posted on May, 13 2010 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by robatmj12
@robatmj12 - Before harboring feelings of retaliation or punishment toward Hassan, jump back and follow the media input for 9/11 and the Oklahoma
bombing. Compare the reporting on the day with the reporting in later weeks, months and years. You'll no doubt notice how the story changes as time
goes on. You might see that as "initial confusion" turning to "solid information" as the official story pundits would have us believe.
Or you might see it as "uncontrolled media" turning to "controlled media" over time especially as the official story for both events doesn't
stand up to serious scrutiny. If you agree that these two events give good reason to be suspicious of "official stories", then you should also
apply that suspicion to the Ft Hood event. We only know what media tell us and can only surmise why the original 3 gunmen turned into just one, why
Hassan's email contact with Anwar al-Awlaki was originally ruled in keeping with his duties but later became incriminating, and why the Obama
administration refuses to provide requested information to Congressional investigators.
My motto is "Don't trust the bastards!" and don't believe what they tell you because they're normally lying to you. Just call me cynical.