reply to post by treemanx
Let me tell you what Christians believe in. Don't attack me for this, just let
me state what is believed. Jesus is not going to make an appearance until
he Raptures his Church, or his Saints. It is only after that happens will the
anti-christ appear on the earth. He can't appear until after the Rapture.
And when that happens, no one knows when. Even after the Rapture
happens and the world starts going through the 7 year Tribulation period,
no one will know for sure the anti-christ is here. During the
second half of the Tribulation period, EVERYONE left on earth will know
for sure who the anti-christ is.
So again, this meeting of your uncle and others talking about the Second
Coming of Christ, OR the anti-christ is purely speculation and guess work.
Why would they be discussing this? Don't you think that maybe, just
maybe some of those folks will be raptured? Is it not possible that some of
these men/women are Christians? If so, they would also not be guessing
as to when the time will occur for Christ to Return. Technically, Christ
won't formally return until after the 7 year Tribulation where he will set
up his 1,000 year reign on earth. The Rapture will happen in the blink of
an eye and the believers of Christ, whether living or in the grave will
immediately disappear. The dead will be first and then a split second later
the living believers of Christ will be taken up into Heaven.
I am still confused as to why they would be planning something for this
event. And again, just what does anyone think they are capable of
doing or changing? God will do his wonders no matter what a board of
military people might or might not be doing. I guess it can't be too Top
Secret or Classified if it has been blasted all over ATS. Just a guess.
Peace !