Originally posted by who-me?
I think this unfortunately is going to permanently change the face of the airline industry.
How long can they survive without revenue?
How much will have to be re-funded in canceled tickets alone?
People are stranded all over the world - spending money they weren't planning too on food and hotel accomodation, as well as being prevented from
making money due to their absence from work.
Mail isn't being delivered internationally. The list goes on and on.
I think its inevitable that we'll see hundreds if not thousands of lay offs and the bankruptcy / collapse of several airlines.
I do not see any significant amount of flights happening before Monday or Tuesday next week and that's if the eruption stops in the next couple of
hours. Sadly by then it will likely be to late already.
Enjoy the beauty but please remember the consequences happening right now as well.
Quit the doom mongering. Just be assured of 3 facts.
1. Europe is not the centre of the world
2. Majority of humans do not sit and whine when crisis strikes. They think of solutions.
3. The volcanic ash cloud does not live forever.
Europe is not the centre of the world, or solely dependent on air flights for passenger and cargo traffic. There are even more cheaper resources of
transportation shuch as ships and rail.
European air industry as well as the maintenance crews will still hold on tho their jobs, for much needed rests or schedule maintenance programmes for
their equipment.
The volcanic ash is not happening to the rest of the world. The airline industries is still thriving there. Atilia Air can still service flilghts
between US and Asia without a dent in their profits.
Perishable goods in Europe can still send their goods by refrigeration to markets through ships and rail. Companies can still conduct their meetings
and discussions online or at other avenues around the world.
A few days or weeks off due to unforseen circumstances is NOT going to lead to bankruptcies or lay-offs. That's why we must all have at least some
savings to tide us over such periods.
There are worse consequences man-made that create it for you to worry about. It's not the end of the world. We mankind survived the horror financial
crisis, the quakes, droughts and whatnots.
This piddling volcanic debris isnt gonna end mankind. Even if more worse comes, we mankind are resiliant and adaptable. Brains, pal, use it.
The only ones who wish to spread such fears and seek to benefit from such inconveniences are the Stockmarket cowboys from banks, hedge funds, SWF,
The more fear mongering they spread subtlely, when the market drops, they pick up the differences and toast on champagne bought from profits.
So stop allowing fear to corrupt you or cause you to corrupt others and be manipulated.