reply to post by 5children
Welcome 5children, you are among friends and others....
To reside here, you will have to accept the bad with the good. Unfortunately, cuts from the bad hurt more than the strokes from the good. But seems
like you have weighed the pros and cons and have decided to jump into our game.
What many people from across the spectrum of disblieving to acceptance of any babbling want from us that profess ET contact of any kind is proof.
That, of course, is imposssible to provide. So just lay out your story as you are inclined and learn to use the ignore button if some folks doggedly
try to put you down.
What these same people want is consistent accounts that jib with what they want to hear and also with what others have put forth earlier. They want
consistency that can add up to make sense to them. That is hardly to be because it is contrary to the plan.
The ETs here helping us are far wiser than we and know enough not to give too much of their interaction away as solid material--even if only words.
(The best example is that one contactee/abductee is told that they, the ETs, come from Venus. Another one will be told they come from the Mercury or
perhaps Sirius. They evade with reason tellings us what we most want to know.)
The whole scenerio is one of building a mythology around themselves, a protective cloaking where nothing can be proven or even seem important to their
scheme. For example, I get told--made--by them to concentrate one one thing or work in one field. Some one else, you perhaps, gets an entirely
different game to play. The tasks they present for us may have no key, no exposing, recognizable part to play in the grand pattern to be eventually
Yet, across the field of all the endeavors they put to us individually is a larger belief structure if not a new ideology that comes from this
tenuous, massed mythology.
That basic understanding is that ETs exist, they are here, and they aren't having us for lunch.
Once we get to that stage, we can consider some deeper ramifications of what this oblique contact must mean. We can question if this is a new episode
in human awareness or perhaps a continuation of something started long ago. Some day, some day, the human race will stand on its tip toes and shout
"Eureka! We understand." That will be the day they make themselves known.
Eh, in my opinion!
[edit on 17-4-2010 by Aliensun]