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ALERT!!!!!!! Provost Marshals serve governors

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posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by Subjective Truth

Do you think military members are going to refer to themselves as "Guardian Elders"? It sounds like something out of a bad RPG.

[edit on 2-4-2010 by antonia]

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by time91
reply to post by 12.13.2012

Yeah I do not know what power the provost marshals have beyond their area. If the military was actually going to serve notices and restore the constitution, wouldn't the notices be better served by a 4 star general? I think it is just a group that mailed them in, maybe one of them was a marshal, who knows? Maybe they just claimed that to get some attention.

All of this resistance does seem rather suspect. I don't agree with almost anything that is going on, but where was this resistance when Bush was in office? The patriot act is a CLEAR violation of the constitution. The Iraq war was based on a LIE. But then again, maybe it just took the public a while to realize what was going on, and we're connecting dots that aren't supposed to be connected... just speculation either way.

Actually we are under the emergency war powers act but most Americans don't realize that and they like to keep it that way. So the Provost marshal is actually the highest law authority in his area of operation. That is the premise it is based on. I know most won't believe that and I am not going to defend it, people can google it if they want to do the research but congress renews the act every so often it's in the congressional record.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
I have green money that says some Rightwing, M. Savage devotee and follower of this provost marshal BS, will get likkered up, gun up, and kill a Governor or other politician and bring the wrath of God down on us from Law enforcement agencies that we don't even know about. Even harsher restrictions on travel, communication etc. All this adolescent macho swaggering is going to come to a bad end.

It won't be false flag or agent provocateur but some dumb yahoo carried away with his selfish ideology that others votes don't count.

[edit on 2-4-2010 by whaaa]

yes, although I would have chose different words to paint this picture of possibility, this is entirely possible. I hope most people have enough cognitive reasoning ability to see that this is probably a poorly thought out mechanism to further control, dictate and predict the movements and thoughts of the masses.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 10:02 PM
As it concerns the authority of a Provost Marshal, authority can be assigned by an appropriate command entity. We must remember that our military is charged with preserving, protecting, and defending the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. If there is a Grand Jury that files an indictment of sedition or treason against a Government official , the appropriate Military legal authority could exercise an arrest warrant.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by antonia
reply to post by Subjective Truth

Do you think military members are going to refer to themselves as "Guardian Elders"? It sounds like something out of a bad RPG.

[edit on 2-4-2010 by antonia]

Well the other poster said they are the highest ranking officers in the state? Do they work for the government or are they trying to use some loop hole from 200 years ago?

Because if they are just average people giving themselves important titles to spread a agenda I want no part of that and will actually be on the other side telling them how wrong they are. I need facts to make my mind up and it seems like alot of misdirection is going on.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by Subjective Truth

From what I have heard... They have been in disscusion with and have the "approval" of high ranking military officials.

As for why we don't have more info... they say they don't want to scare people and it will all be done quickly enough were results should speak for themselves... only time will tell.

We are already meeting the supposed 72 hour mark.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by antonia

Provost marshals, where do they have jurisdiction? Federal land? Military bases? Exactly where do they have jurisdiction. Just like the FBI, only has jurisdiction on federal land, a state can require any federal officer to not enter. Example, Wyoming recently. So exactly where does a provost marshal have jurisdiction?

That is the question.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by 12.13.2012

Originally posted by whaaa
I have green money that says some Rightwing, M. Savage devotee and follower of this provost marshal BS, will get likkered up, gun up, and kill a Governor or other politician and bring the wrath of God down on us from Law enforcement agencies that we don't even know about. Even harsher restrictions on travel, communication etc. All this adolescent macho swaggering is going to come to a bad end.

It won't be false flag or agent provocateur but some dumb yahoo carried away with his selfish ideology that others votes don't count.

[edit on 2-4-2010 by whaaa]

I hope most people have enough cognitive reasoning ability to see that this is probably a poorly thought out mechanism to further control, dictate and predict the movements and thoughts of the masses.

After reading some of the inane posts in this thread, I have little faith in the cognitive reasoning ability of those that think vigilante justice on elected governors is a good idea.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by mrbarber

I dont think its the military as a whole. A fair amount of military people are "patriots", in the traditional sense of the word. The reason that the military has not reacted as we would expect they would is that the top brass know where the industrial military complexes' money comes from, and if they want santa to come, they have to be good in congress' eyes all year.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by maybereal11

Sorry, maybereal11, but no, they do not. what they do is swear a fake oath with their hand on a rule book, not a Bible. Originally there were two oaths a Public Servant took, a Judicial, and a Constitutional. For a very long time they have just took the Judicial.
You can easily research this to prove it if you want to.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by whaaa

Originally posted by 12.13.2012

Originally posted by whaaa
I have green money that says some Rightwing, M. Savage devotee and follower of this provost marshal BS, will get likkered up, gun up, and kill a Governor or other politician and bring the wrath of God down on us from Law enforcement agencies that we don't even know about. Even harsher restrictions on travel, communication etc. All this adolescent macho swaggering is going to come to a bad end.

It won't be false flag or agent provocateur but some dumb yahoo carried away with his selfish ideology that others votes don't count.

[edit on 2-4-2010 by whaaa]

I hope most people have enough cognitive reasoning ability to see that this is probably a poorly thought out mechanism to further control, dictate and predict the movements and thoughts of the masses.

After reading some of the inane posts in this thread, I have little faith in the cognitive reasoning ability of those that think vigilante justice on elected governors is a good idea.

^^ I must have missed this part? Im curious as to where "vigilante justice on elected governors is a good idea" was stated on this particular thread. If that was indeed the case, please direct me to where it was stated. But if that is not true, please dont corral several different opinions into a summary ideal. I read this whole thread and did not see where that particular concept was expressed.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 10:10 PM
I simply cant find any article to support this doesnt mean it isnt true but there isnt any news paper or service that is confirming this is happening. I think we all need to take a breather and wait a little before jumping to conclusions.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

The Military base to which their unit is assigned. There you go. This is the third time I have said it. The Marshall has no authority outside a military base to which he/she is assigned. they will have a few pieces of paper called "Military Orders" which specify which base they are assigned to and have authority within.

[edit on 2-4-2010 by antonia]

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by 12.13.2012

Very well put. I myself would like to see this all come to a fruition. This is all a very exciting idea to me. I think a lot of people on this thread are acting too impulsively and not taking into consideration that this could actually work, but like any well thought out plan there are steps, and it is probably in the best interests of this movement to keep some of their cards close, so to speak.
I am also surprised to find that some of these people cannot see the abuses in power and corruption throughout our government in this day in age as well as the past. And if they actually do see this, my question to them is: What is so wrong with wanting to clean up our country in a non-violent and legal way? I am no lawyer by any means, but I've read their website from top to bottom and it looks very well thought out and constructed. I think we need to just take a step back, listen to the info as it comes, and see what comes of this. Being that I have a daughter on the way, I want nothing more than for her to grow up in a country that preserves her freedoms and guarantees her a fair chance for a fruitful life.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by whaaa

If you read any of the info on this movement, you will find it is absolutely against "vigilante justice", and according to the FBI... completely legal. It was a thorough document on grievances with an The Unconstitutional Government of The United States.

MSM is painting the wrong picture. I have read said document... no threats and very well written.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by whaaa

I really don't see this as a vigilante effort. You have to ask yourself if as an individual you want to be a Corporate Asset or a Sovereign Citizen. Those are the choices. These people only seek to re-establish the Constitutional Republic so that we can once again be Sovereign Citizens with the abilities to exercise our rights under the Constitution instead of being Corporate Assets forced to follow the requirements of Corporate Law. These are two distinctly different things.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by autowrench
reply to post by maybereal11

Sorry, maybereal11, but no, they do not. what they do is swear a fake oath with their hand on a rule book, not a Bible. Originally there were two oaths a Public Servant took, a Judicial, and a Constitutional. For a very long time they have just took the Judicial.
You can easily research this to prove it if you want to.

^^ I have also heard about this, although I am not an expert on it, I have researched it at least in a minimal capacity and found that it was indeed the case. Combined with the UCC ramifications, these articles seem to promote a parallel mode of thought than that which has been expressed to the amer!can public at large. tptb are only empowered by this type of jargon, and I'll promote this idea once again, in case anyone missed it a few nights ago on the thread pertaining to this topic: NON-COMPLIANCE IS THE KEY. tptb have a contingency plan if you fight. they also have a plan if you do not. but they have no plan in the event that everyone stops working buying consuming and obeying for an undisclosed amount of time. but, in order for this to work, EVERYONE would have to be on board, and there are too many selfish interests in the way of "TOTAL NON-COMPLIANCE".

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by 12.13.2012

What would you call it if an elected official was forcibly or violently removed from office. That's what is going to happen if this proceeds. You can couch it all you want in flowery pseudo patriotic rhetoric, but it still is usurping elected officials. I respected Bush's election even though I didn't like him or his policies but I respected the office and the will of the people.

[edit on 2-4-2010 by whaaa]

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by whaaa

it was vigilante justice that holed up the whole of the british army in boston in 1775... so i suppose if you were transplanted back to then and had the same mentality, ud be sympathizing with the king and pleading, "There must be a better way"? thing is the colonists had already tried to reason that way... the king would not address the colonists greivances... (this sounds all too familiar no) after several more taxes and acts and some skirmishes on april 19th, 1775 , we the people, had had enough....

The war was the culmination of the political American Revolution, whereby many of the colonists rejected the legitimacy of the Parliament of Great Britain to govern them without representation, claiming that this violated the Rights of Englishmen. The First Continental Congress met in 1774 to coordinate relations with Great Britain and the by-then thirteen self-governing and individual provinces, petitioning George III for intervention with Parliament, organizing a boycott of British goods, while affirming loyalty to the British Crown. Their pleas ignored, and with British combat troops billeted in Boston, Massachusetts, by 1775 the Provincial Congresses formed the Second Continental Congress and authorized a Continental Army. Additional petitions to the king to intervene with Parliament resulted in the following year with Congress being declared traitors and the states to be in rebellion. The Americans responded in 1776 by formally declaring their independence as one new nation — the United States of America — claiming their own sovereignty and rejecting any allegiance to the British monarchy

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 10:18 PM
Originally posted here -

Originally posted by SWCCFAN
Here it is in a nutshell the text of the letters sent to the 50 Govenors.

The unanimous Declaration of the sovereign People of the united States of America to restore and reinhabit the free American republics.
Delivered to the Governors of the 50 States March 29, 2010
We the People inhabiting the North American continent, free men and women convened under God, having been granted by the Creator dominion over all the earth, to restore the blessings of liberty for ourselves and the posterity, do hereby invoke our sacred right to alter or abolish destructive government as memorialized in The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, c. 1776 by declaring herewith this solemn declaration to the people of the earth and all governments and nations derived there from.
institutions of this or any country, in particular the ill-gotten gains of foreclosure and fraudulent foreign taxation; peacefully eliminate all existing government structures, entities and agencies that have been derived from the de facto corporations posing as legitimate governments; issue orders to the military, police and corporate powers of the land and sea to enforce our divine rights to such lawful government as was already ensured by our constitutions; and restore de facto actors to lawful de jure capacity duly confined by the constitutions of the these republics and replace the noncompliant; thus restoring to each and every American their in-law, dry land, divine rights of birth and the fruits of their individual and ancestral labor as quickly, efficiently and discretely as possible, without causing undue alarm or stress and without malice for anyone forgive in the name of the Creator all who repent their political and economic misdeeds.
It is hereby so decreed by the sovereign People of these free American republics assembled herein. Continued in link above!

The one I read was in an old english style font but it looks the same so here it is!

Read it for yourself!

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