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God Showed Me The Future.

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posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
That's some grade A stuff you have for visions friend.

Why would God show somebody a vision for a time where this person will no longer be alive?

Usually God shows visions of destruction and world ending events.

Strange he would have shown you progress as, according to him we need to have Rapture and the Apocalypse in order for things to be ok again.

Funny he skipped that whole part and went right to Paradise...


That would be the whole meek shall inherit the earth part. They come in different cycles.

No big mystery why God would give a vision of something that will happen after he is dead. As a matter of fact most, if not all, of the prophecies that was predicted in the Old Testament happened after the death of the prophet. At least the one's that where wrote about.

The reasoning for showing progress instead of some grim apocalypse is quiet simple. His apocalyptic version of the end he already sent. This is one not yet known. So I would say that the whole funny that he skipped that part is not true. It is written down. In the bible.

[edit on 6-4-2010 by Conclusion]

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by Conclusion

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
That's some grade A stuff you have for visions friend.

Why would God show somebody a vision for a time where this person will no longer be alive?

Usually God shows visions of destruction and world ending events.

Strange he would have shown you progress as, according to him we need to have Rapture and the Apocalypse in order for things to be ok again.

Funny he skipped that whole part and went right to Paradise...


That would be the whole the meek shall inherit the earth part. They come in different cycles.

No big mystery why God would give a vision of something that will happen after he is dead. As a matter of fact most, if not all, of the prophecies that was predicted in the Old Testament happened after the death of the prophet. At least the one's that where wrote about.

The reasoning for showing progress instead of some grim apocalypse is quiet simple. His apologetically version of the end he already sent. This is one not yet known. So I would say that the whole funny that he skipped that part is not true. It is written down. In the bible.

[edit on 6-4-2010 by Theone2000]

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by Theone2000

That is a good saying.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 12:15 AM
I'm sure it is one possible future, but I'd really worry about a future like that.

We have enough problems with electronic voting machines.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 12:17 AM
Everyone has foresight of future paths...this does not mean its sent from God, its just a senario that reflects our hopes and/or fears depending on which we give more energy to.

Personally, I believe the world is going to be a very bright place..few trials, but ultimately we may be living in the best of times right now...a transition stage.

I dont believe you OPs, but I like your optimism.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
Everyone has foresight of future paths...this does not mean its sent from God, its just a senario that reflects our hopes and/or fears depending on which we give more energy to.

Personally, I believe the world is going to be a very bright place..few trials, but ultimately we may be living in the best of times right now...a transition stage.

I dont believe you OPs, but I like your optimism.

Thank you. Like I said GOD works in mysterious ways, He shows us and is there in strange ways. Sometimes in secrenicity. But yea I had a vision while awake of the future. It could have been from GOD or just my imagination. I prefer to believe it was GOD who showed me. Im a gnostic Buddhist /Christian Mystic/Rosicrucian. (Our forefathers were Rosicrucians.) How did Nostradamus see the future? I think I had a moment like he had allot of. Were his prophecys from GOD? I would like to think so. Like I said, I'm not creating the future I'm just telling what I seen in my vision. Don't hate on the messenger.
The only thing I do not agree with in the above book. Is not helping the meek. The elite rich should help the special people.

[edit on 6-4-2010 by Theone2000]

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
Everyone has foresight of future paths...this does not mean its sent from God, its just a senario that reflects our hopes and/or fears depending on which we give more energy to.

Personally, I believe the world is going to be a very bright place..few trials, but ultimately we may be living in the best of times right now...a transition stage.

I dont believe you OPs, but I like your optimism.

It does not mean that is wasn't sent by God either though.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 05:21 AM
He didn't happen to show you the lottery numbers as well did he? Cause if he did, U2U them to me.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 05:30 AM
that's funny, the world he showed me, the internet, at least here in the US is all but non-existant, a few gifted people can manage to hack into a portion of it, but that is about it. don't really think the rest of the world is in much better shape.
they are just waiting for the internet to become the main source of news and information, replacing newspapers and books and the written word, then they'll pull the plug, and we will be back in the dark ages within a few generatons.
they need the illiterate slaves back.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 05:43 AM

Originally posted by Conclusion
reply to post by Theone2000

That is a good saying.

it was a very good saying, now thats a religion to follow, I think thats how i try to live

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 05:57 AM
first of all you are welcome to the future THEONE 2000,and the future is now.well i would like to ask you 2 things.1.what happen to our friendly Australia
country.2.and can you explaine the sadness tears without word that happen to the America states.and please be remember my friend this is only the first step you are entering in forward timeline.the second you ll come to the history of the past then you ll understands the arrogant of every human in this earth.
then the third you ll come closer to the creator of the white rose and i wonder
why on the earth some secret society take the smell of the ROSE but in their heart arrogant is flowing like a burning sweetfires

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by DocEmrick
He didn't happen to show you the lottery numbers as well did he? Cause if he did, U2U them to me.
I wish. The only vision I have had of the future is what I posted.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 09:23 AM
For those who remember the future; be aware that this will ruin your past.
Civilizations will never fit into any type one type two structure, they are too diverse.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by Dark Ghost
reply to post by Theone2000

Which religion will be the most dominant in the year 2070? One of the existing ones or a New Age religion?

there will be 13 gods and on my way to geminon I'll blow all you heathens up and become a super robot, destined to destroy man kind.

oh wait, thats caprica...


so say we all?

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by Theone2000

Originally posted by GunzCoty
Thats funny because you can get 12 years in a fed. prison for hacking today. Why only 10 in 60 years?
Yeah God told me he didn't say anything to you.
lol The multidimensional quantum universes consciousness = GOD. When he showed me, it was like a awake dream. 12 years in jail for hacking then! hehe Believe what you want. I personally don't care if you don't think GOD showed me the future.

[edit on 5-4-2010 by Theone2000]

Yes you do, why else start a thread on it unless you cared?

God didn't do it - you did it.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by Theone2000

You know if God has shown you a vision. That makes you a prophet. There are very strict rules that come with that title. 1) If it doesnt playout with 100% accuracy, you get stoned to death.

I'd be careful making such predictions. Paul says we should test the spirits. Satan can appear as an angel of light.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 09:38 AM
I've been avoiding posting in this thread today to see how it went, but since it is now early morning and I'm off to bed soon I thought it timely to add my 2 cents.

Visions can be many things. Some are the creations of mental illness. Some are merely Day-Dreams. Some are the creations of an active mind under the influence of mind altering substances. Some are the creations 'seeded' to us from the non-physical realms. And some can well be visions of Probable or Possible futures.

That last sentence is the most important here. I've been shown or seen things since I was a child and have learned something important... what I see is only Possibility and Probability in every case. That the vast majority came to reality is only important in that I learned to trust what I get/see... which also refutes those who love to claim mental illness or self-fraud in the mind as the cause of my seeing.

It really does not matter what word is used to describe the source of these visions. That the OP chose to use the word "God" was bound to cause a stir amongst the Believers and non-believers alike. He could just as easily have said My Guide, Jesus, Satan, Aliens, Elvis, Fred or Wilma and I for one would know he is talking about the same thing no matter the Name Used.

What many people do not understand is that when seeking vision.. as in working as a psychic or spiritual advisor.. the clearest people are those who know they can create the vision and are highly aware of the energy drain that is a symptom of such self-creating. In which case that person will let go of the process causing the drain, which opens the way to allow the real information to come to them.

Just so those here know this....
All visions of possibilities and probablilities come from one source for all life-forms in dense physical worlds. That is what we call The Akasha, which exists at the highest level of the subtle astral layers, or as Robert Monroe calls it, Focus 27. It is also where all the 'dead' return into the light and begin to wake up from the Dream that was Life in the World.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by HooHaa
reply to post by Theone2000

You know if God has shown you a vision. That makes you a prophet. There are very strict rules that come with that title. 1) If it doesnt playout with 100% accuracy, you get stoned to death.

I'd be careful making such predictions. Paul says we should test the spirits. Satan can appear as an angel of light.
I'm just a guy. If GOD showed me the future, this does not make me a prophet. I'm just a guy. If GOD showed me or I hallucinated doesn't mater its a cool future. I'll be dead by 2070 anyways. If I do live till then and it does not happen...I'll let you hit me with a pillow. hehe

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by Theone2000

The vision that GOD gave me.

Was this like a bearded man strolls up to you and hands over a vision ?

Did he introduce himself like "Hey dude I'm god"

Or was it just a voice in your head ? If it was a voice in your head how do you know it was the voice of god and not Md Ed ?

Or did you just have an image in your head with what you claim ? If it was an image in your head why do you put this down to god and not an hallucination?

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 09:54 AM
Double post oops

[edit on 6-4-2010 by piedsniper]

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