posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 06:15 AM
The following information is being provided due to the realization that corporate greed will kill such ideas to continue the for profit fleecing of
the planet for energy that you could be generating at home.
I have lived in Las Vegas my entire life. I have paid $400.00 a month power bills when the casinos down the street have light bulbs covering every
inch of their building. My fellow citizens and I have been paying for their power consumption for too long.
After 20 years in Hotel Management in Las Vegas I have lived paycheck to paycheck due to the corporate greed of corporations who have paid me chump
change while reinvesting their profits in new buildings and never paying dividends to their stock holders. They have kept me so broke, even in a
Management position that I have not been able to spend the thousand dollars it takes to build this prototype. Friends I have told about this don’t
want to part with any of their money so I now give it to the world for free.
I am divulging this information to ATS first due to my hopes that many of you will actually build one of these in your garage to prove the ability to
create energy and free yourself from the greedy power companies.
After the President told us he was giving 3 billion dollars of our tax revenue to the power companies for the so called Smart Grid to create jobs and
hook green energies to the grid, I discovered the truth behind this lie. He is buying them new meters that will allow them to read the meter without
sending a meter reader to your house. This will cost thousands of jobs as every meter reader in the country will be fired using funds from the tax
payers. Their greed has gone too far. Although the power company should have done this years ago, the fact that my tax dollars are being spent to lose
jobs, under the lie that they are creating them has contributed to me releasing this information to the public for free.
I no longer care if I make money from this concept as long as the greedy power companies lose in the process!
So here it is:
I am so gonna laugh at those morons that will just attack this thread without even trying to build it. Keep paying your power bill morons. Ya I’ve
seen your needless attacks on posters at ATS.
First how I came up with the idea:
My stereo went out in my truck. I wonder how many world changing ideas come from something so simple.
So I used an Inverter and plugged a boom box into it that was running off my cigarette lighter.
Sitting at a stop light one day it hit me! Household appliances can be run off of the alternator of a car. The alternator in your car has been refined
over the years to have very little drag on your engine. In fact you can spin one easily with your finger.
An Inverter changes the 12 volt direct current in your car to the 110 volt Alternating current of your household.
Therefore a low power consumption electric motor that spins at 1,000 RPM will turn dozens of Alternators. Each inverter connected to those alternators
will power two household appliances. You will need higher watt Inverters for more powerful appliances. Don’t try to use a 350 watt inverter like
mine to power heavy appliances. There are 2000 watt inverters that should be used.
My power went out and I grabbed my battery and inverter from my truck. I hooked up the television, playstation, and two fans (I live in Vegas an it is
hot) to the battery and ran them for almost 6 hours before the battery started going down. Now if an alternator was recharging that battery how long
would it have lasted? One of those fans could have been recharging the battery with an alternator from the car (if it spins at 1,00 RPM or more).
Currently due to the limited use of inverters they are expensive. However, with an invention like this making them sell millions more of them the
prices will drastically drop.
There you have it. I gave it to you fro free.
All you need is a 12 volt battery, 2000 watt inverter, car alternator, and a 1,000 RPM electric motor to spin the alternator. However, you will need
several of each of these to power multiple appliances.
These will reduce your power bill drastically based on how many of your household items you power with it.
Stick it to your power company for me would you!!
Or be an idiot and just attack this thread and go about paying that huge power bill.
[edit on 1-4-2010 by asala]