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ALERT!!!!!!! Provost Marshals serve governors

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posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 05:14 PM
You know, there is no way anyone on this thread can say with actual knowledge what the validity of the claims from the Guardians of the Free Republics are. It may be real or it may not be real, only time will tell. But I can say this with almost complete confidence, If there is no means by which we the people have legal recourse to re-establish the republic under Constitutional Rule of Law, there is going to be war within our boarders, between our people and with our Corporate masters. Of this I am certain. I pray that this is real because my gut tells me we are running out of time.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by mrbarber
You know, there is no way anyone on this thread can say with actual knowledge what the validity of the claims from the Guardians of the Free Republics are. It may be real or it may not be real, only time will tell. But I can say this with almost complete confidence, If there is no means by which we the people have legal recourse to re-establish the republic under Constitutional Rule of Law, there is going to be war within our boarders, between our people and with our Corporate masters. Of this I am certain. I pray that this is real because my gut tells me we are running out of time.

What follows is a partial transcript of hour 2 of Sam Kennedy's "Take No Prisoners" radio program. Sam Kennedy is one of the leaders in the Guardians of the Free Republics. Kennedy hosts this program on the Republic Broadcasting Network (RBN) ( between 8 and 10 p.m. every Sunday evening.

How will Governors of STATES (which are sovereign free REPUBLICS) who refuse to swear their allegiance to the original Constitution (circa 1787) be removed from office? This answer is provided about a quarter of the way through hour 2 of the radio program cited above. In the weeks ahead, Sam

First, you need to nderstand that the crux of Sam Kennedys argument that is espoused by the other Guardians of the Free REPUBLICS which is that the American government has been operating as a criminal enterprise under the title the UNITED STATES FEDERAL CORPORATION since 1868 at which time it shifted the law in this country from actual law to Admiralty law (the law that applies on the high seas) [listen to hour 1 and the first third of hour 2 of this radio program]. As such, it appears that because the sovereign People, who are the ultimate authority in this nation, never consented to either of these changes (incorporation, change in kind of law recognized as authoritative), all statutes enacted by the de facto Congress and all executive orders issued by de facto Presidents carry no weight.

Below is transcribed what Sam Kennedy said in hour 2 of the 04-04-10 radio program:

With great pleasure the de jure Gran Juries of the 50 free American Republics in comiti [acting in concert with], the well regulated Guardians of the Free Republics duly assembled in all 50 jurisdictions have the honor of making your acquaintance and issuing the attached warrant for the ARREST of your BOND.

Whats an arrest? Well, this is not a CRIMINAL arrest. Its a CIVIL arrest.

We have notified the Depository Trust Company [where each of these public officials bond is being held on deposit] and the Government Securities Division of the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation, a division of the Depository Trust Clearing Corporation.

What have we notified them? Youre no longer insured to act in a de facto corporate capacity. The office is now reabsorbed into the original de jure capacity on the land following the law of the land respecting the Constitution.

How terrible. You can no longer just make it up as you go. You can no longer issue executive orders imposing your will on the People. It is back to REAL LAW not ADMIRALTY [law] FICTION. The People are no longer protected against your misdeeds by your bond. All of your actions are now underwritten either by the Peoples bond and we included a bond, a contract, whereby we stand behind the Governors, the People stand, the sovereign People stand behind the Governors to protect them against accidental misdeeds or they can rely upon all of their own property and future labor.
So when I said to the agent [an F.B.I. agent interviewed Sam Kennedy earlier on Sunday, 04-04-10, listen to earlier parts of this radio program] and the state investigator that he [the Governor] was ALREADY REMOVED from that office I wasnt just kidding.

How long can he [the Governor] function without the People being protected by a public hazard bond? Three days. Beyond that hes [the Governors] on his own. And thats why he [the Governor] has to take the new oath of office which is similar to the old oath of office with one difference. He [the Governor] expressly recognizes that he is in direct contract with the People, not just some presupposition that oh theres this amorphous Constitution that he can obey if and when he desires. From now on his actions are bonded by the People. And as youll see weve accepted the contract later on in this first paragraph so let me reserve my comments further.

The letter goes on to say, as of this day the office of Governor with a capital G in each of the 50 incorporated States with a capital S, is reabsorbed into the de jure office of governor of the respective REPUBLIC. In other words, welcome back to the land and the law of the land. It goes on to say the Armed Forces of the united States duly presented with lawful de jure authority, in other words the People assembling on the land in all 50 jurisdictions, are overseeing the implementation of certain general orders pursuant to the attached Declaration of Restoration.

Now, the only reason Im even revealing any of this [the content of the letter to the Governors], is because people have taken that Declaration and published it all over the web and they shouldnt have because these are private matters between us [the people] and these men and women [the Governors] giving them quietly an opportunity to do the right thing, to take the burden off their shoulders and return to being the Peoples public servants and not just political hacks who make it up as they go along. Every time they want to do something, pass another bill, thats why they call them bills, they are bills that you have to pay, literally.

The letter goes on to say, as you may have heard the free American REPUBLICS and the de jure united States of America REPUBLIC have been reinhabited by the sovereign People. Now you know what sovereign People means. As an operation of law, proper sovereign authority has been restored. Just like the church members could just restore their sovereignty by simply saying were meeting as the church body politic. [listen in hour 1 of this broadcast to the example Sam Kennedy provided that had to do with a churchs leadership reaffirming its own inherent authority over its own affairs which is a right the church has even though at an earlier time its officers registered it with the state as a religious institution]. Thats all we did.

The People of the united States in every single jurisdiction met and said we are, were not telling you what to do, were just telling you we have assembled to reinhabit those de jure REPUBLICS. Do any of you wish to get in our way and tell us we cant? How can we not have the right to reinhabit the REPUBLICS that are still there and have been vacated by you?

And we go on to say in the letter, you are now operating under the bond of the sovereign People and rightful freeholders on the land. In other words, some of us have land patents. We actually own the land, not deeds to the CORPORATE county. You are now operating under the bond which is attached of the sovereign People and rightful freeholders on the land pursuant to Constitutional limitations.

How lucky by the way and how blessed are the People of the united States that now they understand by virtue of this program that their public officials at the head of each REPUBLIC are now restricted to their own state constitutions, their own REPUBLIC constitutions.

We went on to say, which by the way means foreclosure is going to end over the next month or two because the state can no longer execute under Admiralty law that is reserved for the united States REPUBLIC and now courts actually have to respect rules of procedure. So, if a bank wants to prosecute your mortgage and cant produce the note, your foreclosure is ended. That doesnt sound like such bad news to me.

As you can see folks this is not about anybody imposing their will on anyone else. We do not wish to tend anyone elses garden. You can continue life as you know it and go through your foreclosure and pay the taxes the way youre accustomed although those things are going to change very shortly as the whole BONDING system comes to an end. But, were not going to tell you, we dont want to tell you how to live your life at all. The opposite is true. If you have, if youre one of the hundreds of thousands of Americans facing foreclosure to banks that actually loaned you your own money, because under the present system of money a promissary note just like a Federal Reserve note is actually considered an asset, and they enter your promissory note that you sign at the closing on the books as an asset then write a check against it then they circulate that asset, they place it on deposit at DTC [Depository Trust Clearing Corporation] again and they trade against it and issue nine more loans against it, youd have to know more about the banking system to understand, but trust me, they are trading on your promissory note and lending you your own money. Believe it, your signature on the promissory note creates the negotiable instrument that in the present system of credit is considered money.

Banks trade promissory notes as assets. Whole companies buy and sell them. They bundle them up together with real estate trusts and sell them in markets specifically as assets. And you wonder why the system is falling apart, why its collapsing. The system of credit is predicated on money laundering. You take a Federal Reserve note, a promissory note into Mom and Pops deli, you buy a corned beef sandwich, they worked hard to give you that work product and you give them a piece of paper thats a promise to pay. Its only because you believe in it that it has any value. But we are the biggest money launderers on the planet. Their hard work gets exchanged for pieces of currency that are on the verge of falling apart.

Anyway, those of you, hundreds of thousands of you, who are facing foreclosure, you now have your remedy in tow. Because with Admiralty removed from State courts, they have no ability to prosecute you on innuendo. When you say the bank needs to produce the original note, which they never do, I know it sounds crazy to those of you who havent been through foreclosure. The bank doesnt produce the note because its been off-traded in Europe ten times over. They cant find the note, literally. Check the court records. See how many cases they were able to produce notes on. None. One in a thousand - maybe. And so, your foreclosure nightmare has ended.

And the tens of thousands of you facing prison for not being able to pay I.R.S., its demands to share in your work product, from your sweat and labor, your remedy is here now.

The letter goes on to say, each of the signatories of the said, oh this is so important, this is still on page one, each of the signatories of the said Declaration have expressly by that action, in other words by signing the Declaration, accepted the Constitution of their respective de jure REPUBLIC and the Constitution for the united States of America circa 1787 as binding contracts upon you, thus memorializing their lawful standing and your duty to serve.

Now, finally, since 1860 this is the first time we have been back in a binding contract with our public officials and they must now obey the Constitution or face the penalties. Theyll be personally liable and, believe me, among the 1300 People who signed this, there are many skilled People in contract law. I wouldnt want to go up against them in any court anywhere, whether its the court of the de jure Grand Juries or the courts of the united States of America and these restored REPUBLICS.

As one by one youre going to see the law venue change, the flags [in courts] change, as the names of the States change from State of New York, a CORPORATE entity, back to the original New York which was a signatory to the Constitution.

By the way, those of you who say Constitution of the united States, youre not reading from the original Constitution. Check out the original document. It says Constitution for the united States. And the present Constitutions that many of you refer to even in textbooks that say Constitution of, that is the CORPORATE substitute from 1865 with the United States victory at the Appomattox Court House. Everything changed and you dont even know it. One word, when President Clinton said it all depends on how you define the word is, he wasnt kidding. Just change the word is to the word for and of. The original Constitution which you can check out on the internet just put in Constitution photo and youll see photos of the original is the Constitution for the united States and the ones in your textbooks that say Constitution of are not the original article. Thats why our Declaration says circa 1787. Theres been a swindle right under your nose and you dont know it.

An finally, the final section, the final sentence of paragraph one, this is all one paragraph on page one, says with the burdens of acting as a CORPORATE agent under color of law are lifted from your shoulders, this letter is intended to welcome you back to the brotherhood of mankind in the spirit of forgiveness. You and your children are free, the era of illicit corporations and banking cartels posing as legitimate governments is over. And thats a mouthful if you knew what I knew and what the other 1300 signatories knew about governance in the united States of America in the 21st century.

So thats the opening paragraph and thats probably enough to whet your appetite for whats coming or certainly enough to get you to hate us as covert reactionaries, evil men who just dire to be tyrants and threaten people, uh, vigilante militias. Well actually as you can see, actually militia is a tarnished word, but the Constitution has provisions for militias. The Constitution does not have a provision for an army, do you know that? It says that there can only be a standing army during time of war. Maybe that very special emergency has persisted all these years. The Constitution, your Constitution for the united States of America, provides for a standing navy in Article 1 and for a temporary army. The rest falls on the backs of militias and thats the truth.

Read your Constitution, not just what somebody teaches you in a civics class that he or she was taught by a history professor whos completely ignorant of the history of this country, the most important event being the takeover of this government in 1913 through the Federal Reserve Act.

Paragraph one, page two goes on to say, the People capital P are committed to a peaceful, honorable, and nonviolent transition which unfolds quietly behind the scenes as a mirror image reversal of the 1933 world coup. So I guess our commitment to peace and nonviolence is stated right there. Why would anyone doubt it?

It goes on to say, it is the Peoples intention on behalf of your safety that the general public be no more attuned to the return of their money, law, and freeholdings than it was to their theft in 1933 under Executive Orders 6102 and HJR192. For this reason, all of the events described hereunder are classified Top Secret. Obviously some of the Governors have violated that to a degree.

Um, I just mentioned Executive Order 6102, for those of you who are not familiar with that and HR 192, heres what really happened in 1933. In a period of three months, in every industrialized country, the same laws were passed. In Canada they were articles of Parliament, or acts of Parliament rather in Australia. In Germany they burned down the Reichstag, all within the same three months, all funded by the same banking cartel.

Executive order 6102 signed by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, it may have been April 5th, perhaps, of 1933, said the following, All United States persons, you see the evil of that word, are ordered to turn in all of their privately held gold other than $100 in jewelry to a branch of the Federal Reserve bank. How do you think the founders would have reacted to that in 1775? You think that would have put them over the edge a bit early?
And yet we accept it as perfectly normal.

Our great grandparents had been so beset by the Great Depression, a planned world event, that they actually turned in their gold and then HR 192 said the following, All obligations payable in gold are hereafter null and void. From now on, debts can no longer be paid, they can only be discharged, [which is] another legal piece of terminology to pull the wool over your eyes. They [debts] can only be discharged in United States currency.

Let me tell you what that means. It means that if I owed you $50,000 in gold I borrowed from you, a third party, the United States, came in and said you no longer have to pay him back. Well Ive got news for you, the Constitution says Congress shall make no law impairing the obligations of contracts. That obligation of contracts is ancient goes back to mercantile law with men on camels traversing the earth their word had to be their BOND to survive. And it was the obligation of contracts that allowed men to even draw up the Constitution which is just a contract.

So, how was Roosevelt able to wave a magic wand and take your gold away and tell you through HR 192 and The Banking Act, which by the way no one read, no one ever read that, uh. Much like todays passage of the Healthcare Bill, at least you got three days to read that. Back then The Banking Act was passed with one copy in the possession of one House officer and quietly they passed it, in the dead of night. And what it said was that I no longer have to repay you that gold because you can no longer pay anything. We are removing the system of gold and replacing it with a system of credit.

Your money was stolen from you under your nose and the only way he [FDR] could do it and not be lynched was by making it apply only to U.S. persons, fictitious trust accounts, United States persons/resident/citizen, all of are subject to the jurisdiction of the UNITED STATES FEDERAL CORPORATION and they took your money. They took your gold away from you at Federal Reserve Banks. They shipped it through Canada, overseas, weve seen the invoices on those shipments. And they socked it away in the basement of the Federal Reserve by moving it from one room to another room. From your pockets to the bankers.

They [the bankers] paid you 22 dollars an ounce and two weeks later I think it was, they raised it to 35 dollars an ounce. Who do you think made the bounty on that? You think all of that wasnt planned in advance? So lets not be so naïve to imagine that this system of credit is anything but evil at its inception. And the only way they could do that is by using legal terminology. Thats the importance of words in this society. Applying it [the new policy] to U.S. persons, sending the executive order out to members of the army and the F.B.I., unfortunately, who thought that that meant it applied to everyone. Well it applied to no living men and women. It applied only to legal fiction trust accounts. Back then, I dont know where they were on deposit, but nowadays there on deposit at the Depository Trust Company as of 1963 as I recall.

One other thing, for those who think they live in the land of the free and the home of the brave and hate me for stating these things, these are crimes against your children. Executive Order 19 what was it 41 or 42, passed by Roosevelt, I forget the number of the Executive Order, 9901 or something like that or 05 or 06, something like that [1942, E.O. 9066] interning on the stroke of a pen, the entire population of Japanese Americans, [Executive Order 9066: The President Interns the Japanese Population] a 100 and, theres speculation whether its 110 to 125 thousand people. An entire race of Americans put into prison camps without a warrant, without due process of law, without an appeal, without counsel, without any protection. Tell me it cant happen here.

All of my Black American friends and my Asian American friends, Indian American friends and Jewish Americans, you all know it can happen and its the rest of us Caucasian Americans who have to wake up and smell the roses. Well we have. And this time the united States got the message.

You, wild horses couldnt keep me from that F.B.I. meeting and wont keep me away from the others. I dont sound like this during a meeting like that because I am genuinely blessed and grateful to have the opportunity to sit down with the people who have the guns and the power now that we have the authority. We are members of the sovereign People. We are back!

And the only thing we demand is that our orders be followed when it concerns our rights. Because without our consent, all you have is slavery, you dont have freedom. Dont tell me we have to do it at the point of a gun; have to produce a piece of paper that indicates I am a subject class citizen in the land of my forefathers. I will not do it. I will not comply and now I dont have to comply and all of that is going to change for sovereign citizens, excuse me, oh I apologize, for members of the sovereign People, behind the scenes because the People have stood. I am so proud of the People. Thirteen hundred of you, many of you trepidacious. Many of you dont have the fire in your belly for what Ive been doing publically for the last few years. I dont expect you to.

But, truth be told now there are thousands of you who have written to the official, uh have gone to the official website or written to the official email address of [email protected] and said I wish to join, I wish to be a part of this thank the Lord that finally the People have woken up, thousands upon thousands of you.

Ill have to hire an army to go through those email addresses and database you all and make it all clean, but at least you can listen to the program [Sundays 8 p.m. EST Take No Prisoners on the Republic Broadcasting Network (RBN) @]. Fortunately, were heard around the world and understand the importance of the process that is ongoing.

Let me say this to each and every one of the men and women who have been occupying the office of governor with a small g. Now, you are all now in de jure capacity. We welcome you to operate under the law of the land. We welcome you to be out from under the yoke of Admiralty and equity. Admiralty was never intended to come on the land into state courts. And anyone who knows law understands that. Unfortunately, most lawyers are not trained a hoot in Admiralty. This F.B.I. agent is an attorney which made it especially gravy on the plate to talk with him. But like every attorney Ive ever spoken to, not one has had any training in Admiralty law except Admiralty attorneys and they truly know whats going on in civil and criminal courts of the United States.

Just time for a couple of comments. Uh, just so you know, none of us are seeking any interviews. Were not seeking publicity. Were not seeking glory. The glory truly goes to the Lord. This is an amazing time in history. Boy, to think that people could and would find the courage, the strength, and the information to come together like this.

So I say this to you. If you truly value the future for your children, if youre a reporter or a journalist or a producer and you truly value the future for your children and you know that somethings not right. Then instead of going out and doing a story, why dont you just do some research on the links Ive given you tonight. Learn the truth. We dont need any stories to save the country. We dont need to awaken the sleeping American public.

Things will change quietly in the background like they did in 1933. You know in 1933 they held secret meetings with Federal judges and they said, the laws being replaced by equity and Admiralty. There will no longer be any lawful money. So, you cant have people pay in court because they can only pay in gold and silver because thats what the Constitution says. Congress shall coin nothing but gold and silver. And so, youll have to have them discharge their debts and that will be with promissory notes. So, your courts are also going to be issuing bonds in every case and on every incarceration. And those bonds by the way are also at DTC and theyre being bundles together in real estate trusts and being sold on the backs of our prisoners. Now you know why there are two million Americans in prison. Its a booming business. If you dont believe me, talk to the President of the Corrections Corporation of America.

An so, we dont need to be awakening the public to these things. In 1933, when they held that meeting with the judges, not one judge protested. By the way they also told them youre going to have to get peoples consent by tricking them into confessing to be legal fictional accounts substituted in their name under the social security system. And not one judge said thats fine and Im issuing a warrant for your arrest. They all complied. That was the bankruptcy of the United States, by the way, in 1933, to the bankers.
Take all the gold and all the property by way of deeds and registrations of cars and the like. Now you know why the state gets your title and issues you a title. Shouldnt the owner issue the title? The State does, you accept it. You accept a marriage license. If I said to you, how do you feel about people in China needing state permission to be married, youd say thats awful. Those lousy Commie bastards! Well, dont you go to a County Clerk here and get permission? Dont they tell you what tests you need to get married? Ive got news for you. I have a Biblical marriage. Two people taking a covenant in front of witnesses under the Lord. Its a covenant with the Lord. Its not a covenant with the State that gives them the right to send social services in to seize your children. Youve been deceived and misled. But, you can find your way back, quietly behind the scenes. Every judge will be visited at the Federal level. And well now be given the opportunity to come back to the law. Every attorney will be given the opportunity to go from a letterhead that says Attorney at Law back to one that says an Attorney in law. The Attorneys dont even know why, thats just what they were told what to do in law school.

All of thats going to change. I encourage you, forego the stories. But if you do the story, do your research and bring the truth forward because if you dont youre going to force my hand to seek out the Glenn Becks and the John Stossels and others who just might give me a forum. And then the American people would be awakened. I dont want that because theyre going to be angry. This plan states several times that we do not wish to awaken the hostility of the American People. Everyone can have it any way they want and if you wish to be a member of the sovereign People all youll have to do is act like it and youll no longer be a slave to the United States and the tax situation will be remedied. By the way, the Fed is being rolled back into six, uh, centralized divisions for clearing checks, thats it. So, um, with that said, I think were out of time folks.

You can go to the RBN website and sign up for a one-day free access to listen to radio program yourself in the RBN archive ( You can choose to listen to hour 1 and/or hour 2 of the radio program cited above at this website: ProgramID%253D23%26year%3D10%26backURL%3Dindex.php%253Fcmd%253Darchives. Kennedy is slated to speak every Sunday evening on the same Take No Prisoners radio program at the broadcast at the same time on the same radio broadcasting network (RBN) which is reaching millions of listeners both domestically and internationally via its affiliates across the nation and around the globe.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by InterconnecteD

Guardians of the Free Republics Declaration of Restoration Sent to 50 Governors

Full text in old English script

Full text in easier to read PDF version

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by nuffsaid747


I was told if I signed the petition that in addition to getting my mortgage eliminated, there would be lifetime of Free Dominos Pizza on Fridays ( Large with 2 toppings) and 50% discount on all Budweiser products.

I was also informed it would no longer be considered a fashion faux pas to wear stripes with plaids.
I see no mention of that!


This is a sham folks. The US Government is fully-functional and operating without a hitch. All 50 duly elected Governors are fulfilling their original oaths to their respective constituents. Heck, the economy is even improving. Going forward, if somebody claims they are going to repeal Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation , don't toss out your steel-toed boots.

IMO, of course. I see NO PROOF contrary.

[edit on 7-4-2010 by kinda kurious]

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 02:57 AM
The U.S. CORPORATION and the INCORPORATED STATES use capital letters in their names. Check you State website to see if they have changed to lower case letters as part of their compliance as they remove themselves from the corporation. This was one of the demands.

It is the little things that matter.

[edit on 8-4-2010 by PACRIM]

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 03:35 AM

Originally posted by PACRIM
[edit on 8-4-2010 by PACRIM]

PACRIM you seem to have most answers here on the matter.

Am I on the right lines here. Liens have to be registered by the Department of Transportation as the companys/corporations are names of ... ships.

This would make OBAMA nothing more than the captain of a pirate ship

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 03:57 AM

Originally posted by Cytokine_Strom

Originally posted by PACRIM
[edit on 8-4-2010 by PACRIM]

PACRIM you seem to have most answers here on the matter.

Am I on the right lines here. Liens have to be registered by the Department of Transportation as the companys/corporations are names of ... ships.

This would make OBAMA nothing more than the captain of a pirate ship

Actually Obama is the Captain of a defunct corporation. How do ya like that change?

You may be referring to admiralty law that was the law of the corporation. Now we are under common law.

[edit on 8-4-2010 by PACRIM]

[edit on 8-4-2010 by PACRIM]

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by PACRIM
The U.S. CORPORATION and the INCORPORATED STATES use capital letters in their names. Check you State website to see if they have changed to lower case letters as part of their compliance as they remove themselves from the corporation. This was one of the demands.

It is the little things that matter.

[edit on 8-4-2010 by PACRIM]

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 04:27 AM

Originally posted by alienesque

Originally posted by PACRIM
The U.S. CORPORATION and the INCORPORATED STATES use capital letters in their names. Check you State website to see if they have changed to lower case letters as part of their compliance as they remove themselves from the corporation. This was one of the demands.

It is the little things that matter.

[edit on 8-4-2010 by PACRIM]

Congratulations Alaska, how does FREEDOM feel?

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 04:41 AM

Originally posted by PACRIM

Originally posted by Cytokine_Strom

Originally posted by PACRIM
[edit on 8-4-2010 by PACRIM]

PACRIM you seem to have most answers here on the matter.

Am I on the right lines here. Liens have to be registered by the Department of Transportation as the companys/corporations are names of ... ships.

This would make OBAMA nothing more than the captain of a pirate ship

Actually Obama is the Captain of a defunct corporation. How do ya like that change?

You may be referring to admiralty law that was the law of the corporation. Now we are under common law.

[edit on 8-4-2010 by PACRIM]

[edit on 8-4-2010 by PACRIM]

I love the change. Yes I was refering to admiralty law, I just hope the elders got did it all correct. I think they did.

Now was I correct are the corporations the names of ships. Im asking this as I am in the UK not the the US. We still have a fight on our hands to free ourselves.

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by Cytokine_Strom

Originally posted by PACRIM

Originally posted by Cytokine_Strom

Originally posted by PACRIM
[edit on 8-4-2010 by PACRIM]

PACRIM you seem to have most answers here on the matter.

Am I on the right lines here. Liens have to be registered by the Department of Transportation as the companys/corporations are names of ... ships.

This would make OBAMA nothing more than the captain of a pirate ship

Actually Obama is the Captain of a defunct corporation. How do ya like that change?

You may be referring to admiralty law that was the law of the corporation. Now we are under common law.

[edit on 8-4-2010 by PACRIM]

[edit on 8-4-2010 by PACRIM]

I love the change. Yes I was refering to admiralty law, I just hope the elders got did it all correct. I think they did.

Now was I correct are the corporations the names of ships. Im asking this as I am in the UK not the the US. We still have a fight on our hands to free ourselves.

Won't be much of a fight for us, the military recognized the authority of the free republic of the united States of America.

From what I understand, the monarchs are a thing of the past with most of them facing jail time for international fraud. That should shut down the international corp-orated countries.

[edit on 8-4-2010 by PACRIM]

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 07:22 AM

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by Subjective Truth

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by LostNemesis

I'm just so glad to know that there's still Americans that are naive enough to think that our political leaders are elected fairly and in accordance to what WE THE PEOPLE want and need.

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 01:20 PM
The Guardians are not using a timetable, other than confiscating the warrants of the Governors. Once they can't run their respective states using corporate authority, they are rendered moot. The military is in charge of enforcement.

The Republic military is attempting to avoid the same situations that are ongoing in Greece and Kyrgyzstan and have standing orders to maintain a peaceful transition.

The first tangible indication the general public may have of the Reborn Republic, is when no taxes are withheld from their paychecks.

There are corporate rats scurrying around that need to be rounded up and brought to justice. You need to follow the money in order to get them all and restore our National wealth.

This will be my last post on this subject, since it is important to maintain OPSEC and COMSEC until the operation is complete.

Time to sit back and relax while watching a sixty year old elder, lead at the Masters. There is no quit in Tom.

Have faith, there will be some tough times ahead, until everything is cleaned up.

Welcome to the Republic of the united States of America

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 01:53 PM
[edit on 8-4-2010 by Cytokine_Strom]

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by justinsweatt

Now that you mention FBI and CIA... Well, Ive been lurking here for a while but joined today so I can contribute. One thing that ive been thinking of for a long time now is how in the hell can "they" for lack of a better term... get us into a one world government ? By force ? I doubt it can be done by force. Nothing goes as planed in war. Forget the rest of the world for now, just think of the scope and size of our country. People are armed and not to mention upset, very upset and getting more upset. At lest 1/2 of our Military would probably end up fighting against the NWO. They could stage false flags to scare people into submission but the plan still would probably fail in my opinion because too many people are on to the game plus again, many things can go wrong....BUT we all know we catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

So what if this plan is real but its the plan to get us closer to one world government. These people are patient as we all know. They work in the rehlm of decades even centuries not years or months. What if the plan was to get things so bad that we are all so upset then come in with this Dejoure Lawful plan and forgive all our debts, give us back our rights and get things back to the way they were supposed to be. Save the world basicly. The whole world will follow, debt forgiveness for all everywhere. No more wars, everybody holding hands singing koumba We are all one people, we should all have one currency, governments are slowly merged into some type of world body and everything is beautiful for another 100 years until they slowly re-educate future generations and pull the same crap on them but this time, its a one world government dictatorship.... The problem is how to get us to be as one Now. WITH HONEY... They can accomplish the dictatorships again later, its easy they have already done it, all they have to do is do it again...slowly...


posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by PACRIM

Originally posted by alienesque

Originally posted by PACRIM
The U.S. CORPORATION and the INCORPORATED STATES use capital letters in their names. Check you State website to see if they have changed to lower case letters as part of their compliance as they remove themselves from the corporation. This was one of the demands.

It is the little things that matter.

[edit on 8-4-2010 by PACRIM]

Congratulations Alaska, how does FREEDOM feel?

Congrats Utah

EDIT...Opps, still all caps to the right of the page...

[edit on 8-4-2010 by NYredwhiteandblue]

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 04:38 PM

People attempting to look like they're important but failing. Move on to the next one.

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 04:50 PM
I hope these guys make a difference however this thing about websites changing is a joke.

The way back machine at shows none of those sites have changed their casing and wording for years. I don't know where Tim got this idea but he is either misled or out right lying.

Jumping on this like it's some sign thier plan is working is really reaching beyond comprehension. Tim Turner and Sam K talk for a living folks they say lots of things. I agree with lots of things they say but as far as verifying what they "claim" has been accomplished they have been lacking for years.

I am not saying forget the whole thing but wait for some verifiable hard evidence before declaring victory. All I can say is this thing better pan out or there is going to be lots of pissed off patriots/people and thier careers at talking for a living will be over in the very least if not much more.

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by mrbarber
reply to post by whaaa

First, my name isn't Sparky. Second I'm broke. Third, I am just relating the details as I have read and heard from various sources including the nesaranews blog, Republic Broadcasting, etc. If you are not interested in the information, just click ignore and move on. I could care less.

Sorry Mr. Barber about calling you Sparky. I am interested and I have scoped out the websites and it looks to me like a group of charlatans, not really interested in restoring liberty or freedom but trying to snare some gullible people into contributing to the "cause" ....

The rhetoric they use is purposefully designed to get contributors, donations and followers to be used as they live large on other peoples money.

I just talked to a family member that is a high ranking officer in the Army and he just laughed at the idea of a Republic military.

I'm calling "cheese"....

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