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Wikileaks Video Released!!

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posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by TheBloodRed

As was said numerous times in this thread by Tothetenthpower...they don't update up to the minute.
Its like that with many clips...not much of a conspiracy there.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by racerzeke
How can you tell the van is full of innocent civilians?

Exactly! You can't.
Which is why they should not have opened fire on the van. They clearly did
not know who the occupants of the van were or have any details.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by brainwrek

"We see people with RPGs and AK47:s ...."


I'm starting to think video games are not harmless...

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by rufusdrak

Originally posted by red_d
reply to post by rufusdrak

Calling it a 'medic van' is a bit of a misnomer. Just a civilian Dad with his kids trying to be helpful. But I agree with you 100%

The funny part is NOT calling it a medic van is a misnomer as well. Why? Because the U.S. soldiers didn't know WHAT it was. That's the whole point of this entire thing! Why it's so amazing! The U.S. pilots didn't know ANYTHING about the congregating crowd, nor about the van, nor about ANYTHING. They just were trigger happy and assumed every living thing moving around is an enemy. Hell, the president of Iraq could have been down there or a U.S. general. They had NO clue, they would have gunned them down no matter whether it was an insurgent truck armed with easy to see missiles, or an ice cream truck.

or a tractor not sure if its a weapon(rifle )? or not could be is he or they are just a farmer just protecting his land ? who knows why would a insurgent be in a open field (as a sitting duck anyways) i do see a Tractor stop in the middle of tending to a field
it reminds me of South Vietnam as American soldiers did not know who the enemy was could of been south Vietnamese or a NVA (VC) how could you really tell anyone out there could you enlighten me more on this video!

Farmer protecting his land > ? notice tractor was being used ? or aqre they a Insurgents the bad guys

well hopefully it does not come to this then we have some serious Issues like say a bio weapon er like in the movie (Jakob's ladder) the ladder or 28days the rage latter then we have some serious problems Zombies !

[edit on 5-4-2010 by Wolfenz]

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:01 PM
I don't know if this has been posted or not, but MSNBC's Web site now has an article about the video. It is in the World News section, but I haven't seen it mentioned on their main page.

MSNBC Article

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by TheBloodRed

This always happens. I think it actually takes days to catch up. I remember there was a campaign to boost some kids youtube video, it had a ton of hits but stayed at 300 for a day or two.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by DrumsRfun
reply to post by TheBloodRed

As was said numerous times in this thread by Tothetenthpower...they don't update up to the minute.
Its like that with many clips...not much of a conspiracy there.

The claim was that it updates to the hour. It has been quite a few and of course my claim that within the first hour way more that 359 people would have watched it.

I am trying to say that YouTube doesn't want the video on its top videos. It has done this before. If it updates, I should be the first person you tell.

An example, although not many will agree, is when Chris Crocker was making videos and YouTube wouldn't allow the videos to be listed as top videos. I would source you to where Crocker explains it in a video but I unfortunately forgot the name of the title. :/

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by MajinRoshi
reply to post by rufusdrak

In the middle of a battle? It said that raid occured a DAY AGO. How is that in the middle of the battle. You need to learn better comprehension skills. The battle was long over and the people were obviously not armed that were down there.

From the article:

Reuters stated that its photographer and his driver "had gone to the area after hearing of a military raid on a building around dawn that day

So yes, they were right in the middle of it. Especially if they were between the bad guys and a chopper set up to take them out. I don't know where you're getting "a day ago". How do you know "the battle was long over" ? What do you know about combat or this operation? Battles last all day and sometimes several days.

Hey Einstein did it LOOK like a battle was raging down there? It looked to me like a gathering of people out in the open. Not exactly what a "battle" looks like is it? If they were hiding or taking cover maybe. You truly are insidious.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by racerzeke

since you think this was all A-OK, when the only survivor was crawling away and the gunner was saying, "all I need is for you to pick up a weapon" Why didn't he just put 4-5 10mm rounds into his back? He could have had a real cool time blowing up a dude crawling around.

He didn't because he wasn't supposed to if he was to follow the rules of engagement. Then a van stops to put him into it and presumably take him to safety. And somehow the order was given to engage the van. The one where no weapons were seen or mentioned. My problem isn't with the soldiers. they have a job to do and sometimes it sucks. My problem is with the people who gave the order to engage the van. You can sprinkle anything you want on it, but it's cold blooded murder. Straight up.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:06 PM
Yahoo UK have picked up the story.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by TheBloodRed

Well keep on it for a day or two at least, it takes awhile. I thought the same thing a while ago but the number of viewers showed has consistently gone up in weird chunks on a number of videos I have watched for a long time. Keep watching though, it may turn out that they do try to bury the video or delete all together, just give it 3 days.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

No , sorry .

Heard this a million times ..that excuse just ain't cutting it anymore.

I'm sick and tired of Americans coming up with these "we don't all approve" "I didn't vote for Bush" excuses.

Time to own up to all the liberty, freedom and justice for all - mantra you all been chanting for the last decades , or come to terms with the fact your country is just a big fake on the verge of being exposed as just that.

For crying out loud , the US has been on rampage for the last few decades at least !

"We don´t all approve"

Oh , Really !?

Yes you do.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by red_d


At least some of the USA MSM is getting the story out, though most of it is filtered so that the reader wouldn't want to watch the video.

Pitiful, many people who read those articles will be inclined to not watch the video as they would assume the story itself would suffice.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by mecheng

See this is more of an opinion I have, but I cannot understand how violence is the answer. We started this war because of violence. We are now the ones who are trying to bring peace by violence in Iraq/Afghanistan. And now your answer is more violence?

Posting doesn't influence change? Honestly, you should be eating your words. With this original post, I have released this information to many people that had no idea about this. Which in return, they will hopefully release this information to others. Imagine a country of 300 million strong, non-violent in nature, that are awake? I cannot, but I know if this would to happen we could, from behind the scenes (just like the elite do secretly), influence change in our country.

I will not shove my ideas down someones throat with violence, I'd rather give them information like this, and let them decide. But yes, we are on the same page that we want change, but our solutions differ, but one day we will establish the right solution, until that day comes, I will keep Posting and informing others. And definately expressing my gratitude to great individuals who are sharing these types of videos/flyers/pamplets/etc.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by Compulsionist

What a ridiculous statement. A huge number of people do not approve and vote accordingly. I really do hope that you rescind your comment. A great deal of Americans are very committed to ending the war, and replacing politicians who advocate use of force.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by StealthKix

Thank you very much. Message sent, and an awesome job of putting these all together for quick reference.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:16 PM
I don't suppose anyone knows the names of these brave warriors aboard the helicopter. I'm sure a lot of Americans would like to express their appreciation for the valor these individuals demonstrated. It's good to know that someone like that is out there keeping America safe from camera-toting reporters and children. Such heroism should not be kept secret.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:17 PM
Mainstream media are picking it up here in Holland though(and the rest of Europe probably as well), it was just on the TV news. Another huge dent in the already badly damaged reputation of the US, stuff like this makes America look really bad. In the end these things will back fire on you, America needs to stop shooting itself in the foot.

[edit on 5-4-2010 by premiumtap]

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:17 PM
I think the point behind this is getting confused.

For all the people arguing over whether or not the soldiers could have known if these people who were killed were insurgents or not, or if they were carrying weapons, or if you're a war on terror supporter or not, etc. These arguments are taking away from the point this video was supposed to be making.

When wikileaks first mentioned this video, I recall their statements involving the fact that they were going to show proof that the American government, and department of defence had lied to the public outright. The official report had been: According to a July 19 summary of the investigation, obtained by The Associated Press, U.S. troops acted appropriately. Reuters employees were likely "intermixed among the insurgents" and difficult to distinguish because of their equipment, the document states.

However what is being reported now, at this time, is that following the attack they confirmed they did not have weapons. This is being reported now. It was not reported then. Nor was Reuters able to get ahold of this video, and confirm that their employees were with insurgents at the time. The slain Reuters employees were made to look like fools who had wandered in to the wrong place at the wrong time, when in fact the insurgents in question were active at dawn.

The press glossed over this story back in 2007, and made it look like they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. In fact, soldiers did not correctly identify the men, nor did they identify the occupants of the van. When the truth came to light, they did not offer an apology to the families of the people who were killed, nor did stand up and accept responsibility for the incorrect identification of the individuals who were killed that day. Yes, this is war but its unfair that the deaths of civilians are covered up.

The video was supposed to show a case in which civilians' deaths were covered up under the guise of being shot in the cross fire. These things are like cockroaches, if you see one...well you get what I'm saying.

Since MSM has started to cover this video, I just wanted to remind people that when places like CNN (and Fox, etc.) begin to cover this, the entire purpose will shift and begin to resemble what is being said on this board. It will become another case of "If you don't support our troops, then you're against em". That's not it at all, that is not the point! While the soldiers behaviour was strange beyond belief, I have never been to war and do not know how my mind would rationalise killing people. What is the point? People are being killed, and you're being told that A. they're not, or B. they got in the middle of something.

A mistake was made, one that resulted in the deaths of members of the press and serious injury to children (who also lost their father that day). Own up to the mistakes you make. If not the soldiers who committed the act, then the higher up brass. Accept responsibility for the effects that this war on terror has on the people, especially considering the world they have to live in.

Why did it take three years to show us that they mistook people with ambiguous objects for insurgents? I can only imagine how this will become twisted, and all I can say is try to stay on course. Don't get mislead by people who justify/condemn the behaviour of the soldiers, focus on the real issue: Why won't they take responsibility for their actions and just tell us the truth?

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:19 PM
The story has been picked up by the BBC

I hope to hell the MSM are all over this big time within the next day or two..........surely they can't ignore this!..................can they?

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