That's right , all I need is 7-20 million Americans who are serious about stopping the influx of mexicans across our southern border .
My plan is solid and simple to understand .There are currently 7-20 million illegal aliens in our country . If you are serious about a solution to
this problem , then I urge you to read this entire thread .
Why are the mexicans here ? That is the first thing that should be addressed in any problem that requires a solution ., why do you have the problem
to start with ? What caused the problem needs to be understood before one can reach any solid and logical solution as to how to fix it .
Poverty caused the problem . Mexicans , for the most part , are here to escape the clutches of poverty . They come here in search of a better standard
of living . They come here with the hopes of rising above such a meager lot in life .
However there will be those who hold to the bigoted standard battle-cry of 'this is our country , they all need to leave' .
Then there will be those who say 'if you can't speak english , you need to go home' .
I wonder how the Native Americans felt ., after all this was their country before your ancestors took it away from them by force . I wonder if they
felt 'we' should all go home since we couldn't speak their language ?
Whatever their thoughts and feelings were , we beat them into submission and death by our unrelenting determination to conquer this 'new-world' .
So , now we find ourselves faced with a similar problem of invaders from a foreign nation . What to do ?
I'll tell you what to do ...
7-20 million of you need to give up your current jobs and go find minimal-paying employment somewhere . If you are making $20.00 per hour , quit that
job and go find one for $10.00 per hour , or tell your boss that you would rather be paid half of your current salary .
He will love you for this , and you have just taken away potential employment for some 'wetback' . You have taken the first step towards curbing the
'mexican' problem . Because you can bet your sweet ass that there is a mexican out there who will gladly do your job for half of what you are being
paid , and he will be proud to do it for that .
Wake up people , the problem is not the mexicans . You want to know what the problem is ?
The problem is the BOTTOM LINE .
Companies and industry are in business to make Profits . The cheaper the labor cost , the higher the profit . Simple as that .
How many of you would cut your salary in half to stop a mexican from getting a job ? That's what I thought .
So why would you expect an employer to cut his profit in half by hiring you to do the same job that a mexican is willing to do for half of what you
expect to be paid ?
Some of you who complain about the mexican problem are the same ones who complain about big companies who locate in Mexico .
I fail to understand your logic in that regard . Those jobs are keeping mexicans at home .
Would you have the big companies re-locate those jobs back to the U.S. , so that you could go to work for them at the rate of pay that the mexicans
were doing it for ?
I've been in business management for a large portion of my life . I've had 'stand-up-white-boys' tell me straight-up that they can't work for the
wage I am offering . I've had African Americans who have told me the same . Then , I have a mexican who comes along and practically begs me to let
him work for that rate of pay , and then thanks me on an almost daily basis .
The problem is not the mexicans people , it is you .
Give up your x-boxes , PS2's,four-wheelers,boats,flat-screens,4-wheel-drive trucks,high mortgages,bling-bling,etc.,etc., and start living way below
the standards you are accustomed to .
Find yourself 8 or10 roomates so that you all can chip in for rent , groceries and utilities .
Live like a mexican lives and work for what a mexican does .
Stop complaining about the jobs they have ., that is not the problem . The problem is that a stand-up-white-boy doesn't want that job and refuses to
work for that wage .
If you don't want the job and you refuse to do that job for the same pay that the mexican does , explain to me how that mexican is impeding your
lifestyle .
Deny Ignorance .
[edit on 14-4-2010 by okbmd]