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Wikileaks may not be what you think it is...

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posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by 517.101

For you the solution is simple.

Test the wikileaks upload with sensitive information that meets their criteria and see what happens.

If you trust them... you have NOTHING to lose right?

Just sayin.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 10:38 PM
most sting operations do come across as just that...a secret place to unload stuff.

just protect yourself when doing anything like that overall..anonymous places, buy a second hand laptop with wireless capabilities and do radar scouts for net access to post and move, etc...become untrackable and you have little to worry about..

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by time91

Wow thanks for the Info about Young.

Extremely interesting stuff, and it totally backs up the conspiracy theory that WikiLeaks is a TPTB front!

I appreciate your assistance greatly. Thanks!

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 10:42 PM

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Yeah I read it might be a front operation on ATS a while ago (was it your thread?) and I looked it up. Ever since they posted that editorial about being tracked and spied on I was suspicious. Especially when they made it sound like a cheap paperback, saying things like 'we cracked their encryption'. I mean maybe they did crack an encryption but it came off as trying to get attention, like they put it out for entertainment value. Sketchy.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 10:47 PM
Was my post completely ignored?

Stop the off topic posts. Stop the personal attacks now or more than warnings will be handed out.

Mod Note: Courtesy Is Mandatory – Please Review This Link.

[edit on April 6th 2010 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 10:50 PM
I can totally see how this would be possible. What could be a better way to find whistleblowers in your own government agencies? Have you tried sending this info again from another computer, say at your local library? The crash may be coincidence, you never know. If it happens the second time, well, I'm on your side haha.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by schrodingers dog
Who knows who's who or what for sure in this world ...

So far as I know wikileaks has NEVER betrayed a single source, has provided crucial information that has made a REAL difference in this world, several government have tried to shut them down in their countries, pwnd Scientology into oblivion, and for their efforts are practically broke and operating at minimal capacity.

Could they be in with the spooks ... who knows.

But they've never posted a lie that I know of and never outed a source.

What "Real" difference did they make?
Did the wars end? Please explain what changed.

Gov'ts tried to shut them down? You mean they were giving it free advertisement (with a tad of controversy) to get everyone to flock to it? Then they didn't shut it down they just let it run (according to plan).

And you say they pwnt Scientology but I see more pro-Scientology crap in the last 2 months than I have in my entire life combined...

Just some curiosities

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash


posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 10:55 PM
To the OP...your theory may in fact be right. However, if things are this controlled we are in some serious do-doo. It makes sense though (your theory) something to keep in mind. Your stuff may have been kicked back and shut down by the government though just as likely. If your theory was correct, shouldn't your messages went through without any issue?

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

I agree that ATS is a safe as place as any to put out your information. I've noticed that site admins are awesome with helping people out. If you don't feel comfy putting it out yourself see if one of them will help you ^_^. Plus, I'm totally curious haha.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 10:58 PM
Okay folks ... let's do this rationally.

Keeping in mind what I posted here, is there any evidence of a WL source being "accidented?"

I mean the question asked by the OP is valid to be sure and bears investigation ... but one of the main conspiratorial fallacies is allowing the question to become the answer. As in if I can think of it, it must be the truth. Considering the work WL has historically done in the CT's endeavor to uncover truths and injustices, it is my opinion that they deserve better than simple innuendo and suspicions stated as truths.

Mah 2 drachmas.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by ExPostFacto

It was when the upload was complete and I went to my email page that the computer froze up.

That computer was not mine, and was (at least I was told) 100% secure and had an untraceable IP.

I do not know the status of the uploads.. and they didn't contain enough for me to worry about.

I haven't been contacted.

I'm not going to try again.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 11:01 PM
Wikileaks appears to be genuine. It has published quite a lot of compromising material. I guess Wikileaks was created by people, who are fed up being lied to by big corporations and their governments. Naturally states and corporations with all their ugly little secrets don't want such an organisation.

That said, I wouldn't dismiss your concern. A front, which is created to attract whistleblowers and is designed to catch and contain the most dangerous ones, must have a very legit and trustworthy appearance. I am a bit suspicious that information which shows, that the DoD tries to target Wikileaks got leaked to Wikileaks. Makes you wonder why they have not been more careful.

Regardless if Wikileaks is genuine or not, it is clear, that secret agents will try to infiltrate an organisation like Wikileaks. What better tool to find out about compromising information or contain security leaks? My guess is, secret services have already succeeded in doing so. They have the interest, manpower, money and technological gadgets. So if anyone wants to publish explosive material via Wikileaks, he should use as much precautions as possible to hide his identity.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by time91
saying things like 'we cracked their encryption'.

This should be enough evidence for Anyone...

" In mother Amerika, You don't crack military encryption, military encryption cracks you!"

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 11:10 PM
I think at this point it's a matter of faith...I mean, let's face it, at this point we only have 50% of the information. Wikileaks yesterday was a hero. Are they a villian today? If they were a hero yesterday, they're a hero today. If they're a villian today, they'll be a villian tomorrow. More will be revealed and until it is we just don't know - let's see.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

What "Real" difference did they make?

Are you serious?

Do a wikileaks search just on ATS and see how much information has been released through them.

Go to the "wayback machine" website and go through their archives still available there.

From CoS, to Icelandic banks, other cults, the secret Australian list of banned sites, tons of stuff on WHO and big pharma corruption, just recently released over half a million pager messages from 9/11, and that's just scratching the surface ... please, look things up for yourself. They have by FAR released more previously unknown information than any other source and are recognized globally for their efforts.

Did the wars end? Please explain what changed.

Again, please go look things up and realize that MUCH has changed because of the information they have released. They are in court all the freaking time making sure the information doesn't get buried by those who would go to great lengths to do so.

And for the record, if WL shows you evidence that your best friend is stealing from you, and decide to stay friends with him/her, how is your inaction their fault or responsibility?

Gov'ts tried to shut them down? You mean they were giving it free advertisement (with a tad of controversy) to get everyone to flock to it? Then they didn't shut it down they just let it run (according to plan).

You really have NO idea of what you speak of.

You have obviously have no knowledge of WL and their history ... yet you cast aspersions so flippantly!

Arm yourself with some facts and provide them as evidence!

[edit on 7 Apr 2010 by schrodingers dog]

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 11:21 PM
I think it could be anything. When it comes down to it, we will have to choose sides soon, and obviously each side will persuade you in any means to be on theirs, lies or facts. But it still comes down to our own choice to decide whats right.

Anything could be an attack, from holding information to dis-information to exposing information. Remember its one battle to fight in their country, but its another to get their own people to fight their own country, which is basically their own government.

Were exposed to conspiracies, wrong doings and critical information, but that doesn't necessarily mean we have to follow the message's influence. Just take in everything that you read and learn about, and base your own conclusions. When the world is at that point, pick your side and hope its the right one.

There is a saying "With freedom, you'll have no peace. With peace you'll have no freedom." I believe that. But i also believe there is a right way to do anything.

I'm skeptical of WL, but the video speaks for itself (i hope), and it draws me more to my own conclusions of this world and its future.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by Fractured.Facade
reply to post by ExPostFacto

It was when the upload was complete and I went to my email page that the computer froze up.

That computer was not mine, and was (at least I was told) 100% secure and had an untraceable IP.

I do not know the status of the uploads.. and they didn't contain enough for me to worry about.

I haven't been contacted.

I'm not going to try again.

if you uploaded, then went directly to your email, you ARE NOT SECURE... you just gave up your email addy, unless it was one that you created there on the spot from that computer... and also, all IPs are traceable..

the best bet, if you are truly paranoid about being traced, get a laptop w/ wireless capabilities, get you a live linux cd.. boot that cd, goto a "hot spot" and upload it...
then shut down computer and do not reconnect at that hotspot... virtually untraceable.. be careful that there are no "security cameras" on you...

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

Ok I can see your taking this pretty personally. I wasn't though.

You never explained how "cracking military encryption works". But I know how it works, and I promise you, it just doesn't happen like that.

Do you realize the pains that intelligence goes through in regards to encryption? This alone shows that what they achieved was high class, hard core awesomeness. Not something to be taken lightly for sure.

Just because wikileaks is a website on the internet, and they have exposed many prior actual (seemingly) true events, does not mean that they are not controlled by TPTB.

There could be thousands of potential reasons why they would do this. Many of them even contradictory.

They might WANT to leak this stuff, the people working in the Gov Might WANT CHANGE for the better, maybe thats why they are using wikileaks to leak stuff ??? Who knows man, it could be anything there is no telling.

Did you read about Young said in 1996? It's pretty crazy stuff, to say the least.

You are trying to turn it into a "I am not a well researched smart person" issue. This is uncalled for, IMHO.

I have been merely making estimates and theories/hypothesis. This is a legal and 100% ethically justified behavior.

No one human is "better researched" than any other one human. It is shades of grey, and Everyone has a piece of any puzzle your trying to put together.

And if this is a uncalled for behavior, with
, than what is the point of a ATS conspiracy website anyway? I'd get further with a good juicy conspiracy theory in warcraft trade chat, and thats Sad...

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