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Obama and .Gov Wants a Violent Revolt?

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posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 11:21 AM
Here is why the Obama Admin is being used as a puppet by TPTB. So that they can instigate a violent civil war in the USA.

Apparent Bizarre Perceptible Reality :::

1)TPTB want nothing more than to see cities in the USA lying in ruins, with Americans dead at their own hands.

2)TPTB want nothing more than to see American citizens rounded up in Martial Law if they refuse to accept total government.

A Few Curiosities::

Why would they go for a incredibly long recess, allowing the unemployment benefits to expire, while also at the same time, continually provoking and instigating a fight from average Americans through their TV ??

See how the Political climate is in the US now? Utter complete DIVISION into opposing fronts who hate each other with blind passion and rage.

Democrat vs Republican battle has sapped America of all it's intelligence and brought us down into a steaming pile of stupidity.


Divide and Conquer.
We have been divided into opposing sides now.

It is only a matter of time for the 2nd piece to fall into place.

We will be conquered if we do not stop this Now.

There are already dozens of plans in the works to destroy this nation.

And only the Stupidity of Americans can destroy America.

So , why are we letting them destroy our entire society?

When this BS reaches a Climax, Republicans and Democrats will be killing each other outright. This is inevitable.

You ATSers are smart. You guys need to help figure out a way to prevent this from spiraling out of control.

Final Analysis:::

IMO, TPTB are using the US Gov to Provoke the citizens into reaction.(Thus the gazillion reasons to get pissed at .Gov in the last 10years).

When we react, they then act all hypocritical and blame US for criminal actions! Then we start getting imprisoned or shot.

See how clever this is?

By us wanting our freedom, (the carrot on the stick), we are being led off the cliff.

Once we try to grab the carrot (freedom) the government will react with full brutal force and I assume just bring tanks in the cities and do air strikes on targets. JUST LIKE IRAQ but 100x bloodier.

Anyways, remember the undercover cops at the protests that were trying to "provoke a riot" so the cops could just come in and arrest everyone?

Yeah well this is the same thing, just on a much larger scale.

We the protesters are being provoked into violence by undercover agents of TPTB. CLEARLY.

I think this government is becoming very illegal and treasonous if these allegations are true. Oh, and they are Retarded

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 11:26 AM
Also this fits in well with prior NWO conspiracy theories because it would give the UN perfect legitimacy in forming a true world government and rezoning all of the nations into super regions etc.

Also it would help weed out all of us "thinkers" so that the RFID implants will be more widely accepted when this is all over.

Just saying, it does pretty much fit well with prior NWO conspiracy theories popularized around this website.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 11:28 AM
What they want is to break down the capitalist system, create a solid 2 class system where the minority elite control everything, and everyone else works, lives and exists to serve them.

The unfortunate result of this radical process is that some people will resist it, and they are working on ways to confront and eliminate that.

In a way they want the dissenters, extremists and anti-government groups to confront them, it will make it easier for them to demonize them, arrest and jail them and disrupt and disband their organizations.

The majority of Americans will likely conform to these incremental changes over time with little or no resistance.

Most will wake up when it is far too late... In fact in many ways it is already too late.

But, we can still dream.

[edit on 2-4-2010 by Fractured.Facade]

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by Fractured.Facade

I agree it is far too late...

The events that are emerging and transpiring even as we speak are now like a row of falling dominoes, or a snowball rolling down a mountain.

We cannot simply step in the way of the train now, it is going to fast.

I see a head on collision coming and it sucks I can't do anything to stop it.

And the people on both trains, they just won't listen to any warnings they are so narrow minded and focused on going full steam ahead!

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 11:40 AM
If your sensible you will not do anything and always be passive.

They want people to be the opposite so they can justify there existence in government and police.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

I do believe I have read this somewhere before... Oh yeah the bible.... Maybe this whole God/Jesus thing is actual real???

On topic, I agree with you they can’t take America whole because there is to many Guns. So they instigate stuff... Now the question will be what’s the trigger going to be?

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 12:06 PM
I do not know what will trigger it.

It could be incremental, like it has been.

Like it will happen in waves. Each with an increasing intensity until climax stage.

And yes many people interpret biblical prophecy to state that the USA will fall from within due to corruption, rather than from outside aggressors. It does go along the lines with that as well.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 12:09 PM
The violence is starting and here is your problem with stopping it.

Anarchist groups are now starting some of it along with certian right wing groups.

Some of these groups are funded by and thereby controlled by the elite (TPTB). If you dont think this is possible watch the movie "Gangs of NY" (roughly based on historical fact).

Its alot like a strategy used in live studio studio's. You place a few "clappers" in the crowd to get them to laugh and clap when needed.

Works better then any sign.

If you think they haven't done this... well you are niave.

(need spell cheker

[edit on 2-4-2010 by Ekudram]

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by Ekudram

I agree.

The .Gov (of many nations through history) have always had a knack of infiltrating groups that oppose them.

And taking over from the inside, and misleading those groups into destruction.

This is the age old tactic of controlling your opposition. This allows a puppet master to control an entire play.

You say that Anarchists and Right wingers will be starting to get violent, but what about the .Gov?

The .Gov has been on a incredibly violent rampage on other nations and it's own citizens. I would also include secret chemical and radiological testing done on citizens as violence as well.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

With the Government factor I didnt worry about pointing out the obvious.

I concure with your opinion on that one.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 02:02 PM
It was Joseph Stalin who said - "America is like a healthy body, and it's resistance is threefold: It's Patriotism, it's morality, and it's Spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."

We can almost hear his laughter from beyond the grave.

Abraham Lincoln's House Divided speech of June 16, 1858 contains as much meaning now as it did then, and yes he was drawing from the Bible on this, but the truth is we as a people must stand united against those who would seek to divide us for their good. Violence will not solve this. Nothing would make them happier than for all of us to take our weapons out of the closets and use them.

If they divide us, they win. If they win, our children and our grandchildren will be the big losers.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 02:17 PM
Basically what you are saying is that this is pre planned to separate the sheep from the wolves so they can locate, isolate and neutralize the current existing potential threat to NWO?

So that those in the way of their plans can be taken care of before hand so their plans go as smoothly as possible?

If that's what your saying it definitely makes sense. What better way to take over the world than strategically?

But if we don't have revolution and our window to end the corruption how else will it be accomplished? Maybe by all of us against it dressed in sheeps clothing until the right pivotal moment to take advantage of them? I think that would be our best bet at this point....

Now if we could just organize, silently, discreetly and wait for our moment... work our way into the system, into the appropriate places, infiltrate then BAM! TAKE OUR FREEDOM BACK WITH THEIR OWN TACTICS AGAINST THEM!

But the odds of getting enough people united to do that are, should I say slimmer than what is hopeful?

I do agree with you though.

[edit on 2-4-2010 by Crossfate]

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

You are one of my favorite posters and you have hit the nail right on the head.
It is very strange it is like we are witnessing the perfect storm and the unemployment benefits will be the straw. I hope people keep cooler heads and remember that this might be exactly what they want.

I wish the nuts on both the right and the left would just shut up. We need to realise that they are the one's who separate us and it is done for a controlled opposition that never gets to far out of line.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by Wayne60
It was Joseph Stalin who said - "America is like a healthy body, and it's resistance is threefold: It's Patriotism, it's morality, and it's Spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."

Source? Sounds more like something some American came up with to stroke off with.

Abraham Lincoln's House Divided speech of June 16, 1858 contains as much meaning now as it did then, and yes he was drawing from the Bible on this, but the truth is we as a people must stand united against those who would seek to divide us for their good. Violence will not solve this. Nothing would make them happier than for all of us to take our weapons out of the closets and use them.

Well, they gotta put that gigantic goddamned military budget to use somehow, right?

If they divide us, they win. If they win, our children and our grandchildren will be the big losers.

You're already divided.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Great post man, S&F.
That is precisely what they want, you hit it spot on. And with help of the mainstream media, they are doing an excellent job so far.
Divide and conquer has always been their main weapon and we fall for it over and over again. I don't think it's them who are the retarded ones tho, just greedy and selfish.
I hope more people will recognize the artificial division created by Govt and the people behind it. It is becoming more and more obvious now.
Theres still hope for us once we realize that a violent revolution would be our downfall because like OP stated, martial law would certainly be enacted.They will roll in tanks, call air strikes, send in special ground forces, place snipers everywhere, you're talkin video game style warfare against the US Military here. I dont care how many private gun owners that are out there talking about how they will rise up against blah blah blah because they stand for something, guess what, you're already dead.
Anywho, thanks again TS, great thread.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by andy1033
If your sensible you will not do anything and always be passive.

They want people to be the opposite so they can justify there existence in government and police.

Yes let us remain calm and let them move, let them start something and/or continue to act so that it becomes incontrovertible.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 11:58 PM
Yeah this is pretty blatant. A lot of threads here touch on this very thing happening more frequently by the day. I agree something needs to be done, because the divide and conquer strategy has definitely worked here.

I think the one thing we need first of all is complete and utter awareness by the people of the situation at hand. The majority are blinded by propaganda and lies and have no clue what is going on. Spread the message and awaken people. Once this happens on a large scale hopefully people will realize the incredible amount of control they have given to TPTB and realize we are the ones that can take it back.

A lot of people talk the talk, but yes, they don't walk the walk. There are a lot of people calling out the people expressing their desire to revolt around here...The thing about that is I believe once the SHTF for real, we will see a lot more talkers walking...

S+F - Spread awareness...

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by poedxsoldiervet
reply to post by muzzleflash

I do believe I have read this somewhere before... Oh yeah the bible.... Maybe this whole God/Jesus thing is actual real???

On topic, I agree with you they can’t take America whole because there is to many Guns. So they instigate stuff... Now the question will be what’s the trigger going to be?

The trigger? They will start planting false flag bombs...stuff like that. They will pull the trigger themselves.

Create backouts and say some underground patriot group just knocked out a power name it. Find some reason to restrict gas and food...ect.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by Smell The Roses

A lot of people talk the talk, but yes, they don't walk the walk. There are a lot of people calling out the people expressing their desire to revolt around here...The thing about that is I believe once the SHTF for real, we will see a lot more talkers walking...

S+F - Spread awareness...

Yea just keep it up man. What do you want to see someone killed is that it?
So what if they walk and take to the hills they would still have been right about warning the rest of us. So you want to see all the patriots bodies piled up in the streets is that it?
And something about this divide idea, you have to know that many are working for the fall. They are not as some believe just on the right of left but are fifth column and work for the plotters. See them on here all the time.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by Logarock

I think you are confused. I was stating that a lot of threads are coming out and saying people claiming they will revolt will not. I am stating that these people that are being pushed, will most likely, react when the time comes. Is that more clear?

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