posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 03:44 AM
Whenever I hear of anyone using the "Timothy McVeigh" wannabe reference , I am not as affected by the credulous attempt to strike a nerve in my
sensibilities about a crime that was horrific in its devastation and its criminal planning.
While Mr. Hannity thinks that his remark have some bearing, it really just says how much of a paid propagandist he really is, because if Mr. Hannity
was being honest, he would remind us how much the FBI was involved in handling Tim McVeigh to commit the OK bombing, whenever he uses the Tim McVeigh
wannabee remark. Since he does not, he gives only the part that suits his disinformation and propaganda effort.
Evidence clearly shows that the FBI and other federal agencies in government were complicit with Tim McVeigh who was being used by the FBI to help
undermine Christian militias that were becoming more abundant as the Clinton administration went on. In fact, the OK bombing was suppose to be
militia retaliation for the Waco massacre, but since the feds orchestrated the Waco massacre along with Janet Reno specially for the April 19th blood
sacrifice date which Waco was remembered for, it should surprise no one that the federal government was complicit in the OK bombing along with their
agent, Tim McVeigh because once again the federal government planning agents picked April 19th as the sacrificial date to explode the bombs used to
destroy the OK federal building.
This is why when Sean Hannity and others in media blatantly use the term "Tim McVeigh wannabees", I immediately think of the fact that the whole
bombing was done with the complicit cooperation of the FBI. As such, anytime I hear the Tim McVeigh reference made by those in the corrupt media like
Sean Hannity, I immediately think of how much the OK bombing was an inside job that the evidence to this day will prove without a doubt. While there
still may be questions, the majority of those questions is in assessing just how high up in the Clinton Administration the complicity went.
Mr. Sean Hannity proves frequently just how ignorant he really is because he knowingly omits informing the public he is speaking to about the
knowledge that the FBI was complicity with Tim McVeigh in the OK bombing. After the fact, we learned in court that it was not the Christian militias
that were eventually blamed and stigmatized by the efforts of the Janet Reno Justice Dept., but also the blame of the criminal conduct of the FBI that
controlled Mr. McVeigh.
Anyway, I see Mr. Hannity for what he is, a paid political repeater, paid for by those that seek to deceive and manipulate the public trust. I have
provided a link to some information about the FBI and the OK bombing to help those that feel I may be speaking ill of the federal government. Enjoy
the link.
Thanks for the posting.