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I need 7-20 Million Americans to help me solve the Illegal Immigration problem ...

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posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by samureyed

And still , it is not the mexican's fault .

People are not being screwed over because a mexican is willing to work and has to cross a border to support his family .

If people are being screwed over it is because of economics and policy , the mexicans do not write those policies nor do they CONTROL the economics of this country .

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by okbmd

Helloooo ... I never said that the mexicans I employed were illegals . Just another one here who assumes he knows more than what is written into the thread ...

Forgive me if my assumption was in err , after all it was your idea.

You call me evil ? YOU call ME evil ???!!!

I just see wage exploitation of a desperate immigrant as evil , again your idea. Where's America's America. Wish I could go work in a country where the exchange rate of one of their currency is 15 or 12 times a u.s dollar.

You , are the one who would deny someone the honor of working to support their family , based on skin tone and legal status . Yet , you say that I am evil ?

No I would not deny someone the honor of working to support their family , based on skin tone. But on legal status , erm wouldn't that be ILLEGAL , I don't write the laws and I didn't mess up their country. Wait , didn't you just say you don't employ illegals , meaning you respect the law? Then wer'e both in the same boat about the LEGAL part. Unless it's a red herring.

Greedy porker ? I never said I owned the companies , I said I was in business management . Salaried .How do you justify 'greedy porker' ?

This is your contrary idea , so who the cap fits...well you know.

You begrudge 121 pesos an hour ? That is hilarious .

Well.... , you begrudge $20 an hour , a bit more stingy relatively , than 121pesos isn't it , as the said worker is now worth more in his home country than I am in mine. for the sake of parity in mexico he'd be getting the same 20 pesos as I was getting 20 dollars. Now then 20 pesos would be at an exchange of 12.19 pesos a dollar would be be about $1.645. And just what is causing this disparity in wages hmm. Could it be the immigrant is facing the same nefarious exploitation in his home country's businesses and government? Are they exploiting wages oh x won't do work for 3 but y will , and thus he or she the (x) immigrant moves to greener pastures?

You make it sound as tho' the 121 pesos is more than your $20.00.

Generally it's the same if I go to Mexico , but specifically in mexico it is more and can probably buy more things in mexico (duh) and we're not talking street value. Who knows how much more it exchanges for on the street. Now in America my 20 is a 20 and not a 121. You do know that this is what major export countries do sometimes , artificially devalue their currency so domestically the foreign exchange can go further.

[edit on 14-4-2010 by De La Valletta]

[edit on 14-4-2010 by De La Valletta]

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