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Mike Lee on No Planes, Protecting the house and other 911 aspects

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posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 01:35 AM

Originally posted by mikelee
The passengers must be a focal point though, because without them then we could look into the "no plane" side.

...passengers or lack of passengers should not stop anyone from looking into the no-plane theories or the non-commerical plane theories or the combination plane / laser / missle theories... the passengers are NOT a focal point... at best, they might be conclusive biological forensic evidence... at worst, lots of folks like to use the emotional value of the passengers to muddy up points they dont want anyone else to focus on...

Originally posted by mikelee
however, as any seasoned investigator must do

...seasoned investigator?... lol, can i see your credentials?...

Originally posted by mikelee
they died in the crash therefore the no plane theory does not hold water for any reason. there biological forensic evidence that proves there were passengers on flights 11 and 175 when they hit the wtc towers?... if not, then you're basing your reason for why you cant address the no-plane theories on presumption, not evidence...

Originally posted by mikelee
There was no "nose" of any aircraft on that day.
There are other angles of that same video and after seeing them side by side running at the same time with 3 different monitors, I can personally tell you that it is debris without any doubt.

...i've seen the same - doesnt change my opinion of what i saw when it happened...

Originally posted by Wyn Hawks
i've seen the damage a concrete divider on the highway can do when 80,000 pounds of tractor/trailer smacks into it...

Originally posted by mikelee
Totally different crash scenarios with very different variables.

...yes, two different crash scenarios - and - yes, different variables - but - not so different if one is looking at what happens to a fast moving vehicle when it hits solid concrete, which was my point...

Originally posted by mikelee
The two, in the layman's eyes (and mind) may seem similiar but thats it. - show me your non-layman credentials, baby...

Originally posted by mikelee
Tractor/trailers do not travel at 500+ mph

...those planes werent flying at 500mph either...

Originally posted by mikelee
propelling the pumpkin with enough energy that it all travel through the metal. And the pumkin is a heck of a lot softer than a Coke can! Understanding the science can quickly answer many questions. do you know the pumpkin was softer than a soda pop can?... did you examine it?... how do you know they didnt load that pumpkin with rocks?... were you there?... if you were not there, then you are again presuming a conclusion based upon no evidence...

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by Wyn Hawks

Your reply is based in jack-ass philosophy and Game-Boy religion. Have a nice weekend just the same though.

[edit on 3/26/2010 by mikelee]

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 09:49 PM
...very funny, mike, since you're the one that believes theres scientific value to that video showing a pumpkin being shot out of a cannon...

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by Wyn Hawks

Thats because it proves your aluminum can theory can't hold water. You need to do some research in science in order to move your thinking out of the teeny bopper section of conspiracy vids and baseless theorys....Take care, done here.

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