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Fox Makes Up Breaking News In Order to Cut Away From Obama

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posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 04:03 PM
Reply to post by MIMRblazin

HaHa reminds me of the daily show (daily and colbert are the best place for young people to start becoming more involved and interested, I would send someone there before cnn, fox or any other place) last night they showed a clip of a guy taking callers on cspan and he got this old racist guy who said they oughta change their name to BLACK-Span! He wondered, out loud and on-air why if "they" only make up about 12% of the population, then why were 90% of the callers black people calling in to "give THEIR opinion...tsk!" The funniest part was how the host reacted. wont spoil it though as I believe they put a lot of their stuff online or podcast or somethin fancy... But ya I was surprised they don`t get much mention on this site. They exposed a lot of truth I never would have noticed from just watching fox or cnn etc. When the Iraq stuff started around `03 I was 22yo and I became addicted to the live feeds on cnn and addicted to news and politics in general. So I`ve watched it all and I`ve consistently learned more from comedy centrasl. They`re biased against the right and against fox? so what I`m smart enough to know that and I`ve seen them take pretty serious stabs ALL AROUND. exposing the truth that THEY`re all bstrds! Nowadays I get my news online. ComCen makes a great relief from all the seriousness and if I want I can catch a humorous summary of the already hilarious circus known as tv news!
Candidates wanting to get voted in by this new generation will have to prove they arew different. Either that or cheat like Hell, which I suspect is already in motion...

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posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by doctor j and inmate c5779

I saw that man call in with the BLACK-SPAN suggestion.

I was both laughing uncontrollably and deeply ashamed.

Stewart handled it nicely though

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by MIMRblazin

Why are you getting so worked up about? Do you actually watch FOX or CNN? That's just the Ministry of Truth right out of 1984! Lies and more lies spewed forth by government or corporate dictum! WAKE UP!!!!!

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by MIMRblazin

Why were you ashamed? Guilty conscience? I'm not ashamed of anything I didn't do and I do NOT suffer from white guilt.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by Pahalik

I was ashamed to see that kind of comment. It's not right.

I live in the Midwest. I see it everyday, and i'm sick of it.

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