posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 06:32 PM
After talking with a few people for a bit, I think most people I spoke with mostly agree that the political divisions are becoming dangerous and too
People got so into politics in the last 10-20 years because they think "Our Future is VERY IMPORTANT" and things like this, and they are super
concerned about everyones future.
But the problem is the Democrats and Republicans are by definition, FORCED to oppose each other in debate.
It's like if you change your mind or agree, you are a "traitor to your party".
Well, these people need to dissolve their parties... Because the original intent of the political party has totally backfired and turned full circle
on us.
When voting for a candidate, having "parties" makes it easier to find someone you never heard of and vote for them, because you can ASSUME their
values/beliefs/agenda by extrapolating that from their Party Affiliation.
However this process over time, has apparently eroded the proximity of the American Voter and their Representatives.
Nowadays things are where they are. I don't have to tell anyone what Earth today is like.
The intent of Democrats or Republicans (to "Help their nation") is the very basis of the "Destruction" of our nation.
Because the End result of this intent , however innocent and good it may be, is that both sides are spiraling into a confrontation that has potential
to make the US Civil War look like a low intensity conflict.
The stakes are high. Too high. Higher than we can imagine.
When each side takes turns using the political process and government to oppress and get back at each other, chaos is being brewed.
We have to somehow confront them, both sides, and speak sense and reason towards them. Convince them to chill out for awhile. The political climate
globally, not just in the US, but Globally, is getting very ugly.
And the conspiracy that most of you are all to aware of is that TPTB are the ones brewing this pot of hate. For sure the MSM has their hands dirty.
[edit on 3-4-2010 by muzzleflash]