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Gender-Bender Chemicals are Turning Boys Into Girls

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posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 07:09 AM
Ederick, ignore the trolls and don't waste your time and energy on them.


Mercuvael, do you know what the startling difference is between Misogyny and Misandy? The former is denounced and despised whereas the latter is embraced and encouraged.


In response to the OP:

This is bad, but unsurprising. Men have been conditioned over the last decade or so to be more feminine in their appearance too. Look at the whole Metrosexual craze and how the cosmetics industry has benefited from gaining revenue from the other 50% of the population.

[edit on 17/3/2010 by Dark Ghost]

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by Dark Ghost
reply to post by Edrick

Ederick, don't worry about remarks that come from obvious trolls. They are not worth the effort. Posts like those are made to make your blood boil and see your reaction.


reply to post by Mercuryae

Mercuvael, do you know what the startling difference is between Misogyny and Misandy? The former is denounced and despised whereas the latter is embraced and encouraged.

[edit on 17/3/2010 by Dark Ghost]

Exactly...just ot give an example

If a girl is more of a tomboy, more masculine how will their environment react?

Dad: Often encouraging
Mom: Sometimes dissapointed, but it adds variety and " Not every girl is the same anyway

Femme boy

Dad: Turmoil. Filth
Mom: Turmoil.Filth

So yes, there is a bias (Unless my perception is totally wrong, which some will acuse me of)

Its a Man's World (And Women like to cater to it aswell)

That doesnt mean that the 90% of the people who post here are right in how the world should be...its a discussion board

Edit: Basically Im a "Troll" for having a less than standard opinion or desire....thanks!

[edit on 17-3-2010 by Mercuryae]

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by Mercuryae
In regards to what I said about Misogyny and Misandry, I was referring more to the way the media portrays the genders. This has an effect on the general public and how they respond to stories involving men vs. women.

I'll give you an example. Remember the whole Tiger Woods saga? I thought at the time and still do now that the whole thing was such a sensationalised piece of garbage story. But it did show some interesting things about the media and the general public.

Are you aware that his wife assaulted him with a golf club? He even required surgery to fix the damage she caused to his face. Isn't that a clear example of domestic battery? What do you think would have been the case if he had hit her with a golf club? Can you imagine the public outcry if he had found out she had cheated on him and then hit her with the club? You know that whole "there is NEVER an excuse for violence against women" thing? The principle behind that rule just gets thrown out the window when the genders are reversed, doesn't it?

Tiger Woods chose to let it go and not report it. Do you hear men's groups breathing down his ear and encouraging him not to let the witch get away with it? That she should be reported and convicted in case anybody else is the victim of this behaviour in the future? Do you hear people saying she should be punished because violence against men is not allowed?

I bet you didn't hear those things. All you heard was how a sex-crazed MALE was having sex with various other women while his innocent, loving wife was taking care of the family. This evil man let down all his fans and as a result his life should be ruined and full support should be given to his Wife and family.

[edit on 17/3/2010 by Dark Ghost]

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by Mercuryae

And you are a Misogynist , Edrick

Cite examples of your claim.

You are putting Men on some sort of God-pedestal, the superior sex

Again, Cite examples of your claim, or stop claiming what is not true.


posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by Dark Ghost

Ederick, ignore the trolls and don't waste your time and energy on them.

While I appreciate your concern, I cannot allow such blatantly sexist accusations to go unchallenged.

That is how we got to this point to begin with.


posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by Dark Ghost

I didnt hear those things because they weren't reported (I am from Holland myself, yes that Weed-smoking Prostitute country thats terrible....I guess its actually not that different from the US I fear)

But..I did see Tiger's apology...and it felt truly sad, he meant it....and even though he cheated I never really thought bad of him like the commenting people on CNN's response section who were wishing him dead

There was a very short story in the beginning about that Erin might have hit him or something, and I thought it was plausible

I dont want to give the impression I am 100% PRO-Woman, since they arent angels....but the way Edrick presents things just riles me up; Some facts are true

But what does it matter when men create so much yet destroy so much more?
How many video's are there where you see a guy torturing an animal jsut for the kicks of you see women do that often, or at all??

Personal experience always adds an extra layer that doesnt always stroke with the logical approah from Edrick

A lot of guys I see around me (I am only 26 mind you, so I probably don't have the right to speak, right?) are inconsiderate, rude, partake in sports, fights, soccer etcetc....the most common type of guy really. You also have the pseudo-intellectuels who stroll the internet or study who think they're god's gift to humanity with their opinions and knowledge

And this is because of the chemicals in the water? I hardly see any feminity in boys or men at all, its more the opposite

To Edrick: More of the tone I dislike , I probably shouldnt have accused you of it, so sorry about that ....but when I start reading your first response to the so called " Misandrist" I thought "Good heavens, its one of those territorial pseudo scholars again..."

Just telling my feelings

[edit on 17-3-2010 by Mercuryae]

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by highlyoriginal

Hm, there's a problem here: What is a "feminine" trait? Are we speaking of pure physical being or mental traits as well? Many physical signs of gender such as jawline, face shape, body shape etc. can also overlap with racial traits. Now, I saw another article publish by natural news proclaiming boys exposed to chemicals tend to prefer different toys. That's not science. There could be any number of factors causing the kid to play with something else.

Then you have to the problem of masculine looking females. This is on the rise as well according to many sources. Do the chemicals make women more...manly? The drawing you used for your avatar is a good example. That body shape is considered masculine.

As for sperm counts, there are many things which cause sperm counts to drop that are present in everyday western life. Even wearing your pants too tight does that. Smoking does it, putting your cell phone in front pocket, poor diet does it. Pollution is a real problem but is it the sole problem here? I don't see this as some kind of grand conspiracy, men are easily controlled as are women.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 09:20 AM
A Small Note to antonia

For me Feminity or Masculinity is very hard to 'classify' or explain ...its mostly a feeling, not really a set of rules or anything

But thats only how I see and feel it , 2/3 feminine and 1/3 masculine and when I feel more positive I feel a little more feminine and viceversa

A little offtopic but I wanted to grab the opportunity ^^

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by Edrick

Your examples are a bunch of one-offs. There's no denying facts here.

* Our government is overly corrupt, as is Congress. It's comprised overwhelmingly of men. Nancy Pelosi is corrupt as the next person and she's a good example of a corrupt female. I never said females couldn't go bad, but most governments are corrupt these days and they are all comprised mostly of men. Government in Mexio? Mostly men.

Here's a study to prove it.

Numerous behavioral studies have found women to be more trust-worthy and public-spirited than men. These results suggest that women should be particularly effective in promoting honest government. Consistent with this hypothesis, we find that the greater the representation of women in parliament, the lower the level of corruption. We find this association in a large crosssection of countries; the result is robust to a wide range of specifications.

Also, here's a great story about women in Afghanistan rallying against government corruption in a public protest. The MEN followed the women in this protest.

* Let's take one of your examples where they talk about an increase in violent crimes by women.

Look at this line in the story:

Police are warning that the rise is a legacy of the 'ladette' culture, which they say has fuelled an unprecedented escalation in the severity of female crime.
They blame increasing levels of drunkenness brought about by 24-hour licensing and cultural pressure for women to behave more like men

That's pretty significant right there. Even the police in this article acknowledge that men are already the norm for violent crime and women are behaving MORE LIKE MEN, MORE LIKE VIOLENT OFFENDERS and that's what is driving this increase!

The result here is clear. Take men out of the equation and women will cease to mirror the behavior of the inferior gender.

[edit on 17-3-2010 by sos37]

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 10:51 AM
Love the video clip. Life of brian is a classic and the clip is apt.

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by Mercuryae
A Small Note to antonia

For me Feminity or Masculinity is very hard to 'classify' or explain ...its mostly a feeling, not really a set of rules or anything

But thats only how I see and feel it , 2/3 feminine and 1/3 masculine and when I feel more positive I feel a little more feminine and viceversa

A little offtopic but I wanted to grab the opportunity ^^

If you are going to talk about this scientifically then you are going to have to define it. Considering science is still trying to define it, I have to take these kind of studies with a grain of salt. You can't simply discuss "How you feel".

We have seen males with XX chromosomes who are perfectly healthy and capable of reproduction. We also see XY females who are the same in respect to the XX males. It's not simply cut and dry, the whole point here is that if you are going to talk about these issues you need to have some kind of understanding of what is "Masculine" vs "Feminine" in a scientific sense. Are we talking purely physical or are we speaking of mental traits as well? The book is still out on if mental traits are truly the result of gender or the result of societal influence. Physical traits can overlap with racial traits. Can you rule out interracial copulation? There is also the issue of nutrition, generally a male fetus requires more energy than a female fetus. Those with poor diet are more likely to have girls.

[edit on 17-3-2010 by antonia]

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 02:33 PM
My wife is pregnant of our first child, and it's a girl.

As a matter of fact, when we recently had our hospital tour, there were about 9 or ten pregnant women there in the class room in the hospital.

When the nurse started to explain some stuff on circumcision, she asked which of the women were expecting boys...

Guess how many raised their hands?

That's right, NONE.

Thanks for this thread, this topic should garner more awareness for sure. S+F

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by Mercuryae

Yes, I am logical to a fault... the world lacks reasoned awareness to a great degree.

Sexism really pushes my buttons, and fools, claiming that women are superior to men *IS* sexism.... it is the DEFINITION of Sexism.

But its sexist towards men, and men don't matter... right?


posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by sos37

Your examples are a bunch of one-offs. There's no denying facts here.

I sourced my claims... have you?

* Our government is overly corrupt, as is Congress. It's comprised overwhelmingly of men. Nancy Pelosi is corrupt as the next person and she's a good example of a corrupt female. I never said females couldn't go bad, but most governments are corrupt these days and they are all comprised mostly of men. Government in Mexio? Mostly men.

This is known as a logical fallacy...

It is called: "Correlation does not equal Causation"

Do you know what that means? Or am I going to have to draw you a picture in crayon?

Numerous behavioral studies have found women to be more trust-worthy and public-spirited than men. These results suggest that women should be particularly effective in promoting honest government. Consistent with this hypothesis, we find that the greater the representation of women in parliament, the lower the level of corruption. We find this association in a large crosssection of countries; the result is robust to a wide range of specifications.

Did this study also rate the effectiveness of women in leadership positions?

Did it rate the level of freedom in such a society?

The level of oppression?

The level of Sexism inherent in the governmental system?

The level of Justice in such a system?

The overall economic health of such a system?

The military capacity of such a system?

You know... children are less corrupt than our current government... so are animals.

You know the Female Amazon Warrior tribes are a Myth... right?

Also, here's a great story about women in Afghanistan rallying against government corruption in a public protest. The MEN followed the women in this protest.

Let's see here...

Russians protesting Corruption:

Hatians Protesting Corruption:

Indonesians protesting corruption:

People in Illinois protesting against corruption:

People in Turkey protesting against corruption:

Chinese protesting corruption:

Children protesting corruption: orm-human-chain-to-protest-corruption%2Farticleshow%2F758923800.cms&rct=j&q=protest+corruption&ei=Sc-hS5H8BYWWtgeQmPWWCg&usg=AFQjCNH-JgdR8jhBj6Qcc9deu wvufima1g

Latin Americans Protesting corruption:

Hunger Strikes to protest corruption:

Zambians Protesting Corruption:

But yeah... your TINY little article about a FEW hundred women PROVES that they are the only gender that CARES about corruption....

Would you mind removing your head from... well, I think you get the point....

That's pretty significant right there. Even the police in this article acknowledge that men are already the norm for violent crime and women are behaving MORE LIKE MEN, MORE LIKE VIOLENT OFFENDERS and that's what is driving this increase!

So... women are getting just as violent as men... So somehow they are BETTER than men?

While still being as violent?


Your argument is quite weak, you know that, right?

The result here is clear. Take men out of the equation and women will cease to mirror the behavior of the inferior gender.

You see that?

That is called Sexism.

Here... Let me spell this out for you in a simple terms as I can possibly explain.

Sexism: The belief that people of one sex or gender are inherently superior to people of the other sex or gender.

So, as you can see... by *DEFINITION* you are sexist.

Would you mind taking your closed mind elsewhere? you are making the boards smell pretty foul.


[edit on 18-3-2010 by Edrick]

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 05:14 AM

Originally posted by Mercuryae

Originally posted by Dark Ghost

How many video's are there where you see a guy torturing an animal jsut for the kicks of you see women do that often, or at all??

[edit on 17-3-2010 by Mercuryae]

I am not even going to touch on the rest of this argument going, as i find you to be really quite wrong in your opinions of both females and males.. but this statement that i copied and pasted of yours struck me.. yes.. yes there are incidents of females doing such horrendous things.. it wasnt 2 weeks ago now that i read in a local paper here of how a 16 year old girl (known in the UK as chavs, or better yet, wastes of air) whos friends used their mobile phones to record this 16 year old drop kicking a kitten while they were out causing problems one night, the video showed her repeatedly kicking the helpless critter and laughing, along with her friends as she chased it to continue the abuse.. she was very much female. Another story of late is another girl in her late teens who bashed a pet rabbit to death by holding its ears and bashing its brains out against a brick wall.. and furthermore, as i have had a great interest in studying serial killers over the years, and i could go on for some time with examples of female cruelty and down right evil ness. And innumerable male serial killers have histories of seriously abusive mothers or step mothers.. So i just wanted to correct you on the above comment that you made.
that is all..

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 06:27 AM
reply to post by sos37

Hows this for inferior:
- Men and women rarely mix in sports of a competitive nature. Why?
- In sports that they are separated, men overwhelmingly have to work harder and achieve better results in comparison to women taking part in the same sport. Why is this so?
- Men and women are separated in places like lavatories, asylums, jails. Why the need for this separation?
- Men can be accused of sexual assault for touching a women's arm, but women can touch and fondle men and expect no consequences. Why is this so?
- When men physically assault women it is called domestic violence. When women physically assault men it is called self-defence. Why?

sos37, you are the one that made the bold statement that men are the inferior gender. Can you please explain this in the context of the above arguments? I have given plausible examples, so far you have given empty rhetoric.

[edit on 18/3/2010 by Dark Ghost]

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by Full_Vision
I am not even going to touch on the rest of this argument going, as i find you to be really quite wrong in your opinions of both females and males.. but this statement that i copied and pasted of yours struck me.. yes.. yes there are incidents of females doing such horrendous things.. it wasnt 2 weeks ago now that i read in a local paper here of how a 16 year old girl (known in the UK as chavs, or better yet, wastes of air) whos friends used their mobile phones to record this 16 year old drop kicking a kitten while they were out causing problems one night, the video showed her repeatedly kicking the helpless critter and laughing, along with her friends as she chased it to continue the abuse.. she was very much female. Another story of late is another girl in her late teens who bashed a pet rabbit to death by holding its ears and bashing its brains out against a brick wall.. and furthermore, as i have had a great interest in studying serial killers over the years, and i could go on for some time with examples of female cruelty and down right evil ness. And innumerable male serial killers have histories of seriously abusive mothers or step mothers.. So i just wanted to correct you on the above comment that you made.
that is all..

Thank you for taking the time to speak out against this blatant form of Misandrism. Your views are ones that Radical Feminists probably find very annoying. You don't just fall for the propaganda "men=evil", "evil women=influenced by men". You are a shining light in the very ugly Gender War that is taking place as we speak.

What is so refreshing about your post? You realise that gender alone does not determine whether somebody is inherently evil or inherently inclined to do bad things. An interesting and very significant point you also raised was that women are sometimes the catalyst for men doing evil things. That history of male serial killers with abusive mothers and step mothers is a factor often overlooked in the pro-Misandrism media.

[edit on 18/3/2010 by Dark Ghost]

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by Dark Ghost

your words flatter me, thank you...
Exactly as you have guessed i dont tend to get along well with womens lib types.. i guess i just have more old fashioned views for my age than i thought! lol I dont want to write much here on it, as not to derail this thread topic..but IMO only, girl power bs attitudes arent helping anything and are completely un natural.. sure women have power within us, and many have done incredible things over the decades.. but the whole 'women are better' or 'women can do a mans job' drives me crazy.. naturally we are not meant to equal each other, we are meant to compliment one another.. but try telling them that lol..

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 05:03 PM
oh and here ya go for cruel women, perfect example right here


posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by Full_Vision
your words flatter me, thank you...
Exactly as you have guessed i dont tend to get along well with womens lib types.. i guess i just have more old fashioned views for my age than i thought! lol I dont want to write much here on it, as not to derail this thread topic..but IMO only, girl power bs attitudes arent helping anything and are completely un natural.. sure women have power within us, and many have done incredible things over the decades.. but the whole 'women are better' or 'women can do a mans job' drives me crazy.. naturally we are not meant to equal each other, we are meant to compliment one another.. but try telling them that lol..

I couldn't agree more. I have been trying to express that message in many different threads: men and women are different, but we should celebrate and acknowledge these differences instead of using them to challenge and divide each other. Just because men can do some things better than women does not mean mean are superior. Just because women can do some things better than men does not make women superior. Both genders deserve equal rights and opportunity, as well as respect and understanding from the opposite gender.

In relation to the OP, this whole notion of "turning" boys into girls is unnatural and thus having negative consequences on society. There is also the issue of Feminism encouraging women to have careers at the expense of a happy family life. THEIR happy family life. The one where they get to nurture and provide emotional support to their kids - kind of like nature intended...

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