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An American calling his Government out!

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posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by Whine Flu

That's OK in one passing of a bill they did all that without the Vaseline.

[edit on 23-3-2010 by elevatedone]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

Originally posted by Whine Flu

That's OK in one passing of a bill they did all that without the Vaseline.

[edit on 23-3-2010 by elevatedone]

There really is no better way of saying Slayer. You hit it on the head with your OP. I thought it may have been a little understated though
It's nice to see some people can maintain a level of civility while conveying a discenting opinion.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by constantwonder
There really is no better way of saying Slayer. You hit it on the head with your OP. I thought it may have been a little understated though
It's nice to see some people can maintain a level of civility while conveying a discenting opinion.

I love this country. Many here who are Americans know why and understand. Even though many others here at ATS who are not Americans think that they know us cannot understand why.
[too many TV shows and Movies.]

Having said that. These United States will only take so much more from the Federal Government.

And they need to realize this.

[edit on 23-3-2010 by SLAYER69]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:33 PM
just a rant...

[edit on 24-3-2010 by LadySkadi]

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by LadySkadi

I think a big problem is ourselves. We keep electing the same ones who keep ignoring us.

As far as protest, we do it wrong nowadays. IMO, the 70's are gone.

Not everybody can go to Washington. And when they do, they are kept to a certain spot.

I think it would be more impressive if Americans protested from city to city all across this nation.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:45 PM
I want to know what any one is going to do? NOTHING...not one damn thing.. What? Im going to march right down to my voters booth the next
and do what? Vote for the OTHER party? Thats one in here can do any thing except cast a hollow vote that means nothing... One party takes your freedoms and apply the rule of law the other takes your taxes and you say there is a difference. Well who's gonna do any thing except bitch and be key board warriors and voter booth hero's...

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by tsloan

Well first off I don't think anybody here has really been talking about attempting to overthrow the Government.

I can't believe I just typed that. I do hope, Pray and wish and will work towards gutting those I mean getting those who have passed said travesty fired.

Meaning voting them out.

Use the system. It works if you work it.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 12:41 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

... some sort of half-assed Health Care reform ...

And that's exactly what we have now. Some sort of half-assed health care reform.

They've opened up a can of worms now.

They need to go all the way and fix the system for everyone or the system needs to go away.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by tsloan

Well first off I don't think anybody here has really been talking about attempting to overthrow the Government.

I can't believe I just typed that. I do hope, Pray and wish and will work towards gutting those I mean getting those who have passed said travesty fired.

Meaning voting them out.

Use the system. It works if you work it.

The electoral system is owned by the very people you hope to use it against - when the gun is in your enemies hand, do you propose asking him to shoot himself?

Working within the system isn't likely to work - I watched a very entertaining presentation from a young speaker from Alaska the other day -Shaeffer Cox - well worth looking at.

Here is the first of a series of 11 parts on youtube, titled "The Solution" -

He asked his community to sign a statement showing solidarity in face of oppressive government, and stating that the government had lost it authority to govern because it no longer had the consent of the governed - required by the constitution.

His response was to form a new civil government based on three things;

1) Judiciary - realizing that courts are suborned by interest opposed to the common people, he formed 'common law courts'. I would have called them Courts of Common Justice myself, as law and justice seem to have diverged.

2) Executive - this would be a president and technical advisers etc. Elections would be necessary.

3) Militia - this is every citizen, compelled not be a legal system to ensure obedience, but each man rather constrained by their conscience.

Notably absent is a legislature - and in absence of any law but common law, such a body becomes unnecessary.

This presents a view completely congruent with my own, and I applaud the efforts of those who chose and implement such a system.

[edit on 24-3-2010 by Amagnon]

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by ashnomadonte

haha, I doubt states will leave the union, that would be an act of treason, and treason is punishable by death.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by ashnomadonte

you dont get turned away at the ER room, what ppl mean by getting turned away is by the insurance companies, which is funny, because even if someone has health insurance, and get hurt or is ill, the insurance company can still deny them, even if they have payed their bill, on time, every time it came. so even when you pay for health insurance these companies can turn us away,

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by loneranger26
reply to post by ashnomadonte

you dont get turned away at the ER room, what ppl mean by getting turned away is by the insurance companies, which is funny, because even if someone has health insurance, and get hurt or is ill, the insurance company can still deny them, even if they have payed their bill, on time, every time it came. so even when you pay for health insurance these companies can turn us away,

Anthem BCBS .... 4.34%
Medicare .... 4%
Coventry .... 3.99%
CIGNA .... 2.56%
Humana ... 2.03%
UHC .......... 2.02%
Aetna ........ 1.81%


I would hate to deal with Medicare for my health. Just like I would dread a trip to the DMV for a tune-up. Bureaucracies will find more reasons to deny coverage and present more red tape than private companies.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 05:10 AM
I remember Proposition 22 back in the 80's in California.It was a bill that was put to the voters that mandated car insurance. It was voted down. After it was voted down alot of companies pitched a screaming fit to the State and threatened to leave the State if that bill wasn't passed.
Me and my husband voted "Hell No" because 1) It is a law that requires you to do business and 2) with a privately owned business. (OK I know some of you are going to say uh-uh they're on the stock market but in this cas I mean private vs. govt owned). 3) There was no voucher for the people on aid to pay for this required car insurance (and don't even start with me on this issue).
Well, you can guess that after the insurance companies pitched their fit, then State Congress did their fiduciary responsibility to the people of the State and reversed the vote, thereby being the first State to require car insurance.
I voted for Obama. His speeches have had me crying like a baby after the eight years of Bush.
This bill? This bill is wrong. WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!
If there is enough out there that agrees with:

then we can, as a nation , admit our problem and join some global 12-step program to get help : Hello my name is USA....
and stop using untold numbers of of dollars for war and military, then we can afford to pay for stuff like health care, education, pot holes in our roads.

What I'm saying is I want health care like other modern countries have: Canada, France, Denmark, Holland italy, etc. Call me socialist and I don't care.
Another reason I'm against this bill: there is still no accountability for QUALITY of care. Just because I now have to have health insurance does not mean I'm going to get qualty care!
Another reason I'm against this bill: IMHO Insurance is legalized gambling. And you will not win against the house.
This bill is a band-aid on a liver transplant.

xoxoxox to slayer

[edit on 24-3-2010 by missvicky]

[edit on 24-3-2010 by missvicky]

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 07:40 AM
"Unhappy it is, though, to reflect that a brother's sword has been sheathed in a brother's breast and that the once-happy plains of America are either to be drenched with blood or inhabited by slaves. Sad alternative! But can a virtuous man hesitate in his choice?" -- George Washington in a letter to a friend

It is extremely interesting that the very slavery Washington was referring to in his letter is the slavery we were signed into with the passage of HCR, namely economic slavery.

The president, though he lied about it as he lies about everything, sat under black liberation theology for twenty years that we know of. Givin that alone, as we pointed out before the election, why would anyone expect him to do anything else?

We are now facing the same choice Washington faced, to fight or be slaves. True we still have an election in November we can look forward to but as many have said before me, the Republicans under Bush 1 & 2 set this up so what relief can we expect to get at the ballot box really?

Make no mistake, these are very dangerous times.


posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by tsloan

Well first off I don't think anybody here has really been talking about attempting to overthrow the Government.

I can't believe I just typed that. I do hope, Pray and wish and will work towards gutting those I mean getting those who have passed said travesty fired.

Meaning voting them out.

Use the system. It works if you work it.

I have been hearing rumors that something could happen before the fall
elections.TPTB know that we want to vote out everybody.I am thinking
another "disaster" that could postpone the fall elections and focus peoples'
attention elsewhere.
I am beginning to believe the time to use the system has past.We could
be facing a future that might demand action instead of words.A future
not many of us are prepared to make right now.If we fail,our entire way
of life could be in serious jeopardy.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 08:20 AM
It couldn't be more clear that that healthcare isn't about healthcare. Its about controlling the people. Straight from Representative Dingells fat mouth.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 08:32 AM
In spite of the lies we keep getting about the percentage of the healthcare used up by illegals, I suggest the first thing that has to be done is take any person not a Citizen of the United States of America off all government subsidies. This is a hard choice I understand, but they need to be turned away at emergency rooms without proper ID, which opens up another can of worms I know.

Were that to happen I have little doubt there would be enough money for Citizens to have adequate access to our own healthcare system!

Why will this not happen or be considered? Who do the illegals vote for?

(why they get to vote at all is another matter)

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 08:41 AM
Folks we have been set up by this administration and do you realize that the

budget forecast for the next 2 years has a short fall of a $Trillion$ dollars

each year. In other words we will spend a $Trillion$ dollars more each year

then we take into the coffers of this country.

By passing the healthcare bill this administration has speeded up the time table

for the bankruptcy of the United States Of America. The tax burden will be so

great there will be a cry heard around the world. There will be an add on

National sales tax imposed by the U.S. government to try to pay down the

debt if the people allow it to happen. You know and I know if the add on

National sales tax passes it will not be used to pay down the debt it will be

used to pay for more entitlement programs.

Basic 101 economics will show that if you spend more then you take in over

a long period of time it will catch up with you sooner then later, but this

administration does not care just keep on spending it is absolutely insane.

You have to ask yourself is this spending spree we are on including

healthcare expenditures intentional to bring down America? This could not be

unintentional it has to be intentional what they are doing to We The People.

Small businesses will be taxed out of business it is right out of a play book.

Small businesses will not be able to stay in business when they have to pay

for their employees healthcare. They will have a choice either cut back or

shut the doors of their businesses.

Remember the majority of taxes will be imposed after 2012. Wonder why? It

is called elections and who ever takes over will be blamed for what has been

put in place by this and the last administration.

Your declining standard of living will be in increments and each month you

and your family will have to decide what you should cut back on to pay for

the additional tax burden for what ever government program We The People

have to pay for each month. When you cut back so does everyone else

including businesses that you are no longer spending your money with in this


All this time this administration's priority should of been the creation of new

jobs but no, healthcare superseded and again what really we needed most

was to put America back to work.

So we know it is coming we have been told it is coming so here is the

question what are you and your family doing to prepare for the collapse? ^Y^

[edit on 24-3-2010 by amari]

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 09:50 AM
A big 'hi' my friend, and a squirming apology for not getting back to you on that other thing

I completely understand where you're coming from, and may I say, I like your very lucid and politically poignant intro.

I think many have already addressed the points you've put forward, so old mate, if it's OK, may I play 'Devil's advocate' for a moment, and ask this:

Is it ever OK, to turn away from a hospital, an individual dying from a terminal illness, when we have a health system that is more than capable of assisting - but is hobbled by fiscal incompetency, and political amorality?

This is not intended to offend my friend, and it's not aimed at any political side. It's a question I've asked my self again and again throughout the years, after having seen more tragedy endured by both strangers, and loved-ones.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 10:43 AM
During the summer that just passed, I walked into a deli owned by a immigrant from the former Yugoslavia.

She explained a little bit about being a civilian in the middle of a war. One by one, each and every house was broken into. Those who stayed behind were executed or taken prisoner. No one was allowed to leave on their own free will. Women were not allowed to leave. Children were not allowed to leave.

Her family fled before the soldiers came. All they had was what they brought with them. At one point, they had to leave their car behind forever. What ever they couldn't carry was left behind.

At times, they slept in the woods on the ground without a pillow or blanket; like a wild animal or a cave man without a cave.

In time, they were captured by US troops representing the UN. She made it clear that they were captured. Not going with the US troops was not an option.

Because both her and her husband were well educated and wealthy, they were eventually allowed to come to the United States.

When they got here, she couldn't believe how fat everyone was. She heard rumors but didn't believe them until she saw it with her own eyes.

Her husband took her to a Mexican restaurant. She was shocked that there was so much food for such a small price. It was all fried and it looked just awful. She was angry with her husband for thinking this food would be okay.

When they came to America, they lived in a dump and drove a piece of junk. They saved and scraped every penny so they could bring as many relatives to America as they could.

They had a list of relatives to bring to America and most of them made it here. Those on the list that didn't come did not choose to stay behind. They couldn't come because they were dead.

Her husband is an engineer. She owns the diner. They live in a home with 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms and a two car garage. They have a burglar alarm and a fire alarm. She drives a German car now and it has an alarm to.

The only time she hears gunshots now is when she's in a theater or watching tv.

She doesn't understand why white people are afraid of blacks. Blacks don't scare her. What scares her are angry men in military unifroms waving guns. She has seen what they do.

She said she would have never came to America had she known that less then ten years later, there would be war here to.

I thought she was talking about 911. She wasn't. She was talking about war in America like war in former Yugoslavia, her country. Like civil war, like our war with England.

I told her it could never happen here. She said it's already happened here and it's going to happen again in a few years. She said Americans don't know anything about war and because of that, we won't be prepared. It will be terrible.

She said she never believed there would be war in Yugoslavia again. Even now, it's not as bad but the war is still happening. No one talks about it. No one cares about it anymore. Just killing. No talking.

She said she loves America but if she ever sees UN troops here, she will leave and she will never come back. She said her son has killed many and wanted to send UN troops home in boxes. And anyone that supports UN troops can go into boxes to.

She said when war breaks out here, her son will kill many more again. But in America, many people already have guns so he will probably die here in the war.

She will try to make it to Canada but not Mexico because their food is so terrible. But if Canada goes to war with America (I'm not sure exactly how she meant that), maybe she can be captured again and taken to some other country.

She said only in America can we have this thing and not have war. If this thing happens in any other country like it is in America, there will always be war. When do we stand up here? We are so peaceful, it's going to get us hurt. But we will have war no matter what we do. No matter if we stand up for ourselves or not.

Based on her own life experiences, she's convinced she is going to see it here. She can't see the future but she guessed maybe in 6 months, maybe in 3 years. I disagreed with her but she disagreed with me. She told me if she is wrong, I should come back in 3 years and make fun of her and she'll give me a free desert.

Well, it's been about 6 months.

Based on her background, her clue definately trumps mine. So we'll see.

There are a million predictions on this website about this. But I bet those posters don't share her personal experience. I sure hope I get that free desert!!!!

I can't prove this conversation ever took place. So if you choose not to believe me, I understand. Regardless, isn't it an interesting perspective?

Let's all be real careful what we wish for. Myself included.

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