posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 12:48 AM
An Earth Vision
Current Environmental Issue
Why the Bees are Dying
- and how to bring them back
by Josef Graf
This article opens the box on the disappearing honeybee issue, so-called Colony Collapse Disorder, by using spiritual ecology and the indications of
20th Century renaissance man, Rudolf Steiner, to realize the common denominator of suspected causes. If entrenched analysts, who have been concertedly
looking at external threats for the villain, were to turn their sights 180 degrees, they would discover that "we have met the enemy, and the enemy is
us!" - that is, overall human interference.
Excessive interference and the foresight of Rudolf Steiner:
In deference to the spiritual science of Rudolf Steiner, it needs to be said that this modern Renaissance man predicted in 1923 that if humanity
continued to cultivate the honeybees by artificial means, we would, within eighty years, witness the mass disappearance of the bees.
Arguably the best-kept secret of the 20th Century, in terms of a resource for social transformation, Rudolf Steiner, in his series of lectures
entitled “The Bees,” portrayed the intricate nature of the honeybee community.
In capsule, Steiner warned against both meddling with the natural process of hive society and artificial manipulation of queen bees.
The following list of aspects of human interference with the natural process of bee life, while substantial, is no doubt incomplete:
- The raising of larva in separate quarters, arbitrary feeding of royal jelly to produce queens, then shipping by post to keepers.
- Selection of bee populations for docility, de-selecting for aggression.
- In contrast to the normal 5 or 6-year life span of a queen, “re-queening” after one or two years.
- The grafting of queens - moving larva to artificial cups, then cages for transport.
- Supplanting guard bees with protective measures by humans.
- Keeping hives hyper clean, to reduce production of “nuisance” propolis.
- Using chemical control agents for disease and pests.
- Providing ready-made combs in place of bee-constructed, to save work (production time) for bees.
- In a similar vein, supplying sheets of wax, so bees don’t have to gather and secret their own wax.
- Use of ventilators so the bees don’t have to tend this.
- Use of queen excluders to prevent eggs being laid in inconvenient areas of the hive.
- Moving of hives over long distances at the will of human intention.
- Clipping of queens’ wings.
- Agricultural practices consisting of monocultures that wreak havoc on honeybee diets, and limiting options once the dominant crop is no longer
flowering. recognized to prevail at the root of the issue.
New here, just happened to hear this on the radio today about this guy (Rudolf Steiner) in 1923 predicted what is going on today with the bees