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Free Energy you can make at home

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posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by whattheh

Rule of thumb for charging most common battery types (lead-acid, NiCd, NiMH etc) is you need to supply about 50% more energy than the battery will ever return which makes them horribly inefficient for storing energy but the problem is we don't have any more cost-effective storage options for the sort of power they can hold.

EG: to charge a 100AH battery that's at 50%, to put that 50AH back in you need to provide about 75AH from the charger and that applies to 'trickle' charging as well as higher rates. To charge the example battery up by 50AH at a fast rate of 10A would take 7.5 hours. Trickle charging at 1A would take around 75 hours.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 11:10 AM
I did see a similar concept in which a man claimed to get the system self-running here. Obviously this has been tried many times by many people without success, but you know that it only takes 1 person to change all that. I have no idea if this guy is legit, that can only be known if you witness the particular device yourself. It is interesting that he incorporated a batcap, so that might act different than a typical capacitor or battery taking the charge.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by Freezer

Thank you for posting the video. Although I don't think he proved the concept, this is some of the stuff I was hoping to see from the thread.

Where I figured the extra power would come from is the fact that one electric motor can turn a dozen alternators.

Even if you had to use a gas motor to power the electric motor there would be power coming from the extra alternators.

I still don't see where an alternator increases the amount of torque required to turn it by pulling juice from the battery it is charging.

As usual with this concept I have to build the thing before anyone will give it any thought at all.

Oh well I tried right.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 02:54 PM
OP, I presume you are suggesting a perpetuüm mobile?

second line

[edit on 1-4-2010 by -Thom-]

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 03:22 PM
Some one tried to give free energy but it would have been
costly unless some unknown force would have been enabled.
There might be some who think there is a chance but don't
think the government would give the OK.
There might be cost efficient personal and independent generators
available at some time.
There are some given as free that seem a tad dangerous.
Then again we are not given a look see at the famous tri metal
electrical generator used to power small subs from Germany at
the end of WWII. The only over unity lead I've come across
and if true there might be others. Also a radio set with no
battery compartment used by Axis spies in America. There can't
be many of those left on the scrap heaps of New Mexico.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by whattheh
reply to post by Freezer

Thank you for posting the video. Although I don't think he proved the concept, this is some of the stuff I was hoping to see from the thread.

Where I figured the extra power would come from is the fact that one electric motor can turn a dozen alternators.

Even if you had to use a gas motor to power the electric motor there would be power coming from the extra alternators.

I still don't see where an alternator increases the amount of torque required to turn it by pulling juice from the battery it is charging.

As usual with this concept I have to build the thing before anyone will give it any thought at all.

Oh well I tried right.

I can understand why you are having trouble grasping why the alternator becomes more difficult to turn with load. The easiest way to think of eletricity is simply as a mechanical force.

Inside the alternator is a rotor that has a winding. This is a variable electric magnet. Excitation current is used to vary the strength of this field. When you spin the alternator under no load, it spins easily because there is no need to provide excitation current to power the load. If you connect a load but no excitation current, it will still spin freely but won't produce any power. When you excite the rotor, the magnetic forces between the rotor and stator (output) repel each other and this repulsive force is proportioal to load. This force is actually the rotor pushing the electrons around the circuit. At the other end you use this force to run a motor, power a light bulb etc.

I you want to prove this for yourself, disconnect the D+ (exciter) on your alternator and start the engine. Connect a decent load (remember the battery will power it for a while) then carefully reconnect the D+. You will see and hear the engine load up.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by chorizo4
reply to post by whattheh

You need to try this out with a permanent magnet alternator. They cost about 300 bucks on ebay.

Zero point energy=the extraction of an electrical current from a preexisting magnetic field. The zero point being the magnetic field itself which remains undiminished.

Well, not so much. I know it's the way CT/OU people use the term, but ZPE is the remaining energy in a quantum mechanical system at ground state. Everyone from Bearden to Bedini uses ZPE as a magic handwaver to explain what they think is overunity energy, because they don't think you'll know what the term means.

It's sort of like invoking Tesla - the term's generally bandied about to reduce your disbelief.

And no to the OP, that doesn't work. Of the 1000W of mechanical energy you get from the motor, you'll end up spending 1200W to make it happen, if everything's fairly efficient.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by whattheh
I still don't see where an alternator increases the amount of torque required to turn it by pulling juice from the battery it is charging.

Ok. Try thinking of it this way. The magnetic field of that alternator's rotor is in direct proportion to the current flowing in it, and the number of turns per pole. The winding's not changing, but the more load you put on the output of the alternator, the more current is flowing.

Take it out of the alternator and think of it as just an electromagnet sitting on a table. You've made one of those, right? Wound some wire around a nail? The more power you put through it, the stronger it gets, right? And when the battery powering runs down, the thing has no power at all?

Ok. Now put that electromagnet back in the alternator as one of the poles. The more TVs and refrigerators you hook to it, directly or indirectly through an inverter, the more current it has to produce to run the loads, right?

Now, as the current flow increases in it, the magnetic field it has increases just like that wire-on-a-nail.

You have to turn that magnet past the field windings. You're pushing one magnet against another. And the stronger the current flow in your alternator rotor electromagnet, the harder it gets to push past the field electromagnet. The bigger the load, the harder the magnets push against each other to keep you from turning the alternator. And if you measure the mechanical energy it takes to turn those magnets past each other, you'll find that it's more than what you get out of the alternator in terms of electrical energy. Not a lot more if you've got an efficient alternator, but always more.

Another thing to consider - did you ever have a bicycle with a generator light? The sort that flips down and rubs on a wheel? Do you remember that when you turned on the headlight, the bike got a LOT harder to pedal? Same thing.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by whattheh

I got to say besides the open ended nature of the system you propose,

You must have some pretty amazing Fans like industrial ones if you think it will have the Torque to get an alternator recharching the battery.

The electric motor on the fan would burn out in minutes unless you have differant alternators in the UK.

You missed one important aspect of engines/power GEARING or lack thereof.

Also CONSERVATION OF ENERGY im afraid, the sytem would loose so much in inverting, heat, friction that only a small percentage of what you would be putting into the fan would ever get back to the battery.

The battery would probably last around 1/3 of the time it did yesterday if you hook the fan to the alternator.

This is not FREE energy, but wasting energy.

Why not solar?
A big FAN called a trubine in the garden to power your alternator (built in!) or get an old junk dodge pickup or something, pull the tank + engine out leave gearbox in truck, scrap it and put it in the basement with good ventilation and soundproofing (2 layers of old eggboxs on walls ceilings of basement would be quiet if ticking over at 1000, rpm and big block. Lots of batteries so you dont need to rev it.

Much easier in Vegas to stick solar panels on the roof/garden and trickling into a few batteries at once.

If you really want free energy do a google on "Free Energy Taking power from the Phone system" and also as vegas simple heat exchanger in your garden. Have to make buy them but free from then on.

Kind Regards,


posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 11:19 PM
Greetings OP,

Forget the alternator and motor. Get yourself a solar electric panel. Hook it up with a voltage regulator to a deep cycle battery bank. The Sun will then charge your batteries and if you keep an eye on how much you use and be less wasteful, you can use the system to power your lifestyle.

Here is the rub . . . Solar panels are not cheap. Batteries are not cheap and have to be replaced eventually. Most people waste power and unless they have a very large solar array and battery bank, they will not be able to store enough power for their AC, Playstation, refrigerator, microwave, stereo, television, DVD player, lighting, computer, and other marvels of the modern world.

If you can reduce your dependency on all those hungry electric gizmos, you can indeed power your life with the Sun, and Vegas is a perfect place for that. Many people do just that and you can stop paying anything to the big electric companies, and in fact earn money FROM them as US law requires that they MUST buy any extra electricity you generate. So, stick it to the man, reduce your energy consumption and invest in a solar system. You will be glad you did.

I live where the Sun is not as abundant as it is in Vegas, but I have built myself a solar furnace and this winter only turned on my natural gas fired furnace for ONE DAY despite all the snow we had. I managed to heat my home primarily with free solar heat, and supplimented it with a small amount of electric heat. My total energy bill was significantly lower this year than in previous ones. Basically my entire winters heating bill this year, was equal to what I would have paid for only one month last winter. My gas company hates me so much now that they actually had to come out and see that my meter was not broken.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by whattheh
reply to post by Freezer
Thank you for posting the video. Although I don't think he proved the concept, this is some of the stuff I was hoping to see from the thread.

So did you pick up on his problem in the video also?

He showed the power in, and THEN he turned on the light bulb. So his over unity calculation is not valid.

To make it valid, he would have to turn on the light bulb, get the system to steady state, and THEN make all the measurements of input and output to make his calculations. I suspect his power in went up after he turned on the light bulb.

What I don't understand is, if they guy is smart enough to build that system, could it be a slip-up, or is he intentionally deceiving us? Rhetorical question.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by whattheh

Wow, good thread OP. Thanks for sharing this, S&F for you.

This is what I've enjoyed the most on ATS during the few months that I've been lurking around, the fact that there is so much information to be learned here. I don't care much for the political threads as of late, but this one is a keeper. Thanks again!

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by whattheh

Three hundred dollars at Sam's Club will buy you a 60 watt solar array that has a battery charging component to it. I just put one together with 2 deep cycle boat batteries and a 2000 watt inverter for my home. I am going to use it for backup power and to run a few things in the home to reduce the power company bill.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by CUin2013?

Yes so we can get something productive out of this thread after all. Even if we can't get free energy, we can get a backup power source for when the power goes out using these devices,

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 01:53 AM
just place a heavy magnet or a resistor into your home power meter...and viola!!! free pay half or less of what you consume so the unpaid remaining power is free =).

it will work if your home power meter is not digital.

Kids please, don't try this at home. I'm not encouraging anyone at ATS to do that. I'm just thinking loud =)

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 02:00 AM
Just to everyone not getting the clue already: Happy April fools day!

OP you were supposed to reveal the spoof at the end of the day. I just cannot think you actually believe in the things you said in the first post.

Yes it will spin easily with one finger, as long as it is not connected to anything. The resistance will ramp up tremendously when you want to get something out from it.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 03:39 AM
What if you were able to use the motive force over and over?
Let's say you build a water tank up at the ceiling of your garage, and a sluice down to another tank at the floor, and arrange a dozen paddle wheels that would spin alternators that were all attached to one or more batteries.
You would have to have some sort of control circuit to open the upper water tank and allow water to flow down to the bottom tank, spinning all the paddle wheels along the way.
Then when the bottom tank was approaching full, your circuit would start a pump to pump the water back up to the top tank.

Question is.... would the dozen alternators create more charge than would be used to pump the water back up? I could see it creating an excess of charge if you had enough of the alternators/paddles along the sluice. The ''free'' part is held inside the water which is used a dozen times over.

Your neighbors might think you have cracked.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by Cabaret Voltaire

Try googling

Second Law of thermodynamics

The gravity of 10ms, and weight/mass of the water from what could be realistically be built in a house would make it lucky to turn 1 alernator, never mind half a dozen.

Over that height I doubt if any energy would actaully be produced, besides that lost in friction etc.

Kind Regards,


posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by whattheh
reply to post by Funk bunyip

Well you called yourself the moron.

The 12 volt battery connected to the Inverter!

The alternator charges the battery that powers the electric motor that spins the alternator.

Well, this is what I thought too! Being a woman, even *I* know that. But then I got to thinking...can you power both the electric motor AND the appliance with the battery? Isn't it redundant that the motor should both power and be powered by the battery?

Work magnets into this system somehow to create the looping effect others have mentioned and you might really be on to something. Right now alternative energy sources like this aren't self-sufficient. You always need something like a new battery or fuel for a generator...we need a renewable and self-sustaining source of energy that's inexpensive. Perhaps a combo of several different types of energy.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 10:35 AM
I have seen some very good responses on this thread but it seems that all critics go toward showing that it is impossible to produce a "perpetual energy" system.

That is just fine - how about if a person is just wanting to produce a system that recovers some of the energy expended ?

I expect to have to pay for some electricity, but is it even worthwhile to attempt to recover some of the energy normally lost, by using any of the methods discussed ?

Could we cut our bills by 25% or even 50% by installing a system of our own alternators into a system that we might already need to use ?

Or is any attempt at doing this just going to waste more electricity ?

I've never liked the entire solar energy production systems, but anything else that might augment providing electricity would be nice.

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