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Some Interesting Info - Homeland Security

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posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by endtimeswatcher

Is your post based on cartoons or television evangelists? Any research to back it up? I thought not.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 01:11 AM
reply to post by endtimer

Don't include me with those "christians". I cannot find one word in my bible that says Yeshua is gonna sneak me outta here secretly! What He did say was "Watch!" and "Listen to Me!" So, that's what I'm gonna do.

Edit to add- Isn't Ahmadinejad always talking about the return of the Mahdi, their "savior"? Maybe our Government knows of something he's planned to make it seem to be true and are going to counter that with a fake Jesus? Kinda like Batman vs Spiderman, maybe.

[edit on 3/25/10 by jennybee35]

[edit on 3/25/10 by jennybee35]

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 01:36 AM
No idea why but I just had the pleasure of my worst computer crash in years. Had to completely restore it. It crashed a few hours ago when I was trying to respond here and then went absolutely crazy. It wouldn't let me save any files I lost EVERYTHING. Man I am so pissed off right now

Anyway...I wonder WTF happened?

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by Smell The Roses

Oh,my, that's absolutely disastrous!

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by jennybee35

Yeah it wouldn't even restore with Windows Restore. I had to do a full System Restore. It told me I needed 140 Cd's or 25 DVD's to save any info at all. I guess I had way too much on my computer, but it was still at like only 25% full disk space. What a pain in the ass, and in all seriousness I was major paranoid that I got hacked or something. No idea why that would just happen like that.

Grrr! I am just glad I didn't have to drop it off at best buy because that would have really sucked!

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 02:36 AM
Well, I think the statement, "the second coming" meant that you can't imagine what is about to happen. I.E. like the second coming of christ".

Backing off and looking at the big piicture, the governments are all up to preparing for something in a major way. We had MAD - Mutually Assured Destruction for decades and they didn't panic and prepare like they have been recently. Building seed banks, libraries being stored in salt mines, building and STOCKING the underground bases like they don't plan on coming back out for a few years, the 'super computer' library being constructed in Utah and the uploading of all the world's data, the 'staged' financial colapse, which along with the missing trillions at the pentagon would go a long ways toward all this preparedness. Russia's Yamantau Mountain Complex in the Ural Mountains that is designed to house 60,000 people, and on and on.....

Yea, I have no idea what they are preparing for, but the evidence is overwhelming that the world governments know something is coming that we have not seen in human history that we know of. The preparedness is about to get out of control because the governments know they can't continue to hide these preparations. Like one poster said, the CIA up and moving into Colorado just didn't make a lot of sense since their entire history is in the DC area. And when you throw the Denver airport into it, it makes the CIA's move that much more ominus to me anyway. I have a feeling that they know that the secret is going to come spilling out all over the world stage before too long. Too many people have to know about it since these ongoing worldwide preparations would involve large numbers of people.

Also, it is possible that the OP's uncle could have been told "Second Coming" and either he or someone else added Christ in there somewhere. So, second coming could be the Nephalim, Giants, Anunaki, whatever is coming back. I don't see the military trying to protect nuclear power plant intakes, etc from Christ if there was a second coming. But a second coming of something that has been probing and conducting reconnisance on all our nuclear weapons, delivery systems, power plants, etc all these years would unglue the governments. Recently how many countries have opened their UFO files? It's like the gig is up and these UFO's are the only thing that I know of that has been steadily probing this planet for the last 50 years since we detonated nuclear weapons. They may not work on our time schedule. They could spend all the time they want doing reconnisance and studying their adversary, even biologically through abductions. You would have to accept some unproven facts for the last part, but sitting back and looking at the world situation, there is a lot to be considered. And we know the military isn't just going to park all their toys and quit playing. They will die trying to hang on to their power. Just human nature of a military man.

Edit for spelling

[edit on 25/3/10 by spirit_horse]

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 02:54 AM
And one more thing. If this secret is anything major, like an invasion from aliens, or a possible Extinction Level Event like an asteroid, they know there will be anarchy if and when the truth comes out. They need to protect the nuclear plants because they still provide a lot of power to these underground bases and large freezer warehouses that they need to keep running for as long as possible.

Well, I think I covered about everything.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 03:22 AM
reply to post by Smell The Roses

For what its worth, here is what I think.
Your uncle has been approached and told that in the event of a 3rd World War, he may be required to give up his "Foreign Going" status in the Merchant Marine and serve in the US Coastguard or similar to protect the US Coast in the event of a World War.

Thats it, it is as boring as that I'm afraid.

Jesus is not coming.... He Never will.... it was just a figure of speech used by the board during his meeting because they could not spell it out to him:



posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 06:29 AM

Originally posted by Smell The Roses

Anyway...I wonder WTF happened?

simple, you use windows based computer. Solution: install linux or if you have money buy a mac.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by raivo

Originally posted by Smell The Roses

Anyway...I wonder WTF happened?

simple, you use windows based computer. Solution: install linux or if you have money buy a mac.

You're right about Macs. I converted about six months ago and it's day and night compared to Windows. I know there's good arguments for both operating systems, but the whole Mac experience is a revolution to me. And yes, I don't mind paying for something that looks as good as it does.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by spirit_horse

I agree with you when you say “I have no idea what they are preparing for, but the evidence is overwhelming that the world governments know something is coming”. I just don’t know what it is. Could be world wide financial collapse, could be something or someone from outer space but I don’t think it is nuclear war between countries. To much effort, deception and money has been put into this in a short time. The push has really been on in the last ten years. They seem to be up against a clock!

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by liveandletlive
reply to post by spirit_horse

I agree with you when you say “I have no idea what they are preparing for, but the evidence is overwhelming that the world governments know something is coming”. I just don’t know what it is. Could be world wide financial collapse, could be something or someone from outer space but I don’t think it is nuclear war between countries. To much effort, deception and money has been put into this in a short time. The push has really been on in the last ten years. They seem to be up against a clock!

Interesting, but I am not so sure the same could be said for the UK in terms of preparation for event x. Yes, we have more cctv per square inch than any other country in the world and it's illegal to photograph a police officer, but I couldn't honestly say that we are being readied for something.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by LarryLove

Originally posted by liveandletlive
reply to post by spirit_horse

I agree with you when you say “I have no idea what they are preparing for, but the evidence is overwhelming that the world governments know something is coming”. I just don’t know what it is. Could be world wide financial collapse, could be something or someone from outer space but I don’t think it is nuclear war between countries. To much effort, deception and money has been put into this in a short time. The push has really been on in the last ten years. They seem to be up against a clock!

Interesting, but I am not so sure the same could be said for the UK in terms of preparation for event x. Yes, we have more cctv per square inch than any other country in the world and it's illegal to photograph a police officer, but I couldn't honestly say that we are being readied for something.

Notice that after the U.S. had 911 England had 7/7. In both instances the event was used to increase government control in each country. Maybe they are preparing you but you don’t realize it. In another thread they discussed locations throughout Europe.

I'm surprised nobody mentioned the most obvious DUMB's in Europe: the Swiss military bases carved into the mountainsides of the Alps.

And they were built for very mundane reasons: as natural fortresses to repel any possible invasion by Nazi Germany. Indeed, the German High Command actually studied if it was reasonably feasible to invade Switzerland and concluded it would not work because Switzerland's extensive system of underground bases would have effectively bogged down the Wehrmacht from commanding positions high in the Alps.

Subterranea Britannica is a fantastic resource for underground military facilities in the United Kingdom.

Here's a link for you.

My favourite British bunkers are the 600+ Royal Observer Corps underground monitoring posts that were built to detect nuclear explosions & estimate the weapon yield. They're dotted all over the countryside and in major cities (targets ?) too. The ROTOR nuclear bunkers are awesome too, I've been lucky enough to visit a decommissioned one in Scotland.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 10:36 AM
Wow. Wow! This could be the beginning of Tom Clancy novel. The "what if's" are off the scale. Could the "second coming" be code? Of course, but what if it's not? That, so far as I'm concerned, is the more troubling interpretation.

Your uncle is, lets say older rather than elderly, and a line officer in the USN. As a line officer he's had and has direct command of a Naval vessel. Oilers and supply vessels are some of the more mundane commands a CO can get. Meaning, that unless there's something in his military past to persuade otherwise he's an odd choice for the position.

While oilers and supply vessels are armed they're not first line battle elements so he has no real tactical experience that could apply to protecting coastal nuclear plants from an attack by sea. Other than having experience as a commanding officer what made your uncle an asset to this council?

On the subject of DHS councils, they appear to be created by the states to serve local governors as opposed to being mandated on a Federal level. That would make him a local choice. That's not to say that they are out of the DHS loop per se but that they tend to focus on local preparedness. How is your uncle connected, if at all, within the local political machinery? Was he a shoe in because he knows somebody?

On the subject of the "second coming". I am in the camp that believes that everything God intends to do he tells us, up to and including, when He intends to do it. There are too many references in the new testament that allude to the fact that the gospel writers wanted as much known as could be known. The argument that we cannot know the timing of Christ's second appearance only holds water from the perspective of a person living in the days of the gospel authorship. There were a good many things that had to happen before prior prophecy could really make sense.

I am also not a rapturist. Once again, there are too many references in the new testament that point to Christians going through the tribulation period like everyone else. Anyone curious about my point of reference here should watch the Daniel's Timeline series.

If, in fact, there are real preparations in the works for an anticipated second return then one of two possibilities exist. It is either something being tossed around locally or it's something that's been fed down the pipe to all DHS councils from above. If it's something local then who knows how it came to be but if it's come down from above we may have hold of something.

My reasoning would be that if it was sent out to all DHS councils and this has all come about fairly recently then we'll hear more about it. Leaks will abound. There's only two kinds of secrets- those not worth keeping and those too good to keep. If there's something big brewing, whether of man made or divine origin, we'll hear more.

The people who sit on these councils aren't spooks they're just everyday people and I want to believe that if they catch wind of some cataclysmic whatever on the horizon they will feel it their duty to alert fellow citizens.

This is damned sure something to keep an eye on. S&F to Smell The Roses for being brave enough to post this thread. Keep us up to speed.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by liveandletlive

I agree that the UK and US are increasingly becoming more like police states after 9/11 and 7/7. I believe the UK's hand was forced to create 7/7 by the Bush administration.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by liveandletlive
I live near a big city and a good friend of mine is a high ranking policeman. They are preparing for something. It includes crowd control and organized disbursement of food.

I have a brother in law who is a detective for Lon Beach and he was telling me a few weeks ago about a huge training he has been attending. He told me that all agencies are working on joining all resources and working together to setup a master central command center in case a BIG Natural disaster hits.

I laughed it off as him wanting to sound important. The next day, I needed to attend a meeting being held at a country club (company rents big meeting rooms for executive meetings) and Riverside County was doing the same thing there! Sheriff, Fire and Rescue, Police, and people in Black Camo.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by endtimer
reply to post by Smell The Roses

"...The only thing I can
say about this whole deal is, no one on the entire planet knows when the
Son of God will make his appearance. No one !! Not one single person can
make that claim. On top of that, we are not to speculate on when that will
occur. Not the angels in Heaven, not even Jesus..."
[edit on 24-3-2010 by endtimer]

Originally posted by endtimer
reply to post by Smell The Roses

"...The second coming of Christ may not happen for 50-300 years..."

Makes perfect sense!

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by LSWONE

Originally posted by liveandletlive
I live near a big city and a good friend of mine is a high ranking policeman. They are preparing for something. It includes crowd control and organized disbursement of food.

I have a brother in law who is a detective for Lon Beach and he was telling me a few weeks ago about a huge training he has been attending. He told me that all agencies are working on joining all resources and working together to setup a master central command center in case a BIG Natural disaster hits.

I laughed it off as him wanting to sound important. The next day, I needed to attend a meeting being held at a country club (company rents big meeting rooms for executive meetings) and Riverside County was doing the same thing there! Sheriff, Fire and Rescue, Police, and people in Black Camo.

The person I know is high up and he specifically said that only high level positions where attending the meetings. The regular officers weren’t privy to the info. They said the city had been broken up into quadrants and they would be responsible for a particular zone. They where going to use the mall in their zone as the staging area during an event. They discussed supply lines and controlled intersections and other logistics. The event was assumed to be weather related response.

Edit to add: He also said he quietly questioned his superior officer (a friend) regarding the oddity of some of the training and was told to leave it alone and not talk about it. He said something didn’t feel right.

[edit on 25-3-2010 by liveandletlive]

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 11:21 AM
You know -they will probably fake it - and every religious idiot will fall over themselves licking the scums boots.

If only the Christians would all get 'taken to heaven' - and leave this place for the sane people.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 11:53 AM
OK, I think I understand what is happening here. Let me preface the following hypothesis with the fact that I have never been in the military. BUT... My best freind is very high ranking civilian official with DOD, his mother is an even higher ranking DOD official, another lifelong friend is in military intelligence as a linguist and an analyst, another dear friend's father is a career Colonel in the USAF working in the Pentagon and I have 4 very close relatives who are career officers in various branches of the military. I have been fortunate to speak with each of them over the course of the past year for social events. I have noticed a common theme emerging from each of them but haven't been able to connect any dots - until this thread. Again, merely a hypothesis, so take it it for what you will.

First of all, throughout the whole of my life I have adjusted to "military speak". Anyone here who has ever served will know what I am talking about - it is a somewhat metaphorical way of speaking. Ranking members of the military do not have much time for BS or beating around the bush and can be crushingly blunt to deliver a point and make sure its implications are fully understood the first time off.

I have felt, heard and witnessed an increasing sense of urgency from each of them. The military speak has become increasingly blunt, often crass in its delivery. Two of the aforementioned have discussed the second coming of Christ which I simply construed as further military speak to illustrate the trying times that we are likely to face ahead.

Allow to me explain further... We KNOW that some religions and some political factions are intent on bringing about the final coming of Christ. Witness Iran's constant referral to them preparing the way for the coming of the Mahdi - the Twelfth Imam. This brings about the great battle where evil is defeated (Armegeddon) and prepares the way for Isa Al-Maseeh, or Jesus as He is known in Christianity. Some of the more extreme religious practioners are actually working behind the scenes to set the stage for this final battle. The conundrum arises from the fact that the table that is being set are against two cultures that believe that EACH one is the chosen and righteous one.

Now, without getting too biblical about the whole thing, our military is preparing for events that will be perpetrated by some of these extremely religious factions to bring about the return of the Mahdi and launch the great war. So, when you hear someone in the military discussing preparations for the "Second Coming of Christ", I believe that they are referring to operations underway in preparation for events perpetuated by extremists to bring about the Second Coming - NOT the actual Second Coming itself. Make sense? It is a metaphorical statement alluding to the cause of the preparations. In other words, they can't come out and say that they have solid intelligence that indicates that there will be coordinated attacks against nuclear installations. That would violate OPSEC. Instead they allude to the "Causes" of their preparations. You can see this by the way the military titles their various operations.

To solidify the message of the OP, I can attest to personally being privvy to extraordinary preparations underway by the military for events unknown. There is ALOT of hardware being moved around and strategically positioned that is completely out of character with SOP. Another close friend, high level civilian working for Dept of Interior, discussed with me the grave preparation that was discussed about 2 years ago. Initially we both dismissed it as normal expansion intiatives due to being in two wars. However, the preparations just kept continuing and continuing - again, well beyond SOP. He estimates that there have been well over 100,000 graves prepared - maybe even hundreds of thousands more! He confirmed those plastic boxes are in fact caskets - hundreds of thousands of them.

I have heard DIRECTLY that the "FEMA Camps" are NOT concentration camps that they are, in fact, "Salvation Camps" that will become necessary centers of operation to preserve the lives of displaced civilians. I had the opportunity to discuss the building of additional underground bases with my buddy's father, USAF Colonel who is an engineer and designs missiles and explosives, who has consulted on several such projects to ensure that they are appropriately "Hardened". My best friend in DOD is in charge of housing and base facilities and has complained over the past year of the MASSIVE increase in the building of barracks and on-base housing - WAY beyond what could construed as normal. He has discussed with me the explosion of renovation and remediation projects - again WAY beyond that which would be normal. 2 cousins, one a Captain in the Navy, the other a Rear Admiral, have complained about relentless drills and training exercises - again, more than normal.

Sooo... I don't know. Maybe they don't know anything spcific and are preparing for everything and anything OR they have specific intelligence that points to an event or series of events that they are preparing for.

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