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Provost Marshalls to Serve Notice To Governors of All 50 States? Restore America

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posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 03:40 AM

Originally posted by PACRIM
I believe the catalyst for the military joining after a meeting with the Joint Chiefs, is the treaties that were to be signed by Obama in April. They didn't want the UN occupying sovereign territory and have to fight them later to remove them.

it makes sense that everyone involved is worried about the
future of the united states including the milatary

question how could any person that has served the USA
stand by and watch the commander and cheif sign it away
when their oath is to protect the soverign united states from all
enemies forign and domestic

even if he is voted into office
this defines treason by the elected official
who took the same oath

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by Libertygal

i am impressed with your view point and wish for you to do one thing before besmurchin my moral standing or lack of ethics
please understand this morgage GAME is stacked against you from BIRTH

please reveiw this vid as a way to veiw THE OTHER SIDE of this discusion
as i would have said the same thing if hawk had not shown me

big thanks to hawk for the link

this episode is called its all an illusion and is VERY eye opening
bear in mind its about british law but you will be able to see the argument
i am trying to make

if after reveiwing the vid you would like me to eat my words i WILL


posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 03:52 AM

Originally posted by Libertygal
reply to post by XPLodER

Ok. You go to buy a house. You pay no money down, pay the closing costs. You sign a contract based on the assessed value of the property and the home that exists on it. You move in.

In this contract, you agree to pay interest, insurance on the property, and taxes on said property.

You stop paying.

You get foreclosed.

This is in the agreement you signed.

It is not only a legal binding contract, but if you are a decent person, a morally binding one, as well. During said negotiations, you agree, smile, shake hands, celebrate the closing, even have a housewarming party.

Like it or not, and we can use whatever terms you wish, you *owe* someone for the value of what you have in your possession. Of *course* you are a tenant on your "own" property! If you have not paid it off, you don't own anything except perhaps a "stake" in said property!

You agree to allow the property to be held by the loan holder as collateral for the loan. Without said collateral, they have nothing to regain if you default on the contract.

Morally and legally, you have a duty to pay those payments, and do not get the title to that property until you complete the contract or renegotiate it otherwise.

Otherwise, what gives you any right to lay any claim to said property? It's called making good on your debt.

If you don't like the deal, don't sign the contract! No one made you do it, no one twisted your arm or held a gun to your head.

Proposing things like going to foreclosure and hoping they lost your contract are immoral, and a breach of said contract.

If you do not like the contract, pay cash or take a hike.

To propose anything else is to propose that you should try to get something for nothing. That's dirty, IMO.

Any deal where you get something for nothing allows the original owner to hold the ownership of said thing until it is paid off, then to turn ownership over to you. Take a car title.

It all works the same. They just found a loophole to allow *some* people to perhaps get away with it. But, it doesn't work for everyone.

You will still lose the property even if you succeed with the mortgage scam, if you fail to pay the property taxes.

Followers of this type of movement often times find themselves in very deep legal troubles, lose their homes, their personal properties, and often times end up being paper tigers, filing relentless and never ending suits against the government that get dismissed and thrown out.

If people do not like the way things are when they owe debt, then they should pay cash for their items, and not enter into any legally binding contracts. Finding ways to use loopholes to steal, well, you take that how you will.

One greed is no better than another. One's personal greed is not any better than the perceived government greed.

I am not going to attempt to dissect and argue the legalities, because I am not a lawyer, not going to try to pretent to be one like some of these people, but I can tell you I am a morally sound individual, and I can look in the mirror and be proud to be who I am, my dislike of the legal system notwithstanding.

I also do not have to make fake names to hide behind. I am proud to be who I am, and proud to own what I do, and I will be more proud to complete my legally and morally binding contracts of home ownership the day I pay my final payment and hold my deed in my hand, and this little parcel of land and the wood and concrete upon it because I *earned it*, not because some fraudster taught me ways to skirt the law, and basically steal.

Can't you see this as being a part of the problem, as opposed to being the sollution?

You are always welcome to pay on whatever you want. Nobody will stop you. The point you missed was the use of your birth as an investment tool for the corporation. You were sold into slavery at birth.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 03:59 AM
reply to post by PACRIM

i think if libertygal watches the vid she will
understand and get angry with the true state of things (as i did)
or beleive what she did before and deny any truth presented

personally that link from hawk gave me shivers

again hawk supplied my eye opening with this link

thanks hawk for the link

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 04:03 AM

Originally posted by XPLodER
reply to post by PACRIM

i think if libertygal watches the vid she will
understand and get angry with the true state of things (as i did)
or beleive what she did before and deny any truth presented

personally that link from hawk gave me shivers

again hawk supplied my eye opening with this link

thanks hawk for the link

Thanks I will enjoy watching it also.

A sleeping giant will awaken around the World.

[edit on 5-4-2010 by PACRIM]

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 04:25 AM

Originally posted by theyreadmymind

Originally posted by Caulfield
reply to post by infinite

Exactly, I wrote about that earlier, it was just registered in Feb. this year, and only for a year, yes , I do find this as odd, especially because if these are real patriots, who are really concerned, their site should have gone up long before now. A lot of folks like myself are concerned about issues such as socialism, but this issue started long before now, just consider "Social" Security. I appreciate your feedback, I am interested in what others have to think, its an American right to Think and Speak what you want.

Would it make any difference to you guys that they had to "rush" forward with this plan because they believe they were preventing World War III? They had to get all these Grand Juries together and go forward with their plans in a matter of weeks.

BTW, I'm not saying I agree with them or know where they got this information. But that could very well be why they had to register their domain in February of this year and go forward with the plan so quickly.

Quoting from the Guardians of the Republic Website:

"After a year of face-to-face negotiations with high-ranking members of the armed forces of the united States of America, the leaders of the freedom movement have joined together to bring you a four step comprehensive remedy—the Restore America Plan—whereby the military has agreed to follow the orders of the legitimate de jure government upon proper restoration and execution."

"To be clear, this is not a typical patriot “remedy.” The four step Restore America Plan was proposed by high-ranking members of the military who are tired of taking orders from a corporate CEO, and who recognize the People as the last chance to avoid a third world war. In fulfilling the call to action, the Guardian Elders who wrote the Declaration and designed the implementation plan are prepared, with your assistance, to
restore the one true sovereign authority on the land."

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 04:35 AM
reply to post by XPLodER

Your welcome that video is a great overview of how it all works it is the Same here in the USA. Just replace UK with US and Parliament with Congress and it works almost exactly the same.

Every mortgage in America is a scam. the banks defrauded you into believing they loaned you other depositors money with they did not. They funds were created on your credit when you signed the promissory note there was no loan you paid for the house right then and there then they tricked you into signing it over to them and turned around and deposited your note just like and check as an asset to the banks and then sold it and enriched themselves on your credit without your consent or knowledge and what did you get for your troubles. you got to pay the bank again for the privilege of making them millions.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 04:43 AM
reply to post by hawkiye

thanks for the link i have posted it far and wide

this link opens eyes thank you for sharing it so i can share it
and hopefully it goes viral

education will bring around lots of support for a true movement
of peice full lawfull change

your tops in my list of people who see past the matrix like world


posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 04:43 AM

Originally posted by XPLodER
reply to post by Libertygal

i am impressed with your view point and wish for you to do one thing before besmurchin my moral standing or lack of ethics
please understand this morgage GAME is stacked against you from BIRTH

I am not making any attempt to besmirch you. The mortgage "game" is only stacked if you wish to skirt the contract *you* signed. You cannot get something for nothing, which is what this is about.

If you wish to not be engaged in the contract, use Sharia Financing. Ir pay cash. It's really rather simple.

Any attempt to do otherwise is questionable, at best.

please reveiw this vid as a way to veiw THE OTHER SIDE of this discusion
as i would have said the same thing if hawk had not shown me

I have seen the video. I am watching it again, but I will not change my standing on the mortgage thing. If you don't like it, don't sign it. Just like any other contract you may or may not enter into.

if after reveiwing the vid you would like me to eat my words i WILL

The only comment that I have regarding the video atm is regards to the mortgage conversation is this.

"The only basic principals that any people of any nation need to adhere to are those of natural law which are mirrored in common law - never cause harm or loss" at 27:33

By using the mortgage loophole you are causing loss to someone.

Someone owned that land that you bought.

Someone spent money to develop that land, divide it into parcels, and to build upon that land.

Someone used raw materials, wood, metal, concrete, and paid other someones' real monet to labor and to build the homes.

Someone has now onvested real monies into that property that cannot be regained, those materials are used, the laborers have been paid.

Depending on the length of time needed to develop said land, someone may even have to pay the taxes due before other someones purchase the parcels.

The value of the final product is an assessed value, based on a multitude of things, including the monies paid in raw materials, laborers, and any fees paid for inspections, permits and the like, and in finality, the value of the properties once they have been deveoped.

Once the contractor has paid the laborers, paid for the raw materials, the bank agrees to a loan to individuals based on real values as well as perceived ones.

This is called a mortgage agreement, and a bank can refuse a loan if they deem the money you ask to borrow is too much, and you must renegotiate the contract until the bank agrees that is a tangible and recoverable value.

The actual owner of the developed property is paid real cash by the bank, and then this is considered to be your loan. So you see, tangible money has changed hands in an agreement.

If someone stole 100,000 dollars from you, would this not cause you harm? The harm is a financial loss, as perhaps you had dues to pay, groceries to buy, a car payment to make, taxes due.

Without your 100,000 dollars you will suffer various and real harms which may or may not include losing your car to repossession either causing you to walk or find other means of transportation, going hungry, and possibly even jail for tax evasion.

Harm can be perceived as more than physical harm, otherwise, it would be ok for people to steal your 100,000 dollars. Tough for you, right?

It all sounds good in principal, but in reality, you would be causing harm by way of real and tangible loss to use the loophole to skirt being liable for a mortgage debt.

If you feel this is besmirching you, then so be it, that is a judgement you lay on yourself for feeling thats ok.

I don't feel it is okay for me, as I *truly* wish to do no one any harm, physical, tangible, or perceived.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 04:51 AM
reply to post by PACRIM

You are always welcome to pay on whatever you want. Nobody will stop you. The point you missed was the use of your birth as an investment tool for the corporation. You were sold into slavery at birth.

I didn't miss the "point". It has nothing to do with the mortgage conversation, the huge quote that I removed, which you seem to have completely ignored to post this comment?

Why would you do that rather than to address the issues in the post?

I see the use of my mortgaged property as an investment tool. That is why it is sold multiple times.

Using that as a loophole to steal the property, however, is A Bad Thing (TM) in my opinion.

I think perhaps you missed that point?

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by Libertygal

well much much munch
eating own words
much much munch

please reveiw vid on central banking practice

please reveiw vid on fractional reserve banking

now please reveiw morgage law and why uyou never own the land you cant by law

please watch please

munch munch munch

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:04 AM
I am glad everyone is still waiting for the revolution, a tiny fact though. The Dallas link, COLO4? Yeah, the new Vice President received a degree certified by the NSA and Department of Homeland Security;

Mendoza holds an M.B.A. from the University of Dallas with a degree concentration in Information Assurance certified by the NSA and Department of Homeland Security. He received his undergraduate degree from Stephen F. Austin State University.


Before you proclaim, "oh, it's nothing"
This is apart of the President's National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace. Quite a tongue twister.

"The President's National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace highlights the need to develop a corps of information assurance professionals to protect government agencies and corporate America against increasingly sophisticated cyber threats," said Amit Yoran, director, National Cyber Security Division, Department of Homeland Security. "Our goal is to designate at least one university from all 50 states. This will enable critical institutional support for cyber security expertise to state and local governments as well as to corporate America."

Department of Homeland Security

In fact, the training and education occurs within the NSA. A part of the degree, you get to work within the NSA. And, it can all be traced back to the US Department of Defense, who oversee the program

More uncovering, suggests the COLO4 servers appear when tracing the NSA IP

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:18 AM
reply to post by Libertygal

munch munch

please veiw 30 little known facts about america case law with documentation

a must watch to see the big picture why banking practice is illegal

and ps thanks for watchin the vids they really open the eyes

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:25 AM
reply to post by XPLodER

I will try to review your videos, but I also have to face the upcoming workweek where my time is very restricted.

I have done a great deal of research this weekend as it is, taking away time from other things I enjoy, as well as my family. This was, of course, by choice. I guess I am saying I am pretty done with this.

It would really take a lot of effort to try to debunk things on a point by point basis, though, so that's asking a lot really. I have seen many of these videos oin the past, anyway.

I also have research that I am doing in other areas, so I won't be posting too much more. I think I have provided sufficient food for thought, and that was my only real intention.

If you choose, or anyone else reading this chooses to go forward, know that you are choosing something that has a history of not working out well for it's participants, and you are likely working with some scam artists (Sam Kennedy) and others of equally questionable backgrounds.

Just like there is no real Make Money Fast, there is no real The Restore America Plan, as it were.

It all sounds great, looks good on paper, presents some arguments, and is something a lot of people would wish to see, but like the poster above said, Will it work? No.

What will happen is a lot of people will get into some trouble they wish that they hadn't, and some could even end up in jail.

All I can say is, buyer beware, and watch your back.

My wife has been part of the disillusioned few who have fallen prey to the Sam Kennedy scam. She has been kicked out of her home, lost custody of her kids, gone to jail and been convicted of a felony, lost her career as a pre-school teacher after months of filling frivilous documents provided by these perpetuators(in exchange for strings of fees ofcourse)and crazy enough she still follow these group of scam artist religiously

What I am concerned about is that they did not win. I have heard that several people attempting to use his processes are in jail, which is now why he says his show is for entertainment purposes only. This really concerns me for why would I want to use a product which the seller of (Kennedy) can not endorse. If you were facing a civil or criminal lawsuit, would you take the advice of an attorney which he qualifed with "my advice is for entertainment purposes only'? That what it sounds like coming from Kenney.

By the way, if you still remember Elaine Brown, the lady dentist who is married to Ed Brown, both who are in federal prision for failing to file income tax returns, she appears to be using Mr. Kennedy's 1099-OID approach to pay off some court costs. The link listed below is from the Clerk of the Federal Court - you can read the letter but I do not think the federal clerk is impressed a bit by this approach. In fact, if I understand correctly, she could and may get another 5 years in prision and at least a $10,000 fine. This seems to be a good "test" if Mr. Kennedy's OID process works. Lets see if someone can produce any verifiable evidence that the feds run away from this issue with Elaine Brown. I thnik she has gotten some very bad advice and may never see the light of day again.

You have the info, you make up your own minds.

Yes, yes, I am branded a disinfo agent, or agent provateur, or any other number of things. Instead of considering me the bad guy for posting *facts*, perhaps people should consider the name calling and accusations as a way to detract you from listening to reason.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:28 AM
link, the other hosting site located on libertyforlife, coppercards, etc can be traced back to;

1 1 2 * 1.3 ms AS21844
THEPLANET-AS 255 US Unknown: 82319f74
2 95 43 * 1.3 ms [+0ms] AS21844
THEPLANET-AS 0 miles [+0] 254 US Unix: 10:22:44.953
3 4 1 * 1.3 ms [+0ms] AS21844
THEPLANET-AS -1 miles [+0] 0 miles [+0] 250 US Unix: 10:22:44.940
4 1 1 * 1.3 ms [+0ms] AS21844

These three servers are also hosting, for the record, is only hosted on servers.

There was an odd ip that appeared on a few of the locations. Think it might be a direct connection by the NSA, I'm not sure.

[edit on 5-4-2010 by infinite]

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:33 AM

Originally posted by PACRIM
I believe the catalyst for the military joining after a meeting with the Joint Chiefs, is the treaties that were to be signed by Obama in April. They didn't want the UN occupying sovereign territory and have to fight them later to remove them.

What treaties?

Treaties enacted by the President must be ratified by the Senate before they can supercede any Constitutional directives.

Originally posted by PACRIM
Apparently there is evidence of high crimes and treason involving several countries. It involves the systematic theft of wealth and using fraudulent documents.

This is EXACTLY why they have a 2 line minimum rule on ATS.

You've cleverly circumvented the spirit of the rule by posting directly inflamatory speech with out anything to back up your claim.

What the hell are you talking about in your post? You are making some very sharp and serious claims that would normally deserve attention.

When someone starts off a phrase using "Apparently, uh"

Apparently? as in everyone can see it??

Apparently, they are drinking from the colostomy bag of colorful speech. Ya, see how that worx Lumpy?

Even more so, starting a sentence with "Basically, uh" ...

Your statements are not apparent; perhaps basic. Give some facts. You have the absolute right to remain silent, though.

[edit on 4·5·10 by DrMattMaddix]

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:37 AM
reply to post by DrMattMaddix

I posted before, UN Cluster Bomb Treaty came into force on April 1st. But the US is not signing it. You can search the UN documentations, there is no other treaties scheduled for April.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by Libertygal

as per our on going discution i have found a vid that uses a car purchace to show the bank suffers no loss at all

i do if i pay it all back plus interest

this vid explains it alll please watch this one please

[edit on 5-4-2010 by XPLodER]

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:51 AM

Originally posted by infinite, the other hosting site located on libertyforlife, coppercards, etc can be traced back to;

1 1 2 * 1.3 ms AS21844
THEPLANET-AS 255 US Unknown: 82319f74
2 95 43 * 1.3 ms [+0ms] AS21844
THEPLANET-AS 0 miles [+0] 254 US Unix: 10:22:44.953
3 4 1 * 1.3 ms [+0ms] AS21844
THEPLANET-AS -1 miles [+0] 0 miles [+0] 250 US Unix: 10:22:44.940
4 1 1 * 1.3 ms [+0ms] AS21844

These three servers are also hosting, for the record, is only hosted on servers.

There was an odd ip that appeared on a few of the locations. Think it might be a direct connection by the NSA, I'm not sure.

[edit on 5-4-2010 by infinite]

ummmm... Wow.

Ever used [color=#00BFFF]Trace Explorer?

Here's a sample:
Time Name (IP)
0.2 `- ( [W])
0.3 `- ( [W])
0.4 `- ( [W])
32.1 `- ( [W])
32.4 `- ( [W])
32.6 `- ( [W])
32.6 `- ( [W])
32.7 `- ( [W])
33.3 `- ( [W])
33.7 +- ( [W])
33.7 | [Q][A][N][W]
33.7 | [Q][A][N][W]
33.7 | [Q][A][N][W]
33.7 | [Q][A][N][W]
33.7 [Q][A][N][W]

I dunno if that 'looses traces' as you guys were claiming. Seems to hit every bridge up that River Kwai.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 05:56 AM
reply to post by infinite

the govenment did say they would fight conspiracy with conspiracy

it does not surprise me if any group of intelegent people
that conspire to share conspiacys is conspirerd upon by anti consiracy advocates or provocatures

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