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2012/Microchips/Sun gods/And How To Make a Difference!

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posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by redgy

Which is the message of Steven Greer, and Benjamin Fulford to the elites, to not incur the karma they are, and not to save themselves and bury their technology and extort every last penny they can from the people who they would rather reset and tie to darksiders too with their deceit, codes and trickery, than give up power.

We have buried technologies beyond our imagination and its not even the beginning of what is universally possible for advancing.

They need to understand that they are light too, and stand up with us, hand in hand. Release the tehcnology, disclose, seek pardon, amnesty, and step forward. We need redistribute all things to all people and they need to tell the truth about the systems and their coding. And we need to move people to safety. But with that effort alone we can pull in our help from the cosmos, and perhaps deal with this cycle.

This is something I advocate everyone writing into them about, letting them know we know, and suggesting to them their own way back out of hell.

Because they are light too.

[edit on 4-4-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 04:59 AM
reply to post by mclinking

I agree about the self-gratification part. Today I see a lot of people trying to fill the emptiness they feel by buying things, or by following celebrities, or by becoming obsessed with beauty and shallowness. Nobody knows how to fix feeling empty, so they focus on things that temporarily reliefs them from it. Having kids is also a great way to focus on something other than themselves.

I think that feeling comes from a feeling of not being able to find a purpose with our daily lives. Its because of how our societies are built up. They give us the illusion that we can contribute to change, while in reality most of us can do nothing except observe how everything becomes worse and worse for the planet and the people on it.

Dont even get me started on how we treat our animals....if there is Karma involved there, we will have quite a lot of work cut out for us in the next lives. You know that scene from the Matrix where children are not born but grown? Well, we do far worse things to our animals. We make them live in crowded darkness, feed them unnatural growth hormons and then gas them to death when they have filled their purpose after about 10% of their natural life span. Its disgusting. Trust me, humans deserve every bad thing that will ever happen to us just for doing that to animals.

So I dont know. Will humans change? I certainly hope so. Maybe then I can feel part of humanity and what it stands for.

[edit on 4-4-2010 by Copernicus]

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by Copernicus

So I dont know. Will humans change? I certainly hope so. Maybe then I can feel part of humanity and what it stands for.

The vast majority of humans on this planet are struggling to find adequate food and clean water, and have access to resources without being murdered by corrupt governments set up as puppets for the world bank or by gang rule.

Moving along to the minority, the developed nations, nearly every one I know struggling to achieve middle class, and unless they're lucky enough to be married and in a double income situation, failing miserably, I'm not quite sure what you're talking about. Most people are good natured and decent at heart.

Many don't like this world, they don't know what to do to change it,and even a day off work can throw their families into turmoil, they could lose their homes, and their children could lose their post graduate educations. In short, most are trying to manage their family situations, and provide for their childrens future, based on the model of current civilization with no options.

They lose their house, their kids are in government care, and there are scarey stories about that deliberately out there, you can't go just go and set up camp in the woods, and unless in a mild climate, not safe to take a family to.

I love humans, they need to be helped to be free. We need to draw in our help.

Yes there are darksiders and those who work for them, but they're not reflective of humanity in any numbers.

So what, 90% of overall humanity held hostage by 10% roughly?? In developed countries, 70% demonized by 30%.

This is humanity, doesn't speak anything of the people I know.

The biggest problem amongst the working poor is that they tend to turn to narcotics and alchohol with friends to download a lot of stress from their daily struggles.

[edit on 4-4-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 03:35 PM
Furthermore the karma over the starvation and exploitation of the world by the coroportations and banks who are basically stealing everything for themselves, I've read that the Rothchild family possesses half the worlds resources/wealth alone! This karma doesnt fall on the middle class, mainly lower middle class in numbers? Surely? How could it????

Basically, when they use to even bother to release Stats Canada results and then afterwards when it was buried and costly, was released by a few nonprofits for free and awareness, and I was researching at that time, most Canadians were living on 40% or less of the resources, which was years ago and now would reflect more like 30% or less considering that houses tripled in cost, within two decades went from 40 000-100 000 range locally in interior to 400,000. Rents going from 600-800 for family homes to 1800, with most peoples incomes barely budging and many working poor or fixed. So in fact the realtors are nwo banking agents and it means the vast majority, 70% or more of the population is really living on less than 20% of the resources.

How do the "middle class" a vastly shrinking group, of a few countries on this planet save the majority who are being victimized by TPTB on their small stipends? To truly do this we would all join them and TPTB would have it ALL! Middle class in a monied situation, is how everyone needs to live with housing and food/energy costs completely controlled and very low as done in Norway.

Of course there really is no need for money!

Again, another karmic trap that falls back on them, because there is no way to solve this.

What we can do is: promote awareness and hopefully find ways to make it easy for people to voice their concerns in larger numbers for change, in order to make it very very clear that this is not supported by us, and for us to try to help.

Thankfully our dollar goes a lot further in their countries and so we can find ways to make inroads, but we need to be smart. Most poor have been disenfranchised from the land, and they can't simply get goats and wells like they did in the past, my grandparents supported those programs locally.

Now its more complicated. Hialieans has some really good threads dealing with this under his profile, the Awakening and Free Citites, two threads, part one and part two.

This brings a concept of modeling idependence, in cities or towns for the destitute, via promoting clean energy generators and devices and growing sprouts and food in your home or apartment, and even to the point of promoting government change and free cities, free ecovillages, etc. But its the ones that have that have to push for it. US!

This is something a community growing in awareness could do by adopting various neighborhoods, and donating time and resources to help with energy and food, even shelters, clean water, there are devices that grab water from the air in humid areas, and earthship homes show recycling rain water that in the end goes into the ground to replenish it.

And we can incorportate the true model of help. Giving without any expectation of receiving and modeling the exportation of this model, passing it on, continously, so areas that prospered should also help those that are in need. And what better way to educate these children but to have them learn how to build these devices and some sciences.

Also we need to get immediate food and water to billions and that takes opening the flood gates of government policies and international banking.

So we have to make a lot of noise and phone in and tell them we know they're committing crimes against humanity and not a single one of them is ever going to be elected again, and that we will see to it that everyone knows that they are criminals, so this is ending now. Max Igan is one of my favorite video makers and he commits a lot of time to the aspects of how we can change things.

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 03:40 PM
Because if anything is heading our way, if there is a cosmic disaster that is on the way, we have the ability to get help, spiritually from our Higher Selves, and cosmically, along with demanding help from our leaders, and absolute open transparency on all information and technology: DISCLOSURE.

We have to give to receive.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 11:24 AM

Information here is based upon Charles Hapgood, his book Earth's Shifting Crust was endoresed by Albert Einstein.

For 10 years, aided by his eager students, Hapgood worked on his theory of earth crust displacement - an update of Hugh Auchincloss Brown's theory that the entire planet has previously capsized. Brown's theory simply stated that as the Antarctic polar ice cap gains weight [9], the planet becomes less stable, eventually becomes unbalanced and topples over. The relative weights are more akin to a speck of dust on an automobile tyre than anything more serious - the Antarctic icecap weighs less than one millionth of the entire planet. Hapgood doubted that an accumulation of ice at the poles was enough to tip the entire planet over. He believed that only the crust shifted....

Hapgood suggested three previous locations of the poles. The most recent North Pole is Hudson Bay, which was the epicentre of the North American ice sheet during the last Ice Age. The previous sites were in the Greenland Sea, and the Yukon district of Canada, although his evidence for these is totally dependant on radio-carbon dating.[11] Each shift was approximately 30°. These diagrams show where the previous North Poles were located, with their corresponding equators

And also James Bowles, talked about the torque pressure and how the crust would give, under tension.

The centrifugal forces try to shift matter towards the equator. This is where the stress is. We talk about a pole shift, but technically it's the entire crust that shifts, around two fulcrum points, due to stresses towards the equator. I came across a science Q&A website run by NASA, and found questions regarding the number of earthquakes in Antarctica. Here are the expert's answers:

There is a description of research NASA is carrying out, supposedly at the South Pole concerning why that region is relatively earth quake free though it teutonic plates should not be so, it should have its fair share already. If you use the contintal drift teutonics it is mystery, however, the Bowles R-B effect that proximity to the equator creates stronger earth quakes. The poles would be relatively earthquake free due to this.

I found this really interesting as it discusses a known theory, that shows crustal displacement by 30 degrees each time.

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

The South Pole. At last! A really safe place. Until it moves, that is, and God knows where it might end up. I'm sure crustal displacement will happen but in view of all the variables involved, it's all guesswork to know what ends up where on D-Day.


posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by mclinking

Its not safe from rotation, but due to the torques and pressure in a stable period, (ie. between these events) it experiences less earthquakes than it should based on its plates. Whereas the equator area experiences greater stress. This doesn't refer to a possible event, nor am I recommending anyone go there.

posted on Apr, 8 2010 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Agreed. But it's puzzling how places now at the Eqator (Brazil, India) were once at the pole and vice versa.


posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 04:18 PM
Would this dark star be the celestial body that 'slings' Halley's comet back? Because that surely can't be just Oort cloud dust keeping it regular. However of it is that simple, that must mean, either the entirety of astronomy is missing the obvious or they're all part of a cover-up.

posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by Robert Reynolds

Isn't Haley's comet on its own orbit cycle?
There's a diagram with its highly elliptical orbit around the sun every 74-79 years historically. That its elliptical suggests perhaps something threw it out of orbit, as these kinds of orbits broke down, over time. If its anywhere near a brown dwarf, who knows if it will resume its normal orbit after that, it depends on where it is during this time.

I'm on a trail of following evidence that events did happen in the past, that being in a binary system is logical as most or possibly all stars are at least in that, but also I think of other possibilities, such as LaViotte's talk of energy emitting from the core, the lucifer project, there are so many possibilities. To me the situation we're in invovles more than a cylce, it involves the actions of the elite here, and their plans. Would they just be taking advantage of a catastrophe known to them to carry out additional events, or are they behind this one primarily.

These are my questions.

posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99

Information here is based upon Charles Hapgood, his book Earth's Shifting Crust was endoresed by Albert Einstein.

One minor correction for you. Einstein wrote the foreword, he did not endorse the work.

It would of been rather silly to have done so, it was rather out of his field.

"Linking" the way you do is all well and good, but you must, at least, demonstrate factual integrity in your statements.

Incidentally, don't let the fresh paint fool you. I am not new here. I simply had catastrophic data loss including my username and p/w.

posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 10:00 PM
Could you please elaborate on the Lucifer project? I am not very familiar with this information. Thanks

posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by Mad dog

The Lucifer Project is a hoary old dog of a conspiracy.
It is a nefarious plan to ignite Jupiter with Plutonium using the Galileo probe.

Sadly it was supposed to happen in 1999. *Shucks*

Dig deep enough and you'll find the root of the theory in fiction by Arthur C, Clarke.

posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by Noncompatible

An old dog of a conspiracy, sorry, its one that is sitting there waiting to happen and I cannot put that out of mind. Cassini, is orbitting Saturn with like 100 times more plutonian in it than when it crashed into Jupiter, its trial run, and some believe that this caused the dark spot to form.

@ Mad dog: This video pretty much explains it.


[edit on 10-4-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by Noncompatible

Just a quick google will show many links concerning Eintein and his thoughts about pole shifts.

"In a polar region there is a continual deposition of ice, which is not symmetrically distributed about the pole. The earth's rotation acts on these asymmetrically deposited masses [of ice], and produces centrifugal momentum that is transmitted to the rigid crust of the earth. The constantly increasing centrifugal momentum produced in this way will, when it has reached a certain point, produce a movement of the earth's crust over the rest of the earth's body, and this will displace the polar regions toward the equator."

Albert Einstein From The Path of the Pole by Charles Hapgood

posted on Apr, 10 2010 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

I recommend this page

and the whole site in general.

It is clear, well constructed and proceeds in a logical clear fashion.

Any viewpoint is unbalanced when only one side of the coin is observed.

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by Noncompatible

The real problem with 'hoax' is that nobody living today has witnessed a pole shift, so all this thread is academic. However, there is enough evidence to say that pole shifts DID occur with dramatic results. Furthermore, we're talking more of a 'flip' than a shift, something that happens instantly. Check the Ooparts site showing a lot of info on instant change, particularly around 13,000 years ago. I'm sure Unity 99 knows more about this.


posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 02:39 AM

Originally posted by Noncompatible
reply to post by Unity_99

I recommend this page
and the whole site in general.
It is clear, well constructed and proceeds in a logical clear fashion.
Any viewpoint is unbalanced when only one side of the coin is observed.

Paid or unpaid amateurish debunkers.

I've read their debunking article on Patrick Geryl, it was a joke. I mean do they really think it takes one page and a small math formula to debunk a whole set of books, that this author has written? Terrence McKenna debunk was even more of a joke.
In fact almost every debunking article is a joke.

It would be wise for these people to do more spiritual and scientific research on their debunking subjects, in order to at least debunk them half decently. But hey, at least they are doing their job.

I do not know what will exactly happen in the near future, but i am more than sure that phenomenal changes are ahead of us.

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by dryadlover

Right on!


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