reply to post by njl51
It's like everything else.
If a Doc would have told someone in 1890 that a birth certificate was required, then they would have probably either been shot, or laughed at
menacingly regarding the lack of privacy shown to another.
David Icke (I do not quoting him btw.. He is totally in on it with Alex Jones and Jeff Rense), but he continually states that they do it by the
"totalitarian toptoe". Very slowly steps into our lives so that we don't notice it one bit.
You guys do realize that we no longer have access to due process, right.
The most basic of ALL human rights, due process.
This concept dates to 1214 in the Magna Carta, but was "temporarily" repealed in 2001, but trust me, it was not only temporarily repealed....
They will not need to force any of this on us.
They have shown that with both the suspension of Habeas Corpus and Posse Commitatuts that we are too stupid to even know what they are.
We gave it away to them. Willingly and in a hurry.
By the time this complete takeover of the Constitution for the united states is near fruition, the propaganda will be so incredibly refined that it
will be able to convince you that you are doing the right thing for God.
Wasn't slavery PROMOTED by the church as an institution?
Didn't the church condone slavery because it is a BIG part in the bible.
Follow the bloodline.
The original black Jew ruling Pharoahs, who created the concept of metallurgy for ornamentation, were infiltrated by Eastern Asian Europeans, who then
proceeded to steele the secrets of gunpowder from China.
Secrets China primarily used for celebration and not a tool of war.
BUT NO.....
These Eastern Asian Europeans used the metal and gunpowder for war, which allowed them to devise the greatest extension of the Dynasty of Pharaohs to
The Roman Empire.
These Europeans continued their divide, conquer and loot methodology, until the message of Christianity changed the world.
The Emperor Constantine "accepted" Christ and established the Holy Roman Empire. (It was all political to soothe the growing Christian Sect)
the Holy Roman Empire was no different than the first empire in truth, maybe more brutal actually
inquisition anyone?, but the religion was devised to subversively worship the actual God of
Constantine, The Sun. The same God of the original Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians.
This was the best way for Constantine to stem the mad fervor of Christianity, but yet still continue the perform rituals that brought him his favor
with God.
The Council at Nicaea rewrote the commandments to include ritual. BTW...
Before then, ritual was no different than idolatry, and think about the ritual involved in Sunday Church.
Never underestimate the enemy.