posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 03:14 AM
reply to post by 5children
Hey there Julie and welcome to ATS ... I'm really looking forward to hearing more from you ... being an 'experiencer' myself the subject fascinates
me ... I made a couple of threads about my own experiences (long time ago) and didn't get ridiculed at all.
The thing is 'we' do get a lot of 'crazies' passing through the boards and members do get a little tired of being taken for fools
(understandable). I personally have found that if you write about alien/paranormal subjects in a 'normal' way (as they are to me) without trying to
sensationalize the subject matter, then people will more readily read and comment without the need to ridicule.
Moral of this story ... there is enough genuine weirdness in this world without having to make stuff up ... so if you don't come across like a
'crazy' you will not get treated like a 'crazy' ... and for the small few who might have a problem with your account(s) ... hell, they are not
worth worrying about.
If you know you are telling the truth ... that's all that really matters.
Enjoy the time you spend here.