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could this be niburu

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posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by stereologist
I doubt that the Sumerian recognized Uranus as a planet. It is possible to see it without a telescope every once in a while. I tried years ago, but my eyesight isn't good enough. Uranus was discovered in 1781 because astronomers predicted the position of the planet, looked and found it.

They did know all the planets in our solar system and described them perfectly, including size/mass and appearance up close.. which begs the question.. How did they know?

They also tell us how each one came to be in it's current orbit around the sun and what forces created some of them, eg: earth being a portion of a much larger watery world (Tiamat; Watery Mother) that was destroyed when Nibiru came too close to it.

This is also where we find an excellent yet prosaic description of what happens when two heavenly bodies approach each other. They begin to interfere with each other on the close approach, ripping surface material away that becomes "balled-up" in between them until the portions become to massive and are expelled.

It's a shame Pluto isn't a planet anymore

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by Zeus2573
reply to post by Damian-007

Here is what you need to do. Do your own research on Nibiru as I and many others have and prove or dis-prove it's existence to yourself. It shouldn't be up to everyone else to make up your mind on it. Keep an eye on the Sun to see if you can spot it. Whether or not it is real is up to you to figure out.

Please do not look directly at the sun.

[edit on 6-4-2010 by relap0]

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by Tayesin

Where is the evidence that anyone knew about the planets beyond Saturn before 1781? Where does it give the mass. The mass of the earth and other planets was not know till recently. The shape of orbits was not known till Kepler worked out that it elliptical.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by Tayesin
They did know all the planets in our solar system and described them perfectly, including size/mass and appearance up close.. which begs the question.. How did they know?

I don't know where you get this information from (Sitchin I guess?), but this is simply untrue. There is no evidence that the ancient Sumerians knew any other planets than Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Those being the only planets that can be seen easily with the naked eye.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by Σηλήνε

I don't take the following as evidence of anything, although it is interesting. This is the answer you will get from Nibru cultists in answering your question.

[edit on 6/4/2010 by serbsta]

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 10:58 AM
So this image showing 11 bumps around a star shape describes orbits, close up appearances, and such?

Since the number of objects is wrong as are the relative sizes and the distribution is wrong and the distances to the center objects are wrong I'd suggest this is not a drawing of our solar system. Off hand I'd suggest it is artwork. If it was connected to the sky, then maybe it is a constellation and a star gone supernova.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by stereologist


reply to post by Σηλήνε

I base my conversation only on my old mentor's work. She translated the Sumerian Tablets in the British Museum's "too hard basket" at the same time as Sitchin, hence why I could say in an earlier post about their arguments over his "additions".

Sorry to say I cannot point out a particular Tablet # or specific Electronic Reference at some University for you to find and read yourself.

Her work was last sent to the University of Otago in New Zealand late the year before last and then received it back late last year. I am awaiting her to send the hand-written work to me again for recording to PC for my own future reference. Due to her age and ill health these past few years I may have to wait to have it willed to me.

Please do not ask for her details, as the last time I offered her name here the Elitists did not find any Peer Reviewed publications of hers (because she does not abide by their rules) and after a basic internet search they came across one of her hobbies... of UFO research. As you may imagine they immediately claimed bunkum, crapped on her good name, and all with no idea of her 50 years hands-on research in the field nor her 23+ letters after name. Typical of the Educated Elite who cannot see past their cherished process and Ego's.

I know for fact she did the work she claimed because I have read the reports from the Museum to her regarding the reassembly of bones from failed Anunnaki genetic experiments.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 11:01 AM
Hilarious moment there. I took off the image part of the URL to see the page where the image might have come from and the site redirected me to the FBI's website. What a wacky bunch! That's the looniest 404 response I've seen.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 11:11 AM
So really Tayesin all we have is your word on this. There is no evidence to support any of this. It's all rumor at this point.

What is weird is to have all sorts of letters after your name, such as 23 and not be published. You could find my name on a publication in a peer reviewed journal. I don't have 23 letters after my name.

So who at Otago received this work. And what Museum received this work?

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by stereologist
So really Tayesin all we have is your word on this. There is no evidence to support any of this. It's all rumor at this point.

What is weird is to have all sorts of letters after your name, such as 23 and not be published. You could find my name on a publication in a peer reviewed journal. I don't have 23 letters after my name.

So who at Otago received this work. And what Museum received this work?

Perhaps rumor only for you Stereo, but factual for me. I'm not in the market of purveying Dishonesty my friend, as it is to me the lowest form of behaviour.

I am just an aging Pleb, not highly educated, I do not hold degrees and yet have been great friends with this old lady for many, many years and know her to be ruthlessly honest on all accounts.

It is only weird if like so many others we think like an educated elitist that everyone MUST abide by our ways of thinking, re Peer Reviewed publications, etc.

I do not know who at Otago received her work, for I was not involved in the process.

This delightfully honest old lady has never felt the NEED to be peer reviewed, never sought the Kudos so highly prized by just about every other elitist in all the disciplines.

It was enough for her to spend many years working with the British Museum on those Sumerian translations, to "get her teeth into it" as she would say, to get her hands dirty on the digs, to travel and maintain close relations with few "solid" peers again in different disciplines, to share her knowledge with average people in various avenues to enlighten them beyond their Lay understandings as the non-elite and non-educated.

And that my friend is enough for me too. One does not HAVE TO seek Kudos or Peer acclamation despite the overwhelming Belief that one MUST in order to be taken seriously or for their life's work to "account for something".

Do not take me for some foolish thinking youngster out for fun or mayhem by manipulations or speaking fluffy words with no value. There is much more behind the scenes than the vast majority of researchers have access to, and the British Museum is only one large cog in the processes of witholding valuable information.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by stereologist
So really Tayesin all we have is your word on this. There is no evidence to support any of this. It's all rumor at this point.

What is weird is to have all sorts of letters after your name, such as 23 and not be published. You could find my name on a publication in a peer reviewed journal. I don't have 23 letters after my name.

So who at Otago received this work. And what Museum received this work?

Actually no. You have my word, and mountains of information than leans dramatically into us so called Nibiru "cultist" favor. As Serbsta has put it.
But you and your bunch will continue to bury your heads in the sand and attempt to ridicule the ones that believe in the existence of Nibiru. I would be more inclined to believe in the God's of an advanced civilization than to believe in the "moronic" God's of this pathetic world. That alone is enough for me to believe in Nibiru.

I was going to leave this thread but then I came back and saw there was still a great deal of bullying going on. So, round two.

Serbsta I see you are resorting to name calling again. Is that the best you can do? I mean in calling us cultist and all? I feel that I have to point everything out to you but yet you still don't get it. Some people never learn. Sad.................very sad.

Oh, by the way check this new thread out!
Many thanks to the author of that thread.

Planet X/ Nibiru threads are popping up everywhere like wild mushrooms!
But, yet Nibiru does not exist?

~ Zeus

[edit on 6-4-2010 by Zeus2573]

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by Tayesin

Your point of view on peer review is mistaken. It is not a chance to brag. It is the means of sharing your work and getting feedback. It's not for the kudos. It is there to toss around ideas, and often roughly. You get a chance to get pointers and discuss information and move forward.

I'm sorry, but I don't believe in someone with 23 letters behind their name that hasn't published unless they never advanced beyond a bachelors.

It's just rumor. It's unshared material from a person who hasn't bothered to peer review, i.e. get occasional feedback to see if they are on the right course.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by Zeus2573

That's still rumor. Just rumor. The information is either unpublished (rumor) or found on another thread or forum (rumor). I don't see any problem with belief in Nibiru, but claiming anything beyond rumor is well - not true.

The fact that all of these photos of atmospheric effects are touted as Nibiru, something in outer space reminds me of Galileo. He had the opposite problem. He claimed that a comet was actually not in the earth's atmosphere.

Galileo showed that something was in outer space.
This thread shows that these objects are in the atmosphere.

Kind of interesting don't you think?

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 02:14 PM

There is much more behind the scenes than the vast majority of researchers have access to, and the British Museum is only one large cog in the processes of witholding valuable information.

I don't understand this part. You say that someone you know who doesn't bother to publish got access to information in a museum you then go on to say is withholding valuable information. Kind of contradictory isn't it?

Museums have vast holdings with a tiny fraction on display. The collection is made available to researchers such as this person you mention.

Every few months someone makes a newsworthy discover examining a museum's collection. I'm sure lots of other discoveries are made that do not make the news.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 02:19 PM
The planet x thread begins with a mention of an occultation of a star by an asteroid. The precision of the occultation path is known because the simulations predicting the path of the earth and the asteroid are the very same simulations that demonstrate that Nibiru can't exist.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by stereologist
reply to post by Zeus2573

That's still rumor. Just rumor. The information is either unpublished (rumor) or found on another thread or forum (rumor). I don't see any problem with belief in Nibiru, but claiming anything beyond rumor is well - not true.

The fact that all of these photos of atmospheric effects are touted as Nibiru, something in outer space reminds me of Galileo. He had the opposite problem. He claimed that a comet was actually not in the earth's atmosphere.

Galileo showed that something was in outer space.
This thread shows that these objects are in the atmosphere.

Kind of interesting don't you think?

Claiming anything that is a rumor is a rumor which means it can go either way. It can be true or false.
Do you think you can just make up the rules as you go? You can do this all you want to, it still doesn't change the game.
You and hippochippo should be getting pretty worn out jumping from Nibiru thread to Nibiru thread, eh? I'm enjoying myself watching you guy's jumping from one foot to the other. "They" must be paying you pretty well. It's hilarious.

This is only the beginning.

~ Zeus

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 03:23 PM
That humor at its best. A rumor mean there is nothing there - not true, not false, just nothing. You're welcome to dance to the gods of Nibiru. Gods have a better chance of existence than Nibiru which has 0 chance.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by stereologist

Gods are the reason for Nibiru's existence. The king of kings is the ruler of planet Nibiru. Of course that is just a rumor I heard.

From now on, I think I will start every one of my posts with: this is just a rumor I heard but.

Tell me, do you think that will work?

~ Zeus

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 03:56 PM
OK please. make it stop. Let me explain why you did not see Nibiru...

Nibiru is a name in Babylonian astrology sometimes associated with the god Marduk. Nibiru appears as a minor character in the Babylonian creation poem Enuma Elish as recorded in the library of Assurbanipal, King of Assyria (668-627 BCE). Sumer flourished much earlier, from about the 23rd century to the 17th century BCE. The claims that Nibiru is a planet and was known to the Sumerians are contradicted by scholars who (unlike Zecharia Sitchin) study and translate the written records of ancient Mesopotamia. Sumer was indeed a great civilization, important for the development of agriculture, water management, urban life, and especially writing. However, they left very few records dealing with astronomy. Certainly they did not know about the existence of Uranus, Neptune or Pluto. They also had no understanding that the planets orbited the Sun, an idea that first developed in ancient Greece two millennia after the end of Sumer. Claims that Sumerians had a sophisticated astronomy, or that they even had a god named Nibiru, are the product of Sitchin’s imagination. Ok so all the sumerian stuff is garbage...

On to your video... The great majority of the photos and videos on the Internet are of some feature near the Sun (apparently supporting the claim that Nibiru has been hiding behind the Sun for the past several years.) These are actually false images of the Sun caused by internal reflections in the lens, often called lens flare. You can identify them easily by the fact that they appear diametrically opposite the real solar image, as if reflected across the center of the image. This is especially obvious in videos, where as the camera moves, the false image dances about always exactly opposite the real image. Similar lens flare is a source of many UFO photos taken at night with strong light sources such as streetlights in the frame. I am surprised that people don’t recognize this common photo artifact. I am also amazed that these photos showing something nearly as large and bright as the Sun (a “second sun”) are accepted together with claims made on some of the same websites that Nibiru is too faint to be seen or photographed except with large telescopes.

I'm sorry but there is noothing authentic about Nibiru...

One widely reported telescopic photo ( shows two views of an expanding gas cloud far beyond the solar system, which is not moving; you can see this from the fact that the stars are the same in both pictures. A sharp-eyed reader of this website identified these photos as a gas shell around the star V838 Mon. Wikipedia has a nice write-up and a beautiful photo of it from Hubble. Another high school student was initially impressed by posted images of a red blob that were said to be of Nibiru. Then he worked out in his Photoshop class how to make just such pictures starting from scratch.

One video posted in summer 2008 on Youtube ( shows a guy standing in his kitchen claiming that one of the objects discovered by a NASA x-ray telescope is Nibiru. What is his evidence? That since this false-color x-ray image released by NASA is blue, this must really be a nearby planet with an ocean. This would be hilarious if it were not used to frighten people.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 03:57 PM

"They" must be paying you pretty well. It's hilarious.

That's an ad hominem attack.

And one most Nibiru/PX supporters seem to resort to when they're losing a rational debate.

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