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The Mark of the Beast: Real? or the Inevitable Product of Technological Fascism?

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posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 12:01 PM
Here is a quote from the article:

The process developed by Somark involves a geometric array of micro-needles and an ink capsule, which is used to 'tattoo' an animal. The ink can be detected from 4 feet away.
A startup company developing chipless RFID ink has tested its product on cattle and laboratory rats. Somark Innovations announced this week that it successfully tested biocompatible RFID ink, which can be read through animal hairs.
The passive RFID technology could be used to identify and track cows to reduce financial losses from Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (mad cow disease) scares. Somark, which formed in 2005, is located at the Center for Emerging Technologies in St. Louis.
The company is raising Series A equity financing and plans to license the technology to secondary markets, which could include laboratory animals, dogs, cats, prime cuts of meat, and military personnel

Link to source article.

I have seen too many threads about this issue, and I wanted to ask the readers here at ATS what they really felt about this whole deal.

It is all too apparent that this "plot" sounds and appears either, devilishly nefarious and harmful...
Or perhaps perfectly benign, depending on your status as either conspirator or de-bunker, right?

We all truly know that the world is changing.
This is obvious, but stuff like RFID is inevitable in an ownership society. Get used to that.
In America literally everything is up for sale.

Look at Exuecutive Order 12803 if you need confirmation.
Actually, just look it up people.

I see so many threads on ATS with people freaking out about this conspiracy or that conspiracy, but I see relatively few, if any of them, proposing ideas that could make life a BETTER place.
The great and many of ATS should start being brain people who create things, instead of power people who fight over things.

All this tin foil hat stuff that most of us freak out about, daily, here on ATS is coming people, belee-dat, but do you not see that this Fascist way of living is all regression to a human's infantile need state?
We are literally dying, killing ourselves, in order to give away our sovereignty or safety, tradition, and the old routine.
Something predictable.
Like knowing Mommy or Daddy is always there.

The right of passage into adulthood is totally gone in this new international democracy.

Read this book called the Mass Psychology of Fascism by Reich to understand what I am getting at.

We are all still mostly animal my arrogant intellectual friends, and the more power that we obtain through technology, combined and accompanied by no equal growth in morals, values and empathy, then it stands to reason that the more we absolutely must be confined and controlled until we learn to appropriately use our power.

We are all TV media junkies. We are fed information like a sugar high.
And we lap it all up and form actual fantasy lives around these things.

Be it with RFID, video games, internet, futball games, etc....

Anything that monitors us, while allowing us to have our necessary cathartic moments of feeling free and victorious is meant to limit our power over the use of technology.
The use of it to overthrow the current social order.

You know, when you cry in a movie, or when the underdogs win, etc....

This is all manipulated. Period. We are all controlled, and it is done out of NECESSITY PEOPLE!!...

It is done to keep us slave, because if we all actually learned how finances, computers, international commerce, and the legal system that we have left in the US actually worked, then revolution would occur by morning.


We can take our control back, and instead of reading and then finally living the headlines like one linked, then we can start by becoming locally active, make change locally.
In politics, in community outreach, etc...

That is the reason for making each US state sovereign with its own capital, a loose "union" found in a country with no capital.
Local government is the key to winning this war.

Splinter the resources and give the power to the people.

We will be totally monitored and controlled one day. (HELLO CELL PHONE PEOPLE!)
The RFID is real....

But what will you do to change it?

Do something or continue to type some more on ATS?
It is a release valve people.
Controlled chaos.


Please God forgive them.
They do not know what they do.

[edit on 4/17/2010 by Josephus23]

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 03:34 PM
Great thread dude. Coincidently a close friend of mine suggested to me yesterday that any battle against a global authoritarian society needs to start from ones local community.

I was like ''yeah right, as if anyone around here is gonna team up to do anything?!''.

But when you think about it, all it takes is a community to pull together and outnumber local authority to make a difference, then it sets an example to other communities nearby.

We can only hope that as more people wake up then the peoples communal activity will be expenential.

Here is to hope, the strongest emotion ever conceived by mankind.

Edited to correct(I before E except after C!!! Apart from some words but in this case it was relevant!!!)

[edit on 17-4-2010 by Wide-Eyes]

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by Wide-Eyes

Much appreciated for the reply and you are 100% right on the money my friend....


This is something so disgustingly insidious that we don't even really know what to really do with it.
And burying our head in the sand is no longer an option.

Stop being controlled by the corporate media/propaganda matrix.

Look at it this way.
How many times do you give your fingerprint for something without really realizing it?

Say you neglected to take the stamp because of "religious reasons", well guess what?
It does not matter one bit.
Because that is all that they need folks,
You have to give your fingerprint and your SSN to cash a check, or pawn an item, and.... whammo.

You get the mark. And you do not even realize it.

You already have one anyway.
Go many places without a cell phone?

I just want people to stop being afraid of the future and take an active part in it.
Not just for us, but for GENERATIONS upon GENERATIONS of kids who will be born into a HEAVEN or a HELL, and it is all up to US.

I have heard it called inter-generational terrorism.

Read the Federalist's Papers.


How does that make you feel?
Do you even care? (that was a generic statement)

Sociopaths need not answer.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 04:22 PM
Ya know your reference to Heaven and Hell has suddenly made me wonder whether the reference of Heaven and Hell by religious types is not referring to the after life but more what we make of the life we are living now.

e.g. We live within our means, deny control by big government, answer only to God etc, we will be living in a sort of heaven on Earth.

OR... forget God, believe what human powers tell us we should do and give in to the whims of people we hold in the same authority as a God and we will end up in a hell on earth.

What do you think? I had never thought this before but now it seems to make sense when I think about it.

BTW I am not religious to any particular God, just observe the messages.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by Josephus23

It's a stupid story based on a 2000 year old book written by superstitious goat herders.

I wouldn't take it seriously...

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 04:32 PM
I am interested to hear from Christians, and their point of view.

If I ever come across as aggressive with anyone on here please point it out to me and I will immediately apologize and change my way.
I have a tendency to open mouth and insert foot.

Back to modern day "Christians"...

I would like to know if they actually welcome the 'mark of the beast', in some weird way, or if they truly shun it.

The reason being is that if the forced mark spoken of in the Revelation of St. John starts happening, then that MUST mean that your man Jesus is just right around the corner.

Shouldn't that excite you?

Did you ever think that the story of which you all faithfully believe and preach that is found in the Book of Revelations was decided upon at the council of Nicaea.... For a specific reason.

Have you read the Dead Sea Scrolls?
Before that, Christianity was much more gnostic and Jesus was NOT worshiped as God in the flesh (although psychedelic mushrooms have been seen as the flesh of the Gods for aeons)

Check out this guys if you don't believe me:

John Allegro.

Did you ever think that the apathy of your behavior toward fighting the obvious end times, of which we are in fa sho, is caused by your faith in the...
"Return of Jesus"

Which might have been (actually WAS) invented at the Council at Nicaea in order to keep the most rebellious of the slaves, the Christians, from opposing the One World Government.

Just keep on a waiting for Jesus. I swear he will be here tomorrow, but if I am wrong, then it's Satan's fault for tricking me. And my next prophecy is wrong, and then, it's all Satan's fault again.
It's all Satan's fault guys, that is until I am right, then it all belongs to the glory of God.

I mean.... REALLY???

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by Kaytagg

The message dude, THE MESSAGE!
Was I not clear about my belief in any particular religion? Maybe I should spell it out nice and slowly in future so you can get your head around what I actually said.

Please re-read what I posted and realise that what I was posted had nothing to do with any particular God. It was in reference to us placing governments in a God like position.

Kaytagg, I bet you think your government are God yes? I doubt it really, so please try to get your brain around what I was trying to say.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 04:35 PM
What if all this "Mark of the Beast" tech stuff was subterfuge, meant to cause fear and take a persons mind off the obvious. Maybe the true Mark of the Beast is an inflexible belief that one holds, and/or the actions of an individual.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 04:36 PM
Honestly, I think I am on to something here

I may try and formulate a thread about it, hopefully someone without immediate hate of religion will see the logic in what I am trying to get across.

I flagged you OP btw

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by Kaytagg

I understand your sentiment, but the Bible is the basis of both Western history and culture.
And consequently, nearly the rest of the settled world.
(Damn that British Empire)

Read about it in post-colonial literature interpretation.

To deny the Bible for its inconsistencies and obvious fallacies is to the exact same as either sticking one's head in the sand for ease, or arrogantly dismissing valid information due to something similar to an "over-educated" confirmation bias.

Even lies have to contain the truth.

That is the law of the universe, and consequently, why lies are generally so easy to expose.

Thanks for the comment, but I think that ignoring the Bible as a historical text is a mistake that is as grave as having 100% faith in it as containing absolute truth.

But once again, thank your for your opinion.

[edit on 4/17/2010 by Josephus23]

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 04:47 PM
Not to be an arse but Pfft.

The mark of the beast requires a belief in the beast. . . . Which is laughable.

I understand this is a conspiracy website, but I swear some of you live in some kind of conspiracy fantasy land.

I've got RFIDs in all my pets, I have GPS in my car, GPS on my phone, I can be tracked anyway. In all likelyhood so can all of you.

There is no mandatory threat here, and it's not like your not all walking RFIDS already with your phones and cars and who knows what else.

Stop living in fear, that's the real goal of the PTB.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 04:54 PM

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by Wide-Eyes
Ya know your reference to Heaven and Hell has suddenly made me wonder whether the reference of Heaven and Hell by religious types is not referring to the after life but more what we make of the life we are living now.

e.g. We live within our means, deny control by big government, answer only to God etc, we will be living in a sort of heaven on Earth.

OR... forget God, believe what human powers tell us we should do and give in to the whims of people we hold in the same authority as a God and we will end up in a hell on earth.

What do you think? I had never thought this before but now it seems to make sense when I think about it.

BTW I am not religious to any particular God, just observe the messages.

I am a bit of a reader and amateur expert on religions, so let me answer your questions as well as possible.

Ya know your reference to Heaven and Hell has suddenly made me wonder whether the reference of Heaven and Hell by religious types is not referring to the after life but more what we make of the life we are living now.

This is the basis for the Gnostic religions spoken of by the Dead Sea Scrolls. This is why both the Vatican and the modern Protestant church refuses to discuss them.

Look at the John Allegro link that I posted earlier.

Gnostics believe that we are born in hell and that we find our way to heaven by "knowing thyself".

But once we "know thyself", then we realized that literally everything exists in our own head and no matter what, our thoughts shape our reality.

This is what the "G" stands for in Freemasonry and it is the basis for all the Mystery religions.

Look for the God within.

Satisfaction will never be achieved looking without thyself. (earthly pleasures).

But this is where the two religions split.

The mystery schools who believe that Man is God. (Animal turning in man, turning into God. Riddle of the Spinx anyone?).

And that we achieve salvation through works. TECHNOLOGY.
Which will eventually make us like Gods.
"like one of them"
We only live. This is it and earthly pleasure is all that matters.

Abrahamic faiths (Christianity, Islam, Judaism) believe that salvation is FREELY given and that the way to heaven is through the giving of oneself to the betterment of the SOCIETY.

And when they do, then they will be rewarded in Heaven.

This is the opposite of he Mystery Schools, who are Luciferian. They are HUMANISTS who believe that RIGHT NOW is what matters and belief in God is primitive and has allowed then to control the masses since the time of Egypt and Sumeria.

The goal of these folks institute a new religion based on HUMANISM. Immediate gratification, but complete isolation.

This is a real war and it has been going on for a LONG TIME.

I am only trying to get people to wake up to it.

e.g. We live within our means, deny control by big government, answer only to God etc, we will be living in a sort of heaven on Earth. OR... forget God, believe what human powers tell us we should do and give in to the whims of people we hold in the same authority as a God and we will end up in a hell on earth.

This is what Reich meant when he said that Fascism was a REACTION and not a REVOLUTION.

Please take time to study all of these links.

[edit on 4/17/2010 by Josephus23]

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by 1of144k

I couldn't agree more and I was trying to say that in my OP.

If TPTB wanted to mark each and everyone of us, then they could, and totally without us knowing.

That was they point of the OP.

They want to make us want it, and the best way to move someone in any direction is by controlling the irrational.

This is a real war and until people realized exactly how ruthless and conniving the enemy is, then nearly all hope is lost.

Great comment.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by Wide-Eyes

On a serious note....

Look at how many religions worship god in the flesh.


And guess which religions talk about eating food that make them commune with the "spirit world"

The Vedas with Soma.

The Zoroastrians with haoma.

The Native Americans with peyote.

They were used during the Eleusian Mysteries.

Ibogaine is used by the Pygmies in the Amazon for healing.

And Ibogaine also happens to be the ONE THING known to man that can fully arrest the worst cases of heroin addiction with just ONE dose.

But yet, it is illegal in the US.

Listen to T. talk about John Allegro. This will blow your mind.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by constantwonder

I think that either you missed my point entirely, or, you agree with me, totally.

This situation is coming no matter what, but what I want people to know is that they have more power over how it ends up than what most think.

The entire story of the Book of Revelation was made up at the Council at Nicaea to keep Christian's docile, willing and servile, because then they would be stupid enough to "wait" for their savior.

My point to the OP is simply that this is coming, so...

What are you going to do about it?
My guess, is just type a lot on release valves like ATS.

[edit on 4/17/2010 by Josephus23]

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by Josephus23
reply to post by constantwonder

I think that either you missed my point entirely, or, you agree with me, totally.

This situation is coming no matter what, but what I want people to know is that they have more power over how it ends up than what most think.

The entire story of the Book of Revelation was made up at the Council at Nicaea to keep Christian's docile, willing and servile, because then they would be stupid enough to "wait" for their savior.

My point to the OP is simply that this is coming, so...

What are you going to do about it?
My guess, is just type a lot on release valves like ATS.

[edit on 4/17/2010 by Josephus23]

Oh I understood your point OP. My point was to get over the fear and just live your life.

You can't let things like this dictate your lifestyle. Things are changing for the better or worse is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is the way you choose to live.

I guess i could have just said that huh!? LOL

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 05:56 PM
Oh man, I got warned for my post
Minus 500 points, I was saving for coloured text

I was only trying to relate to the OP on a spiritual level, is there any way to appeal a warning?

Anyways, thanks for the info about Ibogaine Josephus, I had never heard about this. Given me a new thing to research! (I feel like I want to cry about my penalty)

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by constantwonder

Star for sure for that comment.

Nearly all of the posters here at ATS appear incredibly intelligent, and I think that a certain amount of ego is inevitable with a collection of those types.
Mainly because, whether you admit it or not, nearly all of us literally come to this site looking for a good challenge.

(All the other sheeple would be watching TMZ)

I completely understand your argument, and it makes total sense, and I now see that the wording of my OP could have been much more in line with your sentiment, which ironically was actually in line with my sentiment, but because of that combative nature that some of us regular posters (me included) bring to the site, we are bound to have misunderstandings from time to time.

You are totally 100% and correct btw...
I think that living in fear is another by product of the myriad of incomplete systems that dominate our lives.
It is another form of social engineering.

We have evolved this incredible power, above all the other animals, to consciously change our perception toward things by observing and communicating with others, but what actually produces this powers' tactile effectiveness is our ability to manipulate our behavior to mimic and maximize our newly formed conscious awareness, by means of our behavior, our PRODUCTION.

I see the story of the Book of Revelation as a great way to keep Christians, who historically have been the only minority to not only stand up against but defeat the monarchy, down for the count.

I don't practice any religion. For a very specific reason.
It was all manufactured by TPTB to benefit THEM. Period.

But..... what I do worship is Chaos.

Because she is the only Goddess and she is your Goddess.

Sorry. It is easier to just get used to it and become a comedian.


posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 06:17 PM
Below is *PROOF* of the International Banker's plan to "CHIP EVERYONE" and have all money be on those "CHIPS"

Rockefeller Admitted Elite Goal Of Microchipped Population

Google Video Link

Aaron Russo pictured with Nick Rockefeller

Maybe the book of revelation is the Illuminati plan "hidden in plain sight".

[edit on 17-4-2010 by zzombie]

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