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Welcome to possibly the next ice age!

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posted on May, 9 2010 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by expat2368
We have everything in place now for a year without a summer or a mini-ice age.

The Sun has been almost totally absent of sunspots since early 2008. The solar disk at this moment is totally blank of spots. This results in a cooling effect on Earth.

The increase in volcanic activity combined with the absence of sunspots is the perfect setup for rapid cooling.

I think we are nearing a tipping point that could bring a very rapid change to much a much colder climate. Previously huge changes have occurred over a period of only 2 or 3 years.

It is kind of funny that May 4th here in Vancouver/Portland we had the lowest "high" in recorded history. The old record was 52 degrees for this day and we only hit 50 or 49. I'm not saying this is the start, but our climate is showing a cooling trend.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by Xtrozero

Here in the Netherlands it's also colder then it should be this time of year.

Then again about two weeks ago the temp. was higher and ended with a day where the temp. exceeded 25 degrees Celsius before it got cold again.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 11:58 PM
Basically agree with Sinter Klaas

Brown Dwarf or No, we are heading for a full blown Ice Age. For the last 3 million or so yars we have been in an Ice Age. For the last 400,000 or so years this has been characterised by 100,000 years of Glaciation and 10,000 years or so of warm interglacial. We are now more than 10,000 years into our interglacial period. Our Temps are down by about 2 degrees C from the Holocene Optimum around 7,000 years ago, so we have been on the downward slope for a long time.

The end of 3 of the last 4 interglacial periods have been rapid drops into Glacial conditions in a matter of a few years. One of those 4 interglacial periods ended with about 3,000 years of off and on mini ice age conditions and then the rapid plumet.

If we are lucky we get the long drawn out mini ice ages (1-2 degree C colder) to try to adapt. If we are unlucky we rapidly drop 3 or 4 degrees C and full scale glaciation begins. Big problem for the planet is Most of what isn't covered in ice turns into desert as most of the fresh water is locked up in the ice. Our Civilisation gets crushed by Ice or swallowed by sand. What's left of us builds close to the sea so that when the ice age endsthey get swamped when the sea rises hundreds of meters. I wonder how many times we've been down this path before.

I would really love to be wrong but I think we are going glaciation. Just call me paranoid, but I think all this AGW C#@! is a diversion to make sure the majority of us are totally unprepared, so that depopulation happens rapidly conserving what little resourses will be available for those running the game. See the following Ice core Vs Hockey Stick video to put our so called global warming into perspective:

[edit on 17-5-2010 by Yowie13]

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 01:54 AM

Originally posted by Yowie13

The end of 3 of the last 4 interglacial periods have been rapid drops into Glacial conditions in a matter of a few years. One of those 4 interglacial periods ended with about 3,000 years of off and on mini ice age conditions and then the rapid plumet.

If we are lucky we get the long drawn out mini ice ages (1-2 degree C colder) to try to adapt. If we are unlucky we rapidly drop 3 or 4 degrees C and full scale glaciation begins. Big problem for the planet is Most of what isn't covered in ice turns into desert as most of the fresh water is locked up in the ice. Our Civilisation gets crushed by Ice or swallowed by sand. What's left of us builds close to the sea so that when the ice age endsthey get swamped when the sea rises hundreds of meters. I wonder how many times we've been down this path before.

[edit on 17-5-2010 by Yowie13]

Right now I see Mother Nature off setting us humans in preventing a warming climate for the next 30 to 50 years, and if an ice age is down the road we will need much more influence to cause it, but I do not see much changes in our or our children life times.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 02:00 AM
Ice age, global warming?

It just confirms my belief that mankind has become too smart for its own good.

Too much knowledge is a dangerous thing. (a quote from some famous person).

But not enough knowledge compounds it. (a quote from me).

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 09:20 PM
If you want the truth on AGW and have a few free hours go to "A True Inquiry Into Climate & Weather (1/2): A Hot Potato" and listen to part 1 and then go to part 2 and do the same. It helped open my eyes.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 03:36 AM
More Support for Cooling rather than AGW see Food and Ethanol Shortages Imminent as Earth Enters New Cold Climate Era .

The proponents of AGW would have us believe that man made CO2 is the main driver of the climate. CO2 is a greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gases make up 1% of the atmosphere. CO2 makes up a bit less than 4% of that 1% (95% of that 1% is water vapour, a much more effective greenhouse gas). Of that 4% of 1% mankind and all his activities acounts for 3% or 0.0012%. Most of the CO2 that goes into the atmosphere comes from the oceans. As oceans warm co2 is released as they cool CO2 is locked up. OPen a cold bottle of soda and a warm one at the same time and see for yourself. 80% of the worlds active volcanoes are under the sea, why; the crust is thinner and the sea covers 2/3 of this planet.

The biggest contributer to climate change is that big yellow thing up in the sky (how much radiation is produced, intreraction between the earth's magnetic field and it's magnetic field. long term variations in the eccentricity of the earths orbit, long term variations in the earths axial tilt, and long term variation in the earths axial wobble are all part of that.

Be aware that the temperatures that are supposed to have been unprecedented, are not. The Medieval Warm period was warmer than now. The warm period around the time of the roman empire was wamer than the Medieval warm period. The warm period that allowed the Sumarian Civilisation to flourish was warmer than the Roman warm period. And the Holocene Optimum around 7,000 years ago was warmer than the Sumerian warm period. Many of the other interglacial periods of this ice age we are in were warmer than the Holocene Optimum. We can keep going back further, all the way back to the Jurrasic era (175 million years ago) when the average world temp was around 22 degrees C compared to 12 degrees C today. It wasn't that there were areas of uninhabitable furnace like conditions, only an almost universal tropical rainforest climate with high huimidity. And CO2 was around 6,000 ppm compared to 380ppm now.

Human kind could cope with that climate, go 10 degrees the other way as in the glacial periods of our ice age and see how many of us survive when the average temp is 2 degrees C and our agriculture is all but destroyed. Canibalism will work for a while but not for that long. And Ice core records have shown that the switch from interglacial to glacial conditions have happened quickly even when temps have been higher than now. Once it starts there may be no stopping it.

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