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What do you call the events of 911 if you're not a Truther?

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posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by P. O. W.
There was NO conspiracy , in 93 they tried to drive a truck full of fertilizer into the base of the towers they were stopped. These people tin foil hat time just because someone says paranoia doesnt mean its true. The buildings collapsed on themselves cause of the weight of explosions rotting out the building. Pretty soon they are going to come after you conspiracy theroists legally because 3,000+ people died, you know its not a joke or a massive consipacy WE made.

People are going to come after conspiracy theorists because 3000+ people died? Which people exactly? People are going after the criminals behind it for that reason. Don't try to reverse it.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by Symbiote

Originally posted by dragonsmusic
So I'm either one or the other? lol
Just either one of those then, nothing in between? silly

The strategy of "us and them" is used to divide and conquer. Truther or OS believer, Republican or Democrat, Liberal or Conservative, it does not matter.

As long as people are busy fighting with their neighbors, those people are less likely to lift their thoughts.

Yes, that poster was trying to divide and conquer me. And what you've written is exactly the same idea as one of my themes. The 911 truthers are all divided. "which forum is HE in? How many threads does HE have?
If he believes this one particular thing then everything else he says is BUNK"
It's weird to watch it and it's not good when it happens.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
I'm not sure of the definition of the word "Truther".

I don't believe the official story. I think some people in the government had prior knowledge and possibly conspired to allow the attacks to happen in order to financially and emotionally fund a war (Iraq).

Does that make me a "truther"? I don't know. I don't have a desire to make the truth come out. If it's going to stay hidden, it's going to stay hidden, no matter how much pressure the public puts on the government. But I REALLY don't believe the OS.

You don't believe in the official story because it is crap. Even people on the commission now say it's crap. What's going on here?

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