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Gordon Brown: 'immigrants must honour British values'

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posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by kerrichin

The whole situation is a scam from the employers, as I have mentioned previously I know some employers around here who will only employ imigrants becuase they can drive down the wages and manipulate them, while the legitimate jobs through the agencies are mostly now asking for fluency in multiple lanquages, even tho the roles do not interact with anyone outside the UK.

The whole situation is manipulation of the masses.. divide the populations and cause strife, and this all sits at the feet of the establishment.. the whole system is corrupt.

I am lucky in that myself and my partner have extensive skill sets that can be used in multiples of markets, but even so, the minimum both my partner and I have to travel is 2 hours each way, each day.. Not that I mind that part, I've always traveled to and from contracts..

But we have kids who have little to no opportunity of getting work locally.. I am just unsure of their future, which is rather worrying.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by thoughtsfull

I am lucky in that myself and my partner have extensive skill sets that can be used in multiples of markets, but even so, the minimum both my partner and I have to travel is 2 hours each way, each day.. Not that I mind that part, I've always traveled to and from contracts..

And just think, if you were an MP, that journey time would guarantee you a free second home. Yet another example of the way MPs of all parties are out of touch with the rest of the people. People such as yourself have to travel in such a way and even those without a job have to look at jobs with a travelling time of an hour each way just to satisfy Job Seeker's Allowance claims.

It's all bollocks.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 10:45 AM
as an american, i often find myself wondering why I NEED to embrace some immigrants culture. they are coming to my country, i'm not going to theirs. and as i have done when traveling to other countries, i have not imposed my culture on them, by being respectful of their customs and their people.
there was a recent uproar from the muslim community, over a woman wearing a veil that completely covered her face for a drivers license...huh?
to me this shows a complete lack of respect for our culture and our laws.
also, to apply for many jobs here in california, you need to be able to speak spanish to accomodate mexican immigrants...huh? isn't up to them to quickly learn english to understand our laws and to communicate effectively? if i moved and decided to live in a country such as france, i would make it my first priority to learn the french language...and i would feel ashamed if i did not do this in my first few months there.

[edit on 2-4-2010 by jimmyx]

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by Merriman Weir

Ah, understood
thanks for clearing that up.. It is not easy finding work.. I was on Job seekers at the begining of the last recession in the 90s, and found it so frustrating what with all the hoop jumping at the time that I ended up in the Swiss alps working.

You mention the expenses stuff, and to be honest I can not get my head around how deceiptfull most MPs are.. I've traveled to and from from jobs most of my working life, 4 hours each day on top of a full day paid for out of my own pocket is quite normal for me and these guys think spending 20 mins traveling is to much (quite sickening really)

How they (the MPs) can claim for extra houses etc utterly dumbfounds me.. they simply do not live in the real world, nothing of what they say or do leaves me with the impression they understand what is happening in this country.. so I honestly think they are the last people to try and talk about values..

I really wish they (the Mps) understood how broken this society is becoming and how life for most is crumbling more and more each day.. if I was a gambling person I would say we are heading towards a similar situation to the Swing riots of the 1830s.. or at the very least something as explosive.

Each day I walk passed my local job center (I think my town has an unemployment rate of about 20%) and over the last 18 months I have seen the numer of those waiting for it to open to grow from 1 or 2 to 5 and now about 10 or 12 with kids and dogs in tow.. it is a sad sight... heart breaking really.

I live in a rural fishing/ferry port.. half the fishing boats have stopped sailing, a few years ago 5 ferries sailed between here and France, then it 4, then 3, then 2 and now it is only 1.. While all the farms are turning to rape seed or not growing anything at all.. what industry we have left is wasting away to nothing, what skills we have are going unused.

Honestly if they (the establishment) do not do something soon to turn the situation around I fear we might see major unrest spreading throughout the country.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by thoughtsfull
reply to post by Merriman Weir

Honestly if they (the establishment) do not do something soon to turn the situation around I fear we might see major unrest spreading throughout the country.

ive been saying for a while now that i think there will be rioting soon.
people are being ignored, and honest working people can not get jobs and are loosing there homes in the process.

i dont even think about the future because at the moment i dont really think i have one let alone people younger than me.
the media goes on about children turning to crime and gangs.
but what else have they got, all the youth clubs are being closed down, due to lack of funding.
i was lucky i was in the army cadets, when i was a teen.
but now the cadets seem to be the only types of clubs for youths left and they are very far and few.

there is nothing left and people are getting angry, you see it everywhere

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by kerrichin

For me the evidence of what we can expect is clearly visible in the swing riots of 1830 where the SE went into open rebellion.. which was all due to under employment..

It concerns me that those in power know this is what they can expect to happen, since it is a natural human process.. yet they are doing nothing to avert it happening.

There in lies a lot of questions for me.. the unrest is in my mind unavoidable,
So if the bailouts and money printing is to buy time, why on earth are they doning nothing to turn this into anything other than a *cough* jobless recovery.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 05:26 PM
thought this might be interesting to watch its about a boy who is thinking about joining the bnp.

its a channel 4 documentary.

heres the linkyoung angry and white

its what he said about 'tainting the white blood' very sad and ignorant

[edit on 2/4/2010 by kerrichin]

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by thoughtsfull
reply to post by Merriman Weir

You mention the expenses stuff, and to be honest I can not get my head around how deceiptfull most MPs are.. I've traveled to and from from jobs most of my working life, 4 hours each day on top of a full day paid for out of my own pocket is quite normal for me and these guys think spending 20 mins traveling is to much (quite sickening really)

How they (the MPs) can claim for extra houses etc utterly dumbfounds me.. they simply do not live in the real world, nothing of what they say or do leaves me with the impression they understand what is happening in this country.. so I honestly think they are the last people to try and talk about values..

My dear fellow the simple solution to the MPs' gross misconduct is the complete and utter contempt that they have for the electorate. Even greed does not explain it as it is barefaced contempt that allows them to commit such theft in such a blatant manner. And to think these people set themselves up in judgement of us mere mortals!!!!!

Perhaps we need an UK version of the Tea Party just to drive dowqn their salaries..

[edit on 2-4-2010 by Tiger5]

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 02:56 AM

Originally posted by Tiger5
Perhaps we need an UK version of the Tea Party just to drive dowqn their salaries..
[edit on 2-4-2010 by Tiger5]

What, an ultimately tokenistic and ineffectual body of demonstrators speaking out against the government?

We already have them, you mentioned them earlier: the electorate.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by Merriman Weir

Trouble is... It already seems to be too late... Just up the road from here in Dudley was a mass demo by the EDL that turned pretty nasty... The locals do not want a mosque to be built in thei ancient town and it was refused planning permission by the local council.. However the national government overturned the decision which has bought blood pressure of the local YamYams up to the point of seeing red.... Cue the social unrest....

Geez... I dont catch a break.... I get out of Israel to this crap
..... I must be a magnet for it

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 06:02 PM
hold on a in yr avatar says you are british but you left israel to this crap???


The EDL was formed on the 27th of June, 2009 due to frustration at the lack of any significant action by the British Government against extremist Muslim preachers and organisations such as Islam4UK, Hizb ut Tahrir, the Islamic Forum of Europe, the Muslim Council of Britain - the list goes on. Like many citizens of England, and indeed the United Kingdom, we have sat and waited for our Government to address these issues for many years, but they have done nothing of substance. Indeed, much of the funding that they have supposedly dedicated to the problem has actually gone to fund these preachers of hate, who are entitled to ‘anti-radicalisation’ funds as long as they do not explicitly advocate violence. This is unacceptable.

maybe people should actually read what they do, they don't actually tolerate violence but thugs go ahead anyway........

Activities: Are the EDL Violent? We have organised a series of peaceful protests across the country. Unfortunately, some of these have been disrupted by self-proclaimed yet clearly misguided anti-fascists and gangs of Muslim youth whipped up by the extremist preachers we oppose. These gangs have come armed and attacked our members, the police officers trying to protect us, and even random members of the public. We respect the police and the job they have to do, which is why we will not be returning to Birmingham for the foreseeable future. The Muslim gangs of the city are too violent, and we wish to avoid clashes and putting officers, our members and the public at risk. We believe that most people in England, and indeed across the world, agree with our message, and that much of the opposition we have encountered is due to that message being distorted by the press and by organisations such as UAF. We strongly protest at John Denham MP’s ignorant comparison of us to the British Union of Fascists. This is a complete distortion of both our message and our methods. Our response to John Denham can be found below. If in any doubt, visit our forum and have a chat with some us, or come to one of our demonstrations and see for yourself ordinary English people standing up against preachers of hate.

[edit on 3-4-2010 by jumpingbeanz]

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by Yissachar1

Not to mention this nonsense, a riot for a sale at American apperel in Brick lane.

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by Yissachar1

i saw this on the news.
you definatly dont seem to be having much luck

ive never heard of the edl i think i might go look them, they sound interesting.

[edit on 4/4/2010 by kerrichin]

[edit on 4/4/2010 by kerrichin]

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 08:33 AM
Honour British values? WTF is that?

Lol im an immigrant in UK and thank you for welcoming us!
But without us this country would much much much more poor! Without workers there is no production!

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by jumpingbeanz

Yeah, born in England, served in British Army, and IDF, hold dual British (I prefer English)/Israeli nationality... Havent really lived around here for the last 22 years except to see family.... Boyyyyyy Its changed!!

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by StarBoyFG

like alot of us have said we dont mind imigrants but what we so mind is when they forse there beliefs on us and we are still meant to respect there beliefs while they abuse our own.
also alot of the british population are jobless due to many factors including being made redundant but no company will hire us because its cheaper to have immigrants.

we the britiah are seen as walk over because of this government.

people cant even get a house because the immigrants get first dibs.

you laugh at our culture, then why live here move back to your country of origin.

im sure if i wentt to any country in te world and mocked there culture or beliefs i would be shown the door if not imprisons or exicuted

[edit on 4/4/2010 by kerrichin]

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by StarBoyFG
Honour British values? WTF is that?

You know, this is precisely why so many people absolutely loathe immigrants in this country.

Lol im an immigrant in UK and thank you for welcoming us!
But without us this country would much much much more poor! Without workers there is no production!

I take it you didn't actually read the thread before you started trolling?

For the first time in my life I'm actually tempted to use an 'ignore' facility on a message board.

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 02:54 PM
I've just seen the DVD of "Sicko" and, frankly, I'd much rather we lived by Norwegian values. It seems like a much more civilised society to me. (you have to look for the extras on the DVD - specifically, the chapter entitled "Is Norway Utopia?" To which my answer would be, stone me, looks like it!

And, yes, obviously Brown's electioneering. Didn't Jack Straw, with a sizeable Muslim segment in his own constituency, actually increase his majority after spewing similarly authoritarian and divisive nonsense? As another poster said, what are British values, anyway? Painting as much of the map pink as we can? Or, more recently, bending over for Uncle Sam?

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