posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 01:56 PM
I haven't had an increase in vivid dreams this week, but I do often have vivid dreams. I totally related to the person who posted about meeting the
Spirit of the Earth. I had a dream where I met Death who appeared as a normal person and who I felt I had known forever and he told me, "I have been
waiting for you all of your life." and I had the most incredible feeling of love and emotion like the kind you would feel if you saw a favorite uncle
you had not seen since you were a child, and when I woke up that feeling stayed with me for hours.
Some of my vivid dreams have to do with weather and/or water. I remember one I had years ago where I was on a hillside watching as all these tornados
were starting to form in the clouds over Colorado Springs. They would zot down and reach or almost reach the ground before pulling back up into the
clouds. In another one, more recent, I was looking over a gorge to a mountain on the other side and there was a beautiful waterfall cascading down
the front edge of it. It was so real looking I kept googling images the next day thinking I would find an exact picture of it some where.
Two recurring dreams I had as a child through my teens, over and over: In one, I was crawling through the walls of a house, through the insulation.
If you have seen "Watership Down" it was like the scene where the rabbits are crawling through the tunnels of the warren, having to push through the
bodies of the other rabbits - it was like that, but no bodies and not scary, just that interesting pushing sensation. In the other, I was the cook
for the King of China. He decided he didn't like the soup, so I had to run and run and run until I ended up at the Smithsonian in Washington DC.
There were kids on a field trip there all lying down on mats on the floor for a nap. I had a yellow shirt on, which matched the shirts of the field
trip kids, so I hid among them by lying down as well. The King of China was on to my game and started down the lines of kids, flipping them over one
by one. When he reached me, I jumped up and ran and ran some more, through the museum, jumping off the stairs. The King of China reached out and
caught me and... I would wake up.
The most recent interesting thing that has happened was last week when I saw one of my friends in my dream, who passed away last year. I instantly
became aware that (a) it was a dream, (b) this was a rare opportunity for me to see him again and I acknowledged him and said "Hello! I can see
you!" He didn't speak, but he looked directly at me and I felt he knew I was aware and could see him. I woke up almost immediately with the
feeling that that connection really happened and I was lucky to have seen him again. I've also had it where I woke up from a sound sleep with one of
my friend's favorite songs blaring in my head, and I was like "Oh hi, it's you!"