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MSNBC Newsvine Poll on Healthcare reform bill - 66.7% are angry

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posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by drwizardphd

You just put that into a macro...and let it run all day. It's not hard at all...too funny people think it is all impossible.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 07:41 PM
In before claims that "the polls are fake" with no substance to them whatsoever.

I'm pretty sure that most of you claiming fake polls also believe that we will save money with this bill.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by BlubberyConspiracy

I never said it was fake...I said it was an internet poll that shouldn't be used as an accurate source.

Or not...ATS no longer cares about's sad.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 07:48 PM
interesting to read through the comments...its almost 100% tea party slogan issues by people leaving the comments.
Someone sent a note.
Time to send a note to the coffee party and skew any fox news polls? or just ignore internet polls as always.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by spec_ops_wannabe

Do Rules 1 & 2 apply if I don't really like the place???


posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
interesting to read through the comments...its almost 100% tea party slogan issues by people leaving the comments.
Someone sent a note.
Time to send a note to the coffee party and skew any fox news polls? or just ignore internet polls as always.

I'm ignoring as always.

I just think it is funny people think these are accurate and can't be manipulated. Even funnier they want me to "prove" it. I'd rather not be charged with a DoS attack just to prove a point on ATS.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

*laughs* I think you struck a few nerves. How closely these polls have been watched since Obama took presidency, and all of a sudden they are like bibles.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 07:59 PM
Yep, 635,000 people is really indicative of America.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher

Originally posted by SaturnFX
interesting to read through the comments...its almost 100% tea party slogan issues by people leaving the comments.
Someone sent a note.
Time to send a note to the coffee party and skew any fox news polls? or just ignore internet polls as always.

I'm ignoring as always.

I just think it is funny people think these are accurate and can't be manipulated. Even funnier they want me to "prove" it. I'd rather not be charged with a DoS attack just to prove a point on ATS.

I think the comments section on the poll is pretty transparent...msnbc is a liberal stronghold (it is, lets not kid ourselves, the same way fox news is a conservative stronghold)...and so it stands to reason msnbc polls are skewed to democratic value, fox to conservative values, both with the comments reflecting the jingoistic sayings.

I guess one of these partys ran out of ideas and is now simply skewing snap polls. heh

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Its not that we don't think its possible, we just don't think you can do it

In the end, there's no way for any of us to prove if it has been manipulated, so its a moot point. People will believe or disbelieve the poll results based upon their own views of the issue. My own feelings are that the 'angry' results are somewhat high, probably by about 15 points, based upon other polls I've seen.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 08:09 PM

So, go ahead Probama people. Tell us again how polls are meaningless and how America really does want this healthcare reform package. Because EVERY ONE of these poll respondents MUST have been Republican - right?

Did you start this thread to harass people or just want to state the facts that a majority of Americans were against this bill? Because you sure sound antagonistic in the above quote.

Let me tell you, I voted for Obama. Guess what? I'm as dismayed at his decisions as the next guy. I am very upset about how this bill was rammed through. But, as a longtime conspiracy theorist, I believe the whole system is corrupt, well before him. So, my point here is this, let's get mad, let's get pissed and talk about the corruption, but let's stop treating fellow Americans as enemies because of a vote made at the time in good conscience. Do you really think we who voted for Obama, wanted him to create more taxes, go back on his words, and push through legislation as criminally as this was done? Stop the attacks and be civil is what I say.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 08:11 PM
Yes, because it is completely feasible for every American to go to, see the poll, and answer? (edit* sarcasm for the ones who don't understand mild humor)

Of course the term sampling (statistics... heard of it?), cannot really be coined here, considering both sites are not completely unbiased. Or the fact, Outkast points this out, that people for some reason spend countless hours deleting their cookies and keep voting..

I like how hard some are taking to crack down on these polls, but you refuse to show us a poll that might sway in the way that suggests people are happy about this? Your responses tend to be one to two sentences that try to undermine or make a mockery of what we are suggesting to be a probability. The probability that most Americans are infact pissed off, so could you please include some kind of evidence/statistics that might put some insight that people are taking the streets and rejoicing?

[edit on 22-3-2010 by higns07]

[edit on 22-3-2010 by higns07]

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 09:06 PM
The People......... or the Corporations with their paid bully boys are angry?

And so the Great NWO Corporations vs. the Common Masses WAR begins…..

Think for a moment, just a moment, who are the BIGGEST LOSERS when the Healthcare Bill is passed?

None other than your now revealed incompetent Corporations – your masters and employers. They bear the bulk of paying for your health insurance, out of the immense profits they make ripping off workers and the consumers.

Such Corporations include the Insurance Corps and the Medical Industrial Complex as well. These 2 fields of industry had been in collusion milking the American public dry for decades, raising the premiums and raising medical costs. They never lost anything, always gain, and always get to play in the casino called Wall Street.

When the Health bill is passed, the Insurance Corps can no longer arbitrarily raised premiums, and would faced the brick walls of Congress, resulting them having to confront their buddies in the Medical Industrial Complexes, either to lower health care costs in pity for profits, or they will fight tooth and nail against them to lower the costs, which is only rightly so and would benefit the public.

The Insurance Corps will have the NWO Corporations (your employers and masters) as buddies to smash the Medical Industrial Complexes as well, for the Corps will scream bloody murder if one more of their precious dollar goes into helping the common man.

So now do you know who your elected representatives truly represent and paid by, and had voted against the bill for the common masses, as well as sent their bully boys into the streets and forums now?

Don't worry about losing jobs or the Corps give up. The Corporations will never give up ripping the people off till they get the last dollar printed out of the common man.

Either we learn to share and exist together or we all die as ONE

Time to take the right pill....

[edit on 22-3-2010 by SeekerofTruth101]

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 09:20 PM
It should state of how many % of people who voted and not try to indicate its a percentage of america like the majority of polls always do.

Also the guy who says you cant hack it because it logs your IP, you sir are clueless. I could list a number of programs that change your IP address. I could make it appear Im in any state in the US or any country in the world. Its not hard.

And as someone says if its just cookies delete em and vote again.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by vor78

Its not that we don't think its possible, we just don't think you can do it

Well...that is fine with me. I honestly don't care if anyone thinks I can do it. My point was to show the results can be manipulated...and now if all of you agree and only thing "I" can't do it...I'm fine with point is proven.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 10:22 PM

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 10:30 PM
Even if you don't agree with the poll, it is hard to say that people aren't angry.

After 15 months, it should be no surprise that some people are angry.

I imagine if the vote had went in the opposite direction we would still have angry people.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by jam321
Even if you don't agree with the poll, it is hard to say that people aren't angry.

After 15 months, it should be no surprise that some people are angry.

I imagine if the vote had went in the opposite direction we would still have angry people.

Some might be angry. But just because this travesty of a bill wouldn't have passed that doesn't mean health care reform would never be passed.

We would have people like myself writing their representatives thanking them for defeating Obama/PelosiCare and encouraging them to start from scratch and this time do it right.

That's the difference.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by sos37

Look me up when the Cap and Trade debates start up. You will see that we aren't as much of "foes" as you may think.

I support health care reform...doesn't make me an enemy. Different opinions and the fact that we can speak our opinions is what should make this country great...instead it is used to draw lines and declare enemies.

Like I said...wait until Cap and Trade starts up...then see if I am giving Obama a pass if he tries to push that crap. Hopefully it won't even get a chance now since all the Global Warming scientists are being criticized now.

It is possible to disagree on some things...agree on others...and all be friendly countrymen. I hope some of you will embrace this one basic premise that makes our country so great.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 11:25 PM
Just put my vote in (angry) . Last score was 67.2 angry. But hey, what do we know? After all we're the one that elected these jokers only to have them not listen to us.

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