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Whistleblower Time Travels to the Year 2749

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posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
Thank you ops...

Time traveller stuff is perhaps my most favorite fiction to follow...and meh, who knows, may be fact

step 1...suspend disbelief
step 2...get popcorn

I really like step 2, I'm a big popcorn lover.

However I'm finding it really hard to get past step 1. I don't think time travel is necessarily impossible, but just that the claims I've heard about it don't seem plausible, including this case.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 10:23 AM
I am said time traveller - I must admit now that I look back upon it all it was all a lie to get attention.

Please forgive me.


posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by m0r1arty

As punishment for your lying, I think you should have to go back in time and kill your grandfather before he fathers your father, so you can come back and tell us if the grandfather paradox is true or not.

After all that's the really big question about time travel.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 10:39 AM
As with all claims of this must approach the subject using the scientific method to resolve the question of whether this case is true or not.

As we already have a sample where someone has..

step 1...suspend disbelief
step 2...get popcorn

I thought it best to gather some data to see if "believability" occured using other "snack" based scenarios.

To this end, I suspended disbelief and watched the video 3 times using the following aids...
A) A 400g bar of chocolate
B) A 50g bag of mini popadums.
C) A 150g pack of Sour Cream Pringles

Results: "Believeability" was not attained using any of the above snack based aids.

Further research is therefore required (once I've been to the shops)

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 11:41 AM
It's a fun listen, if you will, but I don't buy a word of it, if you will. I know he made reference, if you will, to the Georgia Guidestone's line about "500,000,000 population cap" if you will, but I missed whether he actually mentioned it, if you will. It kind of reminds me, i fyou will, of the story of the Great Race of Yith, if you will. Their whole culture, if you will, is reminiscent of theirs from Lovecraft's story, if you will.

Did anyone else notice, if you will, how much he said "if you will?"

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 12:10 PM
John Titor comes to mind....hey, where did he go?

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by nomadros
As with all claims of this must approach the subject using the scientific method to resolve the question of whether this case is true or not.

As we already have a sample where someone has..

step 1...suspend disbelief
step 2...get popcorn

I thought it best to gather some data to see if "believability" occured using other "snack" based scenarios.

To this end, I suspended disbelief and watched the video 3 times using the following aids...
A) A 400g bar of chocolate
B) A 50g bag of mini popadums.
C) A 150g pack of Sour Cream Pringles

Results: "Believeability" was not attained using any of the above snack based aids.

Further research is therefore required (once I've been to the shops)

Found the right mix
1) suspend disbelief
2) box of twinkies
3) medical mari(censored)
4) a blow to the head

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 03:00 PM
Floating cities..

...just like in my visions..

..this is an awesome story ,thanks for sharing!

Star & Flag

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 03:05 PM
just for the fact that he timetravelled that means that he altered our universe, so, nothing that he said will happen, it may have happened in another universe

but since he came to this universe, just the act of him coming would change everything, thats what makes sense to me, since any action would make a lot of changes in our lives

thats the only way that makes sense for someone to timetravel to the future and get back to the past ... otherwise, we are $#$%# and we dont exist

I wont get into much details

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 03:07 PM
I don't believe in time travel unless you can actually leave this universe or dimension which is ruled by time. Everything we know has a beginning and an end, God on the other hand is outside of time and so is the spirit world, if you can enter that realm, then maybe time travel is possible, but I don't recommend messing with occult like things, it is dangerous and the power to do so can be from an evil source.

This stuff is somewhat entertaining just for fun and no offense to those who choose believe in such things, it is your free will.

[edit on 20-3-2010 by crusaderiam]

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by crusaderiam


time travel to the future is possible ... actually, it was already done

the problem is the time travel to the past, since, well,

lets say you are driving your car and some time traveler appears, you look at him, you crash your car and die ... you didnt even need to die, but the fact of the presence of the time traveler would change the future

so, I believe that the only way time travel to the past is possible is thought some kind of creation of a new universe each time you do it

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 03:28 PM
You don't even need to waste time watching the thing to tell the clown has no such device!

1) If he had time travel capabilities then he wouldn't openly admit it. What's to stop someone grabbing him & forcing him to hand over his machine or plans to build it. It would allow people to change history, not only for themselves but the whole entire world (past, present & future). Truthfully, if my neighbour had a time travel device that worked, then I'd do all I could to take it off his hands & I'm sure if you looked deep down, then everyone else would as well if they could.

2) You think his government would allow him to use it, then boast of it on the net in interviews. Think what such technology could do for them. They could see how events unfold, then go back & alter it to their own favour by wiping out other nations. Not to mention, going forward, getting the latest technologies (robots, nanobots, weapons, fighter planes, armour etc, etc), then bring it now.

3) Rival countries would have all of their spies on this guy's tail with plans to nab him before anyone else could.

4) Corporations are in the exact same mould. In this case, you could talk about financial institutions. Go forward, see how the financial market goes for the next few years. Come back & follow that route making tens/hundreds of billions. Energy companies could go forward, get plans, schematics of future energy inventions. Bring it all back, then slowly drip feed it to the world. They would be the worlds leading energy supplier & the amount of money that could go with such a title would be insane.

5) Even if you ignore all of the above. Despite how ludicrous it is to do so. That governments, corporations & just people in general would allow him free reign without taking it off him. Then why doesn't he offer any form of physical proof. His time travel machine (let me guess, it was damaged beyond repair, he decided that such technology shouldn't ever be used again so destroyed it, or it will remain hidden forever from the world). A small piece of jewellery, clothing, super strong super light alloy that hasn't been invented yet. A newspaper. Go to the local library & download a ton of 21st century history. Then state a specific, time, place & event that will take place. If he can tell a train say when an earthquake will hit, volcano will erupt, a train will derail or whatever on the other side of the world, then nobody can even deny that he knows about future events. Heck even a photo or video of him interacting in this future would be better than nothing.

Just another hoaxer out to defraud/fool the gullible. If he was smart enough to invent a method of time travel, then he'd be smart enough to keep his mouth shout & not tell anyone about it!

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by Faiol
just for the fact that he timetravelled that means that he altered our universe, so, nothing that he said will happen, it may have happened in another universe

but since he came to this universe, just the act of him coming would change everything, thats what makes sense to me, since any action would make a lot of changes in our lives

thats the only way that makes sense for someone to timetravel to the future and get back to the past ... otherwise, we are $#$%# and we dont exist

I wont get into much details

But since he has already time traveled, wouldn't our timeline already be the result of whatever happened with his time travel?

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 03:36 PM
I love stories like this that make you think.

Awesome story but completely fake. I think time travel is theoretically possible but we just haven't advanced our science to a point to understand it properly.

Time travel is one of the most compelling stories out there and I wish we could get a piece of the future from someone that has been there, believe me that would be an amazing find.

Good post and thanks for sharing this great piece of fiction.


posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 03:37 PM
Couldn't listen beyond the first part. This is terrible. I could do a better fake myself.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by MAC269

Were. :p

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 04:03 PM
Well,another thread started with little originality.

Copied the youtube title in to the thread,added no comment or analysis of their own,just posted 4 videos,which consume a lot of band with.

We are all capable of finding this entertainment on youtube.

It is not that difficult to do.

A "whistleblower" by definition provides proof of their allegations.

There seems to be none provided.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 04:40 PM
Star and Flag, Fiction or not.. It still fascinates me! I saw part of this interview somewhere else but not the whole thing, thanks a lot for this one!

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 04:40 PM
OP: Thank you for sharing this entertaining piece of audio for us. While playing poker, I like to listen to stuff like this in the background. S&F

Regarding the validity of such, it's certainly a toss up. The man speaks very articulate and never fumbles with words, as in studdering, as most liars do. In relation to the wingmakers, world wars, driving cars and having a lack of knowledge despite him being a "tour guide", these all tossed up red flags for me.

Nonetheless, it was definitely entertaining, and for that I applaud you.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 04:49 PM
The only way you could time travel without effecting the human timeline
is stay up in the sky in your metallic disk shaped time machine and observe.

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