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MAD as HELL and I am not going to take it anymore!

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posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 02:11 PM
Dear God
I know you can hear the voices of the masses
when 2 or more are gathered in your name.
Therefore I call upon your strength and grace
to allow our US Armed Forces to see that they
are working for a corrupt evil tyrannical regime.
They know what must be done to correct this.
Give them the strength to carry it through.
Never in the history of the US have we as a nation
been so needy of cleansing the evil in our midst.
I pray they have your wisdom, prudence
and courage. Amen

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

What is it that they need to do?

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
Dear God
I know you can hear the voices of the masses
when 2 or more are gathered in your name.
Therefore I call upon your strength and grace
to allow our US Armed Forces to see that they
are working for a corrupt evil tyrannical regime.
They know what must be done to correct this.
Give them the strength to carry it through.
Never in the history of the US have we as a nation
been so needy of cleansing the evil in our midst.
I pray they have your wisdom, prudence
and courage. Amen

did you really just pray on an online thread? And OP if you truely honestly felt that way I seriously doubt you would be wasting you time and your passion for the matter on the damn internet, your talking big like your gonna do something. Then gtfo and handle the business, GO DO SOMETHING

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by Redneck from Hell

NO I will not "take it" as you so phrased it.

When the people of this nation have had their fill of the criminals that are turning us into a dictatorship, I for one will be on the front line. I have and forever will defend the rights of the people of this nation. When all of you have decided when and where that battle will be fought, I will be there ready to stand with my fellow Americans to defend our Constitution and Bill of Rights as a Freeman. You decide when that day is?



posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 02:23 PM
This would be in place now.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by MolecularPhD
reply to post by Redneck from Hell

NO I will not "take it" as you so phrased it.

When the people of this nation have had their fill of the criminals that are turning us into a dictatorship, I for one will be on the front line. I have and forever will defend the rights of the people of this nation. When all of you have decided when and where that battle will be fought, I will be there ready to stand with my fellow Americans to defend our Constitution and Bill of Rights as a Freeman. You decide when that day is?



So it sounds like you are going to take it until others decide they won't take it anymore. LOL. Basically you just said 'I'm not going to take it anymore........ but I'm also not going to do anything until others do'

By the way, not putting down your opinions. I agreed with most of what you said in the original post to start this thread.

[edit on 12-4-2010 by johnny2127]

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 02:28 PM

Watch this feel it. Feels good aint it?
Just kidding but it adds to this threat.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by MolecularPhD

I am a veteran and have seen some wonderful improvements to the VA healthcare system by recent laws enacted and signed by President Obama, including a very important one dealing with how the VA gets budgeted. (It is very boring, so it was not mentioned much in the press, but the VA gets to estimate its budget and plan for the future, not wait until it needs the money desperately, like in the past.)

I also noticed your YouTube mainstream media links were to Fox News stories, and we know how well they tell the truth.

If you really want to help veterans, go to a veterans' home or hospital and volunteer for a while. Ask them questions of their views and you will find many are against the currant quagmire wars out there.

It also helps when the military does not go around shooting at journalists and family members getting out of a van trying to help their fallen comrades. The vast majority of military men and women are serving our country excellently, and it only takes a few bad apples out there to make us all look bad. We should be shaming their bad behaviors, not blaming the journalists right to report such barbaric acts.

When I put on my uniform, I represented the United States Armed Forces and took pride in what I did while I did my job. The vast majority of our soldiers, marines, airmen and sailors do.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 02:37 PM
Where is the pride in going to war and killing for corporations?
A real and proud soldier would refuse to serve crooks who disregards the Constitution and use the military to bully and push their agenda around the globe. Real patriotism is the courage to say NO to the lies about 911, Iraq and national security that are more than obvious.
Would the fat cats risk their lives for You? Then why would you give your life for them?

I respect the armed forces, respect those who have at heart the safety of their fellow countrymen. But when you are obviously fighting the wrong wars or not sharp enough to see what you are doing is just feeding the greed and power of a few, then you don't deserve to be called a hero, simple as that.

[edit on 12-4-2010 by TheOracle]

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by MolecularPhD

Don't concerned people that care for their countries need a Global consensus of Patriots of all the concerning countries in this World to cooperate and fight off a coming Global Dictatorship?

Sure, one could help them.

but they would label those people and organizations as terrorists!

and now they have the infrastructure they need in place!
9/11 was the coop against a future global consensus of concerned people about our collective futures.

Star and Flag

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by MolecularPhD

Lol! What exactly is a "non-constitutional law"? Our Law is based upon the Constitution, which was designed to be flexible and ever-changing. ALL American law is by nature, Constitutional. If you got beefs, bring it up with the Constitution!

And I don't know what kinda news you've been watching on the T.V., but I have NEVER in my entire LIFE seen the MSM talk smack about the troops. As a matter of fact, EVERY time a soldier is mentioned in the MSM the obligatory "we thank you for your service" is inserted somewhere.

Also, none of those things you said were suddenly criminal are in the least criminal, legally OR figuratively.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 02:54 PM
God Bless you sir! My entire family was military. Our government killed my Dad through agent orange exposure in Vietnam. Now I have found out that the government has known how to treat people exposed to Agent Orange for over 15 years now but hid the information to kill off all the soldiers rather than admit anything! These are the animals that are running the show. These are the men that JFK wanted to stop ruining our great country.

Our government is completely owned and run by the new world order. Our press is pure CIA brainwashing. We already have free energy technology. We have tons of cures of cancer. I post 4 of them at Project Nsearch. We are using depleted uranium around the worlds which is criminal. We are involved in coups all over the planet to put in people into leadership positions that the new world order can control.

Our Federal Reserve is a private bank run by the Rotchshilds and Rockefellers who own most of the planet now. All of this is covered up by our criminal media so the average joe six pack knows none of this!

We need to take back our government and ONLY elect men who will chop it down to about 1% the size it is now. For example, why do we need a 200,000 employee Department of Energy that spends $200 Billion a year and has produced NOTHING for 30 years to get us off foreign oil! We all need to wake up and admit it's all big a big CON and stop playing these games of thinking that "Freedom" means having a choice between new world order Democrat Choice #1 and new world order Republican Choice #2.

It's all a BIG joke and it's on us!


posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by ReelView
I started to watch an old WWII movie the other day and I had to stop it. I was sickened by the glorification and trivialization of war and hurting other people. It is very sad that people, with good intentions, went of to kill other human beings who went off to war with the same good intentions. The sanctity of life and the sovereignty of the individual has been badly maligned for generations. As "awareness" grows, I hope people will question why harming another life is necessary and even justifiable. The military/x-military naively acted because they thought it was a good cause. They should not feel guilty at being suckered but they should feel ashamed at being fooled and angry with the NWO for using them as cattle to manufacture debt and dependency.

What you said really hit me. In 1971 we were watching a drive-in movie about little big horn and we had to leave. We had just left East Pakistan where a genocide was going on and it just wasn't entertainment any more. We used to watch all those things like they were cool, but when you see the reality, the horror of death and destruction, the loss of life of innocent people and women and children, it just can't be entertainment any more. We are embroiled in several horrible, unjustified wars and we as a people can't see a way out. We have to end these wars. Find a demonstration, April 15-19 there should be a bunch. Paint up a sign condeming the war and get out there and demonstrate.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by MolecularPhD

I agree with you.

Its very disheartening to see brave men stationed overseas, be denounced and subject to offensive accusations and assumptions, especially by cowardly people who taunt from the safety of a computer screen.

I think Vietnam changed everything. All prior wars, the men and women who served and returned stateside were treated as heroes and received warm welcomes. Because of the hippie movement, so many people were anti establishment, anti govt, anti war, the military who saw combat in Vietnam, returned to be taunted and called names like "murderer," despite the fact that the politicians were the ones who sent them there.

Most people on here are quick to say "well I would fight for my country in a heart beat, but only if we're being invaded."

To me that reeks of cowardice. At the point that our shores are swarming with foreign troops, hell bent on killing every US citizen they encounter, it will already be too late.Just like a cancer that only shows itself after its too late, sometimes you must go to the problem and stop it before it spreads to the point of no return
After all, Hitler never attacked the USA directly, yet we sent millions of our young men to a brutal war, where many of them did not return. All in the name of helping fellow human beings who were being subjected to inhuman treatment. Since then, our country has been looked to for assistance, when a country cannot help themselves.

I myself, come from a family with men who served their country in almost every battle the US has been involved in, for the past 50 years. Despite seeing the horrors of war, they're the first to tell you that if they could re-enlist they would do so in a "heart beat," as my 86 year old grandfather says.

[edit on 12-4-2010 by WhiteDevil013]

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by m khan

Originally posted by ReelView
I started to watch an old WWII movie the other day and I had to stop it. I was sickened by the glorification and trivialization of war and hurting other people. It is very sad that people, with good intentions, went of to kill other human beings who went off to war with the same good intentions. The sanctity of life and the sovereignty of the individual has been badly maligned for generations. As "awareness" grows, I hope people will question why harming another life is necessary and even justifiable. The military/x-military naively acted because they thought it was a good cause. They should not feel guilty at being suckered but they should feel ashamed at being fooled and angry with the NWO for using them as cattle to manufacture debt and dependency.

What you said really hit me. In 1971 we were watching a drive-in movie about little big horn and we had to leave. We had just left East Pakistan where a genocide was going on and it just wasn't entertainment any more. We used to watch all those things like they were cool, but when you see the reality, the horror of death and destruction, the loss of life of innocent people and women and children, it just can't be entertainment any more. We are embroiled in several horrible, unjustified wars and we as a people can't see a way out. We have to end these wars. Find a demonstration, April 15-19 there should be a bunch. Paint up a sign condeming the war and get out there and demonstrate.

No offense, but you are going over the top with the touchy feely crap and not thinking. You what these to be out of sight out of mind. If the US leaves, the vacuum created immediately starts a civil war and many millions more die. Just like in Korea, Vietname, Cambodia, etc. But you'd be happy because the wars would be 'over'. While in actuality the killing and human rights immediately became much worse. Literally you both fail to think logically all together.

Its like the famous latin phrase: "Metus improbos compescit non clementia"

Translation: "Fear, not kindness, restrains the wicked"

[edit on 12-4-2010 by johnny2127]

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by MolecularPhD

This great country of ours is being taken over by Big Banks and Corp. through their bought and paid for politicians. This country is being taken over by those that deem all prior military personnel as extremists or god forbid terrorists. The Freedoms we used to take for granted in this country were paid for in blood by all of the proud soldiers who gave their lives for your freedom. Will you allow their deaths to be in vain?

Stop the real terrorists in this country; the politicians that are passing Non Constitutional Laws in this country. Stop the real extremists in this country; the MSM that puts out the establishments criminal ideas. Stop the real Criminals in this country; the Financial Intuitions’ that are hell bent on destroying this great nation of ours through the devaluation of our currency.

I am MAD as Hell and I for one will not take it anymore!



Former Military Officer

I would just say that the banks trying to take over the country is not an accurate statement. They already HAVE taken it over along with the corporations. You can be mad and not want to take it anymore, but you will. Not because you don't have the will or the desire to do so, but because they've set the system up in such a way that you can't.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by MolecularPhD
When did being a proud American become a Crime? When did the defense of our Constitution and Bill of Rights become a Crime? When did being a former Soldier become a Crime in this country? When did upholding the Oath you took to defend your country from enemies both foreign and domestic become a crime? When did Americans decide we the former soldiers of this great country of ours are criminals IE (terrorists/extremists)?

Maybe I don't watch enough news, but I am pretty sure that those things are not crimes and that Americans don't view thier vets as terrorists?

Originally posted by MolecularPhD
Stop the real terrorists in this country; the politicians that are passing Non Constitutional Laws in this country.

I think you have been watching too much Fox Entertainment...There are those claiming that unconstitutional laws have been passed, but the vast majority of legal scholars lacking a political agenda believe that the recent HCR law was entirely constittional. Regardless ...the courts will settle it the constituion requires..

I would advise diversifying your news sources before comming to the conclusion that unconstitutional laws have been passed.

Originally posted by MolecularPhD
Stop the real extremists in this country; the MSM that puts out the establishments criminal ideas.

Ummm..OK. You want to limit the freedom of the press? Declare certain stories as "criminal"...

Originally posted by MolecularPhD
Stop the real Criminals in this country; the Financial Intuitions’ that are hell bent on destroying this great nation of ours through the devaluation of our currency.

OK, so you are a proponent of genuine reform of the financial regulations and actually enforcing those regulations?...You should be on board with the Obama administration's plans....i am sure it will be declared socialism in short order and you will be again calling for revolution to protect the banks from the evil socialists.

[edit on 12-4-2010 by maybereal11]

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by johnny2127

As a former soldier and an Officer I follow the orders given by the people of this nation; you all must make a decision as to where those orders are coming from. Will they come from the Criminals that currently dictate those orders to us? or will they come from you the people. I gave up my commission in 2003, because I would no longer take the orders of Criminals. It is not our place as military personnel or former military personnel to decide what those orders will be or who is giving them. It is your place as citizens of this nation to make that call. When you have decided who the true enemy is then you will set us to task. The question is will you make the decision for yourselves or will you let others make the decision for you?

We would be no better then them to strike out without the will of the people backing those actions up. So I say to you what will those actions be?

We are not rogue individuals that want to fight a guerrilla war against the tyrants of this nation; only to find ourselves labeled the enemy. We are the men and women of this nation who will stand with you to protect what is yours. You want action but, yet are unwilling to put yourselves on the front line of this forthcoming battlefield. Do not sit back and think we will make the stand alone only to be turned on by the people we have vowed to protect when the going gets tough.

Many of you do not understand the logistical nature of the task at hand or the resources in which it would take to complete the mission objectives. Yet you all whine and complain; and wish we all would be the ones to foot the burdens of Freedom for your benefit. I say you do not understand the true nature of defending freedom, or how much bloodshed it would take to secure that freedom. If you think these tyrants are just going to lay down their arms and control of a younger more indoctrinated force; you are sadly mistaken. For the past 12 years or so the US Military has done a very good job of getting rid of what we call "Old Dogs" and have trained instead robots that just follow orders to the letter no questions asked. Anyone in command that they deem would not follow through with their criminal orders have long given up their commissions or have been retired early (long in the tooth NCO's) etc.. hence the slogan formed "ARMY OF ONE"

This battle can not be won by a few rogue individuals who will be labeled Terrorists or Extremists. It can only be won if you the people stand up together and fight for what is right! Now say what you like about me and my opinions or statements, I say to you that you the people do not understand what is you are asking for, or the actions to follow, and the will it will take of the people to see the objective to the end.



posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by MolecularPhD

OP if I were to take a stand I wouldn't do it online. In fact all you seem to be doing is saying FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT I would expect this post to have come right out of the basement of a spy agency to incite conflict and dissent just to justify rounding up everyone who signs onto your plea to act. Gather in large groups and protest? Why? So the groups can be infiltrated and provocateurs can incite riots. To take on TPTB requires new methods and new ways of thinking- the old ways are outdated and extremely intelligent beings have overthought how to overcome them already. Look at the internet- privacy, yeah right, computers troll every letter you type just waiting to put you into categories and onto lists. For every side for an issue there are sides against and those on the fence and there are those who have their own agendas pretending to support a side they do not. The only way to change the world is to start your own government where you live and hope it grows wildly beyond imagination and use your newfound powers to challenge the already existing governments. Want to overthrow bankers- use something else for money. Will you work for the new currency? No, you will work for the money that they give you and so you enslave yourself. Live with it. Are the military criminals- ask their victims.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 03:19 PM

When you make the new thread make sure to include:
The Declaration of Freedom:

The Charges:
1. The suppression of unalienable rights given to every man, woman, and child.
2. The killing of innocent people to gain power and resources.
3. The lying to the people in order to keep them blind from their crimes.
4. Waging war without just cause, or consulting the people.
5. The inhumane occupation of other free people purely for selfish motives.
6. The manipulation of media to suit their agenda.
7. Creating false acts of aggression as an excuse to wage war and control people.
8. Shunning and killing others based on race, religion, or beliefs.
9. Experimenting on innocent people just to satisfy their curiosity.
10. Torturing people.
11. Forcing people to confess to things they did not do.
12. Selling and buying people as if they are items, not humans.
13. Corrupting governments to suit their own needs.
14. Attempting to establish a one world government that is all powerful.
15. Killing
16. Holding or killing people without a trial of peers.
17. Attempting to commit genocide on a global level.
18. Tampering in free elections.
19. Tampering in trials.
20. Allowing their own people to escape from the consequences of their actions.
21. Taking control of a free economy.
22. Forcing people to use their educational, health, military, and other systems.
23. Abusing their power.
24. Invasion of privacy in all aspects of life.
25. Putting resources above people’s well being.
26. Keeping secrets from the people.
27. Censoring information.
28. Destroying families.
29. Brain washing people.
30. Causing ridiculous taxes on the middle class.
31. Unnecessary searches and seizures.
32. Placing standing armies that could and would be used against us.
33. Interfering in religion.
34. Suppressing of the freedom of speech.
35. Unnecessary acts of violence against peaceful people.
36. Destroying peace and sovereignty.
37. Enslaving people.
38. Destruction of the environment.
39. Attempting to take over the world.

These are the charges brought forward. The ones who are charged with it are the global elite, the Bilderburg group, and the government of the United States of America, terrorists, extremists, extraterrestrials, and any other organization that has done one or more of the charges presented above.

We the FREE PEOPLE OF EARTH are not kings, politicians, aliens, or entities nor anyone with power like the tyrants who commit the above charges. We hereby declare ourselves free of all ties to all governments and bodies of power who seek to commit any of the above charges. No longer under their jurisdiction, control, or influence. We are free to pursue life, liberty, happiness, and unsuppressed freedom, and the right to fight for that freedom. We will no longer be controlled by, suppressed by, experimented on by, manipulated by, harmed by, or killed by any one body of power or any individual. Power will be given back to the people. As sentient and sapient beings. We are free to make choices; we are under the control of no one. We are peaceful, but are willing to fight for our freedom, now and forever. Let us no longer be divided by religion, race, gender, background, or any other reason. No evil shall stop us; no person shall stand in our way to freedom. We will never be part of any organization unless it is by our choice. This declaration isn’t just for people who want to sign it, or one group of people, this declaration is for all who seek unsuppressed freedom. WE ARE BORN FREE, WE WILL LIVE FREE, AND WE SHALL DIE FREE.
We are the Free People of Earth.

You are a Free Person of the Earth.
And let know one tell you different.

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