posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by ghostsoldier78
Well technically the taxes I pay for with Medicare, Medicaid, and S.S. are supposed to be there for me in the future. I do though realize that the
hopes of that are dead in the water.
If the state had passed it fine. See if I do not agree with laws that are passed in my state it is easier to move to another than if the federal
government passes a law and I move to another country. I can speak the language spoken in the U.S. and moving from state to state is not nearly as
expensive. As for choosing to own a car I work with some who ride their bikes for many miles to get to and from work. You could always purchase a
Some states do not require vehicle inspections and some do not have to have them for the first 5 years, others are very strict. I would personally
never live in California due to the strictness of their vehicle inspects. It would make owning certain cars rather boring as you could not modify them
much at all.
Sure I have used the emergency room when I needed health care without insurance. I was rather young then and that is how things worked out. Facts are
though no one was forcing me to buy insurance from a private company I could not afford at that time to buy.
I am sorry to hear of your plight, it truly must have been an awful experience to go through. I am also sorry to hear about your friend’s father.
But in his instance it just sounds like a bad call on the doctor who could have been sued for malpractice. Even if you do not have insurance you can
still sue for malpractice. The very first things that should have been done are biopsies and a second scheduled appointment the next week.
The fact is the insurance companies will still get a profit. They are getting bailed out. How do I know this you ask? Simple while yes they now have
to accept people with conditions they will be paying for they made a deal to only do this if they could have everyone. Now they will be getting money
from those who rarely ever get insurance the healthy 20 something’s who very rarely go to the doctor. Heck even I rarely go to the doctor. I have
gone more in the last six months for sinus problems than I have in the last 6 years. Prior to that I had not gone to the doctor in another 4 years.
They make more money off of me and people like me than they will spend on those who are sick.
You are being forced to bail out a company that needs no bailing out only because they lost revenue when people started to lose jobs. People who had
insurance through their jobs started to drop off the map because they could not afford it. Those people’s money needs to be replaced to put the
insurance companies back to where they were.