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UN judge calls for prosecution of Pope Benedict

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posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by this_is_who_we_are
It's about time! The Pope is not above the law.
[edit on 4/10/2010 by this_is_who_we_are]

Well I do agree that he should answer for HIS part in the scandal however the Pope is a head of state and will not be held accountable for anything while in power.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 01:35 PM
funny to see a criminal organization like the UN accusing the church of anything. probably just trying to take the weight off of thierselves, how many war crimes do you think are under the UNs belt?

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by Max_TO

I hope he fries "in this life" hes already got his place at the end of his life secured thats for sure, that whole institution is corrupt chester molesters


He loves satan also they disgrace GOD with upside down crosses and blatantly praise the devil in his house


posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 03:48 PM
I don't understand why these BRAINWASHED catholics don't protest in the vatican

How can these imbeciles praise the pope and keep praying while this disgraceful act of complete utter sin is happening in the church.

I simply cannot stand this utter BS - Religious people are a disease themselves - How do you catholics allow this man to reign and all those other sick minded freaks you look up to

How can you people allow such a thing? you don't care about our children...You people disgust me - Keep praying to the spaghetti monster...

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 04:24 PM
Look at both his hands.
The horned devil sign.


[edit on 12/4/2010 by Silver Shadow]

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 05:13 PM
The catholic church is the harlot that rides the beast in revelations. Adorned in scarlet and purple(look at the pic in previous post) Revelations states her cup overflows with the filthiness of her fornication. Well this has certainly just come to light hasn't it? Look at this link and when you've read to the bottom click on next lesson. If this interpretation is correct then the catholic church is gonna get what's coming to it big time. God will destroy them.

[edit on 12-4-2010 by bargoose]

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 05:33 PM
I think this will prove that religion means more than the law. So to catch you up, its Money, fame, and religion that top that list.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 05:54 PM
There are many things here that will have to be watched and one is this case. I am not going to say if the current pope is guilty or not, that is not my decision, however there are a few things to consider and think of:
1) The pope is the head of his own small country, as the Vatican, the head of the Roman Catholic Church, is its own independant country.
2) If this laywer and judge are sucessful, the door will be open for others to do the exact same thing. Consider this, for those who are supporting this, what do you think would happen if nation who say does not like the one you are in decides to sue the ruling political leaders on what they view as transgretions against their country? Entire governments can be shut down and countries grind to a halt.
I do not believe that this is the way to proceed, and I do believe that if the pope wanted to make a statement, he needs to start with the defrocking of any priest who is convicted of doing this henious crime, as it would send a stronger message than any that he could deliver.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 07:51 PM

If the Pope believed any of what he teaches and pretends to believe then he would have stepped down by now and more importantly he would have never covered up or relocated anyone if shown to be an abuser .

[edit on 12-4-2010 by Max_TO]

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 08:19 PM
I hope this will be the first world-wide wake-up call that religion, all religions need to end. Cowering in fear of an imaginary man in the clouds is hindering us, not helping us. With the Muslim zealots and the Catholic pedophiles, maybe now more people will awake to that fact and walk away from their stupidity.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by Max_TO

Dear Max_TO

Well indeed this is the very last thing I ever expected to have to do. What??

Stand up and try to protect the RCC. I have read every word of this thread and what is more I agree with most of the statements on it.

However if by some very remarkable happening the pope is brought down then the whole RCC will follow or at very least be severely damaged. Now while I do not care about that.

What about ALL THE GOOD WORK MANY PREASTS DO. Just have a think about that.

There are not one or two orphanages that depend on the RCC there are thousands around the world.

Orphanages that not only care for children but actually keep them alive so they have a chance in this world.


Before you start I would not call myself a Christian and was never a Catholic. I do not love the church and I know it has very many problems most of all are in the Vatican.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 06:08 AM
I knew something like this was going to happen when they elected him.

I mean look at the guy, he looks like a 'Dark Jedi'!

I mean, seriously - evil.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by MAC269
reply to post by Max_TO

What about ALL THE GOOD WORK MANY PREASTS DO. Just have a think about that.

There are not one or two orphanages that depend on the RCC there are thousands around the world.

Orphanages that not only care for children but actually keep them alive so they have a chance in this world.


Before you start I would not call myself a Christian and was never a Catholic. I do not love the church and I know it has very many problems most of all are in the Vatican.

All caps or not using orphanages as an example of the great work priests and nuns do is not a very wise idea.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by Kailassa

Originally posted by Kailassa

Originally posted by My_Reality

Perhaps the Pope should let their priests marry. Maybe then(BIG maybe) they would not be so horny that they need to molest a child.

How horny would you have to be to need to molest a child?

It's a silly question, isn't it. You would never "need to molest a child," however frustrated you were.

People don't molest children because they are horny, they molest children because they desire children.

I think there is more to the issue than simply desire. Research has shown that some abused children grow into child abusers, while other abused children do not. How many cases of child abuse are committed by priests that are allowed to marry compared to Catholic priests? I don't know, but I think it is worth research.

Why do any pedophiles desire children? Is it life experience? Is it genetics/DNA? I surely don't understand an adults motivation to pleasure themselves with a child. I wonder if it can be stopped physiologically.

But consider this. Many men and women go into jail straight and come out bisexual/gay. One woman on a prison show that I watched gave a great analogy of the situation.

"If you stay in the barbershop long enough, you're going to get a haircut."

Situation and surroundings do play a role. One can argue that a person always had inclinations towards a certain group. It is also easy to argue that a person DEVELOPED those inclinations by being exposed to a certain group for an extended period of time.

It is often a combination of factors that drive a person to behave in a certain way.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by bargoose
The catholic church is the harlot that rides the beast in revelations. Adorned in scarlet and purple(look at the pic in previous post) Revelations states her cup overflows with the filthiness of her fornication. Well this has certainly just come to light hasn't it? Look at this link and when you've read to the bottom click on next lesson. If this interpretation is correct then the catholic church is gonna get what's coming to it big time. God will destroy them.

Did you ever consider that the Roman Empire never ended? People can't accept that the Romans gave us the New Testament. The Romans also gave us Revelations. Now the Romans fullfill Revelations with their own institution. It's hard to fathom but the plot is much bigger than what the media has fed us. The child rapists are but one small crime against humanity that the Roman Empire and its' tool, the RCC, has perpetrated. If the Empire lives it controls the media. That would explain why these various letters and records are just now being leaked to the media, exposing the abuses many of which happened 50+ years ago. There is method to all of this.

Scholars argue over the exact date of the fall of the Roman Empire. The Roman authorities found their precious city was not impenetrable as Rome was successfully attacked and sacked by the Gauls in 387 AD and by the Visigoths around 410 AD. The actual fall is dated as early as 476 and as late as 1453 with the fall of Constantinople.

One possibility that is continuously overlooked is that the Empire is still alive having shifted into a stealth mode with the Roman Catholic Church as the only outward sign of its' existence. Yes the Church has been attacked many times through the ages but not the unseen elite actually in control. The ruling figurehead of Rome shifted from Emperor to Pope. The lives of the early Popes more closely resembled those of Emperors than those of holy men. How big was the Roman Empire? How big is the Roman Catholic Empire? Rome controls far more of the world as a religious entity than it ever did as a military/political state. It is often noted here on ATS that the RC Church including the Pope is under the control of unseen forces including a “Black Pope”.

The “Black” Pope

My point is don't underestimate the possiblity that those who wrote the scripts a millenium ago are also backing these "Broadway" productions. If you and I can see the clues and the resemblance, don't you think they, the Church, see it too? The Pope is a willing and dedicated actor in this show. The Church has never been of or for the faithful. Just my opinion.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 05:52 PM
This is an appropriate article.


Which is a popular review of this research.

The gist is that strict religious upbringing, religious shaming of the body, etc, drastically increase the likelihood that the person will rape (whether another adult or a child).

That the ranks of the Catholic priesthood are filled with devoutly religious people, who in all likelihood had strict religious upbringing is fairly obvious. So to claim that there are a higher concentration of rapists and pedophiles in the priesthood is not a leap of logic at all considering all the coverage and revealed evidence.

[edit on 13-4-2010 by AskTheQuestion]

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by AskTheQuestion
This is an appropriate article.


Which is a popular review of this research.

Thanks for that. Very informative. Having seen a friend deal witht he aftermath of abuse by the clergy it just breaks my heart. I've got nothing against religion, it works for some people very well. But when it hides the damage it causes people, and blocks the police from enforcing laws, that's just monstreous. It's good to at least have people outside the church taking about why the problem exists, maybe the church will be forced eventually to change.


posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by Silver Shadow

Agreed! Satanist to boot, when the freak wears his red hat. Any RC defending the Vatican needs to see a psychiatrist. Not that it matters as Rome will soon 'burn', good riddance to bad rubbish, thanks to the arrival of their terror, Wormwood. Even their special telescope V.A.T.T isn't going to save them. Ah!


posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by MAC269

The rcc aren't the only one's who can run an orphanage you know. There are many kind, intelligent, and qualified individuals who can fill the gap when the rcc collapses. And they will collapse. It won't be the end of the world. It will simply mean that there won't be a lot of sexually repressed men running around in charge of various youth groups around the world.

Call me crazy, but that sound like a good thing


posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 04:48 PM
Pope: Church will protect young from abuse
Pontiff meets with victims following Mass to tens of thousands in Malta

like this will save face
check this out

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