reply to post by Robin Marks
Hi Robin. It has taken me a while to formulate a response to your post.
First off, thank you for replying. I have a feeling you might not have wanted to reply at the same time you felt compelled to do so.
Secondly, I hope you are in bed. Sleep is nature's best pressure relief valve, assuming you can close your eyes.
Otherwise, I hope you are somehow distracting yourself from this vision and all that it entails. To dwell on it will only make you feel more ill and
will more than likely not effect the outcome. If it is as you fear, then everything is set in motion. If not, then you are making yourself sick for no
Now, once you are feeling better you can read the rest of this post otherwise stop now. Try to sleep, take some melatonin, herbal tea, soothing music,
hot bath/shower. Whatever works for you. But get off this computer for minimum of four hours.
You are a highly logical person. If this is so, what can you do?
Your first response (at least mine would be) is to alert everyone.
Followed swiftly by the voice that says they won't believe you.
So if you did tell everyone and by some miracle you were believed, what would occur?
Pandemonium, but possibly lives saved. Or not, because of the ensuing chaos. Hard to estimate the reactions of the general populace.
So if a mass alert is not feasible, what next?
Do you search for data to verify your hypothesis/vision. If so, who do you present it to? Will they listen?
I know you must feel a strong attachment to all the people on your threads from the areas to be affected Susan, Kathy, tmar, et al. Not only them,
but all of the people who will be in harm's way. This places an enormous sense of responsibility on you and gives weight to your fear. Which in turn,
will exacerbate any other problems you might be dealing with.
So perhaps, these friends you have made should be given some warning, but if you are wrong, that is hard to take as well. Even if you desperately want
to be wrong. While I do believe you, I, too, hope you are wrong.
I believe you will know what you need to do, or not do, when it is the right time. Let go of the fear and you will have your answer.
Perhaps, this just seems like babblings to you, but I was compelled to write it.
May peace and light and truth shine through you.