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Seeking demonic possession.

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posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by TinFoilHatMan55
I stopped going to church so the demon wouldn't have to fear of being cast out by the preacher man.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... Heh heh... Sorry.

Look, Satan goes to church, you may be assured. There's nothing "holy" or "sacred" about a building full of hypocrites. In fact, you're more likely to encounter Satan in your local church than anywhere else, and he's usually the one preaching.

I'm not anti-Christian... Just the opposite, I'm very pro-Christian. However, I can count the number of true Christians in the world today on my fingers and toes.

If you're looking for demonic possession, turn on your television and watch it regularly. Get addicted to it.

Voila... You're possessed.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 02:56 PM
"come on man " ....but give me your address and i will send someone over to posses you
you cant be serious but if you are good luck with that! damn it i just disobeyed my own signature
oh well couldnt help it.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 04:43 PM
why would a demon chose you? there are so many better than you to destroy. you will get over this in time. demons dont do what You want. you may just end up a schizophrenic. when you get depressed please do call for help.

OMG! big brother has new powers USA. if they want to search you they just say you broke copy rights!!!
why is ATS not putting this on its site???

[edit on 25-3-2010 by buddha]

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by Bravo111
reply to post by Frakkerface


And there was lil'old me thinking shroom.


posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 10:23 PM
I've been watching porn, horror movies, and saying demon names out loud. All I have to do is pull out my Ouija Board and hope a demon comes along and talks to me or does a possession. I will try tomorrow.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 10:37 PM
You DO realize that a cry for attention on an anonymous site isn't going to be very fulfilling right?
And if you are actually serious and in your mid-twenties I just simply feel sorry for you and your family.

[edit on 26/3/2010 by Chamberf=6]

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by TinFoilHatMan55
I've been watching porn, horror movies, and saying demon names out loud.

Look a lot of people watch horror movies and, yes admit it people, a lot have watched porn. If that was an invitation for a demon, hell, 70% of the world population would probably be possessed. Plus do you really want to find out that there is an afterlife the same time you realize you will spend it in damnation?

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 11:38 PM
In my short time upon this planet, I spent a few years being raised in a Christian belief.

There was no need to sit and call a demon by name ( which I am curious how you found this exact name to begin with ) or use toys or "magic" to attract a demon.

Again, how would you know you aren't already possessed in some way, shape or form? What exactly do you think happens when you are?

In what I was raised to believe, just the simple act of committing a sin against God can invite a demon into you. There are various ones and from the sounds of your actions, could be possessed by some now.

What you want to happen only happens in the movies and Hollywood. You aren't going to gain 12 foot wings, start walking through walls or anything like that.

If you want to know about real life possession, pick up a book entitled "He came to set his captives free" ... You'll see what really happens when someone tangles with the powers of darkness.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by TinFoilHatMan55
I've been watching porn, horror movies, and saying demon names out loud. All I have to do is pull out my Ouija Board and hope a demon comes along and talks to me or does a possession. I will try tomorrow.

I LOVE horror movies..but that sure as hell wont make a demon possess me.

Porn, eh, what's so evil about sex? Isnt it a natural force for every living being?

Ouija Board? Dont make me laugh, its a board game, might as well play Monopoly and put a house on Boardwalk, that would be just as useful.

Honestly, is there anything that has ever scared you in your life?
Walking through the woods at night, alone. Or better yet, walking down a dark alley , alone?
Put on one of those horror movies, in the dark, alone, and watch it..feel that creepy feeling along your spine? As if someone is watching you..imagine that feeling a BILLION times worse.
You wont become powerful,you will become massively PARANOID. Fear, that is what will happen to you..the worst fear you can imagine, paralyzing, crushing fear.

Well, good luck, my young friend..but I hope you have a good doctor available to offer you some xanax in a few months. You'll need it.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by TinFoilHatMan55
Hello I am wonder if anyone knows how to get possessed by a demon? I think it would be an interesting experience and it would prove to me there is an afterlife and a spirit filled world.

Should I use a Ouija Board? Try ceremonial magic? Which type of demon should I allow myself to be possessed by and how to summon that particular one?

Any advice would be great. I stopped going to church so the demon wouldn't have to fear of being cast out by the preacher man.


This is a very dumb idea. Demon's do not play around. They won't posses you until you get what you want then leave and never bother you again. Inviting one doesn't do anything except make you seem weak, giving them an invitation to wreak havoc using you as the vessel. Otherwise i hope you are joking.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by ItsAgentScully

Originally posted by TinFoilHatMan55
Hello I am wonder if anyone knows how to get possessed by a demon? I think it would be an interesting experience and it would prove to me there is an afterlife and a spirit filled world.

Should I use a Ouija Board? Try ceremonial magic? Which type of demon should I allow myself to be possessed by and how to summon that particular one?

Any advice would be great. I stopped going to church so the demon wouldn't have to fear of being cast out by the preacher man.


This is a very dumb idea. Demon's do not play around. They won't posses you until you get what you want then leave and never bother you again. Inviting one doesn't do anything except make you seem weak, giving them an invitation to wreak havoc using you as the vessel. Otherwise i hope you are joking.

And how do you know this? Have you been possesed by a Demon?

As a matter of fact, show me proof that Demons even exist?

People shouldn't say things that they know nothing about.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 11:00 PM
Just the fact that you're asking for such a thing [demonic possession] to happen sets into motion the [armed] forces that will make it happen. So that sooner or later you will become demonic possessed [a mindless serving soldier in the army] just as you have requested. Demonic means sinful. Sex and drugs and violence. That which is masculine. You will become a slave to the demon [the commander in chief]. He will mind control you by hypnosis. He will make you kill and rape and sodomise. Worse still he will cause you to commit torture. You will show no mercy. He will turn you into a blood drinking vampire. You will desire to eat the flesh of the innocent little children [infantry] that you have ritually murdered [obeying orders] for so as to please the perverted ego of the demon [army chief of staff] that is possessing [enslaving] you. It will end up with you serving time in prison. Or worse you might end up on death row awaiting execution. Ultimately obviously you're in Hell. Is that what you really want ? Given the choice I think that you might prefer to avoid all that suffering ? Before it is too late to turn back you might think of asking to become possessed by the Holy Spirit rather then enter into a demonic possession. Interestingly you might not have realised but when a girl [angel] enters into marriage to a man [demon] she becomes "possessed by that demon". So if you want to become "demonic possessed" you need to think of it like you're getting married to that [military] entity. He will be your LORD. Your master. Indeed he becomes your God. Exodus 15:3 "The LORD is a man of war : the LORD is his name". As the sargent will tell you at boot camp "This is the Army. From now onwards I am your Mother". You will become like as the biblical scarlet [bloody] "whore of babylon". LILITH. The awful horror. The abomination. 666. HELIOS. Fire Bird. Pheonix. Something like the famous Hungarian Princess Elizabeth Bathory and her even more wicked husband [LORD] who died in battle. You will end up being something like as this "Miss Sutton" in the video clip below. The desire to drink blood is a classic symptom of demonic possession. So that you will not feel lonely in your new condition there are other vampires [demon possessed] who you can meet up with on the internet. Here is their website BLOOD. But ofcourse, if you're not feeling too serious about becoming a "really true vampire" just yet, maybe tomorrow, then you will probably find the following online community of half hearted merely "pretend vampires" a bit more fun VAMPIRE FREAKS. Alternatively or in addition you might also find this other website provided by "real vampires" a touch more interesting ? VAMPIRE RAVE. Remember that 99% or more of the human population are demonically possessed. Only a small 1% minority or less ever make it into Heaven.

WARNING : Demonic possession [vampirism] is real and is certainly not good for your health. Signing up for military service is bad for your health.

Here are a series of nineteen video that will convince you that demonic possession [vampirism] is a serious condition. Vampires [demonic possessed] really do exist.

[edit on 28/3/2010 by CAELENIUM]

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by TinFoilHatMan55

Are you aware that the word DEMOCRACY is derived from the original which is actually Greek ? DEMO-CRATIA. It is in fact two words put together meaning literally when translated into English language DEMONIC POSSESSION. Thus you can perhaps understand my reluctance to accept the "democracy" [politics] being thrust apon the world literally by [violence] force of arms. My preference is that the world would be better if it would be ruled by the Holy Spirit of God and her Angels above. Rule of the Temple Virgins. Virgins of Mount Shiloh [Book of Judges]. Notice that I remind you that the Holy Spirit of God is Feminine. GuanYin. Goddess of Chinese Taoism. Another comprehension of "demonic possession" is as I described in my entry above this one. The masculine form is a demonic perversion. "Male Gamete" is carcinogenic causing symptoms called Syphillis. I teach you that "Male Gamete" is the "Mark of the Beast" and the "Yeast of the Pharisees". 666. HELIOS. The scarlet whore of Babylon. Fire Bird. Pheonix. LILITH. The Abomination. The awful horror. Woman. Sexually corrupted girl is nolonger a girl because she is by sexual contagion now in possession of Male Gamete infecting every cell of her body. She has become masculine [woman] by sexual contagion. Thus girls I think that it is better to remain virginity ? Celibacy is the key that will set you free from this nightmare of hell created by men. The full story is that Male Gamete is an alien [Annunaki] manufactured nano technology weapon system. Using Genetic Modification as a means by which to torture and murder you. Before I had it proven to me I also would not have believed it either. However since it was proven to me by scientific data, which is generally being suppressed, I am now a dedicated feminist and celibate. In its original form life is 100% entirely feminine. Masculinity is a disease. Masculinity is demonic. Men seek to demonically possess you. It is what they refer to as marriage. Like as Jesus said in the Gospels "In Heaven the Angels do not marry". Thus getting married to a man or even just doing casual sex is putting you into a state of demonic possession. Obviously this is a very heavy subject. I am certain that I am not going to be kindly recieved by the men and women of this world. I might end up being crucified like as were Jesus in her day ? The idea that Jesus were masculine was created by the Council of Nicea circa 325AD. The Nicean Creed still forms the basis of "christianity". However the Gospels tell us a different story. In the Gospels we are told that Jesus mother MARY was not Jewish nor even Hebrew. That she was a virgin never ever touched by a man. Thus she became pregnant by Immaculate Conception. Asexually. Thus where could the Male Gamete have come from ? Thus I indicate to you that Jesus was actually certainly a daughter. Certainly not Jewish. In fact if you stop to think about it is it not logical to believe that Jesus was a Buddhist Nun ? Since Male Gamete is observed as causing cancer [masculinity] therefore we must conclude that God is Feminine. We need to realise what it is that the men [demonic possessed] are doing. They are certainly engaged in a never ending War against Heaven. They are actively working to rape and sodomise and murder all manifestations of the Holy Spirit into non existance. Genocide. Armaggedon is a Hebrew word meaning in literal translation "Nightmare of Hell" thus by inference it means demonic possession. The rule of men. Militarism and the cruel vampirisms thereof. For those who might not yet understand what is meant by nano technology I insert this google video. I have a photograph taken using an electroscan microscope that shows a computer robot device the size of the blood cell injecting DNA genetic material into it thus modifying it. Thus it becomes a cancer.

Google Video Link

[edit on 28/3/2010 by CAELENIUM]

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 09:08 AM
get the demons to work for you instead. go to the desert, take a quran book, draw a circle around you. and meditate for 40 nightes. if you succeed they will work for you, if not you will go crazy... its called chilla. google search it... many prophets did it.... but you must be a really strong person inside, REALLY STRONG!!

i think you should spend one year preparing yourself, you must also fast and not speak to anyone...

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by TinFoilHatMan55
What would be so bad about demonic possession? The demon gets to be housed in a fleshy body while the host gains paranormal powers. It's a win-win situation.

Who told you this......someone who watched a lot of movies or comicbooks?

Nobody told me this but did you ever think about the chance that you will experiance a blackout while the demon is having 'fun' with your body?

With other wake-up and your ass is all over the news in a negative way.

Anyways .....I think you are pulling everybody's leg with this one....

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 12:37 PM

What would be so bad about demonic possession? The demon gets to be housed in a fleshy body while the host gains paranormal powers. It's a win-win situation.

......Wait are you serious.....

This is extremely disturbing and incredibly stressful for the most strong minded person, So believe me when i say you may not feel afraid of it happening now but when it is you will be hugely regretting messing with these types of activity.

Demons ARE NOT something to be messed with EVER!

They can and will make your life a living hell.

You can either take my advice or you can leave it but I strongly suggest you stay away from any demonic activity!

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by TinFoilHatMan55

I've seen proper possessions in Kenya and I've seen Priests fight these entities. It isn't pretty. Here is a little food for thought. The demon completely supresses you. Your thoughts your spirit and your individuality. You will have moments when you surface, but any illusion you have that you are in control will evaporate quickly enough. This being is crossing over into you with the purpose of destroying you, destroying the good people around you, and then moving on. You will be tortured. Physically, mentally and spiritually.. Why would you want that, Why would you want your body possessed by a being from hell?

If this is something you are hell bent on doing and nobody can change your mind. YOu may want to inform the people around you prior to engaging in this behavior. You may want to speak to a priest beforehand as well. But I still can't fathom why anyone who believes in the demonic by the christian definition would invite one into himself. Torture, pure hell, death.... For the sake of a spiritual experience? Go watch A Man Called Horse and hang yourself up by your nipples.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 01:20 PM
Alas, I work in the most haunted building in my city. I spend up to three hours alone in it, most mornings. At first, yes, it is quite fun; hearing noises, seeing shadows, hearing the ghosts (who are children) talking and crying, playing around on the stairs. Saw a little boy and girl on numerous occasions.

The little boy has light brown hair, was standing over the counter. Made me jump back because I literally thought a child was in the building at 5:30am.

Seen shadows move in front of me, strange lights and smells.

Cool, eh?

But, be careful what you wish for.

I've had numerous incidents in that building, the most terrifying in my life, which are not the result of children. You can invite darker elements, if you make a general demand for "hey, whoever is listening, do something!." I've heard footsteps walk after me, something pull me, doors violently slam and the power go out in the entire building. Floor by floor. A generic question invites any spirit into the environment because you gave them permission to enter this world.

Why did all this darker events, which were aimed to scare me, happen btw?

Because I asked for it.

Don't play around with the unknown. Especially with demonic forces. I know of experienced ghost societies who refuse to participate in demonic activity, in fear it will follow them home.

[edit on 29-3-2010 by infinite]

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by DrJay1975

The mental health ramifications are vital and should not be dismissed. Hollywood misrepresents the facts: most former possessed individuals do not go on to live productive life. Majority need years of mental health treatment and medication to counter the psychology damage of their mind being repressed by a counter personality.

Some, apparent cases, have resulted in allege violent crimes being committed. Suicide among occult participators are common, especially because the majority use oujia boards to talk to "their friend" the devil, but conjure up a malevolent dark entity.

Alistair Crowley drove numerous disciples towards insanity (and himself) when providing assistance among some of his most darkest and powerful rituals.

Demonic possession is not an entertainment du jour

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by TinFoilHatMan55
I've been watching porn, horror movies, and saying demon names out loud. All I have to do is pull out my Ouija Board and hope a demon comes along and talks to me or does a possession. I will try tomorrow.

Damn, if watching porn and horror movies is all it takes I'm in trouble, who new.

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