posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 11:30 AM
Fair enough SAB8. I accept many of your points, and I can understand your point of view as well as standing up for someone you possibly regard as a
friend. Though I see it starting to become a little personal in some ways, so I will try and avoid this if I can. I guess it is hard to put an opinion
to someones work in a way that they wouldn't take personally, unless a positive one, though I have tried as much as I could. I have always maintained
that my findings amount to an opinion, no more. I have been at pains to point out that I could be wrong. I have also mentioned that I could not call
this a hoax, because in the end I can't.
Surely if someone freely and intentionally puts a video on you-tube for appraisal with accompanying claims, it doesn't seem so unreasonable that some
may scrutinize it, possibly even form an opinion on it. This is an alternative/conspiracy website, a lot of claims are put forth and studied here with
people often going out of their way to look further. No one is required to agree. Occam's razor is often a favourite here. It was titled as a
definate "yowie encounter", after all. As opposed to "strange/ unknown/ possible yowie encounter". This points to conclusions being formed,
regardless how many "I don't know's" are spoken. Whatever beef you have with oz nightwalker, it might be best kept between yourselves. With all
due respect to both, I'm not interested. I have nothing against either of you, or the originator of this video.
As per researchers/enthusiasts, I don't subscribe to the notion that any effort should be regarded highly, simply because an effort was made. Perhaps
wrong of myself, but thats how I feel. Though I do agree anyone research as they see fit, as long as I am not required to have a glowing view of it by
default. I don't class all research as nonsense. Perhaps I see the attitudes/conclusions of some hard to understand, methods also. There does seem a
(growing) trend on you-tube that I find very iffy, not only where this subject is concerned. This lends itself to same in some ways, IMO. As always
just an IMO. When it comes to the "new age" theories, the only interest I have left is in studying the habit they have of forming cults.
I will just have to take your word on the "too shaken up to return" bit. It does seem strange that Tony did after all go out on his own, in another
area that he says is known to be active with Yowies, the same weekend. There also seemed much gratitude to the conclusion that little aliens were in
the video "cloaking" themselves, yet I wonder if he has enhanced, analyzed or scrutinized it? Have you? Seems worth doing, yet he seems actively
disinterested in this and appears not to have even watched it all that closely (as per his comments). It seems to me, serious research should be more
likely following an assumed geniune encounter.
I appreciate the difficulty in going to out of the way places alone. I have been to the location of Tony's encounter alone. As was mentioned 12km
down Tableland Rd. on l/h side. I tried as best I could to find the exact area going by what was shown in his video. This was difficult, as he seems
very reluctant on his site to go into any more detail than the superficial. It would have been helpful to have more to go on. This was in an area that
I figured was where Tony visited, either way it would probably be close. I tried to re-enact the video, waiting for nightfall to return etc.
I realise the fact that I found nothing out of the ordinary means little in the end as to whether Yowies inhabit the place.
There are some who, while possibly still open minded, are at the same time skeptical of some of what is put forth on this subject for good reason. It
seems a little too easy to dismiss all contrary opinion as coming from lazy, skeptical people. Some (myself included) have been around longer than
many researchers appear to have been, with an awful lot of time in the bush, often in what has become supposedly modern day "yowie hotspots". In
this way it shouldn't be too hard to understand taking an interest when people appear to be frightening others away from past times others have
enjoyed all thier lives. Though I'm certainly open to the possibility that Yowies might exist, or I wouldn't even bother looking.
I have studied the video endlessly, tried to put the circumstances together where relevant, and visited the site. The best I can do with the resources
i have. Yet I am in no way a researcher. Out of curiosity, have you studied whatever you can around this affair in depth or detail? Leaving aside
whether you know/trust Tony, just take things on their merits as you find them. Did you go to the site under the same conditions to see if yowies were
there? I can understand if you have simply accepted the word of someone you know and have talked to.
If differing opinion offends, I am sorry. If you can show me where I am wrong, with more than a simple difference of opinion, I will cede your point.
If you can point out anywhere I seem to be too personal, it wasn't my intention. Point it out and I will rectify it. I have tried to understand your
points the best way I can and accept your position without necessarily agreeing.
I hope that's enough at this stage.
[edit on 11-6-2010 by Cogito, Ergo Sum]