posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by GhostR1der
"Thanks for that info Is a euro NVS easier to get in than the american stuff?"
it depends. if you can locate a euro company that sells night vision gear, then it would be more convenient of course. however, since i live in the
u.s., i have not attempted to look for euro resellers. regardless, your best bet is to try and ask them for their best spec'd units. as an example,
atn sells various night vision devices. their better spec'd units are labeled as "alpha" units. those are hand-picked by atn as having less
blemishes/sub-par optics. ask the resellers which ones they recommend for the best deals. the staff is oftentimes very helpful.
"I also see hints of a combined thermal imaging and G3 NVS tube.... do you know of any? Could be something to wait for if they are cutting edge
yes, these are relatively new. again, atn has some of these available for consumers. many other companies unfortunately, require you to be a
government agent or be a member of the military in order for you to purchase these. these are indeed great devices, but they are not made for the
typical consumer.