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The Lost and Hidden connection between Religions

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posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 09:42 AM
Interesting to note, is the fact that every ancient religion worshiped snakes/serpents. Enki, was the serpent god that created the world and told the humans to eat the fruit so that they can get intelligence and Elil told them not to because he wanted them to be SLAVES and worship him. Eventually, the humans listened to the real god Enki and ate the fruit and got knowledge. Guess what the symbol of their religion is? The structure of the DNA! This was a Sumerian religion so I doubt they ever seen DNA before. It is said that Elil, will put fear in the people's heart and will get them to be his slaves but Enki, the real god and true love will protect everyone.

What do you think of that connect?


Sumerian Symbol:


posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by arpgme

there's one problem with that theory (well, actually several problems). enki is seen in the "namshub of enki" in the role of jehovah (tower of babel scenario). i did some etymological research and found that enki and enlil in hebrew are the root sounds and concepts of jehovah. for example,

jehovah = Hayah (pronounced like Ea, enki's other name. pronounced Ayah, meaning to be, to exist (i am?)).
jehovah = Havah (meaning spirit being, breathe, air, sky, who is en.lil)

so there you have Spirit and Son, and now all ya need is father, and that's Anu. Father, Son, Holy Ghost. (Amen *the etymology of amen is anu*

edit on 13-10-2010 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by Maddogkull
Of course religions are related, they all speak of a God, a chief, or almighty god to be specific. But, beware, sometimes, when you speak on a subject, you bite off more than you can chew. It is like knowing all, when you examine that premise you find that you know nothing in particular. There is one thing that connects all of the real related religions, and that one thing is God's Language: He had to speak to everybody of understanding. So, he had to speak in the one language that they all would understand. Simple mathematics: 111-222-333-444-555-666-777-888-999. This formula can be found in one version of The Holy Bible, in one version of The Holy Koran (not Qu'ran), in one version of The Holy Torah, and in over 35 UNrelated sciences. It is a matter of understanding, and daring to KNOW! The time is now, The Solomon formula Is Here, it has always been here. Waiting for us to notice. Of course a lot of todays religions are related, but by what? Time to really ask the right question(s), only then will the right answer(s) fall into your grasp.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by SunIsSon
The organized religions of which we know today are just fictional personifications of what the ancients were truly fascinated by - the study of the heavens (sun, moon, stars, planets etc). Religions are all just fictional accounts of the study of the skies above.

I wonder in which century the religious fanatics will open a history book and finally figure it out. Hopefully before they themselves cause their superstitious Armageddon nonsense to occur and wipe us all out. All over silly superstitious nonsense that developed from astrology!

[edit on 11-4-2010 by SunIsSon]

Here's a theory on the "BIG 3"

Please Note:
No intentional provocation here ... just a “studied” opinion by one person.

General Notes taken from college lectures: subjects were modern religion origins.
Suggests that modern religions (and languages) were “invented” for economic purposes!
These notes and lectures evolved into a 300-page book written by a friend of mine.
Many details are contained about nations (and continents) and economies past and present.
Too much to list here.

Babylonian / Hebrew / Roman “Money Funnel” Economies
– seek to control populations (wide-area banking systems).

Note: Dates are based on “modern” calendar system
B.C. and A.D. did not exist until middle ages

Phoenicians were “pre-Hebrew”, Semitic (language) society groups that dominated and “governed” trade and finance
(3000 b.c. – 1000 b.c.) (Multi-nation influence) (Entire Mediterranean coastal areas)
“Banking and Finance” was based on Babylonian code systems.

1000 B.C. to year 0:

Hebrew / Jewish “Faiths” and “Laws” were created by “Elitist” financial and trade group scholars.
(from various Semite (language) “Ruling Class” Phoenician influenced nations, and some Greek)
(some “Babylonian” beliefs were “borrowed”) (Especially Financial)
(no “national” borders or boundaries, no genuine single “ethnicities”)
(creates “Judaism”)
(calendar adopted from Chinese trade partnerships)

Scholars from these groups “create” the Hebrew language (from Phoenician-Canaanite) and create a pre-Latin language (from Greek).

Latin to be used primarily by the trade and financial sub-groups (from different ethnic populations), and military forces.
Latin to be used to consolidate many Italic languages
(mostly “spoken” languages, not “written” at major trade junctions, City of Rome, Carthage, etc.).
Hebrew to be used by “Elite” educated scholar groups (consolidated Semitic language).
Latin / Hebrew accounting systems to be used by merchants and scribes.

“Old Testament” created and written by Hebrew “scholars and scribes”.

Attempt to control all other beliefs and consolidate into one belief - for trade and financial control (universal banking).
Consolidates different Semite languages (into Hebrew).
Used (and enhanced) many exaggerated “Paganistic” stories and myths and folk lore to fit agenda and spread “Jewish” influence (“religious” and financial).
Creates mythical characters.
Jewish “expulsions” and “exiles” created (with ruling governments) to allow Jewish “colonizing” in “open” territories (infiltration of economies).
Creates “historical” “records” to fit the “Jewish” agendas, based on fears and legends.
Hebrew “envoys” and “scouts” (well-educated and multi-lingual) contact “target” territories
– attempt “Judea” conversions (religious and economic goals) prior to military invasions (some success).
Calendar manipulations begin to coincide with “religious” and “historical” events.

“New Testament” created and written by Hebrew “scholars and scribes” - 1st century by secret Roman agreements.

Hebrew Anti-Pagan efforts were failures.
Hebrew beliefs were not widely accepted by general (conquered) populations.
Hebrews create “anti-Jewish” (anti-Semitic) rivalries to set stage for a “new”, more popular “religions”.
Hebrews create un-provable “history” from mythical events and stories and fictional characters.
Roman govt and Hebrew Scholars “align” and “invent” the appearance of being “rivals” (includes military expeditions).
Roman govt accepts and begins codification of “Jewish” financial influences (banking systems).
Hebrew scholars consolidate and re-invent a Latin alphabet, for common use by populations (west).
“New Testament” written in more than one “language” to “accommodate” conquered populations.

Paganisms were the predominant beliefs at the time.

Latin became predominant language (easily understood by conquered populations) in Roman Empire (west).

Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic were widely spoken (east and west).

Roman efforts to control society with a “new” belief (Christianity") – 2nd thru 5th century.

False flag “Laws” enacted to promote “Christianity” and demote “Judaism”.
“Historical” Myths of “Hebrew” slavery and mass discrimination created to enhance the “anti-Semitism” agendas.
“news” and “events” are created of Jewish massacres, expulsions, etc. (some truth) (as sacrificial “investments”).
Allows for more “Jewish Expansion” into new territories (established new trade routes and merchant groups).

Christianity rejected by Arab factions - Roman East.
Christianity generally accepted - Roman West.
Hebrew scholars “create” and write Islam beliefs to counter Christian (and Judea) beliefs (used some Zoroastrianism influences).
Arab factions accept Islam and eventually adapt to “Jewish” financial systems.

Sub-Latin languages and “spin-off” Hebrew languages (and some Cyrillic) created and enhanced,
to allow better (religious and economic) “manipulation” of localized populations,
- 6th century thru Middle Ages to present day 21st century.

Establishes strong “ethnic” groups (new nationalities and languages) through local inbreeding after intermingling.
Continuation of “culture – counter-cultures” agendas (religious and economic) among “financially conquered” territories.
Continuation of “Hebrew suppression” myths and Jewish “suffering” to further the financial and power agendas.
Continuation of “governments’” public anti-Semitism agendas and
furthering of “Jewish” privately controlled economies and expansions.
Continuation of Jewish “migrations” and dominance of financial systems.
Continuation of attempted “Judea” conversions (religious and economic goals) prior to military invasions
(some disguised as “Islam” or “Christian”) (some non-military success).
“Dark Ages” (history blackout) created to mask solidification efforts of major “religions” (the ‘Big Three’),
and to backdate, modify and solidify “historical” records and illusions.
Continuation of language and calendar manipulation for economic (and legal) control agendas.
Establishment of “higher learning” institutions for further development of economic agendas and “illusional maintenance”
(economic and political dominance through “education”).

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

the problem with those theories is directly related to the complete lack of interest modern scholars have in ancient sumer, ancient akkad and their associated texts. the original critiques written on the middle and near east, were almost entirely forged during the enlightenment, before the establishment of archaeology. most of the ancient world was still buried under desert sand, rubble, flood silt, and other cities built on top of them. as a result, enlightenment scholars inadvertently declared most of the places in the ancient texts as pure fabrications. they were wrong. when it was discovered they were wrong, it was too late. too many critical papers had been written on the subject, by the foremost scholars of the time, and that tradition continues today. the only way that is possible is to ignore the sumerians and akkadians, and at least three quarters of archaeological discoveries.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 12:03 AM
wrong thread
edit on 19-12-2010 by sallamy because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by berenike
You will note that the worship of the god/mother of god is not really Christian, it was adapted by the Roman Catholic church right out of paganism. And there are many other parts they took wholesale. Martin Luthor led a revolt against that paganism pretending to be Christianity, but he didn't get it all. Much continued in the church, and some, like Saturnalia, has been reintroduced since then. What the Bible says, and what the churches do, are often incompatible. Take Ellen White of the Adventists. Many of her 'prophesies' are directly contradictory to the Word. But then, most other 'churches' today ignore 'the least of the commandments', or 'preserve the Sabbath and keep it holy'. Or they pretend to honor it on any other day, just not that one. Appauling.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by Gregarious
reply to post by berenike
You will note that the worship of the god/mother of god is not really Christian, it was adapted by the Roman Catholic church right out of paganism. And there are many other parts they took wholesale.

Yes, that is the point I was trying to make.

The church's adaptation of pagan practices is extremely interesting. In another thread where we were all having a little moan about Christmas I said how much I liked Christmas trees and that even though I am not a christian, I happily have a (artificial) tree because it seems to me to celebrate the Winter season so well.

Little bit of history:

edit on 21-12-2010 by berenike because: edit to add link and to add the word artificial. Don't want anyone thinking I'd chop down a healthy tree for decorative purposes

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 11:38 PM
Aww yes, pretty much discussing pluralism here although that word can often times become quite the slippery slope, so nevermind the term....

The point I'll make here is simple.

Imagine with me, if you can, that a malevolent power exists...

Now imagine a benevolent power exists as well....

And they're both raising an "army" to go to war...

Now...imagine the people KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that good will triumph over evil....

Don't you think this malevolent power would try to divide the people in order to confuse them? In an effort to keep the people from uniting and joining "team benevolence", thus securing a unanimous victory....?'

I mean...I hate to do this but...
edit on 21-12-2010 by Agree2Disagree because: spelling, incorrect link

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 12:28 AM
All religions teach the spirituality according to the custom of the country! The one simple thread is belief in a higher energy other than man through positive thinking and spirituality. All customs teach we are internal positive spirits in the realm of negativity.

All people have attained this point of evolution through thinking of the citizens of there country.

The cross of Christ represents positive thinking of the mind, heart and soul which is our internal and eternal spirit! Water gives life to all and we are internally this element. This is why Christians batise with the life giving element.

Water gives life as the earth is postioned in the right point for this to occur. People call it 0pt energy. The closer you go to the sun water evaporates and the further away you go it freezes. Jesus stated he was everything and nothing!

Dig deeper and you will discover the meaning of all religions and all texts relating to each custom.

Look closely at you surroundings and what we experience in life! Everything physical and living in life has three elements known as Fuel (Food), Heat (Warm) and Oxygen (Breathe). This is known as the fire triangle which all systems of life operate where the top ( Kings & Queens, Presidents, Primeministers, Captains, Banks ect )direct the bottom while the bottom (societys civilians) are the support of the top in general labour. This information is in the Pyramid of Giza which is why it is in a triangle shape with four sides. At the peak of the Pyramid you come to the golden age which is full of treasures left by these great people. It also represents the golden age of mankind where we reach the pinnacle in labour and learning by reaching this age of technology and knowing things man previously only believed.

Sun-worship gave man the knowledge of time and numbers in which we all operate.

The Star of David in the jewish community and on Israels flag is a triangle (Age of Man) and an upside triangle (Age of Women). The age of women is the rebirthing of energy like technology and space travel. This is a cycle of continued life in the physical world. This information made the pyramids for us to reset the cycle.

Jesus taught this message of the positive spirit and was killed for it by the Romans for believing in a higher energy than man. He even died on this symbol to represent this fact!

Time for people to respect and love each other no matter what religion or culture. We are all Gods children!

Man-god will never reach the heights of GOD!

The Journey gives meaning to our destination.

We all learn in life for wisdom in death.

edit on 22-12-2010 by Archangelelijah because: Quote missing

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 01:11 AM
reply to post by Archangelelijah

This is Satans domain where we learn. He tempted Adam and Eve with the Apple of Knowledge!

All other Archangels will assist if you pray for help! They believe in eternal life, Satan believes in just this one. This is why he was originally kicked out of heaven for thinking he was above the almighty God!

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 04:22 AM
reply to post by undo

People will learn the truth which will be WW3.

Nations will turn against eachother and people against people. After this is completed, people will be free of sin like Jelousy, hate, crime, hurt and negativatey.

All wars end and this will be the final war!

We are all Gods people!

All MEN!

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 05:50 AM
If any of you would like to discover the mathematical connections between western and eastern religions, visit:
The pioneering research to be found there proves rigorously that the sacred geometries of the Tantric Sri Yantra and the Tree of Life, which is mentioned in Genesis and is the heart of the Jewish Kabbalah, the table of 64 hexagrams in the ancient Chinese I Ching, and the five Platonic solids are all equivalent and embody the same information about the nature of matter, man and reality. This has profound implications because how could different religions, separated by thousands of miles and years in origin, possess sacred geometries that are analogous? Common sense tells us that this could not happen by chance, so that it can only indicate the existence of a transcendental reality that has been contacted for centuries by the mystics and sages of different religions, wherever and whenever they flourished - one that has inspired representations of it which, although different in appearance, are geometrically equivalent to one another because they encode the same universal information about reality. This is truly amazing.

These hidden connections between ancient religions are NOT lost. They have been re-discovered by Dr Stephen Phillips. Spend some time studying his research at his website. It is mind-blowing, because he has not only discovered the mathematical unity behind these sacred geometries but also their connection to recent discoveries in theoretical physics (he was a professional particle physicist). In other words, he has shown that some mathematical discoveries at the frontiers of theoretical particle physics are embodied in these ancient sacred geometries. Dr Phillips has discovered the hidden mathematical order that is common to the sacred geometries of Judaism, Hinduism and Taoism, as well as to the regular polyhedra made famous by Plato in his cosmological treatise Timaeus. He has demonstrated that this order manifests in superstring theory, the seven musical diatonic scales that have been the basis of Church music, the human skeleton and human DNA. The reason for this is that they are all manifestations of holistic systems governed by the divine archetypes. Dr Phillips has proven this in rigorous, mathematical terms, his work illuminating the mathematical meaning of the ancient Hebrew Names of God, which transcend their traditional, religious connotations.

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 12:12 AM
obviously the religions are connected
The Christian faith is a daughter of Judaism and Islam is a brother of Judaism , this doesn't involve critical thinking even
Christianity is a reformation of Judaism , while Islam has been deeply influenced by Judaism as well
In turn Judaism has been influenced by Zoroastrianism at the time of the siege on Babylon
So , these religions are definitely connected as they are not independent of each other
The centre of discussion should be the hidden connection between the Abrahamic and Brahmic religions , they act and function differently but there ought to be a connection .
I am often amazed how these different branches seem so similar to each other when the Bible or Koran is read figuratively and metaphorically .
I wish we could find the divine connection for if we do , we would have found the HOLY GRAIL of Faith ...!
Stars and flag to the OP

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 12:14 AM
obviously the religions are connected
The Christian faith is a daughter of Judaism and Islam is a brother of Judaism , this doesn't involve critical thinking even
Christianity is a reformation of Judaism , while Islam has been deeply influenced by Judaism as well
In turn Judaism has been influenced by Zoroastrianism at the time of the siege on Babylon
So , these religions are definitely connected as they are not independent of each other
The centre of discussion should be the hidden connection between the Abrahamic and Brahmic religions , they act and function differently but there ought to be a connection .
I am often amazed how these different branches seem so similar to each other when the Bible or Koran is read figuratively and metaphorically .
I wish we could find the divine connection for if we do , we would have found the HOLY GRAIL of Faith ...!
Stars and flag to the OP

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by berenike
Here is a site detailing the similarities between the stories Mithras and Jesus:

Pictures of the Egyptian goddess, Isis with her son Horus and Mary with her son, Jesus:


The point I'm trying to get round to making is that, it appears to me, both Christianity and Hinduism have their roots in Sumer / Babylon / Egypt which might explain some of the things they have in common.

[edit on 11-4-2010 by berenike]

Sadly, all those similarities between Jesus and Mithras have long ago been debunked...
I just followed the link and read the article about the similarities between Hinduism and Catholicism.
The guy who writes that blog is an ant-Catholic zealot and his 'similarities' are based on an almost total ignorance of Catholicism. As I said in my comment, which I can virtually guarantee he won't allow, I recommend the book 'Catholicism and Fundamentalism', by Karl Keating, which I have just re-read.
I am not a Catholic, I am an Anglican (not Episcopalian!) but I am upset by inaccuracies.
edit on 2/2/11 by Vicky32 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by Gregarious
reply to post by berenike
You will note that the worship of the god/mother of god is not really Christian, it was adapted by the Roman Catholic church right out of paganism. And there are many other parts they took wholesale. Martin Luthor led a revolt against that paganism pretending to be Christianity, but he didn't get it all. Much continued in the church, and some, like Saturnalia, has been reintroduced since then. What the Bible says, and what the churches do, are often incompatible. Take Ellen White of the Adventists. Many of her 'prophesies' are directly contradictory to the Word. But then, most other 'churches' today ignore 'the least of the commandments', or 'preserve the Sabbath and keep it holy'. Or they pretend to honor it on any other day, just not that one. Appauling.

Please note that Catholics do not worship Mary! Please read the book Catholicism and Fundamentalism by Karl Keating, for an explanation of why these beliefs that the RC church is pagan, are completely wrong. and here's a link for the time being.
Catholicism is not pagan

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 02:40 PM
I am very upset that despite making great connections, you all have failed to point out the origin of the similar "historical" texts.

The religious stories of;
Egypt, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Mayans, Aztecs, Australians, European Pagans

They all point to the same Origin:

Nibiru; the God's


One thing that Sitchin had wrong;

the creation of Earth was not accidental.
Tiamat was destroyed by Nibiru on purpose.
the God's quest for gold made it necessary to reshape the planet of Tiamat ibn order to access vast deposits of unreachable gold.
Mankind was planned to mine the materials or Earth, and to eventually evolve and populate the solar system; Mars.

The connections of the worlds religions and historical stories are astounding.

The theorys proposed by Sitchins are ground-breaking and true, imo.

Nibiru is real.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 07:24 PM


posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 05:48 PM
did you read the Qu'ran in Arabic? you cant understand it until you read it in its original language

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