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Whistleblower Time Travels to the Year 2749

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posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by JohnySeagull
Couldn't listen beyond the first part. This is terrible. I could do a better fake myself.

Agreed. This is... just awful. Don't waste your time unless you're a really - really bored cheesy sci fi buff.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 05:14 PM
what year was this recorded in? Its kind of entertaining. I'm guessing all the pauses in the interview were probably due to trying to remember stuff. He sounded like he was 80 years old. He might be telling it like it is, or he might be full of crap. but it was comforting to hear him say that some city's will be unscathed......................hope it's mine, lol. Oh well food for thought, for sure entertaining......

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 05:14 PM
No animals? What happened to fido, and scooby doo?

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by hippomchippo

no, our timeline would be a different one, that he created at the moment he came back

so, we all here are part of this new timeline he created

at the moment he did comeback the universe system created a new universe that would have the same timeline and states until the moment he did appear on this new universe, so, his presence would be able to change the whole timeline of this new universe

ok, but since he comeback to the past, the universe would HAVE to have a database of everything, with universes x time x each "atom" state, so the system could get every information about the state the traveler wants to go back and create another universe so he is able to experience

imagine this cube

replace stores and products with universes and states of "atoms"

so, you would be able to access all the states about any universe during any moment of its existence, so you would be able to create another timeline using a timeline as a base, so, you would get the timeline of our universe until the moment he want to visit and put it in a new universe, so, the rest of the timeline (or the time traveler future) would be able to become anything

this is the way I think the universe would work (if time travel to the past is allowed), based on computer systems and logic, since, we all know that if somebody did go to the past, he would change people's lives and he would change the universe state or at least some "atoms" states, and that itself would be enough to change the state of a lot of "atoms" during time, so the timeline would be different than the timeline without his presence

this "theory" is the one that makes more sense to me, I dont know a lot, this is kind of "created" by my brain, so, this is the way I see the time travel possibility

but the reality is that I dont believe its possible to time travel back, since it will be a lot like a computer system and we probably wouldnt exist, we wouldnt have a soul or anything, so, it wouldnt be a cool thing hahah, we would be simply part of the system, without any specific relationship between our bodies and our souls, because soul wouldnt exist --- you could say we would be IAs

[edit on 20-3-2010 by Faiol]

[edit on 20-3-2010 by Faiol]

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 06:07 PM
One question. What language did those guys speak ahead in 2749? This guy could prove his point perfectly by just giving us a snippet of how the people talked back there, as language evolves. I'm sure he wasn't able to just go around speaking modern day English, let alone touring people around a city with it...

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 06:29 PM
well i think that its interesting in a sci-fi way .i wouldn't put all my faith
in nonfictional stories.but like he said the next great war is going to
wipe out most of the world.soi will worry about here and now and let the cards
fall where they fall.but remember what he said the great war was to happen
in 2003 its lets play the next movie please.

thank you...

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 06:47 PM
ole Al Bielek up to his schananagans again!

I never really believed his stories though something weird did happen in the Philadelphia experiament that i am sure of

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 08:39 PM
I do believe we can time travel/teleport etc.
Though I do understand that the universe does change in too multitude of dimensional ways and hence the moments in time and space diverge in to different scenarios etc.
Please watch related You tube to further understand.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 10:52 PM
Did cameras not exist in the year 2749? Bring a picture back next time and I may believe that your trip to the future did not start with either an injection, snort, or puff.

Don't bother.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by TruthSeeker8300

Dear TruthSeeker8300

From TruthSeeker8300 “Were. :p”

Thanks for the reply but what do you mean???

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by lottery

Maybe he meant Iraq lol

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 09:56 AM
This guy seemed to know alot of info about highly secret spacifics, and not alot about the basics.
common he stated he was a tour guide like many others, yet he was able to talk to these highly intelegent computer engineers that controled the planets computer system. thats like me a pizza delivery man having an interview with the elite pentagon personel and looking around the white house just cause i have a friend whos in the army.
very entertaining but complete hog wash.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 11:42 AM
I have followed Al Bielek for years and my first experience with backlash of his

story was from a lady that begged me to send her a video of Al years ago. She

could not wait until she received the video about Montauk and when she did and

viewed it she said it was Satan's work and destroyed the video.

Here is my take on Al Bielek's experiences with time travel. I believe Al

Bielek experienced a shift in reality and when you play with the future and

are thrust into future time events, scenarios, places material things with

existence can be changed. In other words in the future different scenarios

and variables can be played out using the same timeline. It is like you are in

the middle of a circle or wheel with spokes or paths going out in all directions

of the 360 degree circumference. Randomly or by design you choose what

path to take ending you physically within a specific time frame date with a

different reality each time you take another path or spoke outwardly from

the wheel or circle.

In other words what Al Bielek experienced could of been a specific timeline

reality that might never happen in this specific timeline's future. We as the

human race are headed toward a future on this Earth's plane, material

existence or state of incarnation that can always be changed or manipulated.

The unknown of what happens in the future variable timeline factor from now

on is freewill when you consider 6.5 billion Human Beings living on this Earth

and the alien intervention or manipulation hence forth.


[edit on 21-3-2010 by amari]

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 12:40 PM
If I am not mistaken the first photo of the alien you presented with the hooded suit with the snake emblem and communicating device on the ear was one of the aliens on Mars Al Bielek saw when he was teleported from Earth to Mars located in an underground base during the time period of the Montauk experiment. ^Y^

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by Solasis
It's a fun listen, if you will, but I don't buy a word of it, if you will. I know he made reference, if you will, to the Georgia Guidestone's line about "500,000,000 population cap" if you will, but I missed whether he actually mentioned it, if you will. It kind of reminds me, i fyou will, of the story of the Great Race of Yith, if you will. Their whole culture, if you will, is reminiscent of theirs from Lovecraft's story, if you will.

Did anyone else notice, if you will, how much he said "if you will?"

Laughing my ### off, join me "If You Will"

here he goes dissapearing into the future LOL

[edit on 21-3-2010 by wayaboveitall]

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 10:30 PM
If this dude was fake, wouldnt Jon Titor come back and punk him out for messin up the time traveller gig? Or if this dude was real, wouldnt Titor come back to let him know theres only enough room for 1 time traveller in 2010?

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 11:55 PM
Okay where is George Lucas when you need him, this guy is so full of it. I mean he has to think so hard just to answer a question that would have been so obvious to answer. The guy even seems to be making some things up as he is telling the story. He must have have spent a long time contriving this in his mind, even when he speaks of the computer system running things it sounds like a old timer just with his vision of the distant future. Someone please help him.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 05:07 AM
Cross relate Al Bielek and Ed Cameron's information with
a. which matches the Project Mantuk time travel experiments - Nocholas Preston, Steward Swedlow
b. and the Area 51 cooperation of Reptoid/Grays as described by the security guard who came forth on his info.
c. Mind Control woman - name escapes me

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 05:59 AM
what utter , UTTER twaddle .

claim one : he worked as a tour guide in the future

apes response - i would not go on a city tour with a retard who knew so little about the place

claim two & three [ the are linked ] : the population is only 500 million ...... they have floating cities [ note plural ] 2100 stories high

apes response - why , just why ???????????

claim four : after the war , technology was rebuilt thanks to the nuclear subs and thier optical disks ..............oh and the cities that were unscathed


general claim : the abandonment of all organised religions currently active on earth

apes response - who did this occur

genearl claim : total world socialism , the utter absence of crime , conflict , greed

apes response - how did this occur

i had more points , but have lost the will to continue with this post

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 06:03 AM
entertaining but..erm..he lived there for a while but says 'if i remember correctly they had tvs'

im pretty sure hed know if they had tvs or not if he lived there for longer than a few weeks...and if they had sure hed know if there were other ethnic groups on earth..

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