To those interested in the Rothschilds/Sabbatean connection
The Rothschild Connection
** Kerry and Clark are not the only world leaders who deliberately forgot their Jewish fathers. Numerous sources have claimed that Adolph Hitler's
real father was a Rothschild and this assertion is not off the wall. Hitler's mother was working as a maid on a Rothschild estate when her son was
conceived either through an affair or rape. No less an authority as the History Channel, in a Jan./04 series on dictators, revealed that Hitler razed
the Austrian town he was born in, "to destroy all hints of his Jewish father." Could Hitler have been a Sabbatean? The initial financiers of Labor
Zionism and Theodore Herzl were barons of the Rothschild clan. Their goal was the creation of a state in the image of their Sabbatean beliefs: that
is, anti-Torah, anti-Talmudic, anti-religious and anti-Jewish. To the Sabbateans, any Jew who does not accept anti-Judaism is fit for execution.
Israel has chosen morality and God, and that means execution is the correct punishment. Rabbi Antelman is not alone in tracing the Rothschild path to
an American financial takeover. Hundreds, if not thousands of researchers have proven that the European Rothschilds sent their German agents of the
Schiff, Astor and Warburg families to serve the interests of the cabal formed by the Jesuit illuminati, British Freemasonry and Sabbateanism. We
return to David Morrison's book to have a look at who was conducting the affairs of American Jews during the Holocaust era.**
pp.36-37 - "The leading figures were Judge Mayer Sulzberger, Louis Marshall, Cyrus Adler and Jacob Schiff. Schiff was the towering figure of that
group that, to a large degree, represented wealthy American Jews of German background. Louis Marshall was named president of the JDC, and Schiff's
son-in-law Felix Warburg, the treasurer. Warburg soon became chairman.
pp 63 - When travelling to America Weizmann and his wife enjoyed the company of Felix Warburg and his wife Frieda.
pp 40 - The power behind the group that made up the JDC and American Jewish Committee was Jacob Schiff. From a wealthy banking family in Germany, he
joined Kuhn Loeb in New York in 1873. In 1875 he won the hand in marriage of the daughter of Solomon Loeb and a full partnership in the firm. His
speciality was railroad finance. Working with E.H. Harriman, he acquired the Union Pacific Railroad in 1897
** Now we dive into the bowels of the plot. Schiff backed the Rockefeller railroad interests, which led ultimately to the foundation of the CFR in
1922 by the same J.D. Rockefeller. E.H. Harriman was the company George Jr.'s grandfather, Prescott Bush, was working for when he funneled millions
of dollars to Hitler. This connection has been documented by numerous writers including Sutton and John Loftus. The Rothschild method was to identify
crooked robber barons and promise them total wealth and control, if they follow and promote the illuminati/Sabbatean line. The CFR is the diplomatic
arm guiding America and the world into a global satanism. And no matter who the American voter chooses, he gets the CFR and more. If Bush wasn't
elected last time around, Al Gore would have been president. His daughter is married to the grandson of Jacob Schiff, assuredly meaning he is
Sabbatean. Rabbi Antelman asserts that the Sabbateans sent more than financiers from Germany to infiltrate American Jewry. He insists the
Conservative, and moreso, the Reform Movements, are tools used to draw American Jews away from their traditions and into the arms of the Sabbateans.
pp 39 - Judah Magnes confessed without provocation that in Berlin he had been converted to Orthodoxy and he knew Theodore Herzl. pp 41 - All three
groups courted Judah Magnes for a leadership role. Schiff was a major supporter of the Reform Temple Emanu-El in New York but he and Felix Warburg
also contributed to the Jewish Theological Seminary. Solomon Schechter, who came from England in 1902 to become president of the seminary, lent his
support and prestige to the Zionist cause.
** "We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or
consent." -- Statement made before the United States Senate on Feb. 7, 1950 by James Paul Warburg ("Angel" to and active in the United World
Federalists), son of Paul Moritz Warburg, nephew of Felix Warburg and of Jacob Schiff, both of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. which poured millions into the Russian
Revolution through James' brother Max, banker to the German government. **
** Sabbatean Labor Zionism concocted a dreadful tradeoff with the Nazis, which resulted in 50,000 indoctrinated German Jews escaping to Palestine from
1933 to 1939. The 3 million Jews of Poland were too religious to join the enterprise. And those who weren't religious largely supported the moral and
proud scions of Zeev Jabotinsky, known at the time as the Revisionist Zionists. **
pp 42 - Louis Dembitz Brandeis, an early Zionist leader, protested to the Schiff-Warburg group over the route that Joint Distribution Committee funds
took from the United States to Polish Jewry. Millions of dollars were channeled through the Aid Society of German Jews that included Max Warburg.
Brandeis protested to Felix Warburg that the German group supported the ban on immigration of Polish Jews into Germany.
pp 47 - At the outset of WWI, Jacob Schiff felt the tug of his German roots. He aided Germany financially and told a friend: "My sympathies are
naturally altogether with Germany, as I would think as little to side against my country as I would against my own parents."..Schiff's
brother-in-law, Max Warburg, was a German delegate to the economic talks at Versailles. He had discussions with John Foster Dulles...Dulles brother
Allen served in Turkey as assistant to the US High Commissioner. From that post he aided the attempt to cover up the Turkish massacre of the Armenians
during the war. His superior, High Commissioner Mark Bristol averred: "The Armenians are a race like the Jews - they have no national spirit and poor
moral character."
** There isn't the space to present the machinations of the leaders of American Jewry, so we will focus on just one, the leader of Reform Judaism and
the American Jewish Congress, Stephen Wise. His closest friend and correspondent was Felix Frankfurter. Of him, Jerry Rabow in his book, 50 Jewish
Messiahs, writes: "United States Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter is reported to have received a copy of Eva Frank's portrait from his
mother, a descendent of the Prague Frankist family." **
pp. 208 - The five or six Supreme Court justices that attended the performance on behalf of European Jewry were deeply impressed but it never crossed
their mind that it was up to them to do something about it. They figured that if Frankfurter hadn't done anything, there was little to do.
** Here is a quote from Frankfurter: "The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise their power from behind the scenes."-- Justice Felix
Frankfurter, U.S. Supreme Court. Of Stephen Wise, Rabbi Antelman provides this description in To Eliminate The Opiate Volume II: "Consider Stephen
Wise, head of the Reform movement in the United States during World War II. As the slaughter was going on in Europe, Wise was more interested in his
own gratification. Wise was both a Communist and a Sabbatian. That he was a Communist is attested to by Maurice Malkin, a member of the Communist
Party who returned to Judaism, in his book Return To My Father's House. Wise was a Sabbatian, as was shown in Helen Rawlinson's book Stranger At The
Party. In her chronicle of a sexual encounter with the so-called Rabbi Wise, she describes how Wise had sex with her in his office on his conference
table, and quoted the verse from Psalms which Sabbatians did when engaged in sexual intercourse." pp 217 Now follow David Morrison's chronicle of
Wise deliberately condemning European Jews to death by torture. Lest you believe today's American Jewish leaders aren't capable of organizing a
second Holocaust, always recall the very same process, using carbon copy American Jewish leaders, is at work against Israel at this moment. PM Sharon
is simply doing what the CFR tells him to. **
pp 107 - Wise wrote to Albert Einstein displacing blame for Roosevelt's silence on the Nazi atrocities on the Warburgs: "I must say to you in
strictest confidence that I saw the President yesterday...His first word was, 'Max Warburg wrote to me lately that things were so bad in Germany that
nothing could be done.' The President threw up his hands as if to say, 'Well, if Max thinks nothing can be done, then nothing can be done.'"
pp 110 - Steven Wise circulated, in January, 1937, an internal memorandum to the Governing Councils in the World Jewish Congress making it clear, "in
the most emphatic terms that it cannot be a party to any scheme of the Polish government which looks to a place for Polish-German emigrants."
pp 113 - At the same time, he circulated this memorandum, he wrote to a New York congressman who intended to introduce legislation to ease
restrictions on emigration to America: "I have every reason to believe that any effort that is made at this time to ease the immigration laws will
result in a serious wave of anti-semitic feeling in this country." pp 120 - After Austria fell, Wise met with representatives of the American Jewish
Committee and some non-Jewish groups. The meeting came in the wake of an attempt by New York Congressman Samuel Dickstein, to introduce legislation
that would allow unused refugee quotas to be allocated to those fleeing Hitler. The gathered agreed unanimously: The organizations represented at the
conference will take the position that the proposed legislation is inadvisable."
pp 128 - In the week following Kristallnacht, the British offered to give up most of the 65,000 quota for British citizens to emigrate to the United
States to increase places for Jewish refugees. Under Secretary Of State Sumner Welles responded: "I reminded the Ambassador that the President stated
there was no intention on the part of his government to increase the quota for German nationals. I added that it was my strong impression that the
responsible leaders among American Jews would be the first to urge that no change in the present quota for German Jews be made...The influential Sam
Rosenman, one of the "responsible" Jewish leaders sent Roosevelt a memorandum telling him that an "increase of quotas is wholly inadvisable. It
will merely produce a 'Jewish problem' in the countries increasing the quota."
pp 129 - The General Jewish Council met the following day and spent hours of debate on an agenda that did not include the Kristallnacht. When the
leaders of the American Jewish Congress addressed the issue, they did so by adopting a resolution giving the following advice to their constituents
across the country: "Resolved that it is the present policy of the General Jewish Council that there should be no parades, public demonstrations or
protests by Jews." Stephen Wise on American Jewish Congress stationary sent out a report to his members labeled: CONFIDENTIAL. NOT FOR PUBLICATION IN
ANY FORM WHATSOEVER: "In behalf of the American Jewish Congress I send you this report clarifying our policy in meeting the present crisis in the
life of our fellow Jews in Germany. The silence of the American Jewish Congress should not be regarded as a lack of activity on our part. It is the
result of well considered policy."
pp 145 - In the wake of Kristallnacht, New York Senator Wagner introduced legislation to allow 20,000 German Jewish children into the United States.
Stephen Wise testified before the legislation committee: "If there is any conflict between our duty to those children and our duty to our country,
our country comes first; and if children cannot he helped, they cannot be helped."...Reynolds saw no difficulty in accommodating the refugee children
in the United States. The legislation, without support from the Jewish leadership, got nowhere.
** If the children were not destined from Germany to Palestine, they were not destined to live. The same thing happened when choosing the Polish Jews
fit to live. **
pp 154 - A letter to American Jews on United Jewish Appeal stationery continued to support the 'selected' immigration of Jews to Palestine, despite
the fact that 3 million Jews were now trapped in Nazi-occupied Poland: "Selectivity is an inescapable factor in dealing with the problem of
immigration to Palestine. By selectivity is meant the choice of young men and women who are trained in either agriculture or industry.
pp 178 - During the summer of 1942, Gerhart Riegner sent a cable to the State Department detailing the Nazi plan for exterminating European Jewry. At
the behest of Under Secretary Of State Sumner Welles, Wise kept the report secret.
pp 187- In the February, 1943 issue of Wise's American Jewish Congress publication, Opinion, there is an extensive review of the Hitler era to date
with articles contributed by 52 people. No one mentioned the word 'rescue.'
pp 200 - When Anthony Eden was in Washington he met with Wise and told him nothing could be done...Eden's private secretary Oliver Harvey noted in
his diary: 'Unfortunately, A.E. loves Arabs and hates Jews.'
pp 212 - There was an appeal from Italy which stated that an appeal from the pope might stop the deportation of Jews from Italy. The Zionist Emergency
Committee did nothing about this matter. A meeting wasn't even called.
pp 217 - Stephen Wise declared: "We are Americans first. Nothing else that we are, whether by faith or race, qualifies our Americanism...The way to
save Jews is to unite the Jewish people behind the victory program of President Roosevelt."
pp 220 - A White House staffer recorded in his diary that, "The President told us from his bedroom that he would not see the delegation of
rabbis."... Judge Rosenman, who was also in the bedroom said the group was not representative of the most thoughtful elements in Jewry. Rosenman's
statement to Roosevelt that "leading Jews of his acquaintance" opposed the rabbis' march.
pp 227 - While Wise sent private memos clearly stating they thought the rescue of Jews was public they supported the Roosevelt
administration's steadfast assertion that nothing could be done...
pp 230 - Congressman Gillette recalled a visit to his office by Wise and a few of his colleagues:" None of these gentlemen seemed to be enthusiastic
for...the saving of the remnant of the Jewish people."
pp 241 - Wise felt strongly that the Gillette legislation did not provide for the "proper type of commission." With all that was known about the
obstruction of the Jewish rescue by the State Department, Wise was lobbying to leave the issue in their hands...Henry Morgenthau's aide Josiah Dubois
uncovered the State Department's policy relevant to the issue of Jewish rescue... The stunning title to the Dubois memorandum was: REPORT TO THE
SECRETARY ON THE ACQUIESCENCE OF THIS GOVERNMENT IN THE MURDER OF JEWS...Dubois pointed to the restrictions on visas as, "the most glaring example of
the use of the machinery of this government to actually prevent the rescue of Jews."
pp 270 - The Roosevelt administration took the usual position that there be no special effort for Jewish refugees. Stephen Wise also saw no human
course of action: "The issue is in the hands of God."
** David Morrison's conclusions are too generous, but his scholarship is invaluable. He has added an essential contribution to the indisputable fact
that America's Jewish leaders, led by Stephen Wise, purposely murdered by proxy, the Jews of Europe. Now they are working on the Jews of Israel,
starting with those of Gaza. **