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Seeking demonic possession.

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posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 01:39 PM
This is what happens when you take fantasy books, series, and video games too seriously, you end up wishing for a demon to take possession of your body so you can have super powers to impress the ladies.

Not in real life buddy.

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by CAELENIUM

I have to say that is one of the strangest posts i have ever read on here.
Is the 'scientific data' that converted you confined to a video? Can you provide any actual scientific data for your wild claims?

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by CAELENIUM

Democracy is derived from Greek "demos kratos" which means "rule of the people".

Armageddon is derived from Hebrew "harmegiddon" which means "hill of Megiddo". AFAIK there isn't even a word in Hebrew which could be translated as "hell".

Other than that, wow. Just... wow.

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 08:51 AM
You want a "spiritual experience"?

Find yourself some shrooms, let the plant-spirits guide you. Chances are you'll have a spiritual experience or at least a out-of-this-world experience. Also it's much safer than getting yourself possessed by a demon.

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by TinFoilHatMan55
What would be so bad about demonic possession? The demon gets to be housed in a fleshy body while the host gains paranormal powers. It's a win-win situation.

I think maybe you should stop watching Supernatural. Why on earth would you want to mess with something like that? I'm not particularly religious, but I do believe that there is such a thing as paranormal entities - some harmless and others not - and I would not suggest messing with them if you don't really understand it. Judging by that comment I believe you don't even have an inkling of what you're asking for. Like woodywytch said, be careful what you wish for.

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 10:33 AM
Take a trip to the Modago Mission in Kenya. Or many of the other subsaharan catholic missions. It's amazing how many recent converts from their animist religions become possessed. I recall many I thought were mental illness and I saw some that I had no explanation for other than the supernatural.

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 05:59 PM
Just get souls for the devil way easier!


posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 06:16 PM
Ok, OP ... you really really want to be possessed ... read through 'CAELENIUM's post(s) ... do you want to rave and babble $h!t like that ?

If not ... then possession may not be for you after all ... find a new hobby instead

What the hell is that girl on ??? Seriously


posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 09:47 PM
its not to hard buddy, demons are all around and if your even looking for them they will look for you, but i think you got the wrong idea. for example, demons are below you, so why would you want to go down to there level. why would you leave your home to live in a swamp naked and wet all the time eating worms? god wants us to step on them, think of it as racism that you are justified in doing for lack of a better example, this time instead of it being a crime against humanity it is a victory for all of humanity

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 03:05 PM
You are a sick, demented soul if you want to be possessed by a demon. That is basically letting Satan into your body, aren't you even worried about what might happen? No offense, I think you need a psychiatrist.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by sugarmonkey

or maybe u shoule watch supernatural and watch what the possesed do in there
thats what ull do
without the speed,strength,or any other special power
just whatever ur body can manage
ill pray for u
a demon is something u dont want in you
i promise u
you will regret it for the rest of ur life

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by TinFoilHatMan55
Hello I am wonder if anyone knows how to get possessed by a demon? I think it would be an interesting experience and it would prove to me there is an afterlife and a spirit filled world.

Should I use a Ouija Board? Try ceremonial magic? Which type of demon should I allow myself to be possessed by and how to summon that particular one?

Any advice would be great. I stopped going to church so the demon wouldn't have to fear of being cast out by the preacher man.


Read this true and scientific book before you go and do it. It will enlighten you.

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 11:59 AM
You would think that the powers gained from possession would be in your favor.

[edit on 12-5-2010 by lseekingtruthl]

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 01:06 PM
I say go for it!


I mean seriously, if you can genuinely be possessed, preferably in a controlled environment, we can prove that both demons exist, that they can indeed posses people, AND we can find out if human weaponry can turn a demon-possessed-human into kibbles and bits just as easily as it can a regular human!

Seriously though, I tend to think this is a bad idea.

From a purely speculative and scientific view, I'm intrigued. With the right environment to study and test with, and a subject like you who apparently has no care as to what the negatives can, and are likely, to be; we could learn a lot.

However from any other stand point I think you're incredibly dumb for considering it.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by CAELENIUM
Just the fact that you're asking for such a thing [demonic possession] to happen sets into motion the [armed] forces that will make it happen. So that sooner or later you will become demonic possessed [a mindless serving soldier in the army] just as you have requested. Demonic means sinful. Sex and drugs and violence. That which is masculine. You will become a slave to the demon [the commander in chief]. He will mind control you by hypnosis. He will make you kill and rape and sodomise. Worse still he will cause you to commit torture. You will show no mercy. He will turn you into a blood drinking vampire. You will desire to eat the flesh of the innocent little children [infantry] that you have ritually murdered [obeying orders] for so as to please the perverted ego of the demon [army chief of staff] that is possessing [enslaving] you. It will end up with you serving time in prison. Or worse you might end up on death row awaiting execution. Ultimately obviously you're in Hell. Is that what you really want ? Given the choice I think that you might prefer to avoid all that suffering ? Before it is too late to turn back you might think of asking to become possessed by the Holy Spirit rather then enter into a demonic possession. Interestingly you might not have realised but when a girl [angel] enters into marriage to a man [demon] she becomes "possessed by that demon". So if you want to become "demonic possessed" you need to think of it like you're getting married to that [military] entity. He will be your LORD. Your master. Indeed he becomes your God. Exodus 15:3 "The LORD is a man of war : the LORD is his name". As the sargent will tell you at boot camp "This is the Army. From now onwards I am your Mother". You will become like as the biblical scarlet [bloody] "whore of babylon". LILITH. The awful horror. The abomination. 666. HELIOS. Fire Bird. Pheonix. Something like the famous Hungarian Princess Elizabeth Bathory and her even more wicked husband [LORD] who died in battle. You will end up being something like as this "Miss Sutton" in the video clip below. The desire to drink blood is a classic symptom of demonic possession. So that you will not feel lonely in your new condition there are other vampires [demon possessed] who you can meet up with on the internet. Here is their website BLOOD. But ofcourse, if you're not feeling too serious about becoming a "really true vampire" just yet, maybe tomorrow, then you will probably find the following online community of half hearted merely "pretend vampires" a bit more fun VAMPIRE FREAKS. Alternatively or in addition you might also find this other website provided by "real vampires" a touch more interesting ? VAMPIRE RAVE. Remember that 99% or more of the human population are demonically possessed. Only a small 1% minority or less ever make it into Heaven.

WARNING : Demonic possession [vampirism] is real and is certainly not good for your health. Signing up for military service is bad for your health.

Here are a series of nineteen video that will convince you that demonic possession [vampirism] is a serious condition. Vampires [demonic possessed] really do exist.

[edit on 13/5/2010 by CAELENIUM]

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 12:17 PM
Dunno if OP is a troll or true.

Eitherway its to stupid to go into. Crazy stuff letting demons posses you. If you end up hurting peoples close to you or inocents and the demon decides to leave again you'll end up in a worse life than you could ever imagine. Stop writing such thing. No good thing will happen...

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 12:37 PM
Well your on the right track. Can't say I agree with you, seeing the damage your about to do. But I don't think your serious. Maybe your just seeking attention. You may get the same results by playing in traffic.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by TinFoilHatMan55

A preacher wont cast it if he isnt pure enough in spirit. Why do you want to become possessed by a Demon and not Angel. You may become overwhelmed by a demon and kill or harm others around you if you dont possess the energy to CONTAIN or EXCEPT/BOND with it OR CONTROLL IT. What would 1 gain from this type of intentional possession. If you really wanna be viewed and taken by one then began to behave as a demon in all ways intentionally and you will get what you want but may get jailed or killed for your demonic actions. Then it will visit you intentionally when you are at your lonliest and weakest points...NOT A GOOD IDEA TO INTENTIONALLY WANNA BE DEMONIC POSSESSED WHY NOT ENERGIZE YOUR SPIRIT WITHIN AND BECOME SOMETHING BETTER?????????

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by TinFoilHatMan55
Hello I am wonder if anyone knows how to get possessed by a demon? I think it would be an interesting experience and it would prove to me there is an afterlife and a spirit filled world.

Should I use a Ouija Board? Try ceremonial magic? Which type of demon should I allow myself to be possessed by and how to summon that particular one?

Any advice would be great. I stopped going to church so the demon wouldn't have to fear of being cast out by the preacher man.


I think you can increase your chances of demonic possession by reading up on the Goetia as well as some Kenneth Grant & Michael Ford. You'll get a rudimentary knowledge about the the types of particular demons from the goetia, in fact just enough knowledge to seduce you into summoning them without any understanding about the long term consequences. Then engage in any number of magickal systems but intentionally neglect their warnings and protective mechanisms within the rituals. Never practice a greater or lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram, because these are designed to protect the magician. You can probably increase your chances of possession by just practicing the rituals haphazardly and without finishing them properly or understanding the theory behind them.

Since you seem pretty sure of your end goal, you probably don't have to worry about protections or warnings.

[edit on 17-5-2010 by MKULTRA]

EDIT: Also completely neglect your own psychological well-being and distance yourself from the sense of "freedom" to the point where you hate freedom and cannot wait to become a slave. You would need to get yourself into a highly selfish mindset. You might get yourself prepared for this by walking down the street and asking people to beat you up because you enjoy the pain. Opening yourself up to embracing personal pain and suffering will greatly increase your chances of permanent and irreversible demonic possession.

[edit on 17-5-2010 by MKULTRA]

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 01:08 PM
If the origins and intentions of the thread are genuine, then I feel that it is another sad reflection of the times we live in. We seem to be harking back to a time when The Church of Satan was established by Anton LaVay and the general public felt a need to 'dabble' in occult, unawares to the dangers involved. To some, 'demonic possession' may seem a bit of a laugh and the 'I can handle it' but those were the same sentiments uttered by those with a heroine needle hanging out of their arm.

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