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Originally posted by Gary7MediaTerrorist
...Christianity is not any kind of "mish-mash. Many faiths ARE though. In fact, most non-Christian (and even some so-called "Chrisitian" ones) will become a blur of various beliefs all the more so in coming days.
Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus
Modern Christianity derives from a pagan empire and a council of bishops overseen by a pagan emperor.
The divinity of Christ was settled not by God himself, but by a group of men whose leader was not even a Christian. Prior to this time it was not universal belief among Christians that Jesus was divine
[edit on 10-4-2010 by AugustusMasonicus]
Originally posted by DISRAELI
The belief in the divinity of Christ was well established in the church long before the Nicene Council.
The function of the Council was to decide that one particular kind of statement about Christ (i.e. the Arian teaching) was not compatible with that understanding.
Originally posted by Gary7MediaTerrorist
Now back to God… and network dude’s question. What we think of God means nothing. At least nothing that has any bearings on what He is, or chooses to do. Just like my art can’t justifiably complain to me if it doesn’t care for the stroke of its eyes.
See network dude, My God has a name. Actually, many. But dig, while you guys are willing to call Him by any name anybody from "Adam" to the "Cat in the Hat" laid on Him, I only use the names He gave Himself. The key here is that all the names God gave Himself refer to one, particular, entity. Not our man-made crowd of candidates.
While I do in time, intend to expound on my statements hereafter, I’m getting a bit ahead of myself and my time is slipping. Yet I did want to let network dude and some of you others know what’s up with my God.
And just for the record His names are: Jehovah, Jesus Christ and The Holy Ghost. 3 in 1, 1 in 3. Many other names He has, but you know who I mean.
[edit on 10-4-2010 by Gary7MediaTerrorist]
Originally posted by Gary7MediaTerrorist
I would appreciate it if you did not talk to me as if I were an idiot. There is a difference and you should learn what it is before telling me what I believe.
Of course I am well able to assist any interested right here.
Oh and just for the record, I don’t celebrate Jesus’ birth. Mankind made that holiday up. Just like most others “The Church” and millions all over the world celebrate. This is another example of the kind of “Christian” TRUE followers of Jesus aren’t. We don’t keep to traditions of mere men. We march only to the tune of His Word and His Holy Spirit. He never taught doing that anyhow.
Ya’ll don’t know me.
Or Christianity for that matter.
You just think you do because you have been drowning in the patterns of this age. You are convinced that they are true because you are supposed to and because it is time for that line of thought to become prevalent in "the world".
I you think nobody ever heard of “Saturnalia” but you?
What, do you mock me?
You’ll have to step 'yo game up more than this if you want to show me anything new about what the Catholic system is and ain’t, and what Christianity is and ain’t.
Once you’ve found out the difference you might begin to see….
the “light”.
PS- I also respectfully just wanted to mention- perhaps for the deepening of this thread- that I am a prophet. Yep. God really talks to me. Not yet with a voice that sounds like Morgan Freeman or James Earl Jones but with various modes of communication including but not limited to: visions, dreams and sensations. Controversial, for some I'm sure but absolutely true nonetheless. And don’t think that because He hasn’t spoken to me audibly His communications aren’t or can’t be specific. They can be shockingly specific.
I pray He reveals Himself to you all. But He won’t unless you really want Him to and have the right heart.
G7 out.
Originally posted by Gary7MediaTerrorist
I would appreciate it if you did not talk to me as if I were an idiot. There is a difference and you should learn what it is before telling me what I believe.
woa! I don't think anyone here has done that. If I did, I do apologize.
When I say "the church", I guess I am referring to the groups of fundamentalists I have encountered on the web and here. Since this is to be a learning experience for all involved, please elaborate on your group. Are you part of a specific one?
Where did you learn all about masonry? ( I am eluding to the original point of trying to find out when and where we start worshiping Lucifer)
Originally posted by Gary7MediaTerrorist
Symbols however never lie. Now while I can be sure I don’t know all the symbols Masonry uses or all of their meanings, I’ll bet none of you do either. But some of the ones I do know and understand are too close to too many Luciferian ones to just be coincidence. At least as far as this media terrorist is concerned.
"The twenty-four inch gauge is an instrument used by operative masons to measure and lay out their work; but we, as free and accepted masons, are taught to make use of it for the more noble and glorious purpose of dividing our time. It being divided into twenty-four equal parts, is emblematical of the twenty-four hours of the day, which we are taught to divide into three equal parts; whereby are found eight hours for the service of GOD, and a distressed worthy brother; eight for our usual vocations; and eight for refreshment and sleep. "The common gavel is an instrument made use of by operative masons to break off the corners of rough stones, the better to fit them for the builder's use; but we, as free and accepted masons, are taught to make use of it for the more noble and glorious purpose of divesting our hearts and consciences of all the vices and superfluities of life; thereby fitting our minds as living stones for that spiritual building, that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens."
The square is to remind us to square our actions and the compasses to circumscribe and keep us within due bounds with all mankind.
Yeah, even after a number of years as a Master Mason, that 24-inch gauge lecture from the Entered Apprentice degree is still one of my favorites. Divide your time and use it well. Simple and obvious advice, but so essential to leading a balanced life! And, to be honest, still something I struggle most with as I try to balance my family and my home with my work and my school and my creative outlets and my friends... oh, and Masonry itself. I try to lead my life to the fullest, taking every opportunity as it arises, but I can't do that and neglect any other aspects of my life, because that would do them a disservice.
Originally posted by network dude
Next are the more obscure ones. The 24 in gage and the common gavel.
"The twenty-four inch gauge is an instrument used by operative masons to measure and lay out their work; but we, as free and accepted masons, are taught to make use of it for the more noble and glorious purpose of dividing our time. It being divided into twenty-four equal parts, is emblematical of the twenty-four hours of the day, which we are taught to divide into three equal parts; whereby are found eight hours for the service of GOD, and a distressed worthy brother; eight for our usual vocations; and eight for refreshment and sleep. "The common gavel is an instrument made use of by operative masons to break off the corners of rough stones, the better to fit them for the builder's use; but we, as free and accepted masons, are taught to make use of it for the more noble and glorious purpose of divesting our hearts and consciences of all the vices and superfluities of life; thereby fitting our minds as living stones for that spiritual building, that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens."
Originally posted by Gary7MediaTerrorist
Symbols however never lie. Now while I can be sure I don’t know all the symbols Masonry uses or all of their meanings, I’ll bet none of you do either. But some of the ones I do know and understand are too close to too many Luciferian ones to just be coincidence.
Originally posted by Taskism
The compasses to circumscribe "our desires" and keep us within due bounds with all mankind
Made no sense without the other two words. Not to nitpick, just to clarify for those trying to make sense.
This thread has been pretty A+ so far.
Can't wait to hear more.
Originally posted by Saurus
The symbols used in masonry were there long before satanism existed. The fact is, if satanism adopted any of them, that is satanism's business, not Freemasonry's.