reply to post by order in chaos

Dear order in chaos

Who ever wrote this doesn’t know Asia at all or they have some big beef with Microsoft.

Or they shorted Microsoft

[edit on 18-4-2010 by seataka]

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by jolois
That's why I love Apple!


Apple is no different than PC, it's just trendy like a cup of starbucks, so it's over priced and over valued.

Everyone hates the guy on top, because it's the "Cool" thing to do.

Microsoft is on top for a reason.

Apple lags behind for that very same reason.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by bsbray11

People in China pay for health care. It's very expensive in Beijing.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by Kingdom of darkness

i never really liked mac at all. I don't use any of their products
Steve jobs and bill gates are just 2 very good friends.

I'm more of an open source person. why pay for things that are flawed. Open source community are a buncha nice guys.

You can view the source code and build your own kernals so you KNOW what you're getting.

[edit on 18-4-2010 by Kingdom of darkness]

Although I agree on the open source thing and many of my previous posts will attest to it, open source has contributed to the billions of zombie computers in most bot nets. Drupla, Joomla, phpNuke and a host of other "free" content management systems provide zero security and less quality control. So "developers" use this to facilitate a web solution and don't consider the built in security vacuum.

It's true that you can view the "source code" before you compile, but few really know how to read it. Changing a few Kernel switches and recompiling isn't the same as "knowing what your going to get". It's extremely possible that someone will insert some additional code that will be overlooked and recompiled into a system.

The point is that NO operating system is completely without risk. And the real point of this thread is that the hardware is being assembled in theses conditions not the software. So anyone using a Microsoft USB mouse is using the blood of the workers.... Yes..that mouse even works on linux.


posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by daniel_g

China is not communist. Not at all.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 11:12 AM
Yep, that's capitalism for ya.. Take jobs away from American factories because poor people in the east will do it for 34 pennies a day.

That's capitalism, dummies. If you want the job, then do it for 33 pennies a day. Maybe someone else even more desperate will come along and do it for 32 pennies a day. That's what capitalism is all about.

PROFITS for these humongous corporations have to come from somewhere -- guess what, they come out of your paycheck, and those third worlders' paychecks. They aren't just magically created.

What these people do is redistribute wealth UPWARDS, to a very tiny fraction of people. Most of you are too dumb to see that, though, and you'll be trapped in this kind of system forever -- so will your children (if you got any.)

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by Snarf

Originally posted by jolois
That's why I love Apple!

Apple is no different than PC, it's just trendy like a cup of starbucks, so it's over priced and over valued.
Everyone hates the guy on top, because it's the "Cool" thing to do.
Microsoft is on top for a reason.
Apple lags behind for that very same reason.

Actually, if you turn back the clock a bit to 1982, you will see why Apple lost it's place, and Microsoft picked it up. In 1982 Apple was THE computer company. Bank Street was THE word processor, and BASIC was the extreme portable language.

If you wanted to produce software for the Apple IIe at the time, you had to PAY Apple to contribute your stuff. It was tedious, and it was expensive.
Now the then "open platform" was Microsoft DOS. You could build as much software as you wanted, without fee's. The new IBM XT's were all shipping with DOS. And your BASIC applications were compatible with it. There might be some minor debugging, but essentially compatible.

It really was the arrogant, closed fist of oppression that Apple presented that allowed Microsoft to gain a foot hold. Here we are years later, and the tables have indeed turned. Apple and Linux is the underdog, and Microsoft is the closed fist of oppression. How do you think this is going to turn out?

As Ubuntu has really come a long way, and other variants as well. So it really is just a matter of time.


posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 11:24 AM

In China, we have communism, and in the US we have capitalism.

And because capitalism is so focused on profits, they sack their people in the US, and move their factories to China, because they can use slave labour there, thereby indirectly funding the communism that is the ruling body there. And it's actually THANKS TO the communism that they can actually DO this, because if China was a capitalist country, they TOO would be doing the very same thing.

So the two systems are dependant on each other.

More importantly, they are both poison. Thirst for profit turned into a drug addiction. Corporatism gone wild. Whatever you want to call it, that's what's happened here. Communism relies on borderline slavery so they can woo capitalists to fund them. And capitalism relies on hot air and speculations on Wall Street to make money for a select few. Neither of the two are sustainable, neither for the head honchos, or the "peons".

It really is time to find another way to do business.

I saw Michael Moore's new movie, Capitalism: A Love Story, yesterday. Very good movie, and I recommend anyone here to watch it.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 11:24 AM
Why don't people bouycott MS and everyone else for using these factories if they are so enraged by the treatment of the workers?

The reason is simple: THEY MAKE CHEAP GOODS.

Few businesses in the West actually produce anything they sell. When it comes to electronic goods, about 95% it is made in China or Japan.

If goods were made over here by our own people, the cost of production would be so high that few could actually afford to buy them.

Imagine if the DVD player was still $700 today. You can pick them up now for $50, but only because of the slave labor that built them.

People think £1400 for an LED LCD TV is expensive. How much do you think it would be if built in say, the UK?

In some ways, what is happening in China is not surprising. They were desperate for work, and many decades ago started improving the quality of their workmanship. Once the quality was acceptable, they started advertising themselves as a cheaper place for production. Companies immediately got greedy and moved production to reduce costs and increase profit margins.

It went down hill from there.

The West is now complaining about human rights abuses, ethics etc.., whilst failing to note that these very conditions enabled them to have that Plasma TV for under £1000.

Pure greed.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 11:34 AM
I'm currently reading Naomi Klein's No Logo, which deals with this and many other issues. Great reading for anyone who wants to delve into the Export Production Zones all over the world(among other things). Well researched biik but quite disgusting what these corporations are allowed to get away with. As we Americans lose our jobs the people around the world are getting shafted big time by the multinationals with substandard pay, hazardous working conditions and military policing of these zones.

No chance to speak out, to try and unionize, as they will either be "shut up" or the multinationals will just pull out and go somewhere else where the tax rates let them make bundles, all the while things like this and worse are going on.

As each day goes by I am more and more ashamed to be a part of the human race.

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