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Massive Federal Raid in Lenawee County

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posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 02:39 AM
yep I agree
the charges these guys have been charged
with seemed to have changed depending on
what source you hear it from.

I'll bet it won't be no time before you'll
here that these guys made the suicide
bomb vest for those subway bombers.

It wouldn't surprise me

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 03:51 AM
I don't know if this has been posted.

I apologize if it has:

Hutaree Channel at Youtube

Say hello to the American Taliban.

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 04:49 AM

Originally posted by demonseed
yet they surrendered to cops instantly. A few of them "ran"... they ran?

they ran cuz there were women and children
in the homes raided. Nobody is gonna risk
starting a firefight with his family in the same room.
Thats why the feds picked that time for that very
same reason.

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 04:54 AM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
Say hello to the American Taliban.

I hope that was just sarcasm
I'll hold my peace
else I may get a warning

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 05:02 AM
Isn't this strange. Feds raid Militias in OH MI IN
but 1 Sheriff in Louisiana is giving his militia guns
this IS NOT Katrina related, but THIS MONTH

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 05:22 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by demonseed
yet they surrendered to cops instantly. A few of them "ran"... they ran?

they ran cuz there were women and children
in the homes raided. Nobody is gonna risk
starting a firefight with his family in the same room.
Thats why the feds picked that time for that very
same reason.

And here I thought these proud, brave warriors were honed to a fine edge and ready to fight to the death. How disappointing. I guess being a tough guy while filming a YouTube video (while wearing a mask, no less) and being one in real life are two completely different things.

Kind of reminds me of the scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail; "RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!!"

[edit on 30-3-2010 by Avamarguy]

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 05:23 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
Say hello to the American Taliban.

I hope that was just sarcasm
I'll hold my peace
else I may get a warning

No sarcasm. Even members of real militias have said the same.

If you can convince me that the Hutaree were not a cult of fundamentalists, I'll take it back.

Note my comment was not directed at militias, just at the Hutaree.
A real militia of real patriots, isn't going to be dominated by a religious ideology. Real patriots are going to stand up for freedom of religion and separation of church and state.

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 05:25 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
Isn't this strange. Feds raid Militias in OH MI IN
but 1 Sheriff in Louisiana is giving his militia guns
this IS NOT Katrina related, but THIS MONTH

Operation Exodus is not a militia, but an emergency response initiative organized by the Bossier Sheriff Department. I have been currently trying to find out how to join.

My favorite quote from that video: "What are the odds of an Islamic extremists attacking a rural area like Bossier Parish?"

What a freaking idiot!

Barksdale AFB and HQ of the Global Strike Command is here.

[edit on 30/3/10 by MikeboydUS]

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 05:42 AM
Wow, I was all for defending these guys until I watched those videos. Not only do they look like idiots but they listen to horrible music. I'm not exactly sure I feel comfortable entrusting my safety to these people if the SHTF. I think I like my chances better with my glock, garden, and Bug out supplies. Kind of looks like these people are using the militia laws to protect their crazy wannabe rambo routine. Those videos look like much poorer quality IRA propaganda videos.

Still doesn't justify the Fed's and MSM's obscuring of the story or the manner in which they did this. However, now I want more information on this ground and why the Fed did this.

[edit on 30-3-2010 by InterestedDoubter]

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 07:06 AM
I'm not sure what troubles me the most. This group of mental midgets who base their 'Divine Providence' on a mantra of God and Guns or the many posters on this site rallied by the likes of Sarah Palin who feel the same way.

Deny Ignorance and Denounce Asinine Religious Zealots!

[edit on 30-3-2010 by kinda kurious]

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by kinda kurious
I'm not sure what troubles me the most. This group of mental midgets who base their 'Divine Providence' on a mantra of God and Guns or the many posters on this site rallied by the likes of Sarah Palin who feel the same way.


The last few pages of this thread have been, shall we say, interesting.

The Hutaree have a forum, and reading it back is pretty interesting. I won't give the link as it's NSFW now. I'm sure if people want to find it they can.

It's all there: NWO, UN, 'global banking families', commies in congress, along with end times theology.

It's like the offspring of Phyllis Schlafly and John Birch in fatigues.

[edit on 30-3-2010 by melatonin]

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by melatonin

These kind of groups don't represent real patriots, instead they arn't any different than the Taliban, Revolutionary Guard or French Revolutionaries.

They are extremist theofascists who would shred the Constitution, starting with the first amendment.

This nation was founded on the principles of religious freedom and separation of church and state. Real patriots need to clean house. They need to ostracise and marginalize elements like this.

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
Say hello to the American Taliban.

I hope that was just sarcasm
I'll hold my peace
else I may get a warning

No sarcasm. Even members of real militias have said the same.

If you can convince me that the Hutaree were not a cult of fundamentalists, I'll take it back.

Note my comment was not directed at militias, just at the Hutaree.
A real militia of real patriots, isn't going to be dominated by a religious ideology. Real patriots are going to stand up for freedom of religion and separation of church and state.

These guy were not what you would call fundamentalists. They were more apocalyptic end of the world types, religious/nationalistic/political zealots. The Southern Poverty Law boys the FBI and other like to toss that word around "fundamentalist" becouse it already has strong connotative meanings via the middle east.

As far as real patriots and christanity one has only to google and find that the churches durring the American Revolution were on fire with "sedition".

Why just look at the anti government and anti american drift that came out of Rev Wrights church and the Social Justice Jesus movment. Some would even say he was seditious.

God only knows the number, and I have heard them, of the countless lefty university professors that have been teaching sedition and overthrow for years on american college campuses.

[edit on 30-3-2010 by Logarock]

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by melatonin

Originally posted by kinda kurious
I'm not sure what troubles me the most. This group of mental midgets who base their 'Divine Providence' on a mantra of God and Guns or the many posters on this site rallied by the likes of Sarah Palin who feel the same way.


The last few pages of this thread have been, shall we say, interesting.

The Hutaree have a forum, and reading it back is pretty interesting. I won't give the link as it's NSFW now. I'm sure if people want to find it they can.

It's all there: NWO, UN, 'global banking families', commies in congress, along with end times theology.

It's like the offspring of Phyllis Schlafly and John Birch in fatigues.

You bringing in Phyllis Schlafly and John Birch into this really shows you true form although many here wont recognize it.

We see alot of what you are talking about right here.

Let us not forget that not very many months ago Obama was early on before he was even elected talking about bible and gun clingers. Holter made some noise early and then backed off. So they have had an eye on this whole issue for awhile and the Hutaree has been a covenient point.

Remember that americans at large have purchased a record amount of guns and ammo in the last several years. Hutaree has made a conveniet wip and the Tea Party a conveniet wipping boy.

[edit on 30-3-2010 by Logarock]

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 09:16 AM
Not sure if this was posted here yet or not...
.pdf of the Federal Indictment against the Hutaree
page 3

acting as a militia group known as the HUTAREE, did knowingly conspire, confederate, and agree with each other and other persons known and unknown to the Grand Jury, to levy war against the United States, to oppose by force the authority of the Government of the United States, and to prevent, hinder, and delay by force the execution of any United States law.

the last half of page 5 is interesting as well.

Page 10 and 11 states the reason for their arrest...they "did knowingly carry and use firearms during and in relation to a crime of violence for which they may be prosecuted in a court of the United States". Those crimes were seditious conspiracy and the attempted use of explosives.

There is nothing in there AT ALL about it being because they were religious freeks.

It sickens me how the press spins things and sickens me more how easily people are willing to believe everything they read. Everything stated in the news so far came from the feds and the department of homeland security....gee they would never spin anything to make themselves look like angels would they.

Edit to add credit where credit is due. I got that link to this document off the michiganmilitia website - link on the first page of this thread.

[edit on 30-3-2010 by mrsdudara]

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 09:20 AM
These guys need to go play Modern War 2, and get it out of their system.

I DO NOT like that the news is making it out that a militia having shotguns is a bad thing or 'dangerous'. They are LEGAL.

What I DO NOT like is militia having automatic weapons. They are illegal, and showing them off on youtube is how these boneheads got busted I'm sure.

[edit on 3/30/2010 by Pharyax]

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by mrsdudara
Not sure if this was posted here yet or not...
.pdf of the Federal Indictment against the Hutaree
page 3

the last half of page 5 is interesting as well.

Page 10 and 11 states the reason for their arrest...they "did knowingly carry and use firearms during and in relation to a crime of violence for which they may be prosecuted in a court of the United States". Those crimes were seditious conspiracy and the attempted use of explosives.

Someone must challenge the legal wording of this section.

For one thing the use of the term "violence" is abastract becouse no violence was done. The authorities have the duty to nip something in the bub like say a planed criminal act but calling something "violence" before it has taken place as if it had and then subjegating the 2nd amendment and 1st amendement rights into a criminal act is what we call around here bull#.

This language makes it possible for anyone that may own a gun and speaks out harshly aginst the government also liable becouse he or she owns a gun.

ab·stract (b-strkt, bstrkt)
1. Considered apart from concrete existence: an abstract concept.
2. Not applied or practical; theoretical. See Synonyms at theoretical.
3. Difficult to understand; abstruse: abstract philosophical problems.
4. Thought of or stated without reference to a specific instance: abstract words like truth and justice.
5. Impersonal, as in attitude or views.
6. Having an intellectual and affective artistic content that depends solely on intrinsic form rather than on narrative content or pictorial representation: abstract painting and sculpture.


posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by Logarock

You are absolutely correct. I noticed that too. Dont like it one bit. BUT is no one bothers to research for themselves, and chooses to only believe the news they will miss this very important change. I am sure they have an excelent attorney, but how much of a chance will that attorney have if the jury thinks these people are white supremacy religous cult leaders who were after the police in the area?

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 10:10 AM
this thread has been hijacked by moronic opinions.

the fact of the matter is these guys did nothing illigal.

in america your allowed to be the biggest nutjob on the planet if you want to and your allowed to create the biggest most cult religous hardcore dangerous heavily armed militia you want, as well.

just because all of you folks seem to disagree with their creed doesnt meen they deserve what happened to them.

everything was completely legal. except for the "pipe bomb"" accusations which seem to have faded.

these guys are in jail for a crime that was never commited.plain and simple.

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by kdial1

Unless it really is terrorists.

You are making an assumption here they are not terrorists. This indicates a leaning toward militia groups.

Would you have rallied around Tim Mcvie or the Uni bomber and held them up on your shoulders for a parade?
Wouldn't they have made great speakers for a Tea Party rally?

You know the answer to that one.

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