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Extremely Vivid Dreams... How about you?

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posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by SolarE-Souljah

Yeah it is weird how sometimes when dreaming the mind will convince you what is going on is real. At other times it is oblivious and you can be unmoved by outlandish things.

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 10:50 PM
My dreams are sometimes very vivid. One time I had a dream that was so real I pinched my self multiple times. I have also controlled my dreams twice

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by DeltaChaos
I always have very vivid and crazy dreams. I've been practicing doing what I want in my dreams, so once I realize I'm dreaming things usually seem to calm down a bit. One of the trade-offs, I guess.

I've been having dreams about airplanes and other things flying through the air on a more than regular basis for about 6 months. That's strange.

Have you changed your diet or anything else in your life?

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 12:55 AM
I was having weird dreams- the 'in a store/ mall' ones, and ones so wild- They were even breaking the dream logic rules like they were made of eggshells!

A week ago, I put up foil over the windows in a bid to keep the sun from cooking the insides of where I live (my cooling bills are not only outrageous- the back of the house is like an oven). It's had an unbelievable side effect- the dreams have stopped- and I am back to normal dreams that dont even compare to what I WAS having.

So- any explanations?

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 12:59 AM
OMG dont remind me lol. i drame i was eating highlighters in my dream and it felt soooooooooo real and i was able to taste it. and they were gross
. and when i woke up i felt like puking and i was still able to taste them.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 04:23 AM
I havent been remembering my dreams lately, but i've been able to daydream very vividly.
I can just picture myself somewhere, and i can touch objects, and feel them.
I can take a sip of some drink and really taste it and smell it. I can imagine other people and interact with them.

I have always been able to do this kind of stuff, but never so vividly.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 05:15 AM
I had vivid alien dreams for a whole month,and they were like a horror movie..
I wasnt alone,I felt incredible hostility,everywhere around me,those aliens,or whatever they were,in the dream they felt like aliens,anyway.We were always on the run from them,it was scary as heck.Also vivid,the colors the smell,the hell of it all.
Whenever I woke up I'd get up,not just wake up but I'd get up,and that was really weird.Night after night,day after day,and I felt this horror the whole day.I havent had those dreams for a week now,and I sure as hell hope I wont because it was serious hell.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 07:05 AM
This thread really spoke to me, since I have been having weird dreams for several years now.

Sometimes in my dreams I have exceedingly strong emotions, much stronger then any I have ever experianced while I was awake.

This might sound a bit strange or contrived, but a few months ago I had a dream where I met the spirit of the earth, however she was a person, or something more akin to an angel or something. I don't remember exactly what else happened, but I have never cried so strongly in my life as I did in that dream, and I woke up with that emotion. Whenever I think of that dream I remember mostly just that powerful emotion.

I have had other dreams similar to this one aswell. Including several where I was trying to make something very important happen, and emotions of how utterly important these things were overwhelmed me.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 11:35 AM
Been having extremely vivid dreams off and on for years, but in the last 8 to 9 months they have gotten to be regular and more intense than ever. They frequently involve hand to hand combat, and are so realistic I have even fallen out of bed during fights. (Once, I actually ended up with a busted lip, all because of a freakin' dream.) My wife has also been having vivid dreams, though not quite as violent as mine. My doctor was worried about it, but I told it I would let him know when it got bad enough for me to worry about it. (I didn't tell him about the busted lip. I just purchased a bedside rail to keep me from falling out of bed. If anyone is having problems with hurting themselves in that manner, give me a U2U, and I'll tell you where I got it, in case you are in danger of hurting yourself as I did)

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 12:37 PM
I tried to post this last night but ATS ate it. I didn't feel like typing it again, but now I will but will make it shorter... I keep dreaming of planes/ships in the sky. Sometimes I'm getting in them to go to space, sometimes I just see them in the sky. Sometimes they are way high and sometimes down low so they look like you could touch them. They are all kinds of designs, like fighter jets (but look different than anything I've seen in the waking world), or cargo planes, sometimes they are like space shuttles (again, nothing that I've ever seen). I love the dreams, they make me excited sometimes and sometimes fearful. They are clear as anything I'd see when I'm awake. Another type of dream that I started having is where the stars in the sky rearrange themselves. I am a stargazer, and it happens that in my dreams I am just looking at the sky, enjoying the view and then they start to move, and as I watch they form patterns and shapes. Once they formed into iconic images of places around the world, like the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, Statue of Liberty... things like that.

All my life I have had vivid dreams, but yes as many of you have said, they have ramped up. I remember them far more than I used to, and they are more vivid and life like.

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 01:56 PM
I haven't had an increase in vivid dreams this week, but I do often have vivid dreams. I totally related to the person who posted about meeting the Spirit of the Earth. I had a dream where I met Death who appeared as a normal person and who I felt I had known forever and he told me, "I have been waiting for you all of your life." and I had the most incredible feeling of love and emotion like the kind you would feel if you saw a favorite uncle you had not seen since you were a child, and when I woke up that feeling stayed with me for hours.

Some of my vivid dreams have to do with weather and/or water. I remember one I had years ago where I was on a hillside watching as all these tornados were starting to form in the clouds over Colorado Springs. They would zot down and reach or almost reach the ground before pulling back up into the clouds. In another one, more recent, I was looking over a gorge to a mountain on the other side and there was a beautiful waterfall cascading down the front edge of it. It was so real looking I kept googling images the next day thinking I would find an exact picture of it some where.

Two recurring dreams I had as a child through my teens, over and over: In one, I was crawling through the walls of a house, through the insulation. If you have seen "Watership Down" it was like the scene where the rabbits are crawling through the tunnels of the warren, having to push through the bodies of the other rabbits - it was like that, but no bodies and not scary, just that interesting pushing sensation. In the other, I was the cook for the King of China. He decided he didn't like the soup, so I had to run and run and run until I ended up at the Smithsonian in Washington DC. There were kids on a field trip there all lying down on mats on the floor for a nap. I had a yellow shirt on, which matched the shirts of the field trip kids, so I hid among them by lying down as well. The King of China was on to my game and started down the lines of kids, flipping them over one by one. When he reached me, I jumped up and ran and ran some more, through the museum, jumping off the stairs. The King of China reached out and caught me and... I would wake up.

The most recent interesting thing that has happened was last week when I saw one of my friends in my dream, who passed away last year. I instantly became aware that (a) it was a dream, (b) this was a rare opportunity for me to see him again and I acknowledged him and said "Hello! I can see you!" He didn't speak, but he looked directly at me and I felt he knew I was aware and could see him. I woke up almost immediately with the feeling that that connection really happened and I was lucky to have seen him again. I've also had it where I woke up from a sound sleep with one of my friend's favorite songs blaring in my head, and I was like "Oh hi, it's you!"

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 08:13 PM
Yes this week i have had 3 vivid in full color dreams, ive told my misses about them, funny others are saying the same is it a prelude to something???

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 09:13 PM

[edit on 9-4-2010 by SPACEYstranger]

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 09:13 PM
I have a recurring dream where my teeth fall out. sometimes one, sometime 8, sometime 12. always in those numbers. It always feels perfectly real too, like loosing a tooth as a child(the hard way)

This is the only familiar dream i have. The few times i caught myself having it i was abel to lucid dream. an amazing experience, runs in my family apparently.

I suggest if you keep going back to these realistic, impossible places that you try and recognize them for what they are. Then you can fly (just by jumping and thinking. its an awkward thing at first)

[edit on 9-4-2010 by SPACEYstranger]

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 09:22 PM
I posted this in a thread of mine, but it seems like it belongs here more so than there. It is in relation to a dream posted by "Junkheap" in my thread. Below is a quote from his post describing his dream, and my reply describing my dream.

Originally posted by Junkheap
I've had some recurring dreams where I've gone to places that seemed familiar to me in my dreams but were places I haven't encountered in real life.

A lot of them involve going to a movie theater. What's unusual about the theater, though is it isn't a multi-plex. It only has one screen and a lot of seats. The doors outside in front of the lobby are wooden doors painted white with glass window panes. I got the impression that this was near a coastal area.

Other times I dream of going to a really huge mall. It had white marble on the floors and walls. There weren't a whole lot of people there.

My dream:

I'm in what could be described as a mall. It's ornate though. Marble floors, marble walls. It reminded me of the emerald city from The Wizard of Oz, but not emerald in color. Just the opulence of it. It isn't exactly a mall either, but I can see how it might feel like a mall. It has the same expansive and multi-leveled feeling of being in a mall, but more like a self contained city. There is a winding staircase. On a floor of an area of this enclosed city is a film theater. There are doormen at the doors to the entrance. It's a one screen theatre, not a multi-plex. I peer inside and see the theatre is filled with people that I fancy are watching a summary of my life, and are making some kind of judgement, or scoring me as when a teacher scores an exam. I find my way back down the stairs to an exit. There seem to be no people anywhere in this enclosed city-like place. Only in the theatre. The dream then shifts and I'm outside of the city. I'm standing on the other side of some type of fence that borders the city. It seems to be built up on on a large hill/crest/mountain?. It sems like it might be near a coast. As I stand there, Cmdr. Data from ST:TNG approachs me, or I appraoch him and ask him what this place is, or something to that effect. Then I wake up, or dream something else. This was something like 20 years ago. So... what the hell?

[edit on 4/9/2010 by this_is_who_we_are]

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 09:33 PM
Well, I had another crazy vivid dream last night, this one.... bizarre...

It was as if I was in a nature documentary... I was this nature person, and I set up water bottles upside down, similar in the idea of rabbit water bottle things. A deer came up to it and drank some water.

Then out of nowhere, a Hippo comes into the scene! He stands on his back legs, grabs bamboo, and jabs the bamboo into the ground! He seemed to be making a rectangular shelter out of the bamboo. It was utterly insane to see a huge hippo on its two back legs forcefully jabbing bamboo into the ground. Then I woke up.... yeah. Isn't that weird?

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 09:59 PM
[edit on 9-4-2010 by SPACEYstranger]

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by SolarE-Souljah

you contain the spirit of the buffalo


posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 10:17 PM
yeah I have two vivid dreams one as young child 7 being taking from my room and the house the same but people not in the normal i had a second of running after noticing this still running landing on pavement and a blood red blinding front of my face and as if my hands where washed clean don't remember much else other than being in my bunk bed only top way gone and i was getting my body abused unable to move i felt no pain and very skinny arms but where they my or something else dreams after this one brought bits and pieces mostly fear and confusion before sleeping and after anything resembling fear and confusion . grey beings or more like horror sci-fi than pleiadian the children God peace

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by SPACEYstranger
reply to post by SolarE-Souljah

you contain the spirit of the buffalo


A big black bull is one of my spirits. I seen um in the forest one time. He's cool.

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